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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 13, 2007     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 13, 2007
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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bituary Gotoh-Cox resident Althea Marl died in Bremerton on December 8, of toxic syndrome. She was 25. was born in Japan on No- ) ber 4, 1982 to Alfonso George Panta and Miyoko Gotoh-Cox. e was adopted by Douglas Cox Len he married her mother and : family lived in Victor. She attended North Mason t heels from kindergarten until u e 10th grade. She completed her 0 $I) degree at the age of 16 while technical school in Longview. d Cox worked as a bartender at ] itle Moe&apos;s in Belfair; her many ends there put on a Thanksgiv- i ! benefit dinner for her when Le was hospitalized. She loved to fish, hunt, hike, ie Ly paintball and ride off-road ficles, especially four-wheeler Vs. i Cox was preceded in death by { !r grandfathers Chushiro Gotoh rJavan and Harry Albert Sa lea r - Y Port Orchard and by her aunt o Naguchi of Japan. L She is survived by her mother iyoko and partner Glenn Dobbs ',h,Victor; her stepfather Doug of takeLand Village in Allyn; her andmother Sayumi G. Sayles Victor; her foster sister Carol 0Was and brother-in-law Steve acik of Tacoma; her birth father onso George Zapanta of Los An- !lea; her aunts and uncles Myrna arold of Oklahoma, Joy Hatha- ay of Spokane, Chris Impett of okane, Ginger Reamer of The lles, Oregon, A1 Hurt of Hawaii Althea Gotoh-Cox and Tacoma and Wayne and Liz Case of Belfair. Cox is also survived by many friends and by her best buddy, her beloved dog Indy. Cremation is under the direction of Rill Chapel of Port Orchard. A memorial service is planned for 1 p.m. on Saturday, December 15, at Rill Chapel, located at 1151 Mitchell Avenue in Port Orchard. Viewing will be from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the chapel. Mason County Literacy needs north-end tutors Mason County Literacy is hoping to expand its literacy programs in North Mason. In order to expand the program, though, volunteers will be needed to help adult learners in the Beffair area. The group's literacy volunteers help in one of two ways. They may work with people who are learning English in the English as a Second Language (ESL) program co-spon- sored by Mason County Literacy and Olympic College. They may also work one-on-one with adult learners who want to get a high-school equiv- alency by obtaining a GED. Mason County Literacy provides training for tutors in both the GED and ESL programs. For anyone interested in tutoring ESL students, the Olympic College instructor for the ESL class provides guidance, advice and teaching ma- terials to the tutors. The Olympic College class is held every week at the Belfair Boys and Girls Club from 6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. on Mondays and Wednesdays. THE OLYMPIC College instruc- tor can use volunteers to assist her in teaching the students who have varying skill levels in English. The adult learners enrolled in the liter- acy program come from all over the world, including Russia, Vietnam, Morocco, Mexico and Guatemala. Of- ficials say that tutoring is a great op- portunity to meet people from other countries and learn about their cul- tures and languages while helping them learn English. For volunteers who would like 00Ielp with heating bills available for residents zation dedicated to increasing re- sources to meet the energy needs of financially struggling residents across the country. It consists of more than 300 nonprofit organi- zations, government agencies and utilities that raise and distribute more than $100 million annually in charitably donated home ener- gy assistance for families in need. To find out more about the Na- tional Fuel Funds Network, call 1-202-824-0660 or visit the Web site www.nationalfuelfunds. org. "Fire District 2 wants everyone to be warm and safe as the sea- son changes," said Ryan Cloud, a firefighter and public educator at Fire District 2. With the high cost of fuel, peo- with limited income may have !fficulty