December 13, 2012 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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December 13, 2012 |
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7 p.m., the Mason Coun-
ty VFW Post 1694 will meet
at Memorial Hall at Second
and Franklin streets. Post
members and veterans of
foreign wars are encouraged
to attend. Beverages and
snacks served by the Ladies
Auxiliary Club. For more in-
formation, call 426-4546.
7 p.m., The 2012 Shelton
flO" Noble %
Stop by Hunter Farms
1FirWreath s32"99
and Pick llp Your ....... ds:tZeemap#Pl0ro,~ate]yl,%
Wreath, Swag & Tree! f12"Noble a
Fir Wreath s36-99
I~ Large Swag
1921 E. Hwy 106, Union WA 98592
(360) 896-2222 • (360) 426-2222 ~!
P, uby Berg LMP
with a
1-H0ur Massage
Gift Certificates
'Save SlO OFF
regular price
728 W. Railroad Ave., Shelto. (360) 427-4556
24-HOUR MOVIE INFO 426-1000
The Hobbit
Daily 2:40, 6:00pro
Additional Shows
Fri-Sat 9:20pro
Playing For Keeps
Daily 4:45, 7:00pm
Additional Shows
Fri-Sat 9:15pm
Sat-Sun 2:30pm
Serving all organic, fair trade espresso drinks
Check out the Christmas
lights on your way to
dinner & a movie!
High School Holiday Con-
cert will take place. The con-
cert will include several per-
formances from the school's
wind ensemble, jazz and
concert bands.
The Shelton Yacht Club's
Christmas boat parade will
take place Dec. 14 and Dec.
15 on Hammersly Inlet. The
event was pushed back a
week because of tidal condi-
11:30 a.m., Soup and
Sound at Shelton United
Methodist Church. The
Harstine Island Community
Choir will perform, starting
at 12:15 p.m.
7:30 a.m.-5 p.m., The an-
nual Drive-By Food Drive
will take place at 1717 N.
Olympic Highway. Volun-
teers will take donations of
food or money. Last year or-
ganizers collected $3,000 in
cash and three vans of food.
For questions, call Nancy
Wright at 426-8167.
6:30-7:30 p.m., The Shel-
ton Timberland Library
presents Holiday Tunes
with the Jaybirds, a show
for all ages. The Jaybirds
perform throughout the re-
gion. Light refreshments
will be served. The event is
sponsored by the Friends of
Shelton Library and Tim-
berland Regional Library.
For more information, call
The Shelton Yacht Club's
Christmas boat parade will
take place Dec. 14 and Dec.
15 on Hammersly Inlet. The
event was pushed back a
week due to tidal conditions.
7 p.m., Anna's Bay Cho-
rale will present a free
Christmas music concert
at St. David's Episcopal
Church, 324 W. Cedar St.
The performance is called
the Festival of Lessons and
Carols. For more informa-
tion, visit
5:30 p.m., A joint meet-
ing of the Mason County
Transportation Authority
Board will take place at Ma-
son Transit Authority, 790
E. Johns Prairie Road, Shel-
6:15-8 p.m., The Shel-
ton Lions Club will meet
at Alpine Way Retirement
Apartments lounge. Call
426-5821 for more informa-
tion. The club meets the first
and third Tuesdays of each
3-5 p.m., Shelton Tim-
berland Library (William G.
Reed Public Library) pres-
ents Teen Game Lounge.
Play Xbox Kinect, Wii and
other games, or bring your
own laptop and connect to
the library's WiFi. Snacks
and supplies provided by the
Friends of the Shelton Tim-
berland Library. For more
information, call 426-1362.
Thursday dancing
8:05 a.m., gentle, restorative yoga, do- 12:30 p.m., game day
nation of $1 suggested I p.m, pinochle
9 a.m.-noon, EZ Crai~ers
9 a.m., intermediate/advanced line Tuesday
dancing 8.'05 a.m., gentle, restorative yoga, do-
10:30 a.m., blood pressure checks, free nation of $1 suggested
10:45 a.m., Zumba fitness classes9 a.m.-12:30 p.m., sewing circle
12:30 p.m., Bridge, participants are 9 a.m., intermediate/advanced line
asked to sign up at least one day prior dancing
1 p.m., mahjong, bingo 12:30 p.m., bridge, participants are
asked to sign up at least one day prior
Friday 1 p.m., cribbage
8 a.m., gentle tai chi
9 a.m.-noon, fabric donation sorting Wednesday
9-11 a.m., open line dance Foot care by appointment, first and
11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., music third Wednesday of the month, $19
1 p.m., Mason County Senior Activi- 8 a.m., gentle tai chi
ties Association is offering a members- 9 a.m., beginning line dancing
only movie at Shelton Cinemas. Cost is 10 a.m., intermediate/advanced line
$3.50 at the theater, dancing
1 p.m., pinochle
8 a.m., gentle tai chi • Unless otherwise noted, all activities
9 a.m., beginning line dancing takeplace at the Mason County SeniorAc-
10 a.m., intermediate/advanced line tivities Center, 825 W. Railroad Ave.
