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CLASSIFIED" 15 words or less- $6.50 ,Classified deadline- 2 p.m. Tuesday
,10 cents for each additional word over 15 • Classified display -- 5 p.m. Monday
RATES .Four insertions for the price of three .Cancellation deadline -- 2 p.m. Tuesday
(3eo) 426-4412
to Place Ad
In multiple insertion ads,
The Journal will be responsible
for errors in the first
insertion only.
LIKE NEW, 1/2 size rolltop desk. Ideal BIG MOVIE sale with this ad. All VHS CHRISTMAS AUCTION at Johnny's!
for teenager. Make best offer. (360) movies, $1 each. CDs, $2 each. DVDs This Saturday December 15th at 3 p.m.
426-2457. B12/13 $4 each. 50% off clothing and acces- (preview noon-sale). Come join us for
sories. Kiss Me Clothing, 129 Railroad an awesome evening at the auction.
STUDDED TIRES - 185x14", Ford Avenue. K12/6-27 The sale will start at 3 p.m. outside as
rims, $100 set of four. (360) 898-3070. • ...................................................................................... we have a complete tent full of trea-
K12/13 ANTIQUE STEAMER trunk, good con- sures to sell. You will find everything
dition, $125. (360) 426-1050. Bll/22-
4 PIECE bedroom set, headboard fits 12/13
double or queen, good condition, $250 .............................................................................
or offer. (360) 426-1102. D12/13 J&L KNIFE sale. Have Katanas, Bow-
...................................................................................................... ies, fantasy, pocket knives. Have movie
5500 BTU kerosene construction heater swords, Lord ring, King of Kings, Rob-
with thermostat. Less than 1 tank of fuel in Hood, come see. (360) 426-1044.
from tools to hardware, lumber, lockers,
antique hardware and lamp parts, great
collectables by the tables full. At 4 p.m.
we go inside and sell tons of great gift
type items including terrific collectables
of all kinds. New toys and items in box,
used, $75. (360) 507-6680. H 12/13
DECKS AND ramps. We specialize in 1948-50 SINGER featherweight with
custom units and have stock sizes too. feet and book, excellent condition. Will
Woodsmith (360) 426-0820. L6/29tfn take $500. (360) 427-2488. $12/6-13
.................................................................... -- ................... i ................................................................
LADY OF the Lake announces continu-
ous holiday sales beginning December
lst-3rd: 50% off sale on all clothing and
accessories! This includes Chico, Cold-
water, St. John, Ellen Tracy, and other
favorites as well as Pendleton shirts,
jackets, blazers, robes and throws. New
this month is a gorgeous 19th Century
mahogany double door/beveled mirror
armoire from a Seattle estate- an exqui-
site centerpiece for any rooml Addition-
al pieces include an Italian lacquer bar
cart, an Art Deco secretary/curio/bar, a
walnut curio/secretary, a magnificent an-
tique oak china cabinet and side board,
a mahogany china cabinet, two oak buf-
fets, three oak dining tables, armoires,
wool area rugs, lamps, gorgeous paint-
ings and prints, an eagle/salmon wood
sculpture, holiday florals and so much
more. Deep discounts on furniture and
holiday items will be offered through-
out the month. Hundreds of new items
weekly and half off sale every weekendl
Unique gift ideas from local artisans in-
clude jewelry, stained glass, stationery,
ornaments, copper sculpture including
hammered copper salmon, candles,
soaps, and even rare books! Layaway
and gift certificates are available. The
Lady will be open Christmas Eve until 5
p.m. and begin the post-Christmas sales
December 27th-31st. For those cruising
through the winter months check out the
Resort Collections at the Lady begin-
ning in Januaryt Lady of the Lake, 1085
E. Pick, ring Rd. (across from Spencer
Lake Resort) open Thursday thru Mon-
day 10 a.m.-5 p.m./accepts VISNMC
- (360) 426-8632. L11/29-12/20
• Coins • Currency
B12/6-13 vintage toys and trucks, great jewelry, a
.................................................................. gob of really nice antiques, dolls, small
DELL DIMENSION 3100, 19" LCD moni-
tor, 1 gig memory, 3.0 ghz Pentium 4, 80
gig hard drive, XP home service pack, 2
DVD rom and DVD RW (2 drives), 13-
in-1 card reader, 2 speakers with sub.
