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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 13, 2007     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 13, 2007
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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pleas" ouse is charged with kidnapping tiH:t%aunli;: "&apos; : "-. ":, NestCourt She one thatcontainedabrownliq s:d ydFyer and Jah nSeOnt g a:d at 2, East (rows Knopp said he searched the tic 1 said ber son, Parker, stopped by uid which field-tested positive man and found a receipt for a ,'barges after allegedly forc- ds housemates at gunpoint ive him from Star Lake to r was arraigned recently in a County Superior Court. sven Paul House, 23, of 44 e Lane, Elms, entered not- P pleas on December 3 to as- in the second degree with Ldly weapons enhancement, harassment, kidnapping Le second degree and unlaw- .+ ssession of a firearm in the d degree. The charges, ex- 1.for the firearm allegation, omestic-violence offenses. )use, who is being held in the n County Jail on $500,000 is scheduled for an omni- hearing on December 31, a ial hearing on January 14, a readiness hearing on Janu- 8 and trial during the term Lning January 22. was arrested on November 92 West Blakely Drive by .ties from the Mason County iffs Office investigating an lymous report that three s were headed to the Blakely Pe residence to rob the person lives there of money, drugs t dog. Patricia May Johnson ] DeFlyer live there. Barbara e is Johnson's former boy- d. son said House had been at the residence November 24 and was yelling and screaming about his safe and a gun and waving a gray semiautomatic gun at her and DeFlyer. He reportedly pointed the pistol at DeFlyer when she refused to give him her cell phone. Johnson said he was accusing them of stealing his gun and threatening to shoot them. She said he pointed the gray handgun at her and ordered her to drive him to Porter and she and DeFlyer walked out of the residence to the van at gun- point. Two defendants in unrelated cases were arraigned on Monday and are scheduled for omnibus hearings on December 31, pretri- al hearings on January 14, trial readiness hearings on January 18 and trials during the term be- ginning January 22. • Michael Roy Parker, 20, formerlY of of 21 East Crows Nest Court, Shelton, pled not guilty to a charge of felony harassment. He is suspected of domestic vio- lence involving threats to kill his mother. He was arrested November 23 by Deputy R.B. Trout who said he was responding to a report from Lisa F. Michael of a disturbance and started a fight with her hus- band, Michael J. Michael, when hc confl-onted Parker about a missing debit card. l'arker allegedly took a swing at Michael and Michael swung back. Parker left and then the Mictmels said they received two phone calls from Parker threat- ening to kill them. Mrs. Michael said she believed her son had ac- cess to a handgun. The phone number which Parker called from was traced to 473 East Agate Beach Road, where he was arrested. * Greggory Allen Novick, 37, of 630 NE Newkirk Road, Bdihir, phd not guilty to posses- si(m o{' heroin. lie w. rrested around 5 a.m. Nov(mflmr 25 by a deputy on rou- tin( p,r<d in the Belfair area. The d+puty reportedly spotted som(,ozw riding an off-road mo- tor(:ych' with no light and no hel- met and saw the motorist pull into a lot at JR's Hideaway. The deputy said the rider, identified as Novick, jumped off the dirt bike and ran up a hillside. The deputy arrested Novick on a warrant out of Bremerton Municipal Court and reported finding nuInerous needles in Novick's backpack, including airy pleas: 00dish convicted i n s tabb!ng..oo 49-year-old Shelton man of life in prison without the pos- ' ' " • according to tior Court in connection victed of three "strike' oftenses. With n() prior criminal history, Indish, who has been in custo- the s(mt(ncing range is from one the stabbing of another lton man changed his plea tly. iith Arthur Indish pled by on Friday to an amended Pge of assault in the second ee. He had been charged i first-degree assault. t his plea statement he tted stabbing Johnny L. htto on October 7 at 524 le Street where Indish re- dly went to confront Gullot- bout rumors which Gullotto tt have been spreading about Jh. Gullotto's injuries were life threatening, according )lice reports. When Indish arrested he admitted stab- Gullotto with a large knife, h he called a "buck" knife, :laimed he stabbed him after Lotto attacked him. dge James Sawyer