December 14, 1939 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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+1.4 1989
• -- 7- --=----= -- ......................................................
For Sale For Sale
FOR SALE: young pigs, two go+d FREE !!
sows, or will trade for wood or
heavy hens. Also good cabin for[ Your Name stamped in Gold on
rent. Carl Dickinson 1 mile Bouth I + any new Fotntain Pen
On highway. 12-12-14-2t. I purchased here
May be seen at Nal'ley's Ranich, [ x .,,.4 ,x**.J
Lower SkokomiBh VidIy. J-- ...............
+' t2"12"14"2t'i A. / A I P l
F'- ' beakfa;t table an¢l I g I gl L J, g
four chairs. Good condition $7.50+:l
Lee Brasfield, Capitol Hill. :. [
FOR SALE:..Farm type Collie I ,. No. 1--.First Cutting
puppies. Paren'ta are .natural[ $15.50 per ton
heelers. Females $3, males $
Classified Advertisements
a line (5 words) first
5o a line each subse-
insertiotL M t nt m u m
30e. •
advertisements ac-
+over the telephone from
subscribers. Cash should
all other orders or
made before the first
month to save expense
An extra charge of
be made when billing is
Card of thanks 50e.
Display Rates on
,..v.,÷v.vrvwv Mel 8aeger;.phone 7,F-:.. 10-ton or more
Used Cars ...... + J
' Mt. Vernon Straw .... $8.50 per ton
• I :- . 10-ton or more
FOR SALE: 8-room house suitable
USED CARS : for apartmnets or boarders,:ltl E. JOHNSON, Box 646, Rt. 3
04x120. :House partly demaed:[ ++ Tacoma, Wash.
by fire. Owner will sell :as i, i 12-5-14--4t.
00-000or $765 price reduced. 0+ Franklin St., --
sedan .................. A-I2*14-tf I ,T, ,. , -. • - •
00o,,d $625 ...... l wasnin00 00waclllne t00epalrs
!sedan .................... 111 • 1 I [ and Parts
)uth 4-door $595 ,- l: I [ Locks and Keys cut and fitted.
exceptional ....
l Vi l l! • / Gun Repairs and Parts ,
495 I v l' m ! • i The Handy Man Shop
$495 Shelter, Wash.
above cars arc equipped
radios, heaters and other
AlSo a choice selcc-
of lower priced
cars reconditioned and
Sales and Service
Bob Ervin
tn 1937 Harley-Da-
45 motorcycle equipped
saddle bags and other ex-
ft $60 in trade or $40
Balance on motorcycle
May be seen at Nalley's
Lower Skokomish Val-
Big Loads
Mill wood and load $5.00
Anderson Transfer
Used Refrigerator l!
A Real Bargain . . . good mechan-
ical condition.
See it at the
Lumbermen's Merc. Co.
Phone 305
For Rent
2-room ca%in, two
city limits on
Ave. Mary Sanford. I
12"12-i4-2L t i
' No, t'140.
Wanted o,1o, ,o .o ,,,..
] In (h+. Sup,'rior Co--"l't fur th,. State
and diesel oils, Dickinson, ,,r %Vallingon in and I'Or lh+ Courtly
phone 52. j of Mason. In t'roba.te.
l.n tim Matter .o,. th,, Estate 'or
12-7-14-3t.J IIAZEI, J: t+%IDNI@,, DeKsrd.
HELP WANTED: $35 to l,+qlers of Admlnls(rllon with lh,
wlll a'nnex(,d on the abovv entJll,,d
bette*' per Week is What ''t,, wf.r, grantort [o th,. under-
Product@ Routes pay-- ,Mgned on the 9th da.v of Itec+mb,,r.
scarce bt can be oh-
if you prove you are a J
when vacancies occur. I
locality may be open, in-!
or tf* put in applica[l for :
list write H V.
4512 Hollis St.,
In Machine and Machineless
Purcell Beauty Salon
Phone 496-J 722 Pine St.
The clean, long-burning modern
Wood fuel. Ideal for fireplace,
cook-stove or furnace.
Pick 'era up Price
20 logs .................................... 98¢
50 logs .................................. 2.25
100 logs .................................. 4.25
Phone 106
Young lady for general
Phone I i2-J.
and Found
:! Blk puppy, mixed ter-
.breed, wlite front feet,
Inform Journal.
Btdg: " Coti' at.
Phone 245
iNstXc .....
