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I Enjoy The Holiday pn!
Theron and Barbara Burgess
Theron and Barbara Burgess of Corval- worked for 50 years as a hairdresser.
lis, Ore., celebrated their 50th wedding an- The couple are members of the Church of
niversary Nov. 29, 2012. Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
They were married in 1962 in Cardsten, Their children are Rebecca Cleverly
Alberta, Canada. They lived in the Mason of Eatonville, Brett Burgess of La Junta,
County area from 1971 to 1996, and have Colo., and Shelly del Bosque of Shelton.
also lived in Great Falls, Mont. The couple has 12 grandchildren.
Theron, who is retired, worked for Simp- People can send notes to the couple at
son Timber Co. from 1972 to 1981. Barba- 29229 U.S. Highway 23, Spc. 46, Corvallis,
ra works for JoAnn's Fabric & Crafts and OR 97333.
Continued from page B-1
already knew about beading
to create new designs.
"I realized I could do my
own designs instead of copy-
ing what I bought," she said.
"I do a lot of research into
my design."
Many of her newest de-
signs are based on pictures
taken by iconic Northwest
photographer Edward Cur-
tis, who took photos of area
tribes starting in the late
Shirley Ward, who has
had a booth at the bazaar
for 20 years, sells smoked
clams, oysters and salmon
each year. This year, she
sold out of her stock -- 30
full gift baskets -- before
noon. hand-painted.
Bazaar attendee Julie "I've painted them for
Powers said she enjoyed family members just for free
what she saw. for a long time. This is the
"It's really a nice variety," first time I've done a large
she said. "People put a lot of group," she said.
love and care into what they Butler said she has exper-
do." imented with various kinds
Tribal elders also have a of native art since 2007 and
booth each year. They sell recently had a print she
baked goods to raise money painted of a butterfly tea-
for activities, most recently, tured in a "Twilight Saga"
a trip to Oregon. movie.
"We just took a little trip, With about 15 vendors who
but it took us a year to pay packed the small tribal cen-
for it," Elder Diane Gouley ter, Miller said the event had
said. "We try to take them to average turnout this year.
farmers markets or second- "We had to turn people
hand stores ... to pick moun- away -- we didn't have
tain berries.'.' room," she said. "We have
Courtney Butler, a a lot of vendors that have
Skokomish tribal member,been coming year after year.
had a booth at the bazaar We look forward to expand-
for the first time this year, ing it and having a bigger
selling leather boots she one every year."
Blueberry-Peach Crisp
Crust ingredients:
3/4 cup flour
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/3 cup rolled oats Preheat oven to 375 degrees. In
1/3 cup butter, melted a large bowl combine flour, oats and
brown sugar. Pour in melted butter
Topping ingredients: and stir until crumbly. Press into the
bottom of an 8-inch square pan.
2 cups fresh or frozen blueberries In a large bowl. combine all of the
1 tablespoon lemon juice topping ingredients, mix well, spread
1/4 cup flour over crumbs and bake uncovered
2 cups fresh or frozen peaches, sliced for 35-40 minutes. Add a dollop of
1/2 cup sugar whipped cream and enjoy.
1/2 cup cinnamon
January 1,2013
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Gary & Doras Cronce
Page B-4 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, Dec. 13, 2012
hpp little experience with reading before kin-
dergarten. Berg said. and need extra help
Continued from page B-1 from books like hers.
"A lot of them haven't had preschool,"
series, with topics such as vegetables and she said.
farm animals. Now that the app is developed and avail-
"I've got a list of about 10 ideas," she able online, Berg said she is trying to mar-
said. ket it to other schools, particularly in Eng-
In the future, she hopes to write a book lish as a second language programs.
about more abstract concepts, such as di- She also said she hopes parents will uae
rections, the app with their children.
"I think if I had the series, it would be Many of the other teachers at Evergreen
used one book after another to teach con- have been supportive of Berg's efforts, she
cepts," she said. said.
Because the book includes both Eng- "Several teachers are just chomping at
lish and Spanish translations of words the bit," she said.
and phrases on the same page, Berg said Berg's app, called "What Fruit?" is
it could work equally well for English and available online on the Apple App Store
Spanish speakers, for $1.99. For more information, visit
Some students at the school have had
Continued from page B-1
the Shelton United Method-
ist Church, 1900 King St.; 3
p.m. Saturday at St. Hugh
Episcopal Church, 280 E.
Wheelwright St., Allyn; or
3 p.m. Sunday at Harstine
Island Community Hall,
3371 E. Harstine Island
The Harstine Island
Theatre Club put on a
great play this past week-
end -- "The Reform of
Benjamin Schimp." The
club's Christmas presenta-
tion started in the 1970s
and has continued almost
without a break. Judy
and I were able to attend
Sunday's show and had a
wonderful time. As close as
I could count, about 20 kids
were in the play and two
adults, and that made their
performances even more
endearing. I wish they
could put the play on again
next weekend, because we
could tell the cast put in a
lot of work. Some new faces
were on the stage this year
as many of the cast mem-
bers are descendants of
long familiar island names;
Chapman, Ireland, Latimer
(Beaudoin), Lewis (Mor-
rison), and Yates (Sloan). I
know it is a ways off, but
you need to put next years
play on your social calen-
illl i i