Very upgradeable. $750 OBO. (360)
432-7935; (360) 789-5570, ask for Dan.
GIFT BASKETS for all occasions.
Gourmet food, chocolate, coffee and
tea. Choose from a large selection and
make your own high-quality gifts at
special holiday prices. Waterford, Len-
nox, Beleek, Fostoria and much more.
Large assortment of Christmas cards at
discount prices. Mission Creek Antique
Gallery in Betfair, 23611 NE Highway
3. Over 3,000 square feet of fabulous
finds. Monday, Wednesday, noon-6
p.m. Closed Tuesday. Thursday-Satur-
day 10:30 a.m.-6 p.m. Sunday t2:30-6
p.m. (360) 277-9108. M12/6-27
NEED A last minute holiday gift sure to
impress? Fabulous Treasures will have
a booth at the S.O.C.K. Swap Meet Sat-
urday, Dec. 15th, 9 a.m.-4 p.m., 601 W.
Franklin Street, Shelton (across from
Safeway). We sell stunning, high-qual-
ity silver and gemstone jewelry at very
reasonable prices. Happy holidays!.
• Militaria r-------------------------
(Save Our County's Kids)
from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
13012 Harrison Ave. NWl 601 w. FRANKLIN STREET
across from Safeway
/ Olympia I This is our biggest swap meet of the year.
High quality sandy loam
Top cut ° No Rocks * No Clay
Lawns • Sprinklers
Plants • Bark
Backhoe • Dozer
Bulkheads. Ripraps
Deliveries Anywhere
There will be over 20 vendors selling crafts,
I handmade decorations and a wide variety of
tools and gifts. There will be many collect-
I I ibies, household items, furniture and power
i tools including a Craftsman router table and
It router. Antiques, vintage Department 56 col-
lectibles and one only Lionel 8-81017 G scale
Ornament Express (MIB) will be priced to sell.
Hot food and refreshments will be available
in Ivy's Kitchen. Try the Fire House chili. Rain
I I or shine, it's all inside, so come on down. Call
I Fred at 360-898-4937 or Libby at 360-432-
I 0815. More parking at Our Community Credit
t Uni_ononthe other side?L S aLe:ay_ v_ -
426-441 2
. LAND203B'4
furniture, linens, lighting, art, and goods
from every category. Plus, we have
found another 30 boxes from the Tan-
glewilde Estate of killer merchandise
that will be sure to please everyone. So
here's the catch - we're not posting pic-
tures or more information until Thursday
the 13th! Then you can open the pres-
ent on the front page and see all the
treasuresl At infor-
mation (360) 791-6085. J12/13
ESTATE SALE, 201 E. Connemara Way
at Lake Limerick. Saturday only 9 a.m.-
3 p.m. Tools, work benches, fasteners,
hardware, storage cabinets/shelves,
housewares, small appliances, fishing
tackle, pier blocks, bricks, art and craft
supplies, sports equipment, children's
games, etc. O12/13
BUYING SCRAP gold, DVDs, costume
jewelry. Kiss Me Clothing, 129 Railroad
Avenue. K12/13-27
WANTED: OLDER travel trailer, self-
contained, limited budget. (360) 426-
0953. J12/6-13
trucks, vans, travel trailers, RVs. Sun
Auto Sales, 5961 E. Highway 3, Shel-
ton. (360) 426-2907. $1/25ffn
WANTED: BAND to rein me in as a
singer/songwriter. I'm a little bit country
and a little bit '80's metal/powerballad. I
like music that delivers a positive mes-
sage and emphasizes the value of mor-
als. Some would call me lame because I
don't listen to bands with names like Hate
Fist, and to that I say, "If the shoe fits I'll
wear it and walk a mile." I'm looking for
a group that's happy just to be heard.
Shane. (360) 426-4540. P4/19tfn
within 20 miles of Shelton
BOBBY, LARRY and Janet clean hous-
es inside and out. Also garages, gutters,
roofs, yardwork, garbage hauling, and
spring cleanup. Have job? We'll travel.