.... .a, ANGL. E
at Angle Building
lmurance Building
FiFsf NatidnM' ]k"
28 Shelton
v" -
E m batrT¢a
'ltsie; Prp:.
180 Sbeiton, Wh,
I FOR SALE. Reconditioned type-
writers, standard size models.
Inquire at Iournal office 6-13-tf:.
Jlll#, b' S$1Jfl llporlt,r (oI11"1,
All |'l',mOll haVillg (htillll4 llgaJllkll
• "hid ,DLI r<. r,qltit"d t .+,rve ll'
tlp()ll ln+, :tl n|y olmflc', Title I.SUP*
an;ee l)ulhilng, Hhelton, Washlngton
lhtlf h't'lll tile pJ,te, dt'sfKna, t'd for
till++ [rttnlIICJJOll Of |hi! hasil|,*.ns Of
the r'statv, u, ilizln six monlhs after
Ilia, dale t,[ ti;+ llrsl Tnlbllcatlon t,
this IotiCt'. toWIt: wilhi11 six months
n+lte,' th,' i.lth day Of l),.(.,.mb,'r.
1'+t39, and fib th StLIrH? with the
('J¢+rk ol t'hi (b'lll't, lc+ge|.her With
pr,mf of .uch m.rvlce, or they wllld)c
t'ore v,- r bn rrt, d.
i)atcd tills liti day of D'c<+nlb('r,
:¢huinlstraor of fhe I,Istat, of Hazel
J. (htrd,,r, I)ec+,,aaed, with the. q+14
Annx(.d. Tl!J(' Insurance lhli[diltg,
Sheltoll, VtkSh] ng'l oil.
1'-I 4-21-28- L-i-4 t
Htate of W&shins"ton OfflOe of Bn.
pervlaor of Xydraull©s Olympia
Not,c,, Is h,,reby given that Jtu*
++VashingtorL under dat+ of Noven|-
her 7. 1+J39. filed wlh the Stale
SUlWrViSO|" of llydPatlit:s. Olympia
%Va, , ,aWton, tan flpptlcatlon for a
pc:rmll t,) dlv,.rt II pablio waters
of ttnhaln I it:.rOltin I¢'tbt$iarF of Un-
++"" ""' ',. i:'. , "" "' ,
prox'lmst+' point of (i.-l,rion 1 io-
€(ed within the NI,IV, 0[' )he Sl+!/*
oT Hcctlon 29, T0wnlHp 2,$ N.. Range
[ . o (- IGG)
/.x c I
NiYl'l(+l,; I,',4 III,;RI,]t;Y GIVt,:N tha.t
|)tlr/ttit.111 I(, +tll,] Ill I.:,Jlll't)l'DlltV %VII.|,
Ill7 t)rOol' Of tit,. [hutrd el ('otlzlty
(Orl+l rll J :.41 ( ill i. t' . oL' .'1 !G O)1 ('UII| y.
tal+' €+I' ,•H+-hJtll[l())1. (Jtl)) nlJt(lt, ali(J
t.iltl.r+ €] Oil th :1i"1]1 tltiy "t)I" l%till-
b+l', 19:|9, ,,r(lw,rlll" I|lv tllldt'l'.+)lg'ltl'd J
to s+'ll, in ,h,' nl:tnrl,,r [)I'()xrj( '?] b)"
law (+'t'fiou 133. t'hapter 'q;3. I,aY,'+
of 1927L the' un,ivl'Sizn,+d ,2,'111. on i
Saltl/+(I/l.x lh+' 30lh clay (l 1) ('+'TIlDI'F I
[||:|t. bl+l 111() |it+tiP Of ["11 O'C]of)l ill I
till' J'Ol+()13OOli uf :+Rid (]+l ,rt at. the
fl'C)llt (Jl)tl' (+J' IJl+. ('t)tll'( IJ(III:'D' hi '
ttl(' City ,+f S]t,']lOqi. maid (;uilnty ,nd[
Sill'+,. ol'|'+'r f,Jr s:lh,, ,tit not ]+.S. [
thtt, ll tll) nl[nillltltll I,ric( + sHtt+',l b+'*
](,w. plus a.]++,rtising a.nd ('ralmingl
('OtS i,, tl,' ] and I)st bld-J
dr+r. +]1 of th,+ right, title, al+ld 11-
te,'+,t ot s. id ltlsl,n t.¢)Ll.n| ', IPt and
to the f(d[o'¢,'h]g d,.,ucrih(,,| r'al prop-
t:rt y. situat,'d in s+th| ('tAlnty Rnd I
State. lo-wit:
The Nor t h4'ltP+l qlll I't or ( N I,.] z.i ) [
,H' Sectlol, 2H, 'J'ownshlp 23
North. Iangc I Xvf. V¢. M.,
I1/Jlllllltll,! I)ric' Sl+10.r6. i+,hl advcr-
[IM$1ig +')l(] Cl'tllSlltg" (!,)S[S.
