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Patricia Landsaw
Patricia E. "Enie" Land-
saw, a resident of Shelton,
53, died Dec. 5, 2012, at
home surrounded by family.
She was born July 9,
1959, in Bremerton to
Charles H. Smith and Mar-
jorie Napoleon.
She graduated from Shel-
ton High School in 1977.
She married Clyde Land-
saw in May 1981 in Shelton.
Enie worked as a clerk in
many Iocal establishments
before be-
coming a
ing, bead-
work and
Patricia Her family
Landsaw said she
and loved children, taking
under her wing many of her
sons' friends.
She also loved her fish
and animals, as well as feed-
ing birds. She was an avid
football fan and took part in
a number of football pools.
Other than the Seahawks,
the Dallas Cowboys were
her favorite team.
She is survived by hus-
band Clyde of Shelton; sons
"Charlie" Landsaw of Shel-
ton and Trenton Landsaw
(Cassidy Gott) of Olympia;
mother Marge Napoleon
of Suquamish; sisters Keli
(Larry) Parrett of Seattle,
Vick (Mike) Johnson of
Walla Walla, Dean (Mike)
Swisher of Bremerton and
Solange "Jill" Perrot of Chi-
na; and brothers Ken (Jo)
Potts of Shelton and Curt
(Jacki) Stracke of Shelton.
She was preceded in
death by father Charles
"Hap" Smith and stepmoth-
er Memory Smith.
A service will take place
at 5:30 p.m. on Saturday at
Hope Chapel, 421 W. E St.,
Memorial donations can
be made to Children's Hos-
pital and Regional Medical
Center, P.O. Box 50020
Mail Stop $200, Seattle, WA
Arrangements are by
McComb Funeral Home of
Shelton. Online condolences
can be sent to the family at (360) 426,4803
709 West Railroad Avenue, Shelton
$2,995 Sim )le Graveside Service at
Shelton Memorial Park
Includes an attractive casket and professional services
Shelton Memorial Park expenses are additional
Robert Clark
Robert Clyde Clark, 76, a
resident of Harstine Island,
died Dec. 7, 2012, at Mason
General Hospital.
He was bern Dec. 26,
1935, in Trinidad, Colo., to
Amos and Sylvia E. (Bolten)
Robert was raised in Chi-
cago and after graduating
from Proviso High School in
Chicago in 1952, attended
Seattle Central Community
College un-
der the GI
He mar-
ried Elea-
nor DeVier
on Aug.
22, 1963,
in Hei-
Robert Germany.
Clark He worked
for the
Army as
a recruiter for 33 years. He
retired in 1987.
Robert was a member of
Faith Lutheran Church and
the Harstine Island Commu-
nity Club. He enjoyed play-
ing pinochle with his friends,
and his hobbies included
collecting model trains and
cars, carpentry and wood-
His family said he loved
being outdoors and loved
people and dogs.
He is survived by wife
Eleanor of Harstine Island;
sons Karl Clark of Harstine
Island and Robert Moll-
nari of Seattle; daughter
Kathleen (Brian) Pickett of
Everett; and granddaughter
Holly Mollnari of California.
He was preceded in death
by his parents.
A service will take place
at noon Saturday at Faith
Pearl Timblin
Pearl E. Timblin, 96, a Shelton resident, died Dec. 7,
2012, at Mason General Hospital. Arrangements are by
McComb Funeral Home of Shelton. A memorial service
will be at a later date in Wisconsin.
Kathleen Woodward
Kathleen Woodward, 88, a Shelton resident, died Dec.
I0, 2012, at Fir Lane Health & Rehabilitation. A service
will be at a later date. Arrangements are by McComb
Funeral Home of Shelton under the direction of Debbie
Lutheran Church in Shel-
Memorial donations can
be made to The Salvation
Army, 1505 Fifth Avenue E.,
Olympia, WA 98506.
Online condolences can be
sent to the family at www.
Eugene Fiske
Eugene Grenfell Fiske,
82, a resident of Allyn, died
Dec. 6, 2012, at home.
He was bern Sept. 22,
1929, in Clinton to Arthur
and Edith Genevieve (Max-
well) Fiske.
He graduated Langley
High School in 1948, and
served in the Navy during
the Vietnam War. He retired
in 1975.
He married Twyla Ben-
ham on Aug. 26, 2003, in
Auburn. He previously mar-
ried Janis
Hunter in
in 1952.
Janis pre-
ceded him
in death.
Gene and
Eugene wife Jan_is
Fiske spent a
number of
years trav-
eling throughout the United
States. They visited chil-
dren, grandchildren, rela-
tives and many friends they
had made throughout their
45 years of marriage.
Gene spent 24 years in
the Navy. He worked his
way through the enlisted
ranks to lieutenant com-
mander. He was a subma-
riner, served on the USS
Ronquil SS-396 and USS
Barbel SS-580, and on the
sub tender USS Bushnell
AS-15. His last duty station
was at Puget Sound Naval
Station in Bremerton from
1970-1975 as a ship superin-
He served in Vietnam
from April 1971 through
April 1975.