$15 per hour/per person. (360) 451-
2370; (360) 451-2523; (360) 451-2627.
Time to quit clowning
around and find
a real job ?
Check out
help wanted
SOUTH PUGET Sound Community
College is seeking an Instruction Bud-
get and Database Coordinator. Position
closes 5 p.m. Friday, January 4, 2008.
For specific position requirements and
application packet, visit the website at; An employment
application packet can also be obtained
in the Human Resources Office, South
Puget Sound Community College,
2011 Mottman Road SW, Olympia, WA
98512. Phone (360) 596-5500; or e-mail TDD access
call (360) 596-5439. AA/EOE. $12/13
HUMAN RESOURCES Director for Ma-
son County. $5,086-$6,039/mo. Mini-
mum Qualifichtions: Bachelor's degree
in HR or business administration with
coursework in human resources and 5
yrs. experience in personnel or labor
relations. PHR/SPHR Certification may
substitute for college level HR educa-
tion. Broad administrative experience
desirable and background in labor re-
lations highly desirable. Possess valid
WSDL or ability to obtain within 3 mo.
County application required and avail-
able at Mason County Human Resourc-
es, 411 N. Fifth St., Shelton, WA 98584;
(360) 427-7265.;
Open until filled. M12/13
SALON STATION for lease. Full clien-
tele needed, $350. Call, ask for Dana
(360) 427-8684. C12/13tfn
THE SKOKOMISH Tribe is seeking to
hire Assistant Health Director. This per-
son would be responsible for the assist-
ing in the day-to-day management of
ambulatory clinic operational aspects as
well as the development of new servic-
es. The position will report to the health
administrator and will be a member of
the medical clinic management team.
The assistant Director will foster strong
Skokomish tribal community and staff
relations and have experience dealing
with the many operational issues asso-
ciated with a dynamic multi-disciplined
medical clinic, including customer rela-
tions, strategic planning, systematic in-
ternal reviews, financials, marketing and
promotion, information technology/tele-
phony, credentialing, and compliance.
BA in Business or Health Administration
or related field with three to five years
experience performing highly responsi-
ble ambulatory clinic administrative du-
ties, $35K-$45K, closes 12/20/07. For a
full description and required application
visit our website at
or contact Winona Plant, Personnel at
(360) 426-4232 x209. $12/13
MECHANIC - SWING shift, Kellogg/
Stretch Island Fruit in Altyn, WA.
plomaJGED, troubleshooting/repair of
electrical controls, and Allen-Bradley
PLC experience preferred. Competitive
wages, great benefits! Apply at Work-
Source in Shelton or Bremerton, or at (no phone
calls or walk-ins will be accepted at the
plant location) EOE - M/F/D/V. $12/13-
JANITORS WANTED, top pay. Expe-
rienced only, hard-working. Must own
car. Part time position. (360) 402-7067.
RN/LPN. Alpine Way is a friendly assist-
ed-living community with a good reputa-
tion. LPN starts at $21 per hour. We are
looking for nurses for evening shift. The
compliment that we get the most is "The
staff at Alpine is wonderfull They are so
caring!" If you would like to work with us,
apply in person at 900 W. Alpine Way or
call Tracy at (360) 426-2600. A12/13-20
Leads, Leads, Leads
3514. + + Ist pear
Full or part tve
County. $3,912-$4,591/month.
general public health nursing
and coordinates
service programs. Minimum
tions: BSN with 2 years of public
experience.. Valid Registered
sional Nurse in the State of WA
WSDL. Spanish fluency highly
ApplicatiOns accepted until
filled. Application required and
at Human Resources, 411 N. Fifth
Shelton, WA 98584;, (360) 427-7265. M12/13-20
center. Must be 21 years old with
Education. Salary DOQ. Full time.
