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Mary M.
Knight's Blake
Adsero puts
up a shot
against Seton
Catholic on
during the
Knight Owls'
home game.
Journal photo by
Emily Hanson
The Shelton girls' basket-
ball team continued to strug-
gle in its second week of the
The Lady Highclimbers
lost 52-45 to North Mason on
Dec. 3 in their third game of
the season.
"I was very happy with
our rebounding in the North
Mason game," head coach
Aaron Leth said. "As a team,
we hauled in 42 rebounds, 12
steals and 10 assists."
The rebounding effort was
led by sophomore guard/post
Kiana Garberich-Wily and
junior guard/post Cheyenne
Overlin with 10 each.
Leth said the game boiled
down to missed free throws
and turnovers early in the
third quarter.
"We played better offen-
sively than we have all year
The Mary M. Knight
boys' basketball team
notched two more wins last
On Friday, the Knight
Owls defeated South Bend
"We played very well
with very high intensity,"
head coach Tim Diggle said.
"Our traps were working on
our press."
Three Owls scored in
double digits: senior Juan
Jimenez scored 14 points
and had five steals, senior
Kyle Willey put up 13 points
with five steals and nine
~ rebounds, Catholic42-30. 14 points, nine rebounds
and senior"We started strong," and four assists. Sophomore
Nick Dier-Diggle said. "Seton Catholic Chase Robecker scored
kop scoredwas a bigger group of boys eight points, while sopho-
11 points and they understood how to more Austin Thompson had
with 10 break our press. We had to four steals and four assists.
rebounds, do a little adjusting to cover Diggle said the Knight
SATURDAY: B 1 a k e the weak spots in our press." Owls (3-1) are getting close
MarylVL~_42 A d s e r o In the fourth quarter, to being in basketball shape.
SetonCatholic..30 contrib- when Seton Catholic out-"We're able to get
uted nine scored Mary M. Knight 11- through three quarters
TOMORROW: points. 4, Diggle said the Knight now," he said.
Mary M. Knight "South Owls became careless with The boys are set to play
at Three Rivers, Bend was the ball. at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow at
7:30 p.m. up 8-0 be- Willey led the team with Three Rivers Christian.
fore we
to play basketball," Diggle
said. "It just continued on
through the game."
The next night, the
Knight Owls beat Seton
week con-
with a 41-
11 loss to
on Dec. 5.
~ ICatsap_ 74 started
Shelton ........ 25 the game
TOMORROW: well on
Shelton at d e fe n s e,"
South Kitsap, Leth said.
7 p.m. "With two
left in the half, the score was
9-5 and they were having a
hard time with our zone."
From there, the game
turned in Tumwater's favor.
"In the last few minutes,
we just fell behind on our ro-
tations in the zone and got
beat," Leth said. "In the sec-
ond half, we were out ofrota-
our gaps to attack." Shelton, knocking down 60
Leth attributed some of percent of its shots.
the difficulties the team has "We have to step it up on
had to its youth, defense," Leth said. "Letting
"I think because we are their main shooter go 4-for-4
a young team, we feel if the from the three point line in a
play doesn't produce a score two-minute period is not good
in the first 10 seconds, we defense."
panic and force passes and He said the Lady High-
shots," he said. "The ladies climbers need to work on
are working hard in practice being aware of where their
and I feel our defense is get- shooters are at all times.
ting stronger, we just need to One bright spot for Shel-
focus more on the offensive ton was its free throw at-
end now." tempts..
Overlin, York, junior "Our free throws were
guard Jordan Leach, fresh- much improved from our pre-
man guard Aurora Gouley viousgames, shooting9-of-12
and junior post Kassy Slone from the line," Leth said.
scored two points each. Stroud led the team with
tion more in our zones, so we jumps. If we can get some of-
went to a man defense and fense going, we will be ready
they took advantage of some for league."
