December 13, 2007 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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December 13, 2007 |
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IREAT career opportunity! Now ac-
milling applications for immediate
qings working for the developmen-
] disabled within their homes. Start-
III salary: Part time $8.75/hr., full time
ll600/mo, plus benefits. Send letter of
I lirest and generic application or re-
lne: Placeone, Inc., 5107 Lacey Blvd.
I, Lacey, WA 98503 or e-mail to pla-, P12/6-27
D00 MONTHLY plus benefits. 7 days
1]_7 days off, or $10.10 hourly shifts
lbr providing training for working with
illlenging adult males. Drug free.
) 4.___93-0400. $12/6-27
&NTADORES DEL arbol de la expe-
ilcia deseados. Servicios de la Sivi-
Itura de Hammond. Llamada Fermin
(360) 426-1927. Despues de 6 p.m.
XI DRIVER, part time to full time,
1 s, evenings and weekends. Good
income. 5-year good driving record,
kxt people and driving skills, some
lrnmercial experience required. Must
able to pass drug screening. Knowt-
0e of area a plus. Have to be 25 or
ler. Call Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m.
0) 426-8294. M12/6-27
i'SCALE SALON with established cli-
Itele looking for talented, motivated,
ng Stylist and/or Nail Technician.
king conditions and equipment are
st. (360) 426-3202. S12/6-
IIAITRESS WANTED - part time. Kobe
i iriyaki 118 W. Alder Street, Shelton,
4002-0_____s23_Kl?(6-2 .......
IJSY MEDICAL office has immediate
toning for a full-time medical assistant.
lications at 237 Professional Way or O12/6-27
(PERIENCED TREE planters want-
, Hammond Forestry Services, (360)
6-2374. H12/6-13
AINTENANCE MAN, 15-20 hours per
k. 24-unit complex in Shelton. Call
60) 426-3903. G 11/29-12/20
:lUCK DRIVER wanted for flatbeds,
)Ubles and triples endorsement re-
dred, home most weeknights, and
ry weekend. Call Keith (360) 701-
32. $11/22-12/13
lLL TIME workers for small shellfish
mpany. Submit resume to Blind Box
, c/o The Journal, P.O. Box 430,
alton, WA 98584.11/22-12/13
,= = i
f Y
New tlom. 6ngh Future;.
County is in need of therapeutic
Foster Parents for Youth 11-17.
K:ommunity Youth Services offers
!$1,200 per month reimbursement,
i24-hour support services, monthly
r s
ptte and ongo ng tra n ng For
;more nformation call Susan Kir-
huff at 360-789-4923 or skirchoff@
= Comm
i...._ 11/22-12/13
Quick bube
No Experience Needed!
Paid while you train
Apply in person:
2919 Olympic Hwy. N.
LOOKING FOR serious self starters to
work from home, no selling, earn $200-
$2,000 part-time, full-time, Melaleuca.
Call Karen (360) 898-0004. L12/6-2/21
MACHINE SHOP, well established auto-
motive engine machining business with
equipment, inventory and repeat cus-
tomers. Owner ready to retire, but will
stay on to help you get started and meet
the customers. $140,000. Plus 2,500
sq.ft, leased building at only $1,000 per
month. Call Invest Realty LLC, (360)
426-3567. 112/13
CNC MILLING Machine Shop. Price
reduced. Owner retiring. Tools, equip-
ment, customer list will be included in
sale. $400,000. For more into call Shir-
ley, Real Estate USA, (360) 427-4488.
LICENSED IN-HOME daycare has
openings for before and after school.
Open 7:30 a.m.-10:30 p.m. Call (360)
427-6705. C12/13-20
GIGGLING GOOSE Daycare now has
openings (ages 2-9 years). Open Mon-
day-Friday, 9 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Call Sara
(360) 426-3649. G11/29-12/20
MT. OLIVE Lutheran Daycare/Pre-
school has some full-time and part-time
openings for three, four, five and six
year old children only. Openings are
filling up quickly. We take kindergarten
children on their non-kindergarten days.
No school-age openings available. Ex-
cellent Christian program with caring,
Christian teachers. Call Margarete at
(360) 427-3165 for more information.
M 11/29-12/20
LISA'S IN-HOME Daycare has open-
ings for 2 full-time infants and 1 full-time
over 2. Great learning environment and
USDA Food Program. (360) 427-3763.