keeping their homes rm this winter, but the folks Belfair's Fire District 2 want to take sure that North Mason resi- eats know that help is available. Officials at Fire District 2 say lat the National Fuel Funds [etwork is a broad-based organi- Service News Mendiola finishes up her ANCHI'S BARK AND GRAVEL ) 5419 (;RAI f-VIEW lOOP ROAI) 00upply specialist training Army National Guard Private Petersburg, Virginia. systems for accountability with The course is designed to train students to receive, inspect, segre- gate, store, inventory, issue, deliv- er and turn in organizational and installation supplies and equip- ment; maintain automated supply use of unit computers; issue and receipt for small arms, and secure and control weapons and ammuni- tion supplies. Private Mendiola is the daugh- ter of Rose C. Pruyne of Union. I Ar st Class Renee M. Mendila Is graduated from the Unit Sup- . Specialist Advanced Individ- l Training course at the Quar- aster Battalion at Fort Lee in to help someone get a GED, Mason County Literacy pairs tutors and learners together to form one-on- one |earner-tutor pairs. The tutors generally meet their adult learners at the North Mason Timberland Re- gional Library in Belfair and work with them in one of the library's con- ference rooms. Mason County Lit- eracy provides teaching materials at the library for tutors to use. Officials say that the adult learn- ers who come to the program need help mostly with grammar, spelling, writing, reading and math. Organiz- ers note that many of the program's adult learners are finding that it's difficult to get a job without a high- school diploma or a GED and they are looking for someone to help them complete their high-school educa- tion. "YOU CAN HELP your neigh- bors in North Mason improve their lives and the lives of their fatal- lies by volunteering to share your knowledge and your time with them through the Mason County Literacy tutoring programs," said Suzanne Stevens, Mason County Literacy's Adult Program Coordinator. Those that would like to volun- teer for the ESL or GED programs (or both) should contact Mason County Literacy in Belfair by call- ing 471-3060 or in Shelton by calling 426-9733. I;]il|r.'11"l IU|5' k' :i',.llll Since 1982 Valerie McLeod, Physical Therapist 70 NE Medical Center Road 275-4352 II Septic Tank Sales • Installs • Repairs • Pumps • Baffles Repaired Risers Installed • Ditches for Water, Electric & Telephone Drain Fields ° Curtain & Foundation Drains • Foundation Digouts Misc. Clearing ° Gravel ° Perc Holes ° Designs Available I I IIII O R AUTOMOTIVE Foreign • Domestic ,/b00.ce u.'z00 , Mark and Dnitra Ayers By appoimmem on shop 360-275-0405 or 360-463-0925 Grapeview, WA Open • Crushed Driveway Rock 3/4"-1 ,/2- <Clean(BlaCkor°rminus)grey) • • * Large River Rock Ir ......... ALL DRIVEWAY * I. • Delivery 5 days a week • Dark, rich topsoil [ GRAVEL CUSTOM i. • Dark, rich Hemlock Bark I SPREAD FREE l* I xlnres 12/11/[)7. (,'ash Vl[l( I/2(N. L ......... Jo CLOSED SATURDAYS U-HAUL BYAPPOINTMENT ONLY • 275-6698 * 1-800-690-BARK * 275-7133 LEGAL NOTll ES Summons by Publlcatlon (SMPB) No. 07 3 00367 1 8uperlor Court of Wsehlngton, County Mand In re: LESLIE A, TRIPP, Petitioner and BRIAN E. HUGHES, Respondent. I"o the Respondent. I. The petitioner has started an action in above court requesting: the establishment or modification of a par- ng plan or residential schedule. 2. The petition also requests that the court rt the following relief: Approve a parenting plan or residential edule for the dependent children. 