OMI':J{ ],. I)I()N.
'J'l'O]lSl.ll'l+r Ma::on Coull|.v.
D,.c. 7, 14. 2J. 9:]9-3t.
Before Pain*,ing Floors
To rank'e a pan't job'0ff a floor
last longer, first be sure that the
surface is clean and smooti and
that all nafl holes are phJ++ed x+
putty or filler. Remove all grease
• Its before applying the nW pahft.
and. when the aint ha+ dried, go
over it with wax to gi'e additional
luster and longer endurance. Re.
newal of the wax coating at regu- intervals is wise maintenance."
1 V. %'. [,, Jn M;l(, D Coanly. A
Illrtl) shoLng" ti,, Ioc.atlofi and plan
of said diw,Pston al. pl' of
th[ proposed" use ig on @lie i}) the
Oflhe of the Star," Sup,;rvlsor of
.l{ydraallcm. Olyfllia, ,ashtngt on.
tog,,lher with such olher tnformat|on
+. ,, ,+w balHosis"£. 1
+ • I1, l6r+bn++ fTrm or corporltion
W]' s l'Igh! W be i+njUriously af-
ro.ted h>' s.,d ,uwUc'++tmn may fl,c People ho get _:- "?j
with th I-$1ed.c .Upervis0P of Hyd-
,,aallc. ,; (,,y,m,,. w.,mn,o,,. Zhojob,*.o,e /
.t,'eh 0b.t,,elo,+.' ,,,'• r,,i,r+++enta,lons, about mouth hyg,ene /
in ,.ritig. as.he hilly d+,slr to nmke.
lh+ln hlrl:¥ (30) da. ftcr .date
(. st imUeatiOn, m+.h date I, In buslnes+ life, JuSt'as in the soc[
I)o('+,mb+,r 21, 193J|. . .
Wlt,,,.,s ,nv hahd and ofrlcial seal world, haLflz)Sis (bad breath)--frc-
this 6ttf day "o'f Dr,october. A D:. 1939. qUy due to food feSta,ion iv
"We never btre J
people wilb
the mouth--is considered the worst o}
faults. Employers,'with so many tc
hase from these days, can't be e.
petted o rtain or hire ple whaar¢
carCkss about this offensiveconditkm.
Why risk your job, or your chance.,
of getting a job? There is a quick,
easy, pleasant way Of proecttn
rseif..Just gargle regularly with
erin¢, the safe antiseptic.
Listerin¢ Antiseptic halts this fer-
mentation, said by some authorities
0 be a major cauSe of u Odors,
then overcomes tle odors themselves.
Almost instantly yot breah be.
comes sweeter and' more agreeable. If
you value your job, get in the habi
el using Listerine Antiseptic morning
nd night, and before all important
engagements. Lambert Pharmacal
'Company, St. Louis, Me,
Slatff Supervisor of ILydz'aulics.
No'rl(;li is ttl,;KEDY G,LVI,;N ,hal
pursuanl to and [n cbnt'urnnly with
an urdl)r Or" lll + ],t,ard eL' (Oll]1|Y
Conlm[ssJon,rs of" Masoll Coant Y.
SLat|.' t' Waah.ington, duly made an4
'e'lttel'od on' the 27b da.y Of /ov'em+
br. 193'#, .orlerinl¢ the" undrltn,d
to sell tn thd manner p.ovided by
ISW ( ecl,[on t'${, .Cha|M+'r 263, |+tWS'
"Oaf I'9,7). Iht, urid,.rIgneff will, ori
Saturd,,y, lhe 301h day +of l)YCl
ber, 1939, at the hour of |en o'clock
fl the fr$noo of Sld+dY. at th']
ront d0or"f the C0tli't HoJ'ae In tPic'
G+lty. of Shr]fon. sld Coli.ty and
,ql.ate. offer 1or sal,., at. not h,sa
than th<. ninlmum i/rlce St.£t+d b -*
loW, p]tls advertising and erul.mlllg
costs, to the higlest aad best bid-
to hc followisg',h-*scribcd resl Irop-"
er£y. tltuat,d it} )a C0un|y al,d-
Sfaf,, ttwi.t:
IIocks tn (1'0), +,lcvtm + (1 I).
