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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 14, 1939     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 14, 1939
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&apos;sday, December 14, 1939 " Screen Views .? :,,o:,,,3.1:, here lllay now di:d devit:c which records the V, [1('11 ill', V \\;\'ill rell, ll'll. A ly- \\;Vith gaseha Heiteftz, the world's (:;{;,i1: i!l i]lCil' tiiJ:cl)ce will be most renowned violinist starred, auhmmlically \\;vtwn the \\;vi]l h,, i::{:k. RAHA M THEA'rRE ELTON, WASHINGTON Two shows every night Starting at 7:00 P.M. Matinee 2:15 p.m. Saturday and Sunday tdm,, 10€ and 25€, plus tax Time Tonight ! 13ARGAIN NIGHT Adults ................ .15€ each TWO BIG FEATURE PICTURES... '0N YOUR TOES" with Zorina, Alan Hale --and- =* I CIt P OF THE FLYING YOU" with John Mack Brown, Bob Baker i & Saturday is PAY-NIGHT . . . "THEY SHALL HAVE MUSIC" Andrea Leeds, Joel Mc- Gene Reynolds, Jascha Heifetz. 13OY, a GIRL, a FIDDLE a DOG to touch your' • . . and music from the greatest violinist to thrill you. good short subjects . . , SATURDAY at 2:15 P. M. Sun'., Men. & Tues. GARY COOPER in REAL GLORY" David Niven, Andrea Leeds, Reginahl Owes. Great Story and a Great Cast . . . good short subjects . . . MATINEE SUNDAY at 2:15 P. M. SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAE  i  Mrs. L. C Suiter Books, Earth Form Bomb Barncffdes ! Honored on 85th ! i Birthday Sunday Samuel Goldwyn s new major pro- .......... duction, "They Shall Have Music," Gral)eviev¢, Dec. 13. .---A sum- which will have its showing at tile I tie)' of guests gathere(l at t h e Graham Theatre on Friday and IMitchell home, Sunday, Decem- Saturday unfolds a gripping story Lber l0 to honor Mrs. E. C. Suiter, (if human interest, highlighted by lhmg-time and popular resident of tense and thrilling action. The the Grapcview community. The principal romantic roles are played ()cbasion was the honor guest's hy Andrea Leeds and Joel McCrea, leighty-fifth t)irthday. Lunch was while the important supporting lservcd at a t'Lhle decorated with roles are portrayed by Walter "t winter scene, since the calen(l'lr, Brcnnan, Gene Reynohls and Tom-]if not. the thermometer, says it my Kelly. Archie May<), who st'(g- , Is thud. season. ed such hits as "The Adventures l The principal feature of the of Marco Polo" and '"Phe Petri- hmch was a. beautiful birthday ice fie<l Forest," directed "They Sha.ll el'earn "c:ke) " given by Mrs. Sarah Have Music." ! i-lansen and her sons, Robert and "They Shall Have Mu.¢.,ic '' draws Chester. It was made to order its characters and plot from the I in Tae<)ma of two layers of ice wealth of material found on New IcLicam, with whipped cream and York's East Side. Briefly, the ieandied cherry filling, topped with story revolves around Prc fessor  whippei crcam icing and guts- Lawson, portrayed by Water I eously decorated with ice cream Brennan, and his music'chool set-lroues" an(t with .appropriate dates tlement, composed of ragge(llof years. Science, in the Way of youngsters who are musical prodi-dry' ice, allowed the cake to be Kies. Into this school comes tr'msportcd and arrive at the ta- Frankie, who inherited a talent for ble in perfect con(litton. Although the violin from his dead father it was huge, it literally all "melt- and has run away from home toted in our mouths." A "regular" escape the hate of his stepfather, cake, made by Miss Barker, ac- The boy is taken in tow by the lcompanicd this course. Naturally, professor, and blossoms into a fine [conver,,,ation was another feature musician. How he tries to repay of the lunch. It was a chance to his debt and how he lures the great