December 14, 1939 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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i ................ , II J ]L ii,lllP i i I ]1 J ........ J Jll ALUM.-. --AL--A_._JA.I All [ I &- ......... . ....
helton Valley City League Hoop Sportsmen Meet i ,,,,,,,,,,,.;, ,+,, ,,+ o.,
l'IW t rs"1 Y) J* C()nth,noo tr(,nl ::;t'- t)i{e { ..........
I I'+g)llllPntf*tl3t6 i-lll " Il/lClt I lr'Al#'T|{qph ...... !hmds shouhl be managed. In the
UUUUli ]LEtO J. UV . .tLILIWKK TM) JL llLILl.,t,t,.,v tly " )[llnl((r" tishermt'n to he ta- wo,lfrn stqtcN morP m) th,ul in
; Nnto ,:|t,,Mnv N,(rht bled t()r a year . t tho eastern s:ates) the problem is
, Into New..,. ............ - .... ., ...,, ..... Y+,,,,, ,'ep(n'ted that thc out-i further complieatcd by larffc areas
.............. _..t - .... " 'o'- standing topic discussed hy the of state or'nationally-owtcd tint-
(|I.V t]nl& W|nsor) AI[era isis(, ,HE IlL l;J,'I; |tie, IlL+ council was tilt? proposed crcadon lbe r These htrge acreages of pub-
Shelt(m Valley Dec, 13. ...... ),It's. practice for city league basketball of a Cscade Ridge National Park lie timber and the part they play
Mel Saeger, Mrs. Peter Boil-
ing, Mrs. Bob Evans and children,
Bobble Lee, Lloyd and Mary An-
nette, Mrs. Oliver ConStable and
son RichiJrd, and Mrs. Myrvan Wi-
veil Irom the Imabella Valley and
Mr.,L Vearl Bennett and children,
Earlyne and Billy, and Mrs. ChaR.
Baker attended the monthly:meet-
ing of the Rome Sewing Club at
lk:ho Farm Thursday afternoon.
reams will get under way Satur-
day night at 7 o'clock in Linc()ln
gym, it; was announced today after
a conference with City School ,+u-
perintendent H. E. l,oop.
Last. night's practice sessi(m
failed to materialize because of a,
mt.)understanding over st,.hcduling
of the gym. A committee composed
of Police Chief Ray Siarwich imd
Homer Cooper reprc:cnting., the
Mrs. Lynn Robinson and daugh- league :conferred with Su/)L. Lu:)p
ters Gall and Helen of Shelton via- today and arranged for the Satin'-
ited Wednesday evening at the ]day night practice peri()d. Supt.
home (ff Mrs. H. A. Winsor, Loop said he wouhl meet with the
Mrs. Slgne Knecland visited in
Shelton Thursday afternoon with
Mrs. R. R. Phillips.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Robin)n
of Shelton spent Thm'sday evening
at l;cho F,lrm.
Vcarl Bennett was a business
visitor ill Elnlli last Saturdty.
Mr. and Mrs. Irish Healey were
over from Olympia anti spent the
week-end with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. E. A. Rutledge. Tliey
made Mrs. Rutledge a present of
a fine new Monarch wood range.
Mr. llealy is making arrangements
t,, ,)pen a meat mn,'ket in Shelton
Mr. and Mrs, J, A. Sharer, ac-
companied l)y their daughter, Mrs.
Bob Retain of Shelton, made a bus-
inc:)s trip to Tacoma Friday.
Mr. an0 Mrs. R. R.)hlllips were
mt from Shelton and rpent Sat-
urday evening with Mrs. Signe
Mr. and Mrs, Dewey Bennett
visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs,
Vcm'l Bennett. The former also
called at the Charley Baker home.
Jt)hn Hammond, who has been
visiting at the E. A. Rutledge
home, has gone to Seattle Where he
recently bought a service station,
Mr. and Mrs. Vearl Bennett and
children were in Aberdeen Monday
players at that time to outline
possibilitics of the le',guc achednl-
ins the gym for mid-week games.
He has already granted use ot lhe
gym Saturda.y evening'+ and Sun-
days to the league.
A managers meeting will ho held
Saturday following the practice
period to draw a, schedule and
complete nther organization de-
tails. Players of all teams :.rc in--
vited to work out at that time.
A slight r,,,arrangement ()f spon-
sors has4;aken place since the man-
agers' meeting Monday, the 4-E
Dairy taking over sole sp:)nsorship
of the team the Skokomish Grange
Vv dson s
had originally spoken for. .....
(Safe has also definitely been se-'
cured aa a sponsor to go in with
the four originals-.Ray, mier, Mc-
Cleary Timber, McConkey Phar-
macy and L. M.
Mr. and Mrs. 13an BemJett ltrl(l
daughter El:line t)t' Shelt(m spoilt
Friday evening with Mr, and MI'.’
Dewey Bemaett and family.