3. You must respond to this summons by Mng a copy of your written response on Person signing this Summons and by fil- : the original with the clerk of the court. If J do not serve your written response within :lays after the date of the first publication is summons (60 days after the 15th day |ovember, 2007), the court may enter an r of default against you, and the court Ly, without further notice to you, enter a :tee and approve or provide for other re- requested in this summons. In the case ldissolution of marriage, the court will not er the final decree until at least 90 days # service and filing. If you serve a notice pearance on the undersigned person, are entitled to notice before an order of tult or a decree may be entered. "-2 /) • O )cations Our AAA. I-Credit Union/. erving anyone living or working l Mason or Grays Harbor County 526 W. Cedar St., Shelton 94g Olympic Hwy. N., Sheiton 426-9701 4. Your written response to the summons and petition must be on form: WPF PS 15.0300, Response to Petition for Residential Schedule/Parenting Plan/ Child Support. Information about how to get this form may be obtained by contacting the clerk of the court, by contacting the Administrative Office of the Courts at (360) 705-5328, or from the Internet at the Washington State Courts homapage: http:/ 5. If you wish to seek the advice of an attorney in this matter, you should do so promptly so that your written response, if any, may be sewed on time. 6. One method of serving a copy of your response on the petitioner is to send it by cer- tified mail with return receipt requested. 7. Other: This summons is issued pursuant to RCW 4.28.100 and Superior Court Civil Rule 4.1 of the state of Washington. Dated: 10-31-07 Signature of Petitioner or Lawyer/WSBA No.: Leslie A. Tripp Print Name: LESLIE A. TRIPP File Original of Your Response with the Clerk of the Court at: Island County Superior Court 101 NE 6th Street Coupeville, WA 98239 Serve a Copy of Your Response on: Petitioner LESLIE A. TRIPP 665 Scandia Pkwy Camano Island, WA 98282 11/15-22-29-12/6-t 3-20 6t Dr. Nancy Isbell • General small animal medicine/surgery • Acupuncture certified, TCM herbs • Internal medicine residency 23730 NE SR3 * LOG CABIN PLAZA * BELFAIR • 10 minutes from Hwy. 16 • 0.2 miles south of the stoplight at Safeway Open M-F 8 am-6 pm Call todayl This offer ends December 21. Schedule your appointment and make your holiday even better. SHELTON Miracle-Ear Center 1718 Olympic Highway N. (Across the street from A&W) Call 1-800 NEW HEAR (1-800-639-4327) Free l:le orded Message and Free Report. Call Toll Flee (866) 612-0404 or, vi!;it www.miracle-ear corn • • (1eL uracy of wcoluotiort, pfope, tit und obility m odcJpi U} mpltiP.ation )]d2(CLle’ Thursday, December 13, 2007 - Belfair Herald section of the Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 3 bituary Gotoh-Cox resident Althea Marl died in Bremerton on December 8, of toxic syndrome. She was 25. was born in Japan on No- ) ber 4, 1982 to Alfonso George Panta and Miyoko Gotoh-Cox. e was adopted by Douglas Cox Len he married her mother and : family lived in Victor. She attended North Mason t heels from kindergarten until u e 10th grade. She completed her 0 $I) degree at the age of 16 while technical school in Longview. d Cox worked as a bartender at ] itle Moe's in Belfair; her many ends there put on a Thanksgiv- i ! benefit dinner for her when Le was hospitalized. She loved to fish, hunt, hike, ie Ly paintball and ride off-road ficles, especially four-wheeler Vs. i Cox was preceded in death by { !r grandfathers Chushiro Gotoh rJavan and Harry Albert Sa lea r - Y Port Orchard and by her aunt o Naguchi of Japan. L She is survived by her mother iyoko and partner Glenn Dobbs ',h,Victor; her stepfather Doug of takeLand Village in Allyn; her andmother Sayumi G. Sayles Victor; her foster sister Carol 0Was and brother-in-law Steve acik of Tacoma; her birth father onso George Zapanta of Los An- !lea; her aunts and uncles Myrna arold of Oklahoma, Joy Hatha- ay of Spokane, Chris Impett of okane, Ginger Reamer of The lles, Oregon, A1 Hurt of Hawaii Althea Gotoh-Cox and Tacoma and Wayne and Liz Case of Belfair. Cox is also survived by many friends and by her best buddy, her beloved dog Indy. Cremation is under the direction of Rill Chapel of Port Orchard. A memorial service is planned for 1 p.m. on Saturday, December 15, at Rill Chapel, located at 1151 Mitchell Avenue in Port Orchard. Viewing will be from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the chapel. Mason County Literacy needs north-end tutors Mason County Literacy is hoping to expand its literacy programs in North Mason. In order to expand the program, though, volunteers will be needed to help adult learners in the Beffair area. The group's literacy