December 14, 1939 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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December 14, 1939 |
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December 1.4 1939
Wonlan Wins'
In Football Contest
mounceraent that Mrs. M. L.
of Shelton had won a prize
I)rifted Snow Flour Foot-
Limerick contest was made
by John Dotson, local Safe-
virtu5 of her winning limer-
Mrs. Fessler will receive $25
of groceries from the Safe-
store, Mr. Do|son said.
Up Nights?
firing up night, may be 1astute'|
of qllggiMl kidlleys. If cx-
/tid i)|hl" ,/4sl, aro 11o|
[OrJy [!limit)areal other (Inn g,r
t|IKI Zllty L|)|)OD*I" :t I't tl I'll-
/-'f-----AT THe
R. W. Brcsslcr, pastor .
Order of services of Sunday, I
December 17: i
Bible School 9:45 a.m. I
Morning Worship 11 a. m.
Aftcrnoon service 2:30 p. m.
Young People'..service 6:30 p.m
Evangelistic service 7:30 p. m.
Special services each evening at
7:45 p. m. with Perle Poe, evange-
list speaking.
Come anti bring some one with
se[,nty or t'r,,quorlt fh)w, back- yOU. Old time preaching. Heart
IIT'L,:5.Y;:,'Y;I',:;;),..''",?<II"?,: s.i'ehing, soul nsplring and st,r.
11al hplp salxh as bowls. (lot /tiring mes,ages.
x or I'{|'},I,YI'S from al{y drug- Seek ve the Lord while He may
lt' n(,t l)l,,asvd in 4 day8 Y('U,'!I €,rI
bt,.'lL Locally lit l,'ir l ,,'tl Ig { "fi'jole,
0 YOU!
¢ 1"99pair
to :
89 ¢' 99%
to -- 1. 99 each
¢ to 2 .89
.49 4.s9
.99 to S "89
.89 to 25 .89
.89 to 9"89
,99 to .$..q9
R. C,, Muhly. Minister '
1517 Division--Phone 395-M
Morning worship every Sunday
at 11. Sunday School at 9:45.
The Children's Christmas ser-
vice will bc held December 24 at
]0:30 a. m. Chri.stmas Day services
at 11a. m.
Dare to do right, dare to be true!
Other men's failures can never
save you:
Stand by your conscience, you. r
honor, your faith:
tand like a hero and battle till
J. O, BOVEE, Pastor.
Sunday Bible school at 9:45,
Classes for all ages. Mrs. Walter
Moultrop, Supt.
Large Adult Bible Cla. meet-
ing in the Library Building, J. O.
Bovee, teacher• Every one wel-
Morning worship at 11.
Junior, Intermediate and Sen-
ior B.Y.P,U. at 6:15. All young
people welcome at these services.
If not attending some o the r
group, make our church your
church home.
Evening service at 7:30.
A cordial invitation i extend-
ed to all to join us in our wor-
Assembly of God
222 So. 2rid Street
Sunday school ........................ 9:45
Mrs. Otto Graffe, Supt.
Morning service ................... 11:00
Evangelistic service .............. 8:00
Tuesday, Bible and Prayer .. 8:00
Thursday, Young Peoples .... 8:00
Bill Graffe. leader.
Saturday, Childrens church .. 3:00
The Woods Evangelistic party
is with us and will be having ser-
vices every night this week. Spec-
ial music and the old time Gospel
You are invited to come and
enjoy the services.
R. . ;MUHLY, MlniJfr.
1517 Dlvlsio-none 8954M[
Next Sunday morning at 11:00
]20 E. Pine St.
PASTOR GEe. M. NYE, phone 479
Sunday Services:
Sunday scnool, 9:45 a. m., tiar-
vey Biehl, Supt.
Morning worship, 11:00 a. m.
First Sunday each month is
Street meeting, 7:00 p. m.
Evangelistic service, 7:45 p.m.
Week day .rviees:
Tuesday, Young People Myg,
7:45 p. m.