Mr. and Mrs, J. A. Nhafcr en-
ered lunch Sunday with their son-
nLlaw and daughter, Mr. lind Mrs,
ichard Grenberg in Shelt,m.
[ Mrs. Dewey Bennett called on
on bu.iness+ {Mrs. E. A. Rutledge nd M)'s. Sight
Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Phillips, Mr. [Kneehmd Monday after||oon.
an(L Mrs. Iloward Robinaoll and I Vearl Bennett plans to hold an-
Mrs. John SAlsa Jr. and baby of,lother Turkey Slmot at his fu'm
Shelton visited Sunday evening this Sunday, I)ecemebr 17, it' the
with the Winor and Dewey Ben-iweather permits.
nett families.
of some 5000 qua|'e miles. Young,
as ehairmari of the council's com-
mittee on national parks and pub-
lic hinds, reported to the council
the founding of the Washington
State lCcsources Fcdentti(m, em-
budymg some 50 clubs and organ-
izati(ms of t:hi, state, for the pur-
l:)o:e of opposing the Casca.dc Na-
in the working out of a sound
future policy for this region, have
already been and will be continu-
ally brought to the attention of
the eommiteet, and rightly so, as
they play an importan par in the
whole question 0f forestry . . .
The ..West Coast Lumbermen's
Association took the lead in pre-
ti()na) 1)ark propo,aal anti to oppose t senting the logging induatry's
at the same time any further cx-,problems to the Congressional corn-
tensions of existing nation'l pa,'ks, t mittee. Col. W. B. Greeley, secre-
l+'lgtn'es Road Argumen! tary-manager of the West Coast
The State Sports Council adopt-ILumbermen's Association, pointed
ed unanimously a resolution to op- out to the committee that the in-
l)ose lilly such creations or exten-
:;i<,n:L Young helped c.linch the ar-
gum(.nt by citing figures to show
that Washington contribute, ap-
proximately 85 per cent of the at-
tend'nec :,t Rainier National Park
while lhe entire popul.,tion of states
(,:rst )f tlm Mississippi c,(mt)'ibutcs
les lhttn 4. per ccnt,
The S p o r tr, lit ens Association
voted Teu,day night to spend $100
of it,'-; gun(Is l,<) purchase )large
electric stove tlnt{ p,'esent it ta the
Hoodsport school district as a to-
ken of appreciation for ihe USe of
the school huilding f,)r the asso-
ciation's monthly meetings.
A committee of Wallv Anderson,
Howard Lockwood, and Ken
bun was appointed to study a pro-
[posal by Lockwood, chairman of
]the ,Troop 11 Boy Scout commit-
tee, to rnakt. Scouts in good stand-
ing autt)matit.: mcrnhera of the Jun-
i()r Sportsmctts As’ociation.
V.V.W. Xmas Party Is
Slated Friday Night
Members of the Mason County
V.F.W. post and auxiliary will hold
their armual Christmas psi'ties
Friday evening this week wlen
their r'egular serni-monthly meet-
ink dates come.
The parties start at 8 o'clock in
Memorial hall.
dustry has+ been operating for sev-
eral years ptst now on self-im-
posed restrictions aiming to "make
and keep our logging operations
as safe from fire as humanly pos-
sible under our conditions, and to
provide a supply of seed adequate
for restocking the land after eut-
I ting. Our experience, for 50 years
has shown that if these two things
are well don reforestation in the
Dougla s fir region is assured."
McConkey's Offers
Unique Gift Items
Myrtlewood gift articles made
by Herb Dickinson of Hoodsport
are being offered this Christmas
among the many gift items at Mc-
Conkey'a Pharmacy.
A large variety of beatuiful ob-
jects are made by Mr. Dickinson
from *tnyrtlewood, one of the rarest
of woods found only in the Pacific
Northwest and in Palestine. The
articles which include tieracks,
dishes and bowls of all sizeo are all
made by hand.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wells of BeN
lingham arrived last Friday eve-
ning for a visit over the week-end
with his pareRts, Mr. and Mrs.
Clyde Wells.
I Hack't) Jewelry and Gift Shop
+has some real bargains in new and
lused musical instruments for
i Christmas presents. (adv.)
"I'11 Tell If--Sell it- Trade It--
In the Journal Want-Ads.
Perfumes & Toiletries
Early American $1 &
Old Spice ............ 1.75
Intheric ............ 1.00
Tweed- Miracle
Shanghai -- Alriental
Carnation- Gardenia
Ct)ty .... $1.00 & $2.00
Paris- Emerauder
L'Origan -- L'Aimand
Sure to
For wall or man
el. Natural wood
Hntshed m e t al
ase, ivory color
dial, blac nu-
nnerals. Excellent
... and for the top of the
{Isstman'a latest ancl .a tavorl+.’e .wilh.u,
Handlomeb' desilinec, Imstt anmas, ,e
Wgea lhlt wwe amqhota el.s. , m m
let to Set. Makes lutptlslesw Pl W
Foo.d ItcmtFhtoe. t% = a
|Jlltl " it ))ewe.
