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Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 13, 2012     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 13, 2012
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Saturday, December 22nd ~0 • O" Debate arises during discussion on comprehensive plan changes By GORDON WEEKS gordot~@7~lasoncoltnty.corn The Shelton City Com- mission on Monday amend- ed its comprehensive plan and future land use map, and rezoned 4 acres from neighborhood residential to medical educational to al- low for expansion at Mason General Hospital. But much of the discus- sion at the commission's meetings Dec. 3 and Mon- day focused on one word in velopment proposals. Dis- agreements are a normal part of political discourse in our culture. However, at times this has been taken beyond the point "of civility. The unfortunate result is it creates perceptions in the world outside Shelton that this is not a good place to do business." Shelton resident Patricia Vandehey asked the com- mission to remove the term "incivility." She called the phrase "insulting, incorrect, libelous and inappropriate." ask questions. They are not rude, impolite, disrespect- ful, discourteous, nor incon- siderate, and most are old enough to be grandparents." Thompson said she also is concerned by language and he favored keeping it. "You're not going to stop anything by it being in there," he said. Other business At the Dec. 3 meeting, in the comprehensive plan Tahuya that states "The city should establish policies affecting industrial park develop- ments that allow for expe- dited permitting and/or en- vironmental reviews for pri- mary business activities," and "The city shall identify lands for a new industrial park (100 acres or larger)." "I am concerned that this language continues to be written into plans, like the comprehensive plan, so that later we are told that the city's comprehensive "Specifically, how do corn- it is 'already in the plan,' " plan: "incivility." That's ments become a barrier to she said. "Plans need to be the word the city uses to economic development?" re-evaluated for health and describe opposition to local she asked the commission, safety factors of the commu- development proposals as a "Who is responsible for this nity when new information barrier to economic growth, irresponsible statement? emerges." The rezoning of 4 acres It is the citizen's right, At Monday'smeeting, the south of Mason General given by the Bill of Rights, commission decided not to Hospital was requested by to speak against proposals change the wording regard- Public Hospital District 1. that are egregious, in their ing "incivility" in public dis- Residents who live within conception and execution, course. 300 feet of the property were If it can harm, in any way, City Administrator Dave notified of the application the health and welfare of O'Leary said he considers in May. The city reports it the citizens, any inhabitant cursing, interrupting and received one telephone com- of this area has the right to spreading misinformation ment on the rezoning, and object. We are not a totali- as being uncivil. no written comments on the tartan country." "There's a difference be- tween honest disagreement and incivility," he said. Commissioner Mike O1- sen said the city is fortunate to have residents who ques- tion issues and proposals. "I think we need to have these people to keep our feet to the fires," he said. Commissioner Dawn Pannell said she has expe- rienced residents swearing and interrupting the pro- ceedings at meetings, but added, "I hope we would never discourage healthy debate." Mayor Cronce said the phrase on incivility is true, -- Family Owned & Operated- Foreign a Rmeslic Auto Repair & Service 360-275-0405 • 18271 E Stale RHIe 3 [0¢~d JR ~}Wn|OWfi JtJJytt - Behind Allyn View RV Park ,,Em.m h Printed in Shelton, WA, USA using US-made ink and US-made newsprint with the highest percentage of recycled content in the industry. Printed With Thank you for recycling. SOY INK proposal. But at the commission's Dec. 3 meeting, two resi- dents told commissioners they were bothered by the word "incivility" in the city's comprehensive plan regard- ing opposition to some busi- ness proposals. Under the heading "Bar- riers to Economic Develop- ment," the city's compre- hensive plan states, "Un- fortunately, a habitual part of the local political culture is incivility. For example, some stakeholders can be excessively aggressive in their opposition to local de- Union resident Terry Thompson asked the com- mission whether "incivility" was added by city employ- ees feeling "frustrated" by the comments of one or two residents. "One or two people is not worthy of mentioning in a comprehensive plan, since every community has that," she said. "The people I know in this community, that take part in respond- ing to local government proposals, do so in an or- derly, respectful manner, going through proper chan- nels to share cQncerns, or to resident Denny Hamilton suggested that the city conduct a compre- hensive testing of the water that drains into the city's water supply. Hamilton said he'd like to tell busi- ness owners considering establishing businesses in Mason County• that they'll have good water, but he can't assure them. Shelton Mayor Gary Cronce agreed that the city needs to ensure that the wa- ter quality is good. He said he needed another week to think about the com- ments, and the commission postponed the vote on the amendments to the Dec. 10 meeting. "The hospital property is not an issue to me," he said. At Monday's meeting, Shelton City Planner Jason Dose said the public com- ments suggesting that the city does not conduct ad- equate environmental im- pact studies on proposed business development is "certainly not the case." The language in the policies is "not intended to suggest that any and all environmental impacts of a proposal would not be re- viewed and considered in a manner consistent with 10- cal, state and federal law," he wrote. But Dose recommended changing the wording in the comprehensive plan to make it "more concise." The revision, passed by the com- mission, adds that the city will use a planned action State Environmental Policy Act review to facilitate busi- ness activities. Boneless Grain Fed Rlbeye Roast Bone-In Grain Fed Rib Steak Salad Shrimp 2,b bog 899 ::,,' Whole Bone-In Hams 18-22 lb. ~ ~ ,h. iiii! 10-12 Ib Geese 499 Shop Miehael s for all your Holiday Meat Needs, Shelton school foundation Locker Packs Available. Thank you Mason County for your support, All roast seasoned & tied upon request • Call early to assure your special orders.: Shop your locally owned meat shop, All of your orders are freezer ready. No packing or rewrapping "BUTCHER', TRUST IN US All Packages Freezer Ready, No Time Spent Re-Wrapping, Locker Packs Available, Locally Owned~ Family!Run Meat Shop Boneless 6rain Fed Rlbeye Steak Jumbo Fresh Westport Crab 99 ,h. 16-20 Count Large Raw Prawns i!!i 99 12 Bone-In 6rain Fed Rib Roast ........ 'J Boneless Lamb Legs 3-5 lb. Spiral Sliced 1/2 Hams 7 9 Ib .... ~:~ 1 ,9 5-8 Ib Ducks PRICES EFFECTIVE 12'12.12 to 1'1.13 Assorted Sizes Frozen Turkeys .... 169 Prime Grade Bone-in Rib Roast 4-15 lb. Pork,Crown Roast =, Michaels Old Fashion Polish or Kielbasa 399 God Bless Us, Everyone/ MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR from your home owned family run full service meat shop/ Fresh Un-smoked Hams 18-22 lb. Lb, :::. ............. Michaels Breakfast Sausage 249 % ....... Michael's Meats seasons and ties your prime ribs at no extra charge. Special orders welcome. Our family has a long history of preparing prime rib and helping our customers with cooking instructions. We have our own prime rib seasoning with • NO MSG. We value every customer and appreciate your patronage. Call in your orders in Shelton at 426-1659 or stop in. 1729 OLYMPIC HWY. N. SHELTON (360 426-1659 Mon-Sat 9-7, Sun 9-6 Page A-2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, Dec. 13, 2012 announces grant winners STAFF REPORT p~