PIANO TUNING, 40 years experience,
$150. Mobile state of the art audio re-
cording. Lessons and repairs. Dynamo
Music & Records, (360) 229-0381.
GIVE THE gift that plays. Piano and gui-
tar instruction in your home. (360) 352-
8426. H12/13-1/3
ESQ-1 synthesizer/midi controller/se-
quencer with voice cartridge and sus-
tain pedal. Good condition. $100. Plus,
as a special bonus - Ensoniq EPS
sampling keyboard/sequencer/midi
controller in working condition with
many, many sound disks. Free as-is
with purchase of ESQ-I. (360) 426-
9692. A11/29tfn
ADD ELEGANCE to your event with
affordable live music by Shelton cello
soloist, arranger and composer David
Pierik. Holiday bookings still available,
book now for your company's Christ-
mas party. Hear more songs you love,
from eight-plus hour repertoire of ro-
mantic pop melodies and holiday favor-
ites. From Bach to The Beetles, Paul
Simon to Sting, Celtic, and plenty of
hits from the 1940's too. Light, flowing,
fun and unobtrusive, each program is
specially selected and prepared to be
perfect for weddings, anniversaries,
corporate events, banquets, a celebra-
tion of life or any special occasion.
Availability limited, event rates starting
at $100 and up. Paypal Visa available
on-line. Visit www.cellodad.blogspot.
corn, e-mail or call
cell (360) 490-4695 for advance book-
ings. P11/15tfn
ce, preschool through university plus
:n91ish as a second language. Perhaps
n help ... (360) 426-5453. B12/13
MUSIC LESSONS in cello, bass, violin,
viola, and electric bass. Includes music
theory, ear training and advanced tech-
niques. Over 20 years experience, Eve-
nings, $10 per half-hour. All ages and mu-
sical styles welcome. Call Dave at (360)
490-4695 or e-mail
for available times. P5/25tfn
Train to work in health & wellness centers,
salons, clinics, resorts and spas!
155 Washington Ave.
Suite 200
Bremerton, WA 98337
Accredited member, ACES
Formerly 8ryman
RAT TERRIER puppies. Red and white
male and rare high-red chocolate and
white female. 2 retired adult show dogs
also available; black and tan male and
female. $200-$600. (360) 426-7288.
PRESERVE YOUR old photos, slides
and documents by having them scanned
to disc. Retouching and color restoration
available. Call Koleen at CometNW,
(360) 426-0824, for more information.
Calls will be returned in the evening.
KITTEN (AND cat) Rescue of Mason .............................................................
County has rescued, altered and immu- I PAINT anything inside. (360) 490-
nized our county's abandoned felines. 800.8 or (360) 426-6805, ask for Jerry.
E.I. KRISTYN & Son Construction Inc.
10,000 lb. mini excavator and operator
for hire, utilities, foundations, French
drains. All types of excavation and land-
clearing. Call for details (360) 432-3147.
Lic. #EIKRIKS950QD. E8/16tfn
CUSTOM PAINTING & Carpentry. Spe-
cializing in finish carpentry (including
crown molding, chair rail, fireplace sur-
With holidays coming soon, could you
find a place in your heart and home for
a wonderful new friend? Reasonable
adoption fee for these indoor only kitties.
Contact us at (360) 584-0594 or www. K12/6-1/3
ADORABLE MALE chocolate Lab pup-
pies, no papers. Available 1/1/08. $75.
(360) 427-5414. H12/13-20
BOXER PUREBRED puppies, white
ones and fawn. Tails and dews intact.
$800-$1,000 with papers. $400-$600
without. (360) 352-8426. H12/13-1/3
AKC registered, gorgeous, German
and Hungarian import, national and in-
ternational show champion pedigree,
vet examined, shots/wormed, tails and
dew claws done. Short term health
warranty. $650-$750. (360) 490-4212.
KITTEN RESCUE of Mason County. Af-
fectionate companion cats and kittens.