volunteers help in one of two ways. They may work with people who are learning English in the English as a Second Language (ESL) program co-spon- sored by Mason County Literacy and Olympic College. They may also work one-on-one with adult learners who want to get a high-school equiv- alency by obtaining a GED. Mason County Literacy provides training for tutors in both the GED and ESL programs. For anyone interested in tutoring ESL students, the Olympic College instructor for the ESL class provides guidance, advice and teaching ma- terials to the tutors. The Olympic College class is held every week at the Belfair Boys and Girls Club from 6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. on Mondays and Wednesdays. THE OLYMPIC College instruc- tor can use volunteers to assist her in teaching the students who have varying skill levels in English. The adult learners enrolled in the liter- acy program come from all over the world, including Russia, Vietnam, Morocco, Mexico and Guatemala. Of- ficials say that tutoring is a great op- portunity to meet people from other countries and learn about their cul- tures and languages while helping them learn English. For volunteers who would like 00Ielp with heating bills available for residents zation dedicated to increasing re- sources to meet the energy needs of financially struggling residents across the country. It consists of more than 300 nonprofit organi- zations, government agencies and utilities that raise and distribute more than $100 million annually in charitably donated home ener- gy assistance for families in need. To find out more about the Na- tional Fuel Funds Network, call 1-202-824-0660 or visit the Web site www.nationalfuelfunds. org. "Fire District 2 wants everyone to be warm and safe as the sea- son changes," said Ryan Cloud, a firefighter and public educator at Fire District 2. With the high cost of fuel, peo- with limited income may have !fficulty keeping their homes rm this winter, but the folks Belfair's Fire District 2 want to take sure that North Mason resi- eats know that help is available. Officials at Fire District 2 say lat the National Fuel Funds [etwork is a broad-based organi- Service News Mendiola finishes up her ANCHI'S BARK AND GRAVEL ) 5419 (;RAI f-VIEW lOOP ROAI) 00upply specialist training Army National Guard Private Petersburg, Virginia. systems for accountability with The course is designed to train students to receive, inspect, segre- gate, store, inventory, issue, deliv- er and turn in organizational and installation supplies and equip- ment; maintain automated supply use of unit computers; issue and receipt for small arms, and secure and control weapons and ammuni- tion supplies. Private Mendiola is the daugh- ter of Rose C. Pruyne of Union. I Ar st Class Renee M. Mendila Is graduated from the Unit Sup- . Specialist Advanced Individ- l Training course at the Quar- aster Battalion at Fort Lee in to help someone get a GED, Mason County Literacy pairs tutors and learners together to form one-on- one |earner-tutor pairs. The tutors generally meet their adult learners at the North Mason Timberland Re- gional Library in Belfair and work with them in one of the library's con- ference rooms. Mason County Lit- eracy provides teaching materials at the library for tutors to use. Officials say that the adult learn- ers who come to the program need help mostly with grammar, spelling, writing, reading and math. Organiz- ers note that many of the program's adult learners are finding that it's difficult to get a job without a high- school diploma or a GED and they are looking for someone to help them complete their high-school educa- tion. "YOU CAN HELP your neigh- bors in North Mason improve their lives and the lives of their fatal- lies by volunteering to share your knowledge and your time with them through the Mason County Literacy tutoring programs," said Suzanne Stevens, Mason County Literacy's Adult Program Coordinator. Those that would like to volun- teer for the ESL or GED programs (or both) should contact Mason County Literacy in Belfair by call- ing 471-3060 or in Shelton by calling 426-9733. I;]il|r.'11"l IU|5' k' :i',.llll