told In- second-degree assault is a ke" offense under the state's istent offender sentencing Which mandates a sentence dy since his arrest, is scheduled for sentencing on January 7. In other superior court cases: • Daniel Lee Snyder, 50, of 261 SE Craig Road, Shelton, pied guilty on Tuesday to a charge of felony harassment. He was convicted of domestic viohmc( against his wife of 11 years, Maxine Snyder. According to court documents they are in the process of a di- vorce. Judge Sawyer asked Sny- der what he did on October 11. "I made a call to my wife after I found out she'd been with anoth- er man the night before," Snyder responded. "I felt like getting a gun and shooting her." Snyder said he had no inten- tion of harming her but he ac- knowledged his estranged wife might see it as a threat. Mrs. Snyder said her husband threat- ened to come to her workplace and kill her with a firearm and had called her eight times in hsi)ects appear in court ntinued from page 27.) ey Jay Blowers, 44, of hetland Road, Shelton, and aret Florence Heard, 64, 1 East Agate Road, Shelton, identified in an investiga- !of possession of methamphet- re. She has been known by ast name McSherry. hey were arrested by Of- Daniel Patton of the SPD said he stopped the vehicle rers was driving for chang- Iaqes without signaling and !tzse Heard, a passenger, was Wearing a seatbelt because Was sitting on the emergen- Cake between the two bucket and another passenger. td reportedly had a no-bail rant requested by the Wash- ba Department of Corrections ell as three Shelton Munici- ourt warrants. cer Chris Kostad told Blow- tad the other passenger, Angie aey, they were free to leave. When the officer searched the vehicle the suspected meth was found in a black purse in a clear plastic baggie. The white crystal substance field-tested positive for meth. Heard allegedly admitted it was her purse. Kostad detained Blowers and Varney, who were nearby. He took the same path they had when they walked away and the officer reportedly found Blowers' wallet which had a small clear plastic baggie containing a white crys- tal substance in it. The substance field-tested positive for meth. Judge Sheldon appointed Sergi as defense attorney for Blowers and Foley to represent Heard. She set bail at $2,500 for Blowers and $5,000 for Heard. Blowers is scheduled for arraignment on De- cember 14 and Heard is scheduled for arraignment on December 13. The judge ordered Blowers and Heard to have no contact with each other or with Angle Varney. to three months, Judge Sawyer said. [h, scheduled sentencing tbr January 7. • Terry M. Adams, 57, of 3420 West Skokomish Valley Road, Shelt(m, pied guilty on Monday to possession of more ,t-r 40 ram (d" marijuana on ()cLobcr i. According to court documents, the total weight of the marijua- na was 232.9 grams and "brass knuckles" were found on the floorboard of the pickup truck Adams was driving. In exchange for his plea the state agreed to drop a we, apons enhancement, Deputy Prosecutor Mike Dorcy "Insurance-friendly repair facility. ' assuring your peace of mind" 1383 Shelton Springs Rd. : Shelton, WA 98584 ' Fax 360-432-3614 reported. Adams is scheduled for sen- tencing on December 24. • Jeremy Michael Ander- son, 21, of 524 Hazel Street, Shelton, pled guilty on Thurs- day to amended charges involv- ing sexual offenses. He had been charged with attempted child molestation in the first degree, a fehmy, but pied guilty to two counts of communication with a minor for immoral purposes, a gross misdemeanor. tie fifilowed the two girls into the batbroom at Loop Field on August 13, according to a report by Sergeant Jerry Lingle of the Shelton Police Department. The girls are identified in court docu- ments by the initials "H.M.V.," who is 8 years old and "M.R.," who is 2 years old. The older child screamed when he took down his pants and asked her to touch his partially erect penis. According to court documents, Anderson's case was put on hold August 25 when he was sent to Western State Hospital and on October 12 he was declared com- petent to stand trial. Judge Toni Sheldon scheduled sentencing for January 14. money transfer" in the name of Rogelio Morales. The trooper also reported finding a loaded .25-caliber, semiautomatic pistol on the front passenger seat in- side a cloth bag. Suspected meth was found in a nylon bag inside the vehicle, according to papers on file with the court clerk. Officers said Morales is pro- hibited from having firearms as a result of a conviction last