twelve (12), t h|t't+.Hi (13),
€,Jgllton (18) t%nd nqfieteen (19)
in the Plat of I.lll]wau'p I,:alls,
ITilnilnllnl ])rJc+. • $350.|)0, plus adver-
t,iing and cruising costs•
(8&) Treasurer Matn County.
If you wish to SELL Fouq! lave
to TELLr--Journal Claasifled ads
No. 11 F.&A.M.
Ecm +s
T. iwtEVm'
Worshilul' MaWr
+ A ., 6 6.+, d. .,.dA+,.., ,+
Iseriminmed', Against
than l,(()O lay¢ff which dis-
int 0mn still r-
gh0U{ the U;fted
Classified Service
Ideal Gifts For The
Amateur Kodaker
A.B.@. Developing Set
DeLuxe Developing Set
Amateur A.ccessories of all
Cameras from 98¢ up
Probably you know several
remedies to relieve acid stomach
and acid-indigestion. Bisma-ReX,
a new delicious tasting antacid
powder, acts four wayB to give
you relief in a few minutes. It's
wonderful the way it helps you.
Buy a bottle of Bisma-Rex for 50c
at the Rexall Drug Store---or-
den's Shelton Pharmacy.
FOR SAL: papers m bundles for
lighting fires. Inquire Journal
office. 8-15-if.
Mason County Maps
LARGE Maon County Township
maps $1.00. Also maps of
Olympic Peninsula, Puget Sound
Country and State 50c to $1.00.
The Journal
Used Electric
Kansas' Prohibition
Kansas adopted the prohibition
amendment January 14, 1919.
Real Estate
FOR SALE: Lots on Angleside,
cleared and uncleared, at low
prices and easy terms. All con-
veniences within rach. See H,
G. Angle, Angle Bldg., Shelton.
Shelt0n Real Estate
4-room modern home in excellent
condition, with basement and
furnace. Why pay rent any long-
er when you can get this nice
home at a bargain. Terms. $2,500
month including interest.
Large piece of property in heart
of the city, suitable for inex-
pensive rent houses or a home.
$375 cash or $425 terms.
Shelton real estate prices have
been very low but are increas-
ing. Why not take advantage of
these bargains and start own-
ing your own home?
Herbert G. Angle
Wilcox 5¢ & 10¢
Open evenings to 8 p. m.
U=cs of Cork
Cork is more than bottle stop-
per. It is used with great success
in offices for both walls and floors.
its brownish tones adding warm
spacicmsness, and its porous proper-
ties minimizing the distractions of
noise. It i also used as a floor cov-
ering in nurseries, m natural or
stained colors. rasy to clean, and
soft for infant sptts, it is also saving
of mother and dad's temper in that
it successfully absorbs the rattling
noises of toys, rrQniature machinery,
faling blocks, etc.
*,. Jct .'/n.anln
Me0rschaL|m con:;ists of the fol-
wZn:: parts: Magncsm, 40.25;
.r:vel soil. 45; ca-b:mic acid and
,vacr. 10.15; und very fine porous
'. .... 4 ]
Reds Storm Across Finland
To Complete Baltic Control
The invaders , . . they
ATER in Finland's 65,000
lakes has always been clear,
cold and blue, but there is a
crimson stain spreading on their
surfaces today. It is the stain
afted blood, drawn by Red Rus-
sia in the desire to gain control
over a body of water much larger
than a]I of Finland's lakes.
Joseph Stalin doesn't give a
detonated mine for all the lakes
or all the land in northerly F/n-
aWd. His aim is domination of
the Baltic Sea. To achieve this
h must have complete contrl
over waterways like the Gulfs Of
Finland and Boflhis, strategic •
islands like the Aland and Hog-
la clusters.
Finland herself has not much
to offer mighty Russia. Timber,
pulp, paper, meats and leather
are her largest exports and the
Soviet has these in undeveioped
abundance. Finland has small
nteket mines in the north, but
they are h'ardly large enough tO
bait a bear as big Ss neighboi"
Whainland has that Russia
wants are the islands within and
at the mouth of the Gulf of Fin-
land. Three times Finnish en-
voys beat a path to Moscow tO
listen to Soviet demands for
these potentiaI bases, but no
agreement between the two na-
tions could be reached.