catch up on news for some who Heifetz to the aid of the financially had been away• And there is al- bankrupt school provides the eli- ways talk of quilts and rugs and max to the story. other handiwork when a group of Lovely dark-tressed Andes Leeds women are with Mrs. Suiter. She and six-foot he-man Gary Cooper is the authority in the neighbor- provide, the romantic in[erest in hood on these subjects and has a Samuel Goldwyn's "The Real collection of quilt t)atterns that Glory," the new adventure drama lcan scarcely be duplicated in the t.bout the heroic exploits of the United States. Philippine Scouts, which is sched- I A special guest was Mrs. Alice uled for its initial showing at the lIngran who drove from Olympia Graham Theatre on Sunday, Men-Ire be present. Others there were (lay and Tuesday, when it begins f Mrs. Walter Eckert, Mrs. H. E. a three-day run. Directed by Henry Peterson, Mrs. William Spooner, Hathaway, this new production Miss Hattie Barker, Mrs. A. features in its supporting cast Sharp, Mrs. Sarah Hansen. Mr. such top-notch players as David .rod Mrs. Bert Mitchell drove from Niven, Broderiek Crawford, Reg- Seattle for the occ:tsion and Miss inald Owes, Kay Johnson, Vladimir Louise Mitchell came from Quin- Soloff, Russell Hicks and Henry suit. Gifts were extended Mrs. Kolker. Suiter and wishes for moY'e birth- The story of "The Real Glory" days for her friends to enjoy with was transferred to the screen from her, a script written by Jo Swerling and dramatizes the bold era of ad- All He Really Needs venture, drama and turmoil which i A good wife and health are a reigned in the Philippines follow-i man, s best wealth.--Benjamin ing )he end of the Spanish-Ameri.; Franklin. can War, when the American Army .................................................... was evacuated and the islands were I overrun by religious terrorists and ulary, officered by Americans, who insurrectionists. It details the for-lundertok to quell the rebellions mattes of the Philippine Constab- and establish peace a,nd order.' Get That Little Bit of Extra Money for Christ- ,mas by Buying Here. Naptha 6for 29c Campbell's omato Soup 6 for 45c Oregon Dried nes 3-100. lit Peas 3-1bs. 19c 19c fts Milk 6for 29C Filberts, Brazils, Candm Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Dry 10-1bs. Large Navel 2-doz. .... 10€ Oranges ... 49¢ Jap Box Arizona 6 for ... 69¢ Grapefruit• 13€ Meats! Roas{ Pork .... lb. 12V2¢ of Pork ............ lb. 151/2¢ Steak ................ lb. 16€ Lard .................. 3-1bs. 25¢ of Lamb .............. lb. 17€ Banquet BUTTER ............. $$€ Toilet TISSUE 5 Fo00. ........... lq¢ Carton Matches 2 For ........... 35€ Oregon Franequettes Walnuts 2 ............. 39€ dder Lamb ........... Roast ............... • lb. Pot Roast ......... lb. Boil • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Steak ............... , I/i or whole ........ Liver ............... Cheese Spread--all varlties .............................................. 15€ lb. 14€ lb. 15¢  ,12/2€ lb. 9¢ lb. 19¢ NUSPREAD lb. 17€ A de.c,., bea,th,,, no. acid spread. lb. 9¢ 20¢; 2 for ............ 39¢ CI'TY MARKET Stacking books and packing eartl keeps Londoners busy as they safeguard their homes against bombing attacks. In districts not hav- ing air raid shelters, citizens were shown at demonstration houses - how" to barricade basement windows and entrances. Matlock Forward To P.T.O. Dance Saturday Night (By Mrs. Zeo Priszner) Matloek, Dec. 13. Don't forget the big dance the P. T. O. is giving Saturday night, December 16 :it (, TOWNSEND I The Townsend Cub h Id their I regular meeting in the Labor Tern- [ pie Monday night:, Dec. 11. A I large crowd was present. After the I meeting