Reasonable adoption fee includes alter-
ing, immunization, testing, and parasite
control. Contact us at (360) 426-2455,
or cell (360) 584-0594, website www.kit- K12/6tfn
CALLING ALL dogs and owners. Pup-
py and manners training starting every
month. Companion or competition dog
classes. Certified trainer. Family friend-
ly. We do gift certificates too. K9 Kapers,
Karen Cannard, CPDT. (360) 432-1478. K12/13-1/3
DOG LISTENER, solve and prevent be-
havior problems. In-home behavior con-
sults, private and group training. Sep-
tember B. Morn (30+ years professional
trainer and best-selling training book au-
thor). (360) 432-3633. M9/27tfn
GILLIS AUTO Center Service Depart-
mont. Open Monday thru Saturday,
"Your key to any automotive services:'
All makes and models including mo-
torhomes. Call us - some services re-
quire no appointment. W. Hulbert Road
at 2nd Shelton exit, Hwy. 101. (360) 426-
5585. G1/29tfn
Topping Licensed
Chipping Bonded
Stump Insured
(360) 426-4663
Lic. #JAYBUT5053R2
I I I i
I Sludge-free I
I Composted Top Soil I
I Double-screened I
I $299/22 yds Shelton I
I -- This pdce Is within city limits only -- I
I Site Preparation Landscaping I
I Ponds Rockeries I
I Demolition Excavating I
I Hauling Drainage I
I We buy timberl I
t Bill McTurna! Enterprises,
I 360.432.0971 360.866.4594 i
I Senior Discount Available I
L Be == == == ,m mBSLUE BIBN- am == .= i= mB =1
P.11/15-1/3/08 rounds). Quality painting//wallpapering,
........................................................................................ sheetrocking, windows, doors, decks,
TC'S HOME Repair Plus, LCC. Home fences and repairs. Call Mike (360) 459-
repair/remodel'new construction. 0237 (Olympia). License #CUSTOP-
Decks, pressure washing, painting, roof C981RE. C11/9tin
and gutter cleaning. (360) 490-0228. ..............................................................
TCSHOHR933LN. S10/18tfn RICK WOKOJANCE window cleaning.
...................................................................... Serving Mason County for 20 years.
JOE FASSIO Excavation, 20 years (360) 426-9354. W12/11tfn
experience. Landclearing, septic sys- .......................................................
tem installation, digouts, rock walls GOT STORM damage? Trees down,
and logging. Just about anything, home damaged, roof repair, etc. Call El
Quality work the first time. (360) 898- Kristyn & Son Construction, Inc. at (360)
7286 JO E P F E*015 M R. F3/30tfn 432-3147 We'll g ire you a free esti mate
.................................................................. and work with your insurance company.
SMALL EXCAVATING jobs in Mason Licensed and bonded. EIKRIKS950QD.
County, call for bids. (360) 426-9722 E12/6-13
or (360) 590-1422. Lic. #RMREAM- - ...................................................
R935JP. W12/13-2/28 JOEES LANDSCAPING. Brush/view
clearing, flowerbed cleaning, haul-
HANDYMAN, GUTTER cleaning, repairs ing, sod installation, pruning. Tree/
and pruning. Skilled labor. Irrigation spe- shrub planting. Rock/stone retain-
cialist, landscaping consultant. Benjamin ing walls. Landscape maintenance,
(360) 426-0084. B2/15tfn bark spreading. Bonded and insured.
.......................................................... JOELSL*938N7. (360) 432-1900 Gar-
I CAN fix anything and build anything, cia. G10/25-12/13
Call Jerry at (360) 426-6805 or (360)
490-8008. PERPEC931DL. Pll/15-
SITE PREP - land clearing, driveways,
excavating, utility ditches. Roan Con-
struction ROANCC*941PB, (360) 426-
7181. J11/15tfn
SITE PREP, landclearing, roads and
driveways, tree removal, excavating, de-
molition work, rockeries, retaining walls,
storm clean-up, slide clean-up, curtain
drains, rock and pit run. (360) 426-9047,
call Lot Hauling. Lic. #ZIRKLTS1410W.
Z3/1 ltfn
Mondays and Thursdays in Shelton 9 to 2
Tuesday in Allyn 10 to 3
Stars Adult Day Care located
in Shelton and Allyn
include gentle exercises,
memory exercises, music, singing,
dancing, arts and crafts, bingo and
field trips. Lunch and snacks served.
Transportation available.
360-586-6181 ext. 115 :,6.-.,,6.
Call Laurie Lembke to schedule a visit
Look for our
in the
under "contractors general"
360-877-5125 Mason County
360-4584240 Pierce/Thurston Counties
Licensed Bonded Insured KIMBECI977CG
Dave's Computer Service, L.L.C.