Thursday, Cottage service at the
Whitener home at Kamilchc, 8:00
p. m.
Friday Mid-Week Gospel serv-
ice, 7:45 p. m.
Radio broadcast, entitled "The
Voice of Calvary," each Thursday
at 4:30 to 5 p. m. over Station
KGY, Olympia, 1210 K.C. This is
Former Resident
Of Mt. View Dies
In Tacoma Nov. 22
By Mrs. Carl Morris
ML. View, December 13 ..... The
sad new;] was received here this l
week of the death of Mrs Ber-I
nice DiLoreta of Tacoma," who
passed away November 22 |el-i
lowing a goiter operation. De-I
cea,ed was the daughter o{ h's.
Jessie Stevens, a former resident:
here, and will be remembc,'ed by
many fricnds here. She was al.,o
the granddaughter of Mrs, Maur-
ice Dunbar, at the Harold Dun-
bar home.
Evangchsuc services at the Mt.
I View chapel are drawing largd
crowds each evening to heat' the
message. delivered by Evangel-
|st Poe, of Olympia. Services will
continue all week.
i Mrs R D Brown, Mr. and Mrs.
I L. Gt.l'dner and daughter Mary
i Ann, were Olymi)ia visitor Sat-
i urday.
{ The home of Mr. and Mrs. M.
;Patterson is unrier quarantine on
a request program and wc welcome account of measles in the family.
any requests,' just address your Lloyd Pierce, a former well
letter to: Voice of Calvary, KGY, known Shelton revident, but now
Olympia, Wash. from Quesnell, B. C., made a brief
------ {visit here the latter part of the
CIB[]glSTIAN ,cIlrgNc, [week visiting at the home of Mr.
Service every Sunday mornln 8 [anti Mrs. Ira Yule and made a.
at 11 a. m. Corner of Third d ]greeting call with many old time
Alder streets. Sunday school at friends. Mr. Pierce, driver f.r a
B:45 a, m. truck, was making a trip to Van-
Dec. 17., Is the Universe. In- eouver. B. C.. for a load of cya-
eluding Man, Evolved by Atomic
Wednesda evening services at
8 p. m. Reading room Wednesday
6:45 to 7:45 p. m.; Friday, 2:00 to
4:00 p. m. Public cordially in.
Robert Brumblay, Ministcr
9:45 a. m,, Sunday School, Har-
vey Beal, general mperintendent.
A departmentalized school, with
classes for all ages.
11 a re,--Preaching Services.
Prelude, "Awake With Cheerful
Heart," IKirkpatrick) Miss Eileen
Runacres, Anthem "So Panteth
My Soul For Thee, O God" (Wil-
son). Sermon, "Our Reading Diet,"
Dr. Robert Brumblay.
11 a. re.----Worship of The Junior
Church; Mrs. Robert Brumblay,
director; a church composed of
boys and girls between the ages of
six and fourteen, with their own
worship program.
6:30 p. m.--Weekly Meeting of
nide anti took tile opportunity to
make thin flvizg visit with rela-
tives and friends
Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Winga.rd
and son Mervie, are new re,|dents
on Mr. View, residi)g in the Les-
ter Chase home. Mr. Wingard is
employed in the grocery depart-
ment of the L. M. store in Sbel-
ton. Guests at their home Sund:tv
were Mr. and Mrs. H B. Treff
from Bremerton, gratviparents of
the Wingards,
Miso Loretta Shumaker and
Alonzo Kopperman spent Sun(lay
in Gig Harbor visiting with the
latter's parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Finstad and
daughter Marvlin. Miss Cora Dins.
rude. from Mt. View and mother
Mrs. Olene Finvtad from Spok'me,
spent the week end visiting with
friends in Sheridan, Oregon. They
'stopped for a brief visit in Long-
view with Mrs, Kerney Melby,
their mother remaining for a week s
visit with Mrs. Thee. Steen, a£tcr
which she will go to Sheridan and
Page Three
31)8 S *" ...................................................................................................