WHAT the honeyed words of
glib-tongued Foreign Com-
misssi" Molotov had failed to do,
th mighty Red army set out to
ae'pIf bY land, sea and air,
Bom.s rLned destruction and
deal o Helsinki and a score of
oth¢ir F}nnlsh cities. In the pine
and spruce forests of the Karelian
isthmus machine guns rattled
and the dull boom of artillery
Against the aggressor, 300,000
Finns put up a determined stand.
From a standing army of 31,000
men. Finland had mobilized to
nearly 10 per cent of her total
population. She had strengthened
her M.annerheim L i n e and
mined the isthmus to slow the
advance of troops from Lenin-
Even if Finland is conquered,
. ;+" i::ii:.::..
• :.:.:.:. :,""" ..::".':...?i: .:::' ::::: '::.:::': : ::
i..%. : Ei!i+
also Came by sea and air.
Stalin must face the problem of
what to do with his extended
domination in the Baltic. At
the Aland islands he can dictate
the shipments of Swedish ore
Germany, or even base for offen-
sives on the other against the
other Sandinavian countries.
No mtter where he moves, the
Russian dictator will brush el-
bows with Hitter and th bump
ing ky eventtrally lad to No-M
Red laShes in the nortli.
In fhs Baltte drama, Finland
is largely cast as the inrmeent
bystander. She has been g
years a free nln, actor, eight
centuries under SWelih ad
Russian rule. -
WITH the a!d of G:ermany, she.
fought the l/Ussians oee b,
fore, driving them back across
her southern iborder from Ab@ o
Viborg in the irsleperdtmee'.War
of 1918. The Ion'g winters in the
barren tundra of her norflrly
regions, the deztse foreSl nd
many lakes hav formed rlurlal
defenses that gave Finland ace
Large in area among European
countries, but small in numbers,
Finland is nearly the size of
Montana, has only h al the pop-
ulation of NeW Yorl{ CRy. The
U. S. knows her as the only
tion which has Rept tip her war
debt payments, as the nativ land
of miler Paavo Nurmi and com-
poser Jean Sibelius.
Only RepubHer in the Scandi-
navian bh)¢, Finland has. tried
to remain the friend of aP. ha-
tions, neither favoring nor fight-
ing Nmzism, Communism or"
Democracy. Her peopte wbrked
in the fields, the factories, he
timber lands, indulged in no vi6-
I e n t" p011tieal' demonstraflS'
against her demo¢raf preM-
Always a mecca for tourists,
Finland had planned to be host
at the Olympic Games in 1940.
The flame from Mount Olympus
mey not glow in a Finnish stadi*
um next year, but the fire of
freedom in the hearts o hr peo-
ple Will be known around the
WiLD LIFE CHATS Jo s;0000st
By E. S. "GENE" AVEY ington skinned, as the aa.ying' TtOLLAND feels that flooding
VAGABONI)IA, BERRIES, gee:+. They have agatev a. n d +---- her land will provide a sure
OAK LEAVES, AGATES, carnelians a n d semi-precious
MISTI,ETOE stones in almost every neighbor- defense. But has she candid-
As we travelled into the Oregon llood. The afternoon we left, it ered the daner of U,boat at-
country, we ound that the uni- wa,s discovered that ahmg t hc tack?
$ $ *
versal sign and symbol of autumn Lincoln county beache.t,, near New+
in those paris,, was the oak leaf. port, the tides and storms had un- Ever since the war began
In Canada it is maple leaf, but covered vast beds of semi-precious we've heard very }itt] abnut he
the oak leaf is on everything in stone,,; along "hi: beaches, and "itty bilty file." Maybe |he
the Willamette valley, on houses, I there is a new crop every day If submarines ot 'm.
on sidewalks, on the Lops of, lwe had beach like that :.;ome- * * *
on screens, streets, boyrf hats, where up along the Hoh or The Nazi. have finally come
awnings. I Qeet.,, let us say, or nearer, what to he decisinn that btame for
W hink that we have s o m e a fleckof tourists we could t
e t , . , . . the* Finn-Sovie war fails on
turkey farms i this section of tract, even m the dead at winter.