Network System Engineering Services
Support - Troubleshooting - Data Recovery
Repair - Maintenance - Upgrades
!tSpecializing in Microsoft, Novell & Group Wise
Onsite Service for Office & Home
Call for Free Estimate
:':" 360-490-7043 or 360-898-3800
A Full-Service General Contractor
All types of projects welcome
New homes Excavating
Remodels Additions
French drains Foundations
Siding Finish
Freeestimates 360.432-3147
i i i iiii ii ii ,11 i ii i
Thursday, December 13, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 35
IREAT career opportunity! Now ac-
milling applications for immediate
qings working for the developmen-
] disabled within their homes. Start-
III salary: Part time $8.75/hr., full time
ll600/mo, plus benefits. Send letter of
I lirest and generic application or re-
lne: Placeone, Inc., 5107 Lacey Blvd.
I, Lacey, WA 98503 or e-mail to pla-, P12/6-27
D00 MONTHLY plus benefits. 7 days
1]_7 days off, or $10.10 hourly shifts
lbr providing training for working with
illlenging adult males. Drug free.
) 4.___93-0400. $12/6-27
&NTADORES DEL arbol de la expe-
ilcia deseados. Servicios de la Sivi-
Itura de Hammond. Llamada Fermin
(360) 426-1927. Despues de 6 p.m.
XI DRIVER, part time to full time,
1 s, evenings and weekends. Good
income. 5-year good driving record,
kxt people and driving skills, some
lrnmercial experience required. Must
able to pass drug screening. Knowt-
0e of area a plus. Have to be 25 or
ler. Call Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m.
0) 426-8294. M12/6-27
i'SCALE SALON with established cli-
Itele looking for talented, motivated,
ng Stylist and/or Nail Technician.
king conditions and equipment are
st. (360) 426-3202. S12/6-
IIAITRESS WANTED - part time. Kobe
i iriyaki 118 W. Alder Street, Shelton,
4002-0_____s23_Kl?(6-2 .......
IJSY MEDICAL office has immediate
toning for a full-time medical assistant.
lications at 237 Professional Way or O12/6-27
(PERIENCED TREE planters want-
, Hammond Forestry Services, (360)
6-2374. H12/6-13
AINTENANCE MAN, 15-20 hours per
k. 24-unit complex in Shelton. Call
60) 426-3903. G 11/29-12/20
:lUCK DRIVER wanted for flatbeds,
)Ubles and triples endorsement re-
dred, home most weeknights, and
ry weekend. Call Keith (360) 701-
32. $11/22-12/13
lLL TIME workers for small shellfish
mpany. Submit resume to Blind Box
, c/o The Journal, P.O. Box 430,
alton, WA 98584.11/22-12/13
,= = i
f Y
New tlom. 6ngh Future;.
County is in need of therapeutic
Foster Parents for Youth 11-17.
K:ommunity Youth Services offers
!$1,200 per month reimbursement,
i24-hour support services, monthly
r s
ptte and ongo ng tra n ng For
;more nformation call Susan Kir-
huff at 360-789-4923 or skirchoff@
= Comm
i...._ 11/22-12/13
Quick bube
No Experience Needed!
Paid while you train
Apply in person:
2919 Olympic Hwy. N.
LOOKING FOR serious self starters to
work from home, no selling, earn $200-
$2,000 part-time, full-time, Melaleuca.
Call Karen (360) 898-0004. L12/6-2/21
MACHINE SHOP, well established auto-
motive engine machining business with
equipment, inventory and repeat cus-
tomers. Owner ready to retire, but will
stay on to help you get started and meet
the customers. $140,000. Plus 2,500
sq.ft, leased building at only $1,000 per
month. Call Invest Realty LLC, (360)
426-3567. 112/13
CNC MILLING Machine Shop. Price
reduced. Owner retiring. Tools, equip-
ment, customer list will be included in
sale. $400,000. For more into call Shir-
ley, Real Estate USA, (360) 427-4488.
LICENSED IN-HOME daycare has
openings for before and after school.
Open 7:30 a.m.-10:30 p.m. Call (360)
427-6705. C12/13-20
GIGGLING GOOSE Daycare now has
openings (ages 2-9 years). Open Mon-
day-Friday, 9 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Call Sara
(360) 426-3649. G11/29-12/20
MT. OLIVE Lutheran Daycare/Pre-
school has some full-time and part-time
openings for three, four, five and six
year old children only. Openings are
filling up quickly. We take kindergarten
children on their non-kindergarten days.
No school-age openings available. Ex-
cellent Christian program with caring,
Christian teachers. Call Margarete at
(360) 427-3165 for more information.