chool K,d Q d ,le,t, i,'.:t
S (',herokee l.dian Jailed ]a
. . , , , . , p uince An ,v.. at;
Wild , ,,st beginning t.o r{pen for the set:-
Reg,ster Bikes! VorI,,rse'lhettNov. 20. Blackberry !,rod time in 1939. ,)arc A,lams,
.......... ' Theft llf ;I W()II;lll'S {)ill'St! I:I'()IWI
B1 i Wi te ,',.-
. ploys, t)rought a ',ample io t,)wI|
A g,)odlv p(,rti(m ,,f ,h,'lton's ia tlillcr(':d bu:,in,'ss ho,se hurl N,,- 00][!1 11 ll r ,,,,,.v ',,,, p,'o:,e.te, l ll,,,, t,, ril,v
youthful p(*puhtLion, :it least that ivembe r 20 h,nded David LaChanc(L
of .{tinier hiv.h age and under, {(Jher°k° ln(lian, in tit(. Ma'd(m .... Parker, Peninstilar l{ailway exv-
iltilizes hicy(:ltm for tran.'q)oz'Latiou. I (J(,unly jail lnst niR'ilt f, flh:,wing 11i3 'l'hc:e set, .level and h,wer .tlti- i cutive, who ill |l.l|'ll hrotlKht th0ln
judging by the bicycle regi.qtratiou
drive Police Chief [Lay :;t:trwich [arrest a.t a Lo.qt l'rairi,:, cabin by rude l,)ealities whieh are boasting' {lilt.() the Jmlrnal office,
,,h('riff G(.',,e Martin aod Deputy ()f their spl'in K flowers in wi{.'ter And then there ti'e the bh)sroms
recently c(>ml)h:ted io the city [ Fred Hicks(re. h'tve another ;trgumelit to cite now Ion the Japmese quillcp hu.h at lhe
lie sai(I yestevduy be, ha:, 30,q t Petty la.rc(my eha.rges are I.o he iu their p,'de t)ver thc Northwost':. Lantz Vqiss home atop l:lillcrest to
filed tod;i5,, l:fihl we:tther tiffs winter. lend it., supp,n't to the mild whiter
boys and girla bikes registere(i (m
his files in the city h;t{1, ll'l(' hi.rPer The $.'i cash which was in the lPz'on the L)xt)w country up "pointer,'.,.with-pride."
portion helollgillg to jllniol- high l)ur:e had beeu :|)en. Stml'u :I0.i-. . ..........................
students. The police chief said li- tin ,uid, but the. purse was recov-
crnses will b(, di:;tributed to the ered ....
,'egistere,t hike .w,,,.,'.", l.fte,' the ..................... lmngshorenlens' Annual 13enefit .f the ye.,' N C
The bicych" registrntion wa:, Mrs° T. B. Smith (:onling
made t)y Starwich a.a pr.teetion Back Here To Reside
against theft and as an ti(l in re.
revery of the Wllee]3 in case of A conmlullit'ation received by
the|, LII,' ,Ital,'I,a] today from Mrs 'P, B. SATURI)AY ' 16
.................................. DE(EMBER
prov0d alld ;th]e to }!e tl I) an(i SnliLh, ftH'lYl"r Potlatch residellt, ' 9 /
around. Her m.,ny friends u'e glad brings word of her early return ': Auspice I.L.W.U. No. 1-47, Olympia
to see he{' out again, a. resident of M;,.son County, Lhis
Pete l'iller is redeeor,tmg th0 time at Hoodaport. TURKEY DOOR PRIZES
inter|,:' of his ',Ltractiw new M1.. Since tim death of Mr. ,;milh
View home, by paioting and var-here two years ago Mrs. Stall.): SCHNEIDERS
IliS]lillg" the walls a.n(l ceiling', h&s boon living with rolative.u III
The new a.ddition Lr) the It. E. Pennsylva.,fia and California. She
,,,..we,. borne is .earh,g ,:,,ml,'t,. is now ,,t ,.on00 ,00e,,ch .er car,, Musi I)v ____Red SvDher
tion while the sities of the house toda.y mentioned a visit she paid C _
are beinff fini:ded wilh ,hin;le, to Mr and Mrs. Ted SRelsey, whom
mqking a decided imt)rovemenL to ,she found in goo(l health itlong' Aclmiss}on ,¢2¢, Dancing] 9:30 'till 2
Lhis prcLLy new home. with a 1 Lhe fa.mity, iH H
Soda Crackers 2 lb. pkg.