., . • • . Sweden. Bnt ;+re lho.v ,u|-e Sinm
Wmhington. N e a r Corvallis,[ for winter ia the b!+st trine to or Pago-Pago didn't have some-
Gone Hubbard, a graduate of O.-[search rot ml-prec]eus stones, thing to do wtth it, too?
S.C., ,till has 1.500 turkeys on[ One thing s .u,.,. If a Wil- * * *
hand, and he has delivered his lamette valy boy ktsed -t girl Nothing ]n American life..ny
Thanksgiving turkeys! There was| every time ,uhe pasmd nnder a a style expert, has changed so
an oak grove on his famn, and| mlstle.t(m bunehe, The mlsth+- much as styles in underwear.
several hundred oaks in t h el ins the lasuies all .day hmg, l'or Such an observation must re
grove, and every tree was alive the great oaku are filled with quire a lot of insight.
with bronze forms. J mistoleoe bunches. The mistk-
We were amazed that t h e Wil-I '
lame,re valley was not enriched
with flowers in this late autumn, / ///
.%' were the Washington cam- J
munities all along the line from I)AD ." M" UC UA'r lhvr.
Elms down Lo Kalama. But they t- 'O [g 010 i'f _--.YT F:LIr" [ .
have plenty of holly trees , and IkSC.X=A- rr M,e AmT O .J
cotoneaster bushes, and n e a r - (
Salem the highway was glowing /-- Nx'
with berries in the late afternoon / .
There are not many small
neighborhood stores in the big'
valley of the Willamette, on the ]
side roads, although the country
i, ¢, old and staid and rich a n d . I)
fertile, or so it looked. Of course, i "
on the Pcific highway, there are \\;
plenty, but in that fertile land ,,'l,%l
on the side roads there are so -
,few that it was noticeable. Few
stores, few service stations, and
the side roads are not ,o good as
in Wa.shin2"ton. by a long wvs. ,,,
They do not have the gravel. We "
drove 50 miles without seein :L
rock or a pebble, and all t h e
streams were mud strcams, and
black mud. at that. There is
noLhing to smash window, , of vs.- ]
cant houses witl. In the Willam.
ette wtlley. What a bum country /
for boys! Bad boys. '
Here is a little secret: The black \\; /
friable soil of this great valley
is not so productive as it look
and why? They milked the cow
without giving it plenty of feed.
Grain crops Leo mny Years with-
out the rotation they should have ]
practiced. A land that o n c c ;
produced 0rodigimlS crops n o w
makes hut meager returns. It is
tru that many of the farmers
a re practicing rec,, ...........................................................................................
methods, end modern method,',, but
Lt takes time. On st)me of the \\;\ /////j
farms, they told us. it means
practically the buihling of a new
ton soil. ' NOWIT'S 4,V,f:IUT l-
In one thing Oregon has Wash- IL, MW' CI.G. $'Y" I I
IO.HT 41t'4,Tr'/// j : }
! Tides of the Week] /]
! By U.B. Dept. of Commerce | /.
I,ow 2:57 a.m. 0.0 if.
Fri High 10:13 a.m. 15.2 ft. I
T)ec 15 Low 4:1] p.m. 6.1 ft.
High 8:44 p.m. 11,6 ft.
Low 3:37 a.m. 1.0 fL.
S,t HLgh 10:49 a.m. 15.0 ft i'
Dec 16 Low 5:08 p.m. 5.6 ft. i
High 9:44 p.m. :tl.0 ft.
Low 4:20 a.m. 2.1 ft I'
Sun I-li-gh t1:27 a.m. 14.8 ft. t
Dec 17 Low 6:06 p.m. 5.0 ft
High 1.1:00 p.m. 10.5 ft
Low 5:07 a,m, 3.3 ft
Men High 12:04 a.m, 1.(} ft
Dec' 18 Low 7:05 I>:m'; 4.2 ft
T{Lg]I 12:32 a.m 10.3 ft
Tes Low 6:02 4.5-'ft.
Dec 19 High 12:42 pm. l&.3 ft.
Lw 7:58 p:ra. g.3 ft.
WHigh 2:18 a.m. 1:0.7 ft
Wed Low 7:05 a.m.: 5,6'if|;
Dec 20 High 1:20 p.m'. 14.1 ft. /
Lgw 8:44 n.m. 2.3 ft i
MAC ' ' By Bouglner
I; .+. ,., INVN'VI