"One of the highlights of six points, while freshman
the game was (Garberich-guard Kiara Budge and
Wily) had 17 rebounds," Leth Overlin both contributed five
said. "She is really coming points.
into her own on the boards. The Lady Highclimbers
She is physical and she (0-5) are set to compete at 7
p.m. tomorrow at South Kit-
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so if we keep improving every matchups." The Lady Climbers fin-
day, when league play comes He said that when the ished out their week with a
around, we should be a more Lady Highclimbers ran their 74-25 home loss to Central
solid team," Leth said. offense correctly and let it Kitsap. --~
Junior guard Taylor work, they scored. "I felt we did some good
Stroud led the Lady High- "This has been a problemthings on offense in the first t ('3 I 1 DI~T CC) LUBRICANTS
climbers with 13 points,three of our four games," Leth quarter," Leth said. "Defen- ~ .......... COMPANY
while Juni°r guard Alyssa said" "We changes s°me things sively' we were n°t getting I ~lFI ; (
York scored 10. Overlin put on offense from last year and out on their shooters."
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The Lady Highclimbers' to spread the floor and look for put on a shooting clinic for
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In the first baker game,
Wilson won by one spare,
The Shelton bowling team had a busy Snyder said.
week of matches, traveling for two of three of "There was only a 38-pin
them last week. difference for the day," he
The Lady Highclimbers defeated Central FRIDAY: said. "It was really competi-
Kitsap on Monday 5-2. Shelton .......... 6 tire. You couldn't say anyone
"It was a lot closer of a match than I want- South Kitsap. 1 bowled and lost the match
ed it to be," head coach Curt Snyder said. for the Highclimbers."
"They gave us a lot more of a tussle than I TOMORROW: Ewart again led the
thought it should've been, but it turned out to Shelton vs. team, this time with a two-
be a pretty good match." Foss at game total of 397. Borys
Shelton split games one and two with Cen- Narrows Plaza, also broke 300, scoring 347,
tral Kitsap, winning game one by 73 pins and 3 p.m. while senior Holly Hay-
losing game two by 22 pins. man came in right at 300.
"It came down to the baker games," Sny- Smith scored 290 and Cox knocked down 288.
der said. "we won the first one by one spare The Lady Highclimbers' final match of the
and we bowled a little better in the last one." week, on Friday at home against South Kit-
Senior Danielle Ewart led the team with sap, was an easy 6-1 victory.
a two-game total of 334. Senior Lindsey Cox "For both of the first two games, the Climb-
followed with a total of 280, while senior Brit- er girls were over 800, which is the Climber
tany Smith bowled 277 and junior Caitlyn Bo- goal," Snyder said.
rys scored 269. Once again, Ewart led the team with 378,
Shelton bowled against Wilson on Dec. 5, while Hayman score4328 and Borys 325. Cox
losing 4-3. almost reached 300, scoring 298, while Smith
"This was the most exciting match we've had contributed with 290.
all year," Snyder said. "In the first game, they The Lady Highclimbers (8-2) are set to bowl
beat us quite easily, but the second game we had against Foss at 3 p.m. today at Narrows Plaza.
Climbe climbers had 25 turnovers, to relax more and be more
rs "We were wide-eyed disciplined with the ball."
Continued from page C-4 and shell-shocked versus Hubble led the Climb-
that pressure," Sandberg ers with eight points, while
our ball movement and said. "We need more expe- Speaks put up six. Frakes
player movement," he said. rience against that style of and senior wing Wes Har-
"It's too stagnant." play." rison both scored four.
The Climbers finished He said the style of play "I like this team because
their week with a 75-26 north of Mason County is they like each other and
loss at Central Kitsap on fast and aggressive com- are willing to work hard in
Friday. pared to Shelton's style, practice," Sandberg said.
"We had a tough night," "We had fight in us the"We have a team and that
Sandberg said. "They were whole game, which I wasis important to me."
really organized and very proud of," Sandberg said. The Highclimbers (1-3)
fast." "We will face full-court are set to play at 7 p.m.
Against Central Kit- pressure all season from tomorrow at home against
sap's pressure, the High- (other) teams, so we need South Kitsap.
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Shelton-Mason County Journal- Thursday, Dec. 13, 2012 - Page C-5
r i 11