Glencoc fresh salted soda crackers
The Young: People. Devotional{make her home with her son, Ben 100 lbs 10 lbs 5
Period followed by an hour of BibleFinatad. Cane Sugar - ,. 5.29 - ,, c
Study, conducted by Mrs. Robert[ Arriving from the far east, at
Brumblay; topic, "The Sermon t)n] Cleveland, Ohio. Thursday, were Pure cane, fine granulated. Stock up.
The MountY Counsellor Of The E.]Mrs. Frank Kish and Miss BCU- {/ Tin 9
L. Chapter, Miriam Beal. {lab Vig, who came to make a Tuna Flakes No. c
8 p. m,---Young Peoples' Fire.] three month's visit with their Mid-Pacific Tuna Flakcs. 7' ounce flat tins.
side Hour. . ]mother, Mrs..C. Vig of Mt. View.
Sunday, Dec. 24, 7:30 p. m.---' Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dunbar S pkg
Annual Exercises of the were visiting in Tacoma Sunday. eedless Ratsms 4-lb.. 19c" "
Fancy Caiifornia Scedless
Tomato Juice 26-0z. Tin 9€
Sunday School. A varied and in- They were accompanied home by
teresting program is being pre-[their mother. Mrs. Mamie Dun-
pared, vis4tbar' WhOat theWil] extended Czisco Shortening 3-lb. 49€
Foursquare Win. Jackson is improving his Shortening--purc vegetable in, sealed tins.
GOSPEL CHURCH cabins by adding new porches in Bu[tt£r wrO egbaOnta ,. No,!2t/ ,C
910 E, Dearborn Ave, the back.
lihmdy 0rvJoea: . ] Howard Yule spent the week " " "
, 10 a. m., Sunday school, W. T.[end in Seattle Xns shonpin. } n
8hoar, superintendent. { Mr. and Mrs Gus Skerbeni Tomato Sauce Tin 3c
11 a. m., Morning worship. [were dinner guests of Mr. and . • • • w
6:30 p. m., Crusaders I Mrs. Adolph Koppcrman Saturday Taste Tells--spicy, pure tomato hot sauce--reg. 8-oz. tin
Xmas Feature
Look for "Season's Greet-
ings" when you want the
biggest value in holiday
Sunny Dawn--finest fancy pure tomato juice.
Box ..... Box...
the sermon theme will have to
do with thc place and opportuni-
ties of the Christian youth in the
Church today. A group of young
people will sit in a reserved ec.
tion and sing their youth hymn.
Sunday school every Sunday
morning at 9:45. The weekly at-
tendance now averages well over
a hundred.
Ladies' Chorus meets eve r y
Thursday evening at 7:30 under
the direction of Miss Alda John-
Adult Membership Clamms arc
now in session every week.
Junior Choir meets Mondays
at 4:00, Saturday at 9.30 a. m.
Children's Catechism class ev-
ery Saturday at 10:30 a. m.
"Thc righteot cry, and t h e
Lord heareth and delivercth them
out of all their troubles," Psalm
34, 17.
St. Davids
Services and sermon 7:30 p. m
Sunday at Memorial Building,
T. E. JESSETT, Vicar,
StSnday School at Agate school
house every Sunday at 11 o'cloo
W. G. Brown, Supt. All axe In,
vlted to attend.
REV. C. C. HOAG, Pastor.
Sunday School at 10 o'clock and
church at 11 o'clock at Old Grange
I-Iall at Matlock
With Caramel Icing
29c 59c
A deliciously tasty applesauce cake made from red, rips
Washington apples and topped with a tasty oaramsl icing,
Shelton Bakery
7:80 p. m., Evangelistic service.