8 m,m. CINE KODAK $29.50
50-foot 8 m.m. FILM ........ 1.80
tIncludes printing & developing)
New No, 70 PROJECTOR .. 59.50
Your boxed Christmas cards, Christmas wraps and rib-
bons--Christmas Stationery,
I:,.u'e Northwest wood--Beautifully (It>signed .aid hand-turned by Herb
I)iekinson of ttoodsport--from 50’ to ,.).00.
Xmas Wrapped
l-lb. Velvet .............. 73’
l-lb. Granger .......... 69’
l-lb. Prince Albert 79’
l-lb. Edgeworth .. $1.19
l-lb. Model .............. 69’
Flat 50's Chest ......... 39’
You set a quick, close,
comfort-shave the first
time -- no patient practice
necessary, HU practical,
patented eaturel different
from all other dry-shavers
$7.50 to $15.00
! key'
Thursday, December
Why Carry? ...
We Delive
All you have to do
phone us! We'll dell,
your order when
it . .. Phone 305.
Save For The Feast
Here is the thrifty housewives' chance to shop
and save for the big Christmas meal. You
will find everything you need to prepare a
deliclous, praise-winning meal on our shelves.
Shop here every day -- then when you are
buying for the fenst, you will know where to
get the best foods at budget-balancing prices.
f The Friendliest
Gift for a Family:
A Christmas
) Tell us what you
want . . . we
) Christmas wrap and
) deliver !ny place
Sliced Bacon ............ lb. 27’
Roast Beef ............. lb. l(k
Short Ribs .............. lb. 10’
Spiced Ham ............. lb. 25’
Bacon Squares .......... lb.
Salt Pork .............. lb.
Wieners ................ lb.
Regular or skinless.
Lard or Shortening ... 2.1bs. 21
Corned Beef, 2 tins .......... 39’
Swift's--all solid lean meat. 12-oz. tins.
Reliance Coffee, 1-1b ........ 28’
In tins.
3-1bs ....................... 79’
Peanut Butter, 2-lb. jar ...... 29’
Mixed Peels, 1-1b ........... 43’
Orange, lemon, citron, cherries, pineapple. Diced ready-
to-use. In Mason jar.
Christmas Tree Stands ...... 49’
Adjustable metal . . . will last for years.
Borene, giant pkg ........... 59’
The borated soap powder . . . softens hard water.
Dec: 15--16--1
Real Contentment for the
CIGARS . . .
Gift wrapped.
Van Dyke, Rot Tan, Webster, box of 10 .. 10,
box of 25 + $1.20
Cartons gift wrapped.
Camels, Luckies, Chesterfield, Old Gold --
Raleigh, carton ...................................... $1.45
Velvet, l-lb. 73’; Prince Albert, l-lb. 73’ --
Granger, l-lb ...........................................
Boxes gift wrapped.
Lge. Ast. 50’ to ............................................
Fisher's Homelike
Flour .....
a.,-- Germ
C, Ft0 .....
,.::=' ;
,,. .... Fisher's Fine.Spun
49-1bs. ' ' (
$1.3.) sk. 29’
Cake Flour, 2-lb. sk 15
Flour, 49-1b. sic .. $1.69
Mix 2-1b 8 oz 27’
, "___. .....
,m i
, (
Oranges, 2-doz. 37’; ]/.case. $1.2..)
New Navels, large 176 size.
Grapefruit, doz.. 29’
Tokay Grapes, 3-1bs ......... 25’
Onions, 10 lbs 13
m . . + . .
Celery 2 for 15’
, . . +
Utah type. Large, crisp stalks.
Dates pitted 2 lbs 27’
, ' m * * .
Dates, unpitted, 2-1bs. ....... 23’
Boxed Stationery, 39’ to. 79’ box
Fancy boxes.
Ch'olate Cherries box
Walnuts, 3-1bs. ............. 49’
Soft shell, medium.
Walnuts, 2-lb. mesh bag ...... 45’
Oregon Franquettes, large No. 1. ' !;
Brazil Nuts 2 lbs 35’
' im
Large . .. washed.
Peanuts, 2-1bs.
Large, fresh roasted.
Almonds, l-lb.
Soft shell.
Filberts, 2-1bs.
Mixed Nuts, 2.1bs.
(no peanuts)
Mixed Nuts, 2-1bs.
(with peanuts)
Candy Canes, 1 to
....... 25’
Moisture-proof cellophane wrapped. Choice of HARD MIX (satin finish) Old Fashioned
BOX CHOCOLATES 2-lb. S9C 5-lb.
Fancy Christmas package . . . tempting assortment.
Other Boxed Cocolates---35 to $2.50.
for Church, Schools, and Lodges . . . See us for lowest prices on quality candies.
Lumbermen's Mercantile Co.