427-1334. B12/13-20
have driver's license,
some tools. Call Michael, (360)
3123. H12/13
care/home visitor for Family
Program, 251/4 hours per week
school year. Part time. AA degree
quired, must be Spanish speaker.
more information go to or contact the Human
sources Department, Shelton
District, (360) 426-1687, 700 S. f
Street. $12/13
MASON COUNTY Transportation
thority (MTA) is currently
Cleaner/Fueler. The position is res
sible for fueling and detailing
interiors and exteriors,
for facilities maintenance and
requirements of the agency as
The position requires a
ton State Driver's License (copy of
rent abstract required), no moving
tions within the last 3 years, no at
accidents within the last 5 years,
License (Class B CDL with air
and passenger endorsement) or
to obtain one within 30 days from
of hire. Must successfully pass
examination as required for CDL
overall driving fitness,
drug screen and national
checks. This position works varied
to cover all hours of MTA o
Contact Mason Transit HR for com
application packet at (360)
x133. Recruitment closes
28th at 4 p.m. M12/13-20
ASSISTANTS FOR adults with
Olympia area. Must be 18 or older,
driver's license, vehicle and
Extensive training and certifications
vided. $8.90 starting plus benefits.
apply in person at 208 West Dr.
Olympia, 98502. For more
and/or directions to our office call
at (360) 943-6257 ext. 108. C1
apartment building with 24 units is
an apartment manager/s startinc
1, 2008. Perfect for apartment team
at least one available full-time.
rience and light maintenance ability
ferred. Knowledge of Fair Housing,
lord-Tenant Laws and good people
important. Compensation includes large
bedroom apartment, electricity, heat
some compensation. Send
Blind Box 661, c/o The Journal, P.O.
430, Shelton, WA 98584.11/29-12/20
OESD 114
Head Start/ECEAP
Teacher - Givens
Assist to plan and
implement child development
services. $21,568/yr.
Details and Application:
Open until filled,
screens 12/20/07 4pm
EOE & ADA Job #78-15
Flexible Hours • Temporary Positions
We are recruiting individuals to deliver the phone books in the following communities:
Belfair, Bremerton, Hansville, Kingston, Poulsbo, Port Hadlock
Port Ludlow, Port Orchard, Port Townsend, Silverdale
Must have valid driver's license, Call Today 1-800-373-3280
insured, dependable auto and
be 18 years or older. Jlr[]
Monday thru Friday Book L/00A
7:30 am to 7:00 pm CST £qual Opportunity Employer
Page 34 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, December 13, 2007
CLASSIFIED" 15 words or less- $6.50 ,Classified deadline- 2 p.m. Tuesday
,10 cents for each additional word over 15 • Classified display -- 5 p.m. Monday
RATES .Four insertions for the price of three .Cancellation deadline -- 2 p.m. Tuesday
(3eo) 426-4412
to Place Ad
In multiple insertion ads,
The Journal will be responsible
for errors in the first
insertion only.
LIKE NEW, 1/2 size rolltop desk. Ideal BIG MOVIE sale with this ad. All VHS CHRISTMAS AUCTION at Johnny's!
for teenager. Make best offer. (360) movies, $1 each. CDs, $2 each. DVDs This Saturday December 15th at 3 p.m.
426-2457. B12/13 $4 each. 50% off clothing and acces- (preview noon-sale). Come join us for
sories. Kiss Me Clothing, 129 Railroad an awesome evening at the auction.
STUDDED TIRES - 185x14", Ford Avenue. K12/6-27 The sale will start at 3 p.m. outside as
rims, $100 set of four. (360) 898-3070. • ...................................................................................... we have a complete tent full of trea-
K12/13 ANTIQUE STEAMER trunk, good con- sures to sell. You will find everything
dition, $125. (360) 426-1050. Bll/22-
4 PIECE bedroom set, headboard fits 12/13
double or queen, good condition, $250 .............................................................................
or offer. (360) 426-1102. D12/13 J&L KNIFE sale. Have Katanas, Bow-
...................................................................................................... ies, fantasy, pocket knives. Have movie
5500 BTU kerosene construction heater swords, Lord ring, King of Kings, Rob-
with thermostat. Less than 1 tank of fuel in Hood, come see. (360) 426-1044.
from tools to hardware, lumber, lockers,
antique hardware and lamp parts, great
collectables by the tables full. At 4 p.m.
we go inside and sell tons of great gift
type items including terrific collectables
of all kinds. New toys and items in box,
used, $75. (360) 507-6680. H 12/13
DECKS AND ramps. We specialize in 1948-50 SINGER featherweight with
custom units and have stock sizes too. feet and book, excellent condition. Will
Woodsmith (360) 426-0820. L6/29tfn take $500. (360) 427-2488. $12/6-13
.................................................................... -- ................... i ................................................................