7:30, Choir and Orchestra prac-
Friday, 7:30, Deeper teaching
and prayer.
Everyone within reach is mot
earnestly and cordially invited to
nd these service.
. and MRS. W. B. LAMBERT,
3rd und Grove |Streets
M. OLSEN, Pastor.
Sunday school .................. 2:00 p.m.
Afternoon service ............ 2:30 p.m.
EVening service ................ 7:30 p.m.
Prayer meeting ................ 7:30 p.m.
Everybody welcome.
St, F_lwaxd's
Winter schedule for massc at
S.Edw'ard's Church is as follows:
1irst mass 8,00 a. m,
S,econd maim 10:00 a. m.
_W#ekday .mases 7:45 a. m.
'Eiventn'g devotions and benedic-
tions 7:30 p, m, •
CatecaMsm instruction for chil.
dren will f011ow the high mass.
Ihst¢iiction In Church history
and b|bl0 htst0ry for high school
'studentS, Monday evenings, 7 to
Any changes from the above or
soeCial devotion will be announc-
ed on Sundays.
Meets at 10 a. m., In the scho(,
bllding, Classes for all ages.
All welcome.
Classes for all on Sunday, 10
L.m,, at school building. Every.
one welcome.
"Is the Universe, Including Man
Evolved by Atomic Force?" will
be the subject of the Lesson-Set-
men in all.Churches of Christ. Si-
entist, Sunday, December 17.
Golden Text: All thy works
shall prae thee, O Lord; and thy
saints shall bless thee. They shall
speak of the glory of thy kingdom,
and talk of thy power" (Psalms
145:10, 11).
Among the citations which co:n-
priseo the Lesson-Sermon is the
following from th0 Bible: "Through
faith we understand that tle
worlds were framed by the word
of God, so that things which are
seen were not nmde of things
which do appear" {Hebr. 11:3).
The Lesson-Sermon also includes
the following passage from the
Christian ,Science textbook, "Sci-
ence and Health with Key to the
Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy:
"The Scriptures are very sacred.
Our aim must be to have them
understood: spiritually, for only by
this utdetndinSf can truth be
gaihed. Th0 true theory of the uni-
verse, including man, is not in ma-
terial htvtory but in pirit*ttal dee
velopmet". (p 547:23-27).
Andy Hansen has added to thc
convenience of their attractive Mt.
View home, by making a new
Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Villerny of
Renton are new residents at the
Idyllwild, where they will reside
while clearing and improving the
40 acres which they recently pur-
Mr. and Mrs. William Jackson
and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Stacy were
business visitors in Olympia Sat-
urday. Dinner guests at the Stacy
home Thursday evening were Mr.
and Mrs. Joe Loom from Arcadia.
Amatcur hours beinff sponsored
by Sears Tavern in Mr. View every
Thursday night are gaining in pop-
ularity. A large crowd was in at-
tendancc last Thursday night to
enjoy the songs and musical num-
bers being put on by these ama-
teur players. J. Jarp, a recent ar-
rival from Michigan received first
prize last Thursday night and H.
Cook second, whi]c several new
performers will be added to the
program this Thursday night•
Mr. and Mrs. Albert BaH and
d&ughter of Bristol Bay, Alaska,
who have been visiting cast of the
mountains at Spokane, are spend-
ing a few days, guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Wilbur Anderson in Skoko-
inih valley and was assisting thc
Peterson boys in the Mt. View
cabinet shop Tuesday.
Howard Sweet and family and
Ted and family who have
been residing in Mt. View. have
moved to Hillcrest.
Mrs. Art Taylor. Mrs. Grace
Patterson of Mt. Vicw and Mrs.
W. C. King of Shelton were busi-
ness visitors in She{ton Thursday.
Mrs. Kate Cameron Of Till|cure
Beach was a guest of Miss Shirley
Harris Sunday night.