year. He was sentenced on September 11, 2006 to six months in the Ma- son County Jail for possession of meth and being an alien in pos- session of a firearm. Court-certified interpreter Karen Horn translated the pro- ceedings into English and Span- ish. • Randy Eugene Deibert, 46, of 6373 West Skokomish Val- ley Road, Shelton, entered not- guilty pleas to charges of felony violation of a no-contact order and unlawful possession of a firearm in the second degree. He was arrested November 26 by deputies who said they were responding to a report from Norita Valencia that her for- mer boyfriend Deibert came to Longshore's Drive Inn on High- way 101 armed with a rifle and threatening suicide. She report- edly said he also threatened to cut her throat and break her neck. A court order which prohibits contact between Deibert and Va- lencia is effective until July 27, 2009, according to court docu- ments. The order is related to a case of domestic violence. De- ibert is a convicted felon and therefore prohibited from having firearms. • Steven Roland Glazan, 36, of 925 Turner Avenue, Shel- ton, pled not guilty to possession of stolen property in the second degree. He was arrested on No- vember 20 at the jail, where he had been booked on unrelated charges. Officer Chris Kostad of the SPD had been investigat- ing a report from Michelle Corey of a vehicle prowl at about 1:40 p.m. on November 20. She said her wallet and $1 were stolen from her purse, which was in her vehicle parked at 1635 Olym- pic Highway North. Her wallet contained two credit cards. Co- rey's credit cards were found in a search of Glazan's property at the jail. for heroin. A black semiauto- matic.BB gun was located after Novtck was arrested, according to papers on file with the court clerk. A man and woman accused of taking a shopping cart full of merchandise from the Safeway store in Shelton also were ar- raigued on December 10 and are scheduled for omnibus hearings January 28, pretrial hearings on February 11, trial readiness hearings on February 22 and tri- als on February 26. John Thomas, 44, of 413 H Street, Shelton, and Racheile Marie Wallace, 45, of Shelton, pled not guilty to theft in the sec- ond degree. She said she is tran- sient and lives in her van. Thomas and Wallace were arrested November 21 in con- nection with an incident on No- vember 19 at the Shelton Safe- way, according to a report by Detective Harry Heldreth of the Shelten Police Department. An employee said he followed a man and woman who left the stere without paying for a shopping cart full of merchandise. On Friday, December 7, three defendants in unrelated cases were arraigned and are sched- uled for omnibus hearings on December 31, pretrial hearings on January 14, trial readiness hearings on January 18 and tri- als during the term beginning Janaury 22. • Elfego Rologio Morales, 48, of 1907 Olympic Highway North, Shelton, entered not- guilty pleas to charges of posses- sion of methamphetamine, pos- session of meth with intent to de- liver and unlawful possession of a firearm in the second degree. Morales was arrested on November 26 by Trooper Tim Knopp of the Washington State Patrol who reported stopping the vehicle Morales was driving for speeding on State Route 3 and then turning into the Deer Creek Store without signaling. The trooper reported a strong odor of intoxicants coming from Morales, who did not have a driver's license or identification. Knopp said the man's eyes were bloodshot and there was an open container of beer in the vehicle. The trooper performed field so- briety tests and arrested Mo- rales for driving under the influ- ence. , You are invited * MOORE LAW GROUP OPEN HOUSE Friday, December 14, 4-6pm Come join us for a chance to meet the attorneys and enjoy refreshments at our newly relocated family law offices. We offer compassionate, respectful counsel in the area of family law, including adoption, mediation, divorce and other services. Hosted by: Kathleen Moore of Moore Law Group, Lynnda Brown of the Law Office of tynnda Brown and Maria Pareigis of the Law Offices of Maria Pareigis. 