LADY OF the Lake announces continu-
ous holiday sales beginning December
lst-3rd: 50% off sale on all clothing and
accessories! This includes Chico, Cold-
water, St. John, Ellen Tracy, and other
favorites as well as Pendleton shirts,
jackets, blazers, robes and throws. New
this month is a gorgeous 19th Century
mahogany double door/beveled mirror
armoire from a Seattle estate- an exqui-
site centerpiece for any rooml Addition-
al pieces include an Italian lacquer bar
cart, an Art Deco secretary/curio/bar, a
walnut curio/secretary, a magnificent an-
tique oak china cabinet and side board,
a mahogany china cabinet, two oak buf-
fets, three oak dining tables, armoires,
wool area rugs, lamps, gorgeous paint-
ings and prints, an eagle/salmon wood
sculpture, holiday florals and so much
more. Deep discounts on furniture and
holiday items will be offered through-
out the month. Hundreds of new items
weekly and half off sale every weekendl
Unique gift ideas from local artisans in-
clude jewelry, stained glass, stationery,
ornaments, copper sculpture including
hammered copper salmon, candles,
soaps, and even rare books! Layaway
and gift certificates are available. The
Lady will be open Christmas Eve until 5
p.m. and begin the post-Christmas sales
December 27th-31st. For those cruising
through the winter months check out the
Resort Collections at the Lady begin-
ning in Januaryt Lady of the Lake, 1085
E. Pick, ring Rd. (across from Spencer
Lake Resort) open Thursday thru Mon-
day 10 a.m.-5 p.m./accepts VISNMC
- (360) 426-8632. L11/29-12/20
• Coins • Currency
B12/6-13 vintage toys and trucks, great jewelry, a
.................................................................. gob of really nice antiques, dolls, small
DELL DIMENSION 3100, 19" LCD moni-
tor, 1 gig memory, 3.0 ghz Pentium 4, 80
gig hard drive, XP home service pack, 2
DVD rom and DVD RW (2 drives), 13-
in-1 card reader, 2 speakers with sub.
Very upgradeable. $750 OBO. (360)
432-7935; (360) 789-5570, ask for Dan.
GIFT BASKETS for all occasions.
Gourmet food, chocolate, coffee and
tea. Choose from a large selection and
make your own high-quality gifts at
special holiday prices. Waterford, Len-
nox, Beleek, Fostoria and much more.
Large assortment of Christmas cards at
discount prices. Mission Creek Antique
Gallery in Betfair, 23611 NE Highway
3. Over 3,000 square feet of fabulous
finds. Monday, Wednesday, noon-6
p.m. Closed Tuesday. Thursday-Satur-
day 10:30 a.m.-6 p.m. Sunday t2:30-6
p.m. (360) 277-9108. M12/6-27
NEED A last minute holiday gift sure to
impress? Fabulous Treasures will have
a booth at the S.O.C.K. Swap Meet Sat-
urday, Dec. 15th, 9 a.m.-4 p.m., 601 W.
Franklin Street, Shelton (across from
Safeway). We sell stunning, high-qual-
ity silver and gemstone jewelry at very
reasonable prices. Happy holidays!.
• Militaria r-------------------------
(Save Our County's Kids)
from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
13012 Harrison Ave. NWl 601 w. FRANKLIN STREET
across from Safeway
/ Olympia I This is our biggest swap meet of the year.
High quality sandy loam
Top cut ° No Rocks * No Clay
Lawns • Sprinklers
Plants • Bark
Backhoe • Dozer
Bulkheads. Ripraps
Deliveries Anywhere
There will be over 20 vendors selling crafts,
I handmade decorations and a wide variety of
tools and gifts. There will be many collect-
I I ibies, household items, furniture and power
i tools including a Craftsman router table and
It router. Antiques, vintage Department 56 col-
lectibles and one only Lionel 8-81017 G scale
Ornament Express (MIB) will be priced to sell.