Mr. and Mrs. George Jadin. of
the golf course were dinner guests
at the home of their daughter, Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Hall and family
Sunday evening.
Mr,.,, Ted Haddlx and d')uhte, "-
in-law, Mrs. Harding, were busi-
ness visitors here Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. T. Rtchards of tim
Skokomish valley were gue,ts of
Mr. and Mrs. OWen Pigmon at the
Pine# Saturday. Mrs. Ruby Moore,
who a,ecompanied them, remalned
for an over night visit at the Pig-
men home, returning home Sun-
Mrs. Terrell and daughter Rose
from Shelton were greeting old
neighbors and friends Sunday.
They were guests at dinner at the
home of Dr. and Mrs. L. L. Cal-
lanah, and supper guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Brown.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Kindred
of Belfair are new revidents lo-
cated at the Pines. Mr. Kindred is
logging in the Webb Hill district•
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Beard" and
son-in-law from Belfair are also
new rsldents at the Pines. Mr.
Beard is a logger employed with
Mr. Kindred at the same place.
Mrs. W. A.""wAnk: Who ha
DOLES FCY. SLICED, 2/ tiu 19¢
ROSEDALE Sliced, 1¼ tin 3/25¢
Doles Pineapple Juice, 46-oz... 21¢
Silverdale Tomatoes, 21/z tin 10¢
Tendersweet Corn, 303 tin 2/15(.'
Cherub Milk, tall Tins3 for 19¢
Fresh Eggs doz.
Grade "A" Large ...................
Bria)'gate Green Beans, 2 for 25(,'
Lipton Tea, ¼-1b, 21¢; ½-lb. 41e
Argo Corn or Gloss Starch 3,/'25¢
Calo Dog Food, 3 tins .......... 23¢
Jell Well, assorted2 pkgs ..... 9e.
Zee Tissue Paper, roll ............. 4¢
Lux Toilet Soap, 3 bars .......... 17¢,
Lifebuoy Soap, 3 bars ........... 17
Camay T.oilet )ap, 3 bars .. 17¢
Rin,so or Oxydol, 2 pkgs ....... 39¢
Macaroni or Spas., 3-1bs ....... 17e,
Stellar Tissue, 500's .............. 19¢
Orange Sale
Swcet, Juicy Sccdlcss Navels. Kccp plcnty
-on hand.
Lge. Size reed. size
2-doze 35¢ 3-doz. 39¢
[ amous Fresh Produce
Iceherg Lettuce, head .................... 5¢
Fancy Ripe Bananas, lb ................. 5¢
Emperor Grapes, lb ....................... 5¢-
Yak|ms Potatoes, No. 2's; 50-1bs. 48¢
Sweet Potatoes, Ex. Fcy; 6-1bs. 25¢
Arizanfi Grapefruit, 12 far ........... 29¢-
Sunkist Lemons:, Ige. doz ............. 29¢
The ideal gift
box. Fcy. Ch0-
Hard Mix
, y
Your chOice of
satin or broken
Iard mix.
Walnuts, 2-1bs .... 35¢
Mixed Nuts, 2-1bs.. 3;)¢
Brazil Nuts, 2-1bs.. 35¢
Fresh Peanuts 2-lb. 25¢
Most little piggies go to market, but only the
finest, plumpeut young porkers are selected for
Safeway markets.
Pork Roast lb. 12€
Fresh Picnic StyleShort Shak.
Pork Chops lb. 18€
Se{ected Center Cuts 21€.
Leg of Pork lb. 1Sc
From Grain Fcd Pig Pork,
Delicut Ski,nned
Ready to serve. Whole or
lbs .............. 39¢
Rtch--CreamF All
Armorer's Star Picnics .......................... lb. 23¢,
Ready To EatNo Shrinkage.
Bacon, whole or half ............................... lb. 17c
Center Cuts 21€.
Pork Sausage ............................................ lb. 15¢
Freshly Ground, Seasoned Just Right.
Fresh Oysters .......................................... pt. 19€
14-Count. Bottle Free.