122 W. Pine St. * 426-5044 F What do you get as a CYS Foster Parent? • Excellent Support Services • Generous Financial Reimbursement • Ongoing Training & Education • Peer Networking • Medical Support • Enriching Family Experience • Personal Satisfaction of Helping Deserving Youth OUR GOAL: I To support our foster parents to] ensure successful placements I I For more information on becoming a foster parent, contact: SUSAN KIRCHOFF 360-789-4923 skirchoff  w,,,,,.,, www.communityyouthservices,org Thursday, December 13, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 29 pleas" ouse is charged with kidnapping tiH:t%aunli;: "' : "-. ":, NestCourt She one thatcontainedabrownliq s:d ydFyer and Jah nSeOnt g a:d at 2, East (rows Knopp said he searched the tic 1 said ber son, Parker, stopped by uid which field-tested positive man and found a receipt for a ,'barges after allegedly forc- ds housemates at gunpoint ive him from Star Lake to r was arraigned recently in a County Superior Court. sven Paul House, 23, of 44 e Lane, Elms, entered not- P pleas on December 3 to as- in the second degree with Ldly weapons enhancement, harassment, kidnapping Le second degree and unlaw- .+ ssession of a firearm in the d degree. The charges, ex- 1.for the firearm allegation, omestic-violence offenses. )use, who is being held in the n County Jail on $500,000 is scheduled for an omni- hearing on December 31, a ial hearing on January 14, a readiness hearing on Janu- 8 and trial during the term Lning January 22. was arrested on November 92 West Blakely Drive by .ties from the Mason County iffs Office investigating an lymous report that three s were headed to the Blakely Pe residence to rob the person lives there of money, drugs t dog. Patricia May Johnson ] DeFlyer live there. Barbara e is Johnson's former boy- d. son said House had been at the residence November 24 and was yelling and screaming about his safe and a gun and waving a gray semiautomatic gun at her and DeFlyer. He reportedly pointed the pistol at DeFlyer when she refused to give him her cell phone. Johnson said he was accusing them of stealing his gun and threatening to shoot them. She said he pointed the gray handgun at her and ordered her to drive him to Porter and she and DeFlyer walked out of the residence to the van at gun- point. Two defendants in unrelated cases were arraigned on Monday and are scheduled for omnibus hearings on December 31, pretri- al hearings on January 14, trial readiness hearings on January 18 and trials during the term be- ginning January 22. • Michael Roy Parker, 20, formerlY of of 21 East Crows Nest Court, Shelton, pled not guilty to a charge of felony harassment. He is suspected of domestic vio- lence involving threats to kill his mother. He was arrested November 23 by Deputy R.B. Trout who said he was responding to a report from Lisa F. Michael of a disturbance and started a fight with her hus- band, Michael J. Michael, when hc confl-onted Parker about a missing debit card. l'arker allegedly took a swing at Michael and Michael swung back. Parker left and then the Mictmels said they received two phone calls from Parker threat- ening to kill them. Mrs. Michael said she believed her son had ac- cess to a handgun. The phone number which Parker called from was traced to 473 East Agate Beach Road, where he was arrested. * Greggory Allen Novick, 37, of 630 NE Newkirk Road, Bdihir, phd not guilty to posses- si(m o{' heroin. lie w. rrested around 5 a.m. Nov(mflmr 25 by a deputy on rou- tin( p,r<d in the Belfair area. The d+puty reportedly spotted som(,ozw riding an off-road mo- tor(:ych' with no light and no hel- met and saw the motorist pull into a lot at JR's Hideaway. The deputy said the rider, identified as Novick, jumped off the dirt bike and ran up a hillside. The deputy arrested Novick on a warrant out of Bremerton Municipal Court and reported finding nuInerous needles in Novick's backpack, including airy pleas: 00dish convicted i n s tabb!ng..oo 49-year-old Shelton man of life in prison without the pos- ' ' " • according to tior Court in connection victed of three "strike' oftenses. With n() prior criminal history, Indish, who has been in custo- the s(mt(ncing range is from one the stabbing of another lton man changed his plea tly. iith Arthur Indish pled by on Friday to an amended Pge of assault in the second ee. He had been charged i first-degree assault. t his plea statement he tted stabbing Johnny L. htto on October 7 at 524 le Street where Indish re- dly went to confront Gullot- bout rumors which Gullotto tt have been spreading about Jh. Gullotto's injuries were life threatening, according )lice reports. When Indish arrested he admitted stab- Gullotto with a large knife, h he called a "buck" knife, :laimed he stabbed him after Lotto attacked him. dge James Sawyer told In- second-degree assault is a ke" offense under the state's istent offender sentencing Which mandates a sentence dy since his arrest, is