Hot food and refreshments will be available
in Ivy's Kitchen. Try the Fire House chili. Rain
I I or shine, it's all inside, so come on down. Call
I Fred at 360-898-4937 or Libby at 360-432-
I 0815. More parking at Our Community Credit
t Uni_ononthe other side?L S aLe:ay_ v_ -
426-441 2
. LAND203B'4
furniture, linens, lighting, art, and goods
from every category. Plus, we have
found another 30 boxes from the Tan-
glewilde Estate of killer merchandise
that will be sure to please everyone. So
here's the catch - we're not posting pic-
tures or more information until Thursday
the 13th! Then you can open the pres-
ent on the front page and see all the
treasuresl At infor-
mation (360) 791-6085. J12/13
ESTATE SALE, 201 E. Connemara Way
at Lake Limerick. Saturday only 9 a.m.-
3 p.m. Tools, work benches, fasteners,
hardware, storage cabinets/shelves,
housewares, small appliances, fishing
tackle, pier blocks, bricks, art and craft
supplies, sports equipment, children's
games, etc. O12/13
BUYING SCRAP gold, DVDs, costume
jewelry. Kiss Me Clothing, 129 Railroad
Avenue. K12/13-27
WANTED: OLDER travel trailer, self-
contained, limited budget. (360) 426-
0953. J12/6-13
trucks, vans, travel trailers, RVs. Sun
Auto Sales, 5961 E. Highway 3, Shel-
ton. (360) 426-2907. $1/25ffn
WANTED: BAND to rein me in as a
singer/songwriter. I'm a little bit country
and a little bit '80's metal/powerballad. I
like music that delivers a positive mes-
sage and emphasizes the value of mor-
als. Some would call me lame because I
don't listen to bands with names like Hate
Fist, and to that I say, "If the shoe fits I'll
wear it and walk a mile." I'm looking for
a group that's happy just to be heard.
Shane. (360) 426-4540. P4/19tfn
within 20 miles of Shelton
BOBBY, LARRY and Janet clean hous-
es inside and out. Also garages, gutters,
roofs, yardwork, garbage hauling, and
spring cleanup. Have job? We'll travel.
$15 per hour/per person. (360) 451-
2370; (360) 451-2523; (360) 451-2627.
Time to quit clowning
around and find
a real job ?
Check out
help wanted
SOUTH PUGET Sound Community
College is seeking an Instruction Bud-
get and Database Coordinator. Position
closes 5 p.m. Friday, January 4, 2008.
For specific position requirements and
application packet, visit the website at; An employment
application packet can also be obtained
in the Human Resources Office, South
Puget Sound Community College,
2011 Mottman Road SW, Olympia, WA
98512. Phone (360) 596-5500; or e-mail TDD access
call (360) 596-5439. AA/EOE. $12/13
HUMAN RESOURCES Director for Ma-
son County. $5,086-$6,039/mo. Mini-
mum Qualifichtions: Bachelor's degree
in HR or business administration with
coursework in human resources and 5
yrs. experience in personnel or labor
relations. PHR/SPHR Certification may
substitute for college level HR educa-
tion. Broad administrative experience
desirable and background in labor re-
lations highly desirable. Possess valid
WSDL or ability to obtain within 3 mo.
County application required and avail-
able at Mason County Human Resourc-
es, 411 N. Fifth St., Shelton, WA 98584;
(360) 427-7265.;
Open until filled. M12/13
SALON STATION for lease. Full clien-
tele needed, $350. Call, ask for Dana
(360) 427-8684. C12/13tfn
THE SKOKOMISH Tribe is seeking to
hire Assistant Health Director. This per-
son would be responsible for the assist-
ing in the day-to-day management of
ambulatory clinic operational aspects as
well as the development of new servic-
es. The position will report to the health
administrator and will be a member of
the medical clinic management team.
The assistant Director will foster strong
Skokomish tribal community and staff
relations and have experience dealing
with the many operational issues asso-
ciated with a dynamic multi-disciplined
medical clinic, including customer rela-
tions, strategic planning, systematic in-
ternal reviews, financials, marketing and
promotion, information technology/tele-
phony, credentialing, and compliance.
