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Thursday Christian
3 p.m., Shelton bowling 5:15 p.m., Shelton junior
vs. Henry Foss at Narrows varsity boys' basketball vs.
Plaza South Kitsap
5 p.m., Shelton boys' 5:15 p.m., Sheltonjunior
swimming at Henry varsity girls' basketball at
Foss South Kitsap
6 p.m., Shelton wrestling 6 p.m., Mary M. Knight
at Yelm varsity girls' basketball at
Three Rivers Christian
Friday 7 p.m., Shelton varsity
4:30 p.m., Mary M. boys' basketball vs. South
Knight junior varsity boys' Kitsap
basketball at Three Rivers 7 p.m., Shelton varsity
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girls' basketball at South Tuesday Mt. Tahoma Dee. 20
Kitsap 3 p.m., Shelton bowling 5:15 p.m., Sheltonjunior3 p.m., S~
7:30 p.m., Mary M. vs. Mt. Tahoma at Pacific varsity girls' basketball at ing vs. North
Knight varsity boys' bas- Lanes in Tacoma Mt. Tahoma Westside Lan
ketball atThree Rivers 3:45 p.m., Shelton boys'7 p.m., Shelton varsity pia
Christian swimming at Lincoln boys' basketball vs. Mt. Ta- 3:45 p.m., ~¢
homa swimming at (
Saturday Wednesday 7 p.m., Shelton varsity 7p.m., Shelt
10 a.m., Shelton Axe- 4:30 p.m., Mary M. girls' basketball at Mt. Ta- at Mt. Tahom~
men at Federal Way dual Knight junior varsity homa
meet boys' basketball at South 7:30 p.m., Mary M. • To have i
7 p.m., Shelton wrestling Bend Knight varsity boys' in the sport
Holiday Tournament in the 5:15 p.m., Shelton junior basketball at South send informati
SHS Mini Dome varsity boys' basketball vs. Bend masoncounty.c
Athletes: Use Schlauderaff as exan
As most people in Mason Coun-
ty probably know -- at least
the ones who follow sports --
Shelton has a former Highclimber in
the NFL.
Caleb Schlauderaff, a 2006 Shel-
ton High School graduate, is in his
second season with the New York
The guard worked his way to the
position by playing at the University
of Utah in Salt Lake City, where
he started in all 13 games during
the 2008-2010 seasons and 10 of
13 games in the 2007 season. He
earned a bachelor's degree in exer-
cise physiology there.
What many people may not know
about Schlauderaff is that he's still
focused on academics.
Despite having a four-year, $2.15
million contract with the Jets,
Schlauderaff is making plans for
his future after the NFL and those
plans include continuing his educa-
During the Shelton football ban-
quet on Dec. 4, Schlauderaff's moth-
er Pam spoke of his accomplish-
ments while in college and how he's
done in the NFL. She then told the
gathered players, coaches, families
and friends Schlauderaffs plans.
Pam said that during the offsea-
son, Schlauderaff decided to take
a chemistry course at South Puget
Sound Community
College in Olympia
as a refresher for
what's coming next
-- once he's done in
the NFL, Schlau-
deraff plans to go to
medical school.
I think Schlau-
By EMILY deraffs goals are
HANSON admirable and make
him an example
worth following for
local athletes.
Only a fraction of high school ath-
letes make it to the college level and
even fewer go on to become profes-
When I speak to athletes about
wanting to play in college or in the
pros, they get a small gleam in their
eyes, like the idea is almost intoxi-
cating and that's what worries me.
I think too many athletes feel
that if they ever made it to the pro-
fessional level, their lives would be
set and that's not really the case.
What I think most of the athletes
don't consider is that being a profes-
sional athlete is a temporary career
for many. One bad injury and you're
done. No more contract and no more
This is especially the case for
NFL players such as Schlauderaff,
who have no guaranteed contracts.
Find some1
else you
good at, s
goal outsi,
work har
Their signing bonus is tl
ey they're guaranteed.
This is why it's so im]
focus on academics. So
fessional, college, or hig]
reer is over, there's somq
back on.
It doesn't have to be i
school -- focus on somet:
you know you can do. Al:
no matter how talented 1
need to have something
can fall back on.
So use Schlauderaff a
ample: Find something c
good at, set a goal outsic
ics and work hard to acb
You never know, that
up being what you do fm
your life.
Budge, 5 points; C. Overlin,
5 points; A. York, 4 points, K.