scheduled for sentencing on January 7. In other superior court cases: • Daniel Lee Snyder, 50, of 261 SE Craig Road, Shelton, pied guilty on Tuesday to a charge of felony harassment. He was convicted of domestic viohmc( against his wife of 11 years, Maxine Snyder. According to court documents they are in the process of a di- vorce. Judge Sawyer asked Sny- der what he did on October 11. "I made a call to my wife after I found out she'd been with anoth- er man the night before," Snyder responded. "I felt like getting a gun and shooting her." Snyder said he had no inten- tion of harming her but he ac- knowledged his estranged wife might see it as a threat. Mrs. Snyder said her husband threat- ened to come to her workplace and kill her with a firearm and had called her eight times in hsi)ects appear in court ntinued from page 27.) ey Jay Blowers, 44, of hetland Road, Shelton, and aret Florence Heard, 64, 1 East Agate Road, Shelton, identified in an investiga- !of possession of methamphet- re. She has been known by ast name McSherry. hey were arrested by Of- Daniel Patton of the SPD said he stopped the vehicle rers was driving for chang- Iaqes without signaling and !tzse Heard, a passenger, was Wearing a seatbelt because Was sitting on the emergen- Cake between the two bucket and another passenger. td reportedly had a no-bail rant requested by the Wash- ba Department of Corrections ell as three Shelton Munici- ourt warrants. cer Chris Kostad told Blow- tad the other passenger, Angie aey, they were free to leave. When the officer searched the vehicle the suspected meth was found in a black purse in a clear plastic baggie. The white crystal substance field-tested positive for meth. Heard allegedly admitted it was her purse. Kostad detained Blowers and Varney, who were nearby. He took the same path they had when they walked away and the officer reportedly found Blowers' wallet which had a small clear plastic baggie containing a white crys- tal substance in it. The substance field-tested positive for meth. Judge Sheldon appointed Sergi as defense attorney for Blowers and Foley to represent Heard. She set bail at $2,500 for Blowers and $5,000 for Heard. Blowers is scheduled for arraignment on De- cember 14 and Heard is scheduled for arraignment on December 13. The judge ordered Blowers and Heard to have no contact with each other or with Angle Varney. to three months, Judge Sawyer said. [h, scheduled sentencing tbr January 7. • Terry M. Adams, 57, of 3420 West Skokomish Valley Road, Shelt(m, pied guilty on Monday to possession of more ,t-r 40 ram (d" marijuana on ()cLobcr i. According to court documents, the total weight of the marijua- na was 232.9 grams and "brass knuckles" were found on the floorboard of the pickup truck Adams was driving. In exchange for his plea the state agreed to drop awe, apons enhancement, Deputy Prosecutor Mike Dorcy "Insurance-friendly repair facility. ' assuring your peace of mind" 1383 Shelton Springs Rd. : Shelton, WA 98584 ' Fax 360-432-3614 reported. Adams is scheduled for sen- tencing on December 24. • Jeremy Michael Ander- son, 21, of 524 Hazel Street, Shelton, pled guilty on Thurs- day to amended charges involv- ing sexual offenses. He had been charged with attempted child molestation in the first degree, a fehmy, but pied guilty to two counts of communication with a minor for immoral purposes, a gross misdemeanor. tie fifilowed the two girls into the batbroom at Loop Field on August 13, according to a report by Sergeant Jerry Lingle of the Shelton Police Department. The girls are identified in court docu- ments by the initials "H.M.V.," who is 8 years old and "M.R.," who is 2 years old. The older child screamed when he took down his pants and asked her to touch his partially erect penis. According to court documents, Anderson's case was put on hold August 25 when he was sent to Western State Hospital and on October 12 he was declared com- petent to stand trial. Judge Toni Sheldon scheduled sentencing for January 14. money transfer" in the name of Rogelio Morales. The trooper also reported finding a loaded .25-caliber, semiautomatic pistol on the front passenger seat in- side a cloth bag. Suspected meth was found in a nylon bag inside the vehicle, according to papers on file with the court clerk. Officers said Morales is pro- hibited from having firearms as a result of a conviction last year. He was sentenced on September 11, 2006 to six months in the Ma- son County Jail for possession of meth and being an alien in pos- session of a