M 11/29-12/20
LISA'S IN-HOME Daycare has open-
ings for 2 full-time infants and 1 full-time
over 2. Great learning environment and
USDA Food Program. (360) 427-3763.
PIANO TUNING, 40 years experience,
$150. Mobile state of the art audio re-
cording. Lessons and repairs. Dynamo
Music & Records, (360) 229-0381.
GIVE THE gift that plays. Piano and gui-
tar instruction in your home. (360) 352-
8426. H12/13-1/3
ESQ-1 synthesizer/midi controller/se-
quencer with voice cartridge and sus-
tain pedal. Good condition. $100. Plus,
as a special bonus - Ensoniq EPS
sampling keyboard/sequencer/midi
controller in working condition with
many, many sound disks. Free as-is
with purchase of ESQ-I. (360) 426-
9692. A11/29tfn
ADD ELEGANCE to your event with
affordable live music by Shelton cello
soloist, arranger and composer David
Pierik. Holiday bookings still available,
book now for your company's Christ-
mas party. Hear more songs you love,
from eight-plus hour repertoire of ro-
mantic pop melodies and holiday favor-
ites. From Bach to The Beetles, Paul
Simon to Sting, Celtic, and plenty of
hits from the 1940's too. Light, flowing,
fun and unobtrusive, each program is
specially selected and prepared to be
perfect for weddings, anniversaries,
corporate events, banquets, a celebra-
tion of life or any special occasion.
Availability limited, event rates starting
at $100 and up. Paypal Visa available
on-line. Visit www.cellodad.blogspot.
corn, e-mail or call
cell (360) 490-4695 for advance book-
ings. P11/15tfn
ce, preschool through university plus
:n91ish as a second language. Perhaps
n help ... (360) 426-5453. B12/13
MUSIC LESSONS in cello, bass, violin,
viola, and electric bass. Includes music
theory, ear training and advanced tech-
niques. Over 20 years experience, Eve-
nings, $10 per half-hour. All ages and mu-
sical styles welcome. Call Dave at (360)
490-4695 or e-mail
for available times. P5/25tfn
Train to work in health & wellness centers,
salons, clinics, resorts and spas!
155 Washington Ave.
Suite 200
Bremerton, WA 98337
Accredited member, ACES
Formerly 8ryman
RAT TERRIER puppies. Red and white
male and rare high-red chocolate and
white female. 2 retired adult show dogs
also available; black and tan male and
female. $200-$600. (360) 426-7288.
PRESERVE YOUR old photos, slides
and documents by having them scanned
to disc. Retouching and color restoration
available. Call Koleen at CometNW,
(360) 426-0824, for more information.
Calls will be returned in the evening.
KITTEN (AND cat) Rescue of Mason .............................................................
County has rescued, altered and immu- I PAINT anything inside. (360) 490-
nized our county's abandoned felines. 800.8 or (360) 426-6805, ask for Jerry.
E.I. KRISTYN & Son Construction Inc.
10,000 lb. mini excavator and operator
for hire, utilities, foundations, French
drains. All types of excavation and land-
clearing. Call for details (360) 432-3147.
Lic. #EIKRIKS950QD. E8/16tfn
CUSTOM PAINTING & Carpentry. Spe-
cializing in finish carpentry (including
crown molding, chair rail, fireplace sur-
With holidays coming soon, could you
find a place in your heart and home for
a wonderful new friend? Reasonable
adoption fee for these indoor only kitties.
Contact us at (360) 584-0594 or www. K12/6-1/3
ADORABLE MALE chocolate Lab pup-
pies, no papers. Available 1/1/08. $75.
(360) 427-5414. H12/13-20
BOXER PUREBRED puppies, white
ones and fawn. Tails and dews intact.
$800-$1,000 with papers. $400-$600
without. (360) 352-8426. H12/13-1/3
AKC registered, gorgeous, German
and Hungarian import, national and in-
ternational show champion pedigree,
vet examined, shots/wormed, tails and
dew claws done. Short term health
warranty. $650-$750. (360) 490-4212.
KITTEN RESCUE of Mason County. Af-
fectionate companion cats and kittens.