Gene was an avid hunter,
fisherman and woodworker.
He loved the outdoors and
watching football and base-
ball on TV. He was particu-
larly fond of hockey and once
caught a puck barehanded
at a Seattle Totems game in
the 1960s. His family said
he had a great tenor singing
He is survived by wife
Twyla Fiske of Allyn; daugh-
ters Sharon (Harvey) Smith
of Bremerton and Kathleen
(Ralph) Ingles of Stafford,
Va.; sons Robert (Dianne
Adkins) Fiske of The Dalles,
Ore., and Gig Harbor, and
Barry (Virginia) Fiske of
Tacoma; grandchildren Josh
and Amy Smith of Bremer-
ton, Jeremy and Brooke
Smith of Bremerton, Jil-
lian Smith of Stafford, Va.,
Karl Ingles of Stafford, Va.,
Brian and Melissa Ingles
of Houston, Aubrey Fiske
of The Dalles, Ore., Austin
Fiske and Victoria Vorce
of Washougal, Adrianna
Fiske of Tacoma, Benjamin
Fiske of Tacoma and Ame-
lia Adkins of The Dalles;
great-grandchildren Shawn
Smith of Bremerton, Milo
and Hazel Smith of Bremer-
ton, Kiana Smith of Seattle,
Katelyn Alstat of Stafford,
Va., and Brian, Cameron
and Brayden Ingles of Hous-
ton; sister Kathryn Lauth of
Colville; sister-in-law Jean
Beaty of Clinton; brother-
in-law Orville Hunter of
Clinton; and brother- and
sister-in-law Leon and Joan
Hunter of Auburn.
He was preceded in death
by wife Janis Hunter Fiske;
parents Arthur and Edith
Fiske; brothers Robert and
Donald Fiske; and sisters
Elizabeth Green and Marga-
ret Sprout.
Visitation took place
Tuesday at McComb Funer-
al Home of Shelton.
A service is scheduled for
10 a.m. today at Hope Cha-
pel. Burial will take place at
2 p.m. Thursday at Willa-
mette National Cemetery in
Portland, Ore.
Arrangements are by
McComb Funeral Home of
Shelton. Online condolences
can be made to the family at
Memorial donations can
be made to the North Mason
Food Bank, PO Box 421,
Belfair, WA 98528; the Na-
tional Kidney Foundation,
30 E. 33rd St., New York,
NY 10016; or the American
Cancer Society, PO Box
22718, Oklahoma City, OK
Francois Bean Jr. ,
Francois P. Bean Jr.
"Frankie," also known as Du
Quee-bauth, 30, died on Dec.
5, 2012, in Tacoma.
He was born Feb. 7, 1982,
in Tacoma. He was a mem-
ber of the Puyallup Tribe
and enjoyed fishing and
crabbing. He loved his fam-
ily, especially his children,
his family said.
He is survived by his
parents Francois P. Bean
Sr. and
Avilene R.
Bean; wife
Patricia L.
Bean; sons
P. Bean
III, Andre
L. Bean
and Luke
Francois C. Bean;
Bean Jr. brother
Jorge Bean
and God-
brother Richard Gutierrez;
and sister Aleesha Bean.
He was preceded in death
by sister Andria Bean.
A funeral service took
place Wednesday in Tacoma.
An online guestbook is
available at www.tuellmck- Arrangements are
by Tuell-Mckee Funeral
Home of Tacoma.
Laura Ann Goldsby
Laura Ann Goldsby, 73,
died Nov. 21, 2012.
She was born Sept. 7,
1939, to Rose Rasmussen
and Steve Beers in Shelton,
where she graduated from
Shelton High School. She
married Alven R. Goldsby in
March 1959.
She was a counselor
(CAN) at Western State
Hospital in the children's
area, and was a volunteer
at Capital
She was
a 42-year
resident of
loved mu-
sic, sing-
ing, mov-
Laura Ann ies (her
Goldsby favorite
was "Top Gun" because she
always wanted to be a pilot),
cross stitch, sewing, dancing,
shopping and babysitting
her grandchildren and great-
She was a member of the
local grange and the Eagles
She is survived by her
husband; son Michael
Goldsby; daughter Pamela
(Robert) Shaw; grandchil-
dren Kara (Daniel) Mitchell,
Adam Goldsby and Kyle
Shaw; and great-grand-
children Brenden Mitchell,
Kaylee Geldsby and Conner
She was preceded in
death by her parents and
son, Brian Goldsby.
A service will take place
at 11 a.m. on Dec. 17 at
South Sound Manor, 455
North St. S.E., Tumwater,
WA 98501. Memorial dona-
tions can be made to the Ra-
vancho Adult Family Home,
c/o Zeny and Ed Ravancho
(her caregivers) at 1130
Canna Court S.E., Olympia,
WA 98513.
Leave remembrances at
org. Arrangements are by
Funeral Alternatives of
Washington in Tumwater.
Jerame Humphreys
Jerame Nathaniel Hum-
phreys, 17, a resident of
Shelton, died Nov. 30, 2012,
at Harborview Medical Cen-
ter in Seattle.