Shelton Garberich-Wily, 3 points; A.
Boys' basketball Gouley, 2 points
Dec. 3 -- River Ridge 48,
Shelton 28 Mary M. Knight
Boys' basketball
RRHS ......... 5 13 17 13 --48 Friday -- Mary M. Knight
SHS ............ 8 10 8 2 -- 28 64, South Bend 35
SHS: T. Speaks, 8 points; D. MMK ........ 13 19 16 16 -64
Andrews, 6 points; C. Hubble, 6 SB...: ......... 10 10 4 11 -- 35
points; J. Frakes, 4 points
MMK: J. Jimenez, 14 points, 5
Dec. 5 -- Yelm 57, Shelton 36 steals; K. Willey, 13 points, 5
steals, 9 rebounds; N. Dierkop,
YHS .......... 13 22 11 11 -- 57 11 points, 10 rebounds; B. Ad-
SHS ............ 5 5 9 17 -- 36 sero, 9 points
SHS: J. Frakes, 10 points; T. Saturday- Mary M. Knight
Speaks, 9 points; N. Halfmoon, 42, Seton Catholic 30
5 points; W. Harrison, 4 points
MMK ........ 11 13 14 4 --42
Friday -- Central Kitsap 75, SCS ............ 4 5 10 11 -- 30
Shelton 26
MMK: K. Willey, 14 points,
CKHS ....... 20 22 21 12 --75 9 rebounds, 4 assists; C. Roe-
SHS ............ 6 13 7 0 -- 26 becker, 8 points; A. Thompson,
4 steals, 4 assists
SHS: C. Hubble, 8 points; T.
Speaks, 6 points; J. Frakes, 4 Girls' basketball
points; W. Harrison, 4 points Saturday -- Mary M. Knight
33, Seton Catholic 27
Girls' basketball
Skill (T) wins by forfeit. 195: 100-yard butt
Tanner Risk (T) D Betsaid Gar- Clemons, 1:06.
cia (S), 5-1. 220: Stone Hart (T) don Smith, 1:0
P Drake Meacham, 1:45. 285: Vance, 1:24.97
Ben Anderson (S) D Cole Ste- 100-yard fr~
vens (T), 6-40T Sean Kealy, 5(
zen Rodgers, 1:
Saturday -- Lake ton Green, 1:02
Washington Team 500-yard freet
Tournament Parson, 6:34.9~
Teams: Shelton 43, Eastlake Johnson, 6:59.
33; Woodinville 50, Shelton Frost, 7:26.08
24; Cedarcrest 46, Shelton 35; 200-yard free
Shelton 50, Lake Washington 2, Sean Kea
21; Shelton 40, Lake Stevens, Rodgers, Jon
33 Corbett Johns(
106: Taylor Haskell, 4-1. 113: Dalton Green,
Caleb Ragsdale-Williams, 1-4. John Parson
126: Gill Ramos, 3-2. 132: Erik Frost, 2:01.41
Smith, 4-1. 138: Shelby Salsi- Wakeling, D.,
bury, 3-2. 145: Nathan Dezell, Rex Wilson a~
1-4. 152: Benny Olivas, 2-3. enthal, 2:10.28
160: Dylan Corey, 4-1. 195: 100-yard bae
Betsaid Garcia, 5-0. 220: Drake Harrison iac~
Meacham, 3-2. 285: Ben Ander- 4, Brandon Sn
son, 5-0 5, Luke Fiedler
100-yard bre~
Girls' wrestling Ryder Phelan,
Saturday -- Foss Ryan Taylor, 1:
Tournament 400-yard free
First: Daynah Anderson, 1-1 2, Dalton Gre~
Second: Shelby Fratello, MacA]evy, Br~
2-1; Ivanna Bell, 2-1; Kaitlin and Ryder Ph~
Woods, 2-1
Dec. 4 -- North Mason 52, MMK .......... 5 10 9 9 -- 3
Shelton 45 SCS ............ 9 6 5 7 -- 27
~lton bowl-
Phurston at
s in Olym-
~elton boys'
ig Harbor
)n wrestling
~ems placed
' calendar,
,n to emily@
et a
le of
only mon-
ortant to
hen a pro-
school ca-
thing to fall
Ling else
hey are,
lse they
your ex-
se you're
of athlet-
eve it.
may end
the rest of
;rtiy: 1, J.D.