City of Shelton Animal Shelter
Adoptions cost $75, which includes Tuesday through Friday.
vaccine, wormer, spay/neuter and a The Shelter is closed Saturday
$10 city license. New dogs are brought through Monday.
in all the time. Call 427-7503 or visit
the shelter at 902 W. Pine St. Current listings:
Dogs can be viewed at Pitbull mix, female, 1 1/2 years old
www.shelton Pitbull, male, 2 years old
Hours are from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Dachshund mix, female, 3 years
Red is a Chesapeake Bay
retriever mix that loves
people, water and life. He
also loves to play fetch
and will do well in an ac-
tive household. He is only
about a year old and will
make a loyal family pet
for years to come. All he
needs is a home and a fam-
ily to call his own. If you
would like to meet Red,
call 432-3091 or send an
email to thedoghouse3091@
/, ,r : ,
Missy has raised her kittens and is
ready for a forever home of her own. With
her soft fur and long white whiskers, Mis-
sy wants to share a lifetime of kitty cud-
dling, napping and lap warming and
never be homeless again. Missy would
like a sunny windowsill, daily food and
water, and a safe warm bed. Missy will
bring years of enjoyment and compan-
ionship to the right home. For informa-
tion on Missy and other indoor-only kit~
ties, call 584-0594 or leave a message at
THE GATHERING .... Celebrate the
I Birth of Christ with .s., II
" ' 1 Dec. 16th @ 5pro - II
i!~i~il I Music & Dralna Service 11
~ | Dec. 23rd @ 5pm - ~l
Mt. Olive
Lutheran Church
Mi~s0uri ~vn0d
206 East Wyandotte Avenue
ontemporary Service .......... 8:30 am.
t hristian Education ................. 9:45 a,m.
Traditional Worship ............... ll:O0 a.m.
Sulld,|~ Servlce~ Wednesday Night Service
zo >( Cch,l,..llio** Servl(c
/\((t,N(IC(I NHI "-,(,1') ~ ~c~t~liFilF Y()LITH 6tll I)111 (]r(l~i~,
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Ar)r)Rr~s ,l(V, ~ 7¢h M
Page B-2 - 5helton-Mason County Journal - lhursday, Dec. 13, 20~ 2
Sunday Morning Worship • S3.1t
9:00+ 10:30,.iill
• Domingos- 6
PM ~
Servicios en Espa~ol ~b:~
Call 426-4412 to placeyourad I office 426 615]
: .... : Daycare 427 3165
_'.L I. ther ( JlllrPh [] 1212_ Connection St
KIIUI bUUlt::IlUl_..___.. _..___..._ ,,I.,JlU t;ll ,. Shelton WA
A Christ-centered Church T (360) 426-8611 FIRST CHURCH OF GOD Refreshed-- Restored-- R ..... d
(Sunday Morning Wor~hip~ ~ k [] 1 1 1 3 E. Shelton Springs Road ill Rivers of Grace
' l Traditional- 8:45 a.rn. l k: J
tc°ntemn°rary-~:°°a'm'J "l'~~-~'-~ oB,bleStudy Shclton, WA98584 Alliance Church
W°rl0h.. aSme.rvl, ce "- j Ak _F[ Youth Activities (360) 427-6998 2320WashingtonSt.
Sunday Night Worship 6:00 pan.
Pa:ttOrr BStri%'n~Oles:~ .... ~ FLCIVA =~i~~l~l Sunday School 10:00 a.m. 438-8531
Sohool 9 AM ~h,l(l{ are botl ......... Morning Worship 11:00 a.m.
, _D 'd f .... s New Community
St. ave_ o Wale, Ch r h of Union
~: - ......... ' < ........................................ U C
::# Episcopal Church .......
"!, ~ ...... ' ...... :: ;: ~unuay ~amermgs
A place where all are welcome : ~ (All are welcome!)
M,,, Week Set.,,.,. 324 W. Cedar St. • Shelton Office phone: 426-8472 • : ..- ..,D. lil woRs~ sERwcEs