adjourned a fine program[ was rendered, both vocal ann in-I ,IH li I I Skokomish Home Ec Holds Annual Husbands' Night By Mrs..,,i";-To(Id Fredso,, Skolomish, Dec. 11. ...... The Home Economics club held its annual party--the one the hus- h:rods get in on, Thursday eve- ning last. The Fred Bells were iibsts. Tile big interest of the evening" was the quilt drawing. Each year the ladies make a love- ly quilt and then determine by lot which of them shall become the proud possessor <if it. Four quilts have been made and so (lisposed of. When a member has (h'awn <me qllilt he)' name cannot be ira the pot again, ,o there is hope for all. Mrs. Chas. Hunter was the lucky one this year. A table each (if "500," pinochle, Chinese checkers and rummy roy- al were in play during the eve- sing, a.nd there is n<) d<)ubt but tha.t "a good time w'ts had by )11." After the more than gener- ous helpings of ice (:)'cam a n d cake which followe(I the games, <)ne husband was heard to lament that "thes, e parties arc too f a r potluck hmcheon took on banquet l)rop(>rtions for the club was hon- i:)ring the birthday of one 0f its valued mcmbers. -Mrs. Faye John- stun. Mrs. Johnston received sev- eral gift.% inchlding a lovely bed I spread given by the club. This club plans a food sale 'it the L. M. Co. store in Shelton, Sat- urday, December 16. Attention, customers, take a tip from one  who knows-, these ladies c a n cook! i Mr. an(l Mrs. Geo. Thomas are; the l)roud parents of a baby gir] horn in Bremerton last week, Mr. Thomas is employed at the Keith Campbell [)airy ranch. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Eller of Seattle were visitors Tuesday to Thursday at Mrs. Victor Roberts. ) Mr. Eller caught a. fine steelhead . in the Skokomish and proudly took it home to exhibit as one <if the first of the season's Catch. The parents of Mrs. Lorraine Simmons have driven up from Los Angeles for a visit with their: daughter and family. Mrs. Ultra Hunter spent 1 a s t week in Oregon visiting relativesi in Hillsboro and Portland. Her: longes(t stay was with her cousin Mrs. Jenne Elliot(, who, while vis- iting Mrs. Hunter here last year, had the misfortune to fall "tnd i:::i:ii!]!i4:;:i!,.':i:i::' ::!: :: :: :: :!¢[:i:!::i: i i !!!i::,:i:::i:i:i:i:i:i( :'• •. "ii:i!: [i,) i[[i;D ::::: : ............. It's getting so airplane manufacture is as .imi:];' ::€ l)dinV, a cake. Iiere's the first of the new phl:4ic plane:.:, made I'vmn a mat(wi',d re.- sembling bakelite that is mixed up in a ))owl and baked in a huge oven. If tests are successful, i}l(,e phmes will ,ell :)t half the l)rit:o of metal planes and can be repaired with a pot of ghte. Record, ed Earthquake According to "Earthqnake tlislo- ry of the United States," the earliest earthquake reported felt was on June 1 or 2, 1638, at Plymouth, Mass. The first instrumental record was Re0000,ard Will be paid by the manuf;cturer for any Corn GREAT CHRIST()- PHER POSITIVE Corn Cure can. apart." obtained on a seismogrttph installed not remove. Also removes Warts Mrs. Fred Ferris entertained th'. ,at the University of California, and Callouses. 35, at Gordon's Grange chlh a,t its regular meet- I Berkeley, in 1885. Shelton Pharmacy,' --adv ing on Thursday afternoon. The] ..... " .................................................................................................................................... Mary M. Knight gymnasium Hat- chery orchestra will fu)'uish the 'strumental. The Mary Knight fracture her hip. She has not music. The proceeds will go to- School Band of Mktlock was pres-[made a sa.tisfactory recovery. wards buying candy for the school ent. Each a.nd every one of the Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Hulbert "rod children " Come a.nd b)qng your,band, and all others who took part Mr. and Mrs. Steve Toney a n d friends, i showed wonderful talent. I da.ughter of Shelton, we,'e" ,,,ek- Mr and Mrs. Ed. Winkelman Miss Majorie F,11ison of Matlock end visitors at the Fred Ferrls and family of Olympia, Mr md won the prize of the evening, home. Mrs. Tom 'Kelly ai<t sons, of Camp Election of officers of the Coun-[ Mr. and Mrs,. Warren Johnston 3 spent ,qun(]av with Albert Win- tcil Club followed the program. Th( I and Mrs. Jean I rc(lson w(.r(, din- kelman. Mrs. Kelly and sons stayed usual dA,)lce and refreshentseon- ner guests of the Einor Iversons till Tuesday and her brother took i¢luded the evening. " at Lake Cushman Saturday eve- her home. , • .] .;N, ext meeting Monday nlght, De- sing. Another birthday, pelob(,a, Mr. and Mrs. Zoo l riszner and i eember 18, Labor Temple: Please ! tion for M['. J0hnt6r[i .... soil Fritz spent ,qu))duv :fterno<)n come out to the Townsend Club .............. with Mr. In( Mrs. Fred I:e)'ri Sr ,,and bring your friends=you arc , Journal "Want-Ads get cash Mr. and Mrs..lames G)'eenwood ' "lways welcome, from those who want your "Dot'I of Snoqualmie spent S!tturday to, Jc,uie Gallagher, Pub. Mgr. W'mts." " hRAMOUNT THEATRE SHELTON ..... WASH, .Friday- Saturday, I)ecember 15 -16 JACKIE COOPER  MARJORIE REYNOLDS Streets Of New York Sunday - Monday - Tuesday, 1)ecember 17 - 19 ARTIE SHAW and His Jitterbug Band DANCING CO-ED ALSO DRUNKEN DRIVING Wednesday Only --i)eceml)er 20 MELVIN DOUGLAS LOUISE PLATTE TELL NO TALES Tuesday as guests of Mr. and Mrs. I Elvin Hearing and Mrs. Rediska. Ladies of P. T. O. served a six o'clock dinner last Tuesday eve- ning to the tea.che)',' of Mason County at the school auditorium. They cleared $21 and have ordered lumber for benches for the gymna- sium, which we hope t(> complete for the dance Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Harris and ! family of Montesano, Mr. aml Mrs.. I Frank Winkehnan and ,on of Day- ton were guests of Albert Wink(l- man on Saturday• Mrs. Elvin Hearing and Mrs. Anna Rediska. were Shelton callers Wednesday amt called on Mrs. Bell HoDkins and Miss Nina. Frank Pellischek called Tuesday on Albert Winkelman. The Deckerville 4-H club cleared $5.88 at the hamburger sale they verved at the card party at Mat- lock Grange hall last Saturday night. Elizabeth Valley, Lucille Hansen and Leland Lonsberry fried and served them and I, illian and Geraldine Ford and Georgia Mel- lor helped with dishes and peeled onions. Have no report on card party as yet, only a nice crowd and a good time. . We are glad to rep<u't ttat no more cases Of scarlet fever have l broken out and those having it are back in school. So let's hope no more appear. British Medals tu U. S. The report of the secretary of war for 1923 lists 415 British military medals which were given to Ameri- can soldiers who participated in the World war. E0(lle tantor Gets His Wish i(:i:/! After a quarter-century of wtsh- ing for another man in the Cantor family, Eddie finally gets one. The new baby is his grand- son, Michael Jay Metzger, born recently to Natalie, second of the comedian's famous• fivq dauhterL i ///$ I atDtehl s Men'sShop ..... ,, .... ) it Robes $4.95 to e q5 Sweaters .. $3.95 to $5.o(} Top Coats $19.50 to €'- . t[]eJ.J Florsheim Shoes... $8.7o Fruit of The Loom= and ARROW SHIRTS .. $1.6..5 to $2.2;) Combination Leather & Wool Jackets .... $6.95 Kensington & Stetson Hats ...... $3.50 to $5.{)0 Freeman Shoes $4 to $5..)0 I nterw0ven Hosiery 35¢ (o $1 • • • • • • . Dress Hose at ....... 25¢ RALEIGH, CLOTHCRAFT & HART, SHAFFNER & MARX SUIT8 $22.50 to $35.00 DRESS GLOVES SILK TIES 1.400 .... 1 3 50 ¢ .> .)