Reasonable adoption fee includes alter-
ing, immunization, testing, and parasite
control. Contact us at (360) 426-2455,
or cell (360) 584-0594, website www.kit- K12/6tfn
CALLING ALL dogs and owners. Pup-
py and manners training starting every
month. Companion or competition dog
classes. Certified trainer. Family friend-
ly. We do gift certificates too. K9 Kapers,
Karen Cannard, CPDT. (360) 432-1478. K12/13-1/3
DOG LISTENER, solve and prevent be-
havior problems. In-home behavior con-
sults, private and group training. Sep-
tember B. Morn (30+ years professional
trainer and best-selling training book au-
thor). (360) 432-3633. M9/27tfn
GILLIS AUTO Center Service Depart-
mont. Open Monday thru Saturday,
"Your key to any automotive services:'
All makes and models including mo-
torhomes. Call us - some services re-
quire no appointment. W. Hulbert Road
at 2nd Shelton exit, Hwy. 101. (360) 426-
5585. G1/29tfn
Topping Licensed
Chipping Bonded
Stump Insured
(360) 426-4663
Lic. #JAYBUT5053R2
I I I i
I Sludge-free I
I Composted Top Soil I
I Double-screened I
I $299/22 yds Shelton I
I -- This pdce Is within city limits only -- I
I Site Preparation Landscaping I
I Ponds Rockeries I
I Demolition Excavating I
I Hauling Drainage I
I We buy timberl I
t Bill McTurna! Enterprises,
I 360.432.0971 360.866.4594 i
I Senior Discount Available I
L Be == == == ,m mBSLUE BIBN- am == .= i= mB =1
P.11/15-1/3/08 rounds). Quality painting//wallpapering,
........................................................................................ sheetrocking, windows, doors, decks,
TC'S HOME Repair Plus, LCC. Home fences and repairs. Call Mike (360) 459-
repair/remodel'new construction. 0237 (Olympia). License #CUSTOP-
Decks, pressure washing, painting, roof C981RE. C11/9tin
and gutter cleaning. (360) 490-0228. ..............................................................
TCSHOHR933LN. S10/18tfn RICK WOKOJANCE window cleaning.
...................................................................... Serving Mason County for 20 years.
JOE FASSIO Excavation, 20 years (360) 426-9354. W12/11tfn
experience. Landclearing, septic sys- .......................................................
tem installation, digouts, rock walls GOT STORM damage? Trees down,
and logging. Just about anything, home damaged, roof repair, etc. Call El
Quality work the first time. (360) 898- Kristyn & Son Construction, Inc. at (360)
7286 JOE P F E*015 M R. F3/30tfn 432-3147 We'll g ire you a free esti mate
.................................................................. and work with your insurance company.
SMALL EXCAVATING jobs in Mason Licensed and bonded. EIKRIKS950QD.
County, call for bids. (360) 426-9722 E12/6-13
or (360) 590-1422. Lic. #RMREAM- - ...................................................
R935JP. W12/13-2/28 JOEES LANDSCAPING. Brush/view
clearing, flowerbed cleaning, haul-
HANDYMAN, GUTTER cleaning, repairs ing, sod installation, pruning. Tree/
and pruning. Skilled labor. Irrigation spe- shrub planting. Rock/stone retain-
cialist, landscaping consultant. Benjamin ing walls. Landscape maintenance,
(360) 426-0084. B2/15tfn bark spreading. Bonded and insured.
.......................................................... JOELSL*938N7. (360) 432-1900 Gar-
I CAN fix anything and build anything, cia. G10/25-12/13
Call Jerry at (360) 426-6805 or (360)
490-8008. PERPEC931DL. Pll/15-
SITE PREP - land clearing, driveways,
excavating, utility ditches. Roan Con-
struction ROANCC*941PB, (360) 426-
7181. J11/15tfn
SITE PREP, landclearing, roads and
driveways, tree removal, excavating, de-
molition work, rockeries, retaining walls,
storm clean-up, slide clean-up, curtain
drains, rock and pit run. (360) 426-9047,
call Lot Hauling. Lic. #ZIRKLTS1410W.
Z3/1 ltfn
Mondays and Thursdays in Shelton 9 to 2
Tuesday in Allyn 10 to 3
Stars Adult Day Care located
in Shelton and Allyn
include gentle exercises,
memory exercises, music, singing,
dancing, arts and crafts, bingo and
field trips. Lunch and snacks served.
Transportation available.
360-586-6181 ext. 115 :,6.-.,,6.
Call Laurie Lembke to schedule a visit
Look for our
in the
under "contractors general"
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360-4584240 Pierce/Thurston Counties
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Freeestimates 360.432-3147
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Thursday, December 13, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 35