Since 1982 Valerie McLeod, Physical Therapist 70 NE Medical Center Road 275-4352 II Septic Tank Sales • Installs • Repairs • Pumps • Baffles Repaired Risers Installed • Ditches for Water, Electric & Telephone Drain Fields ° Curtain & Foundation Drains • Foundation Digouts Misc. Clearing ° Gravel ° Perc Holes ° Designs Available I I IIII O R AUTOMOTIVE Foreign • Domestic ,/b00.ce u.'z00 , Mark and Dnitra Ayers By appoimmem on shop 360-275-0405 or 360-463-0925 Grapeview, WA Open • Crushed Driveway Rock 3/4"-1 ,/2- <Clean(BlaCkor°rminus)grey) • • * Large River Rock Ir ......... ALL DRIVEWAY * I. • Delivery 5 days a week • Dark, rich topsoil [ GRAVEL CUSTOM i. • Dark, rich Hemlock Bark I SPREAD FREE l* I xlnres 12/11/[)7. (,'ash Vl[l( I/2(N. L ......... Jo CLOSED SATURDAYS U-HAUL BYAPPOINTMENT ONLY • 275-6698 * 1-800-690-BARK * 275-7133 LEGAL NOTll ES Summons by Publlcatlon (SMPB) No. 07 3 00367 1 8uperlor Court of Wsehlngton, County Mand In re: LESLIE A, TRIPP, Petitioner and BRIAN E. HUGHES, Respondent. I"o the Respondent. I. The petitioner has started an action in above court requesting: the establishment or modification of a par- ng plan or residential schedule. 2. The petition also requests that the court rt the following relief: Approve a parenting plan or residential edule for the dependent children. 3. You must respond to this summons by Mng a copy of your written response on Person signing this Summons and by fil- : the original with the clerk of the court. If J do not serve your written response within :lays after the date of the first publication is summons (60 days after the 15th day |ovember, 2007), the court may enter an r of default against you, and the court Ly, without further notice to you, enter a :tee and approve or provide for other re- requested in this summons. In the case ldissolution of marriage, the court will not er the final decree until at least 90 days # service and filing. If you serve a notice pearance on the undersigned person, are entitled to notice before an order of tult or a decree may be entered. "-2 /) • O )cations Our AAA. I-Credit Union/. erving anyone living or working l Mason or Grays Harbor County 526 W. Cedar St., Shelton 94g Olympic Hwy. N., Sheiton 426-9701 4. Your written response to the summons and petition must be on form: WPF PS 15.0300, Response to Petition for Residential Schedule/Parenting Plan/ Child Support. Information about how to get this form may be obtained by contacting the clerk of the court, by contacting the Administrative Office of the Courts at (360) 705-5328, or from the Internet at the Washington State Courts homapage: http:/ 5. If you wish to seek the advice of an attorney in this matter, you should do so promptly so that your written response, if any, may be sewed on time. 6. One method of serving a copy of your response on the petitioner is to send it by cer- tified mail with return receipt requested. 7. Other: This summons is issued pursuant to RCW 4.28.100 and Superior Court Civil Rule 4.1 of the state of Washington. Dated: 10-31-07 Signature of Petitioner or Lawyer/WSBA No.: Leslie A. Tripp Print Name: LESLIE A. TRIPP File Original of Your Response with the Clerk of the Court at: Island County Superior Court 101 NE 6th Street Coupeville, WA 98239 Serve a Copy of Your Response on: Petitioner LESLIE A. TRIPP 665 Scandia Pkwy Camano Island, WA 98282 11/15-22-29-12/6-t 3-20 6t Dr. Nancy Isbell • General small animal medicine/surgery • Acupuncture certified, TCM herbs • Internal medicine residency 23730 NE SR3 * LOG CABIN PLAZA * BELFAIR • 10 minutes from Hwy. 16 • 0.2 miles south of the stoplight at Safeway Open M-F 8 am-6 pm Call todayl This offer ends December 21. Schedule your appointment and make your holiday even better. SHELTON Miracle-Ear Center 1718 Olympic Highway N. (Across the street from A&W) Call 1-800 NEW HEAR (1-800-639-4327) Free l:le orded Message and Free Report. Call Toll Flee (866) 612-0404 or, vi!;it www.miracle-ear corn • • (1eL uracy of wcoluotiort, pfope, tit und obility m odcJpi U} mpltiP.ation )]d2(CLle’ Thursday, December 13, 2007 - Belfair Herald section of the Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 3