He was born Jan. 5, 1995,
in Shelton to Thomas and
Rebecca (Tinsley-Hall) Hum-
He was a student at Shel-
ton High School.
His family said he was
an outdoorsman, and loved
anything to do with hunt-
ing, fishing, camping and
four-wheeling. He also loved
video games. He was known
for staying up all night play-
ing them. He also loved his
siblings, and he protected
and cared for them.
Jerame is survived by
~mother Re-
becca Hall
of Shelton;
Shane Hall
of Shelton;
phreys of
Jerame Shelton;
Humphreys stepmother
phreys of Shelton; sisters
Erica Humphreys and Ma-
rissa Humphreys of Shel-
ton and Bridget Gelsvik of
Enumclaw; brothers Jesse
Humphreys of Shelton,
Zander Jones of Tacoma
and TJ Gelsvik of Enum-
claw; grandparents Tom
and Cathy Humphreys of
Shelton, David and Ramona
Tinsley of Shelton and John
and Diane Hall of Shelton;
grandmother Terri Moran of
Shelton; great-grandmother
Ann Humphreys of Lummi;
great-grandparents Alice
and Richard Hammer of
Forks; great-great-grand-
mother Juanita Hammer of~ He is
Forks; aunts Toni Monnier ~ survived
of Shelton, Anna Andrews by broth-
of Shelton and Terry Hum- ers Jack
phreys of Bellingham; uncles of Keyport
Mike Tinsley, John Tinsley and Fred
and Kevin Tinsley of Shel- (Mary)
ton; and numerous cousins, of Allyn;
great-aunts and uncles, son Brian
He was preceded in death Littlefield
by grandmother Juanita Jerry of Port
Cush and grandfathers Ar- Lindsey Orchard;
thur Humphreys and Floyd brother-
Hammer. in-laws
A memorial service took Don and Jack McMahon;
place Dec. 8. stepchildren Dan Kennedy,
Arrangements are by Mike Kennedy, Bill Kenne-
McComb Funeral Home of dy, John Kennedy, Kathy
Shelton. Online condolences McFarlane, Sally Stephens
can be made to the family at and Tammy Thompson of Belfair; niece Cindy Signal
of Belfair; Joyce and Janet
Jerry Lindsey Littlefield of Port Orchard;
Jerry Lindsey, 79, a resi- Earl Osterhaut; and sev-
dent of Bremerton, died Nov. eral grandchildren, great-
28, 2012. grandchildren, and nieces
He was born June 6, and nephews.
1933, in Naches to Archie He was preceded in death
and Hatty (Bassett) Lindsey. by his parents, wife Patricia
He served in the Navy and sister Lois Signal.
and Merchant Marines and A memorial will take
spent many years working place at 2 p.m. on Sunday at
in the evergreens. Jerry the Gerst Family Worship
and wife Patricia loved go- Center in Port Orchard, with
ing after chantrell and mai- a potluck reception to follow
taki mushrooms, his family at the Belfair Eagles Club.
He was a champion pool
and shuffleboard player. See Obituaries on page B-6
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Laura Ann Goldsby
Laura Ann Goldsby, 73, passed away November 21, 2012 in Olympia,
WA, due to liver cancer. She was born September 7, 1939 to Rose
Rasmussen and Steve Beers in Shelton, WA, where she also
graduated from Shelton High School. She married Alven R.
Goldsby in March 1959. She was a counselor (CNA) at Western
State in the children's area, and was a volunteer at Capital
Medical Center. She was a 42-year resident of Tumwater, WA.
Laura had the biggest heart of anyone around; she was very
selfless, had an infectious smile, and always tucked her children
and grandchildren and sang songs to them, including "You Are My
Sunshine," "Somewhere over the Rainbow," and "Sandman?' She also
sat up all night with the children when they were sick. She loved music,
singing, movies (her favorite was "Top Gun" because she always wanted
to be a pilot), cross stitch, sewing, dancing, shopping, and babysitting all her
grandchildren and great grandchildren. She was a member of the local grange, and the Eagles (auxiliary).
Laura is survived by her husband; son, Michael Goldsby; daughter, Pamela (Robert) Shaw; grandchildren,
Kara (Daniel) Mitchell, Adam Goldsby, and Kyle Shaw; and great grandchildren, Brenden Mitchell, Kaylee
Goldsby and Conner Goldsby. She was preceded in death by her parents; and son, Brian Goldsby.
Services will be held at 11:00 a.m., Monday, December 17, 2012 at South Sound Manor, 455 North St. SE,
Tumwater, WA 98501. Memorial donations may be made to the Ravancho Adult Family Home c/o Zeny and
Ed Ravancho, her caregivers, at 1130 Canna Ct. SE, Olympia, WA 98513.
Please leave remembrances at Arrangements are with Funeral Alternatives of
Washington 360-753-1065.
-- Paid Obituary Notice --
Shelton-Mason County Journal- Thursday, Dec. 13, 2012 - Page B-5
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