)8; 2, Bran-
L16; 5, Levi
estyle: 2,
96; 5, Jant-
~2.50; 6, Dal-
vie: 2, John
4, Corbett
5, Chris
Ityle relay:
y, Jantzen
iNetzel and
,n, 1:52.7; 4,
iLevi Vance,
and Chris
5, Rian
Jake Hal-
stroke: 1,
levy, 59.81;
ith, 1:17.59;
~tstroke: 3,
1:22.34; 4,
=tyle relay:
n, Harrison
]don Smith
an, 4:05.97;
4, Corbett Jd nson, John
Parson, J.D. qlemons and
Luke Fiedler,4t137.2; 5, Levi
NMHS ........ 9 14 19 10 -- 52MMK: H. Frost, 8 points, 7 re- Shelton boys' swimming Vance, D.J. O~
SHS .......... 11 12 12 10 --45bounds; L. Dierkop, 7 points, Dec. 6 -- Timberline 96,Frost and Jak
11 rebounds; C. Adsero, 12 re- Shelton 89 4:51.47
SHS: T. Stroud, 13 points; A. bounds, 5 steals 200-yard medley relay: 1,
York, 10 points, C. Overlin, 8 Harrison MacAlevy, Ryan BOWLING
points, 10 rebounds; K. Garber- WRESTLING Taylor, Brandon Smith and
ich-Wily, 10 rebounds Sean Kealy, 2:00.28; 2, Cor- Dec. 3-- Sh,
Shelton boys' wrestling bett Johnson, Ryder Phelan, Central Kitsap
Dec. 5 -- Tumwater 41, Dec. 6 -- Timberline 46,J.D. Clemons and Jon Net- 1, Danielle Ev
Shelton 11 Shelton 27 zel, 2:06.91 Lindsey Cox, 28
106: Miles Hart (T) P Tay- 200-yard freestyle: 3, Ry- Smith, 277; 4, (
THS ............ 9 8 15 9 --41 lot Haskell (S), 4:45. 113: Isis der Phelan,2:13.85; 4, John 269; 5, Kayli B
SHS ............ 4 1 0 6 -- 11 Wadleigh (T) P Caleb Ragsdale- Parson, 2:20.4;5, Luke Lilian Zacarias,
Williams (S), 1:51. 120: Nico Fiedler, 2:22.79
SHS: J. Leach, 2 points; C. Iaiuppa (T) P Kaitlyn Woods 200-yard individual meal-Dec. 5 -- ¥
Overlin, 2 points; A. Gouley, (S), 1:20. 126: Christian Derda ley: 1, Harrison MacAlevy, Shelton 1,622
2 points; A. York, 2 points; K. (T) MD Gill RhinOS (S), 17-7. 2:20.26; 4, Dalton Green,1, Danielle Ev
Slone, 2 points; T. Stroud, 1 132: Erik Smith (S) P Gage2:40.05;6, Ryan Taylor, Cailtyn Borys,
point George (T), 5:23. 138: Josh 3:03.19 Hayman, 300;
Beam (T) D Shelby Salsibury 50-yard freestyle: 2, Sean Smith, 290; 5, Lil
Friday -- Central Kitsap 74, (S), 9-3. 145: Michael Euliss (T) Kealy, 25.44; 4, Jantzen
Shelton 25 P Nathan Dezell (S), 5:02. 152: Rodgers, 27.90; 5, Chris Dec. 3-- Sh,
Benny Olivas (S) P Brandon Frost, 29.17 South Kitsap 1,
THS ............ 9 8 15 9 -- 41 Lee (T), 1:51. 160: Dylan Corey Diving: 1, John Pentony, 1, Danielle Ewar
SHS ............ 4 1 0 6 - 11 (S) p. Aaron Chayoga (T), 2:55. 161.45 points; 3, Jonny An- Hayman, 328; 3,
170: Hector Gaspar (S) P Brice drewski, 104.05; 4, Jon Net- 325; 4, Lindsey
SHS: T. Strc ld, 6 points; K. Vaughn (T), 4:33. 182: Travis zel, 93.15 Brittany Smith,
C-2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal- Thursday, Dec. 13, 2012
~rson, Chris
ton 1,415,
art, 334; 2,
b; 3, Brittany
aitlyn Borys,
rber, 131; 6,
]son 1,671,
irt, 397; 2,
47; 3, Holly
4, Brittany
dsey Cox, 288
lton 1,619,
,378; 2, Holly
~aitlyn Borys,
Cox, 298; 5,