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Journal photo by Emily Hanson
Shelton diver Jonny Andrewski flips upside down during a dive
against Timberline on Dec. 6. Andrewski took third in the diving
event with a score of 104.05
Swimming this point."
Jonny Andrewski finished the event
Continued from page C-1 in third with 104.05 points.
"Jonny Andrewski had some great
Shelton was ahead until the very end. dives," Phelan said.
The Shelten diving team helped He stated that Jon Netzell, who fin-
boost the Highclimbers' score against ished in fourth with 93.15 points, also
Timberline. John Pentony dominated had a good meet.
the event with 161.45 points. "I think we're getting close to the
"John Pentony was a little lower l 1-dive standard," Phelan said. "Then,
than his best but I think he'll pass we'll be trying to clean up our dives."
that," co-head coach Rob Phelan said. The Highclimbers are set to com-
"With him, it's about consistency at pete at 5 p.m. today at Foss.
• Digital .APS
Continued from page C-1
Gettle received the varsity
Defensive Player of the Year
'~homas was all over the
field for us," Hinkle said. "He
jumped in wherever he was
needed. We're expecting him
to hopefully get an extension
on his football career."
Rich Unterseher, the
team's strength trainer and
motiviational coach, present-
ed the Most Inspirational
award to Lindley.
"This is my favorite
award," Unterseher said.
"I gave my life to trying to
motivate people. This was
voted on by the players them-
Assistant coach Mike Get-
tle presented the Linemen of
the Year award to Anderson
and Wright.
"I've been coaching (Ben)
since he was (young)," Gettle
said. "I remember him and
Tom would get in fights all the
time and Ben was the more
mature of the two. Ben is a nice
kid until he gets on the field."
Gettle said Wright was
aggressive whenever he got
on the field.
"He's a really funny kid
and you always saw his pink
underwear sticking out of the
top of his pants," Gettle said.
Ajamu, Kinne, Welander,
Thomas Gettle and Bell were
all presented with captains
awards from Hinkle.
"These guys were the
tempo setters of the team,"
he said.
Hinkle then presented a
new award -- the coaches
award -- to Garcia and Half-
'There are certain guys
who will jump in in any ca-
pacity," Hinkle said. "They
weren't cliquish. It's a true
team aspect when you haye
selfless individuals."
The captains presented
gifts -- signed footballs -- to
the coaching staff.
%Ve love all these coaches
like none other," Kinne said.
"When we were coming to
the high school, we were so
Journa~ photo by Emily Hanson
Rich Unterseher, the Shelton football team's
strength trainer and motivational coach,
presents the Most Inspirational Award to Jake
Lindley during the team's banquet Dec. 4 at the
Shelton Civic Center.
scared because we thought we have some shoes to fill,
Hinkle was the meanest guy but we're going to work on it.
in the world because he never He pointed out seven
laughed at anything." Highclimbers as possible cap-
Equipment/medical coach tains for next season: junior
Eric Rehwaldt thanked the Gordon Henry, junior Colton
team for "the most enjoyable Hubble, sophomore Brian
football season I've ever been Nault, junior Michael Sobot-
part of." ka, junior Thomas Lanphear,
The evening concluded junior Hunter Ostenson
with a surprise for Hinkle: and junior linebacker Rudy
former Highclimber CalebMackewicz.
Schlauderaffs parents pre- "Honestly, some of you
sented his New York Jets jer- guys need to get bigger," Hin-
sey to the head coach, kle said. "Don't take supple-
"Football isn't just a ments, just eat the right stuff
game," Mark Schlauderaffand go into the weight room.
said. "It's about boys growing Teams that are successful
up to be men." have a rock solid family. Par-
Pare Schiauderaff urged ents: good job with these kids."
the athletes to take their aca- Junior varsity coaches
demics seriously, like Caleb MePhee and James Sobot-
has. The Jets guard plans to ka presented the Defensive
take chemistry classes dur- Player of the Year award to
ing the offseason and to go Mackewicz. Sophomore run-
to medical school once his ning back Jake Henry won
professional football career is the Offensive Player of the
over. Year award.
Hinkle said the future of '%Vin/loss-wise, you guys
the program looks good. did a great job," head coach
'%Ve have some top defen- Matt Hinkle said to the JV
sive guys returning next sea- players. "Just watching you
son," he said. "Offensively, guys playing was fantastic." • 360) 426-3886
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Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, Dec. 13,2012 - Page C-3
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