firearm. Court-certified interpreter Karen Horn translated the pro- ceedings into English and Span- ish. • Randy Eugene Deibert, 46, of 6373 West Skokomish Val- ley Road, Shelton, entered not- guilty pleas to charges of felony violation of a no-contact order and unlawful possession of a firearm in the second degree. He was arrested November 26 by deputies who said they were responding to a report from Norita Valencia that her for- mer boyfriend Deibert came to Longshore's Drive Inn on High- way 101 armed with a rifle and threatening suicide. She report- edly said he also threatened to cut her throat and break her neck. A court order which prohibits contact between Deibert and Va- lencia is effective until July 27, 2009, according to court docu- ments. The order is related to a case of domestic violence. De- ibert is a convicted felon and therefore prohibited from having firearms. • Steven Roland Glazan, 36, of 925 Turner Avenue, Shel- ton, pled not guilty to possession of stolen property in the second degree. He was arrested on No- vember 20 at the jail, where he had been booked on unrelated charges. Officer Chris Kostad of the SPD had been investigat- ing a report from Michelle Corey of a vehicle prowl at about 1:40 p.m. on November 20. She said her wallet and $1 were stolen from her purse, which was in her vehicle parked at 1635 Olym- pic Highway North. Her wallet contained two credit cards. Co- rey's credit cards were found in a search of Glazan's property at the jail. for heroin. A black semiauto- matic.BB gun was located after Novtck was arrested, according to papers on file with the court clerk. A man and woman accused of taking a shopping cart full of merchandise from the Safeway store in Shelton also were ar- raigued on December 10 and are scheduled for omnibus hearings January 28, pretrial hearings on February 11, trial readiness hearings on February 22 and tri- als on February 26. John Thomas, 44, of 413 H Street, Shelton, and Racheile Marie Wallace, 45, of Shelton, pled not guilty to theft in the sec- ond degree. She said she is tran- sient and lives in her van. Thomas and Wallace were arrested November 21 in con- nection with an incident on No- vember 19 at the Shelton Safe- way, according to a report by Detective Harry Heldreth of the Shelten Police Department. An employee said he followed a man and woman who left the stere without paying for a shopping cart full of merchandise. On Friday, December 7, three defendants in unrelated cases were arraigned and are sched- uled for omnibus hearings on December 31, pretrial hearings on January 14, trial readiness hearings on January 18 and tri- als during the term beginning Janaury 22. • Elfego Rologio Morales, 48, of 1907 Olympic Highway North, Shelton, entered not- guilty pleas to charges of posses- sion of methamphetamine, pos- session of meth with intent to de- liver and unlawful possession of a firearm in the second degree. Morales was arrested on November 26 by Trooper Tim Knopp of the Washington State Patrol who reported stopping the vehicle Morales was driving for speeding on State Route 3 and then turning into the Deer Creek Store without signaling. The trooper reported a strong odor of intoxicants coming from Morales, who did not have a driver's license or identification. Knopp said the man's eyes were bloodshot and there was an open container of beer in the vehicle. The trooper performed field so- briety tests and arrested Mo- rales for driving under the influ- ence. , You are invited * MOORE LAW GROUP OPEN HOUSE Friday, December 14, 4-6pm Come join us for a chance to meet the attorneys and enjoy refreshments at our newly relocated family law offices. We offer compassionate, respectful counsel in the area of family law, including adoption, mediation, divorce and other services. Hosted by: Kathleen Moore of Moore Law Group, Lynnda Brown of the Law Office of tynnda Brown and Maria Pareigis of the Law Offices of Maria Pareigis. 122 W. Pine St. * 426-5044 F What do you get as a CYS Foster Parent? • Excellent Support Services • Generous Financial Reimbursement • Ongoing Training & Education • Peer Networking • Medical Support • Enriching Family Experience • Personal Satisfaction of Helping Deserving Youth OUR GOAL: I To support our foster parents to] ensure successful placements I I For more information on becoming a foster parent, contact: SUSAN KIRCHOFF 360-789-4923 skirchoff  w,,,,,.,, www.communityyouthservices,org Thursday, December 13, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 29