BA in Business or Health Administration
or related field with three to five years
experience performing highly responsi-
ble ambulatory clinic administrative du-
ties, $35K-$45K, closes 12/20/07. For a
full description and required application
visit our website at
or contact Winona Plant, Personnel at
(360) 426-4232 x209. $12/13
MECHANIC - SWING shift, Kellogg/
Stretch Island Fruit in Altyn, WA.
plomaJGED, troubleshooting/repair of
electrical controls, and Allen-Bradley
PLC experience preferred. Competitive
wages, great benefits! Apply at Work-
Source in Shelton or Bremerton, or at (no phone
calls or walk-ins will be accepted at the
plant location) EOE - M/F/D/V. $12/13-
JANITORS WANTED, top pay. Expe-
rienced only, hard-working. Must own
car. Part time position. (360) 402-7067.
RN/LPN. Alpine Way is a friendly assist-
ed-living community with a good reputa-
tion. LPN starts at $21 per hour. We are
looking for nurses for evening shift. The
compliment that we get the most is "The
staff at Alpine is wonderfull They are so
caring!" If you would like to work with us,
apply in person at 900 W. Alpine Way or
call Tracy at (360) 426-2600. A12/13-20
Leads, Leads, Leads
3514. + + Ist pear
Full or part tve
County. $3,912-$4,591/month.
general public health nursing
and coordinates
service programs. Minimum
tions: BSN with 2 years of public
experience.. Valid Registered
sional Nurse in the State of WA
WSDL. Spanish fluency highly
ApplicatiOns accepted until
filled. Application required and
at Human Resources, 411 N. Fifth
Shelton, WA 98584;, (360) 427-7265. M12/13-20
center. Must be 21 years old with
Education. Salary DOQ. Full time.
427-1334. B12/13-20
have driver's license,
some tools. Call Michael, (360)
3123. H12/13
care/home visitor for Family
Program, 251/4 hours per week
school year. Part time. AA degree
quired, must be Spanish speaker.
more information go to or contact the Human
sources Department, Shelton
District, (360) 426-1687, 700 S. f
Street. $12/13
MASON COUNTY Transportation
thority (MTA) is currently
Cleaner/Fueler. The position is res
sible for fueling and detailing
interiors and exteriors,
for facilities maintenance and
requirements of the agency as
The position requires a
ton State Driver's License (copy of
rent abstract required), no moving
tions within the last 3 years, no at
accidents within the last 5 years,
License (Class B CDL with air
and passenger endorsement) or
to obtain one within 30 days from
of hire. Must successfully pass
examination as required for CDL
overall driving fitness,
drug screen and national
checks. This position works varied
to cover all hours of MTA o
Contact Mason Transit HR for com
application packet at (360)
x133. Recruitment closes
28th at 4 p.m. M12/13-20
ASSISTANTS FOR adults with
Olympia area. Must be 18 or older,
driver's license, vehicle and
Extensive training and certifications
vided. $8.90 starting plus benefits.
apply in person at 208 West Dr.
Olympia, 98502. For more
and/or directions to our office call
at (360) 943-6257 ext. 108. C1
apartment building with 24 units is
an apartment manager/s startinc
1, 2008. Perfect for apartment team
at least one available full-time.
rience and light maintenance ability
ferred. Knowledge of Fair Housing,
lord-Tenant Laws and good people
important. Compensation includes large
bedroom apartment, electricity, heat
some compensation. Send
Blind Box 661, c/o The Journal, P.O.
430, Shelton, WA 98584.11/29-12/20
OESD 114
Head Start/ECEAP
Teacher - Givens
Assist to plan and
implement child development
services. $21,568/yr.
Details and Application:
Open until filled,
screens 12/20/07 4pm
EOE & ADA Job #78-15
Flexible Hours • Temporary Positions
We are recruiting individuals to deliver the phone books in the following communities:
Belfair, Bremerton, Hansville, Kingston, Poulsbo, Port Hadlock
Port Ludlow, Port Orchard, Port Townsend, Silverdale
Must have valid driver's license, Call Today 1-800-373-3280
insured, dependable auto and
be 18 years or older. Jlr[]
Monday thru Friday Book L/00A
7:30 am to 7:00 pm CST £qual Opportunity Employer
Page 34 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, December 13, 2007