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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 14, 1939     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 14, 1939
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Pad.c, E&apos;.ht Maud [Mien Passes At Bremerton Homei [)oath l't)lldWlng tr year's itt)aia claimed the life of Mrs. Mtu(l A. |;cherts. 72. of IJrdon at. the home ,f ilev brother. M. O. Peabody no:n • Gremcrton 'rues(lay, A resi(km;, t)t Lt)a Hood Canal CoilFfttnli[y tot' nlsNg ,yPdlr3, MI'S. Ioberl.,:4 was nlarried to O. 13ere[- ford Roberts m Seattle in 1892. Robe (if ,,e was ,t ,1,,,,,I,e,' o t.e !,:p,:,. rts loci,at hurch a.d ol Ar h,t..'. P, ]• O,, BI'CIIIt'ULOII, Besi(lt3 her husband. Mrs: R¢)b- erts s m|)'vived by a (laughter. Mrs. Lois P, %VrlgnL b'eaL(le; ::t grand daughter, Mrs. G. G Frank- lin Jr., TacoIlla: il |l'atldst)n, Louit) E; WvigllL Jr.. Seattle,: three broti- ors, J. A. Peabody, Rock: ,It)hn Peatxxly• Olalla, rtnd M. O. Peabody, Bremerton• and..a sister. Mrs. H. %V. O. Kinnard, HawaiL tauneral services were held Lhis aternoon at Steltz cha, pel in Brem- ,tm v,,,., t,,,),n in Wincma, klinn,, on erton with int(wment trl Ivy Gl'eell Feb. 13, ig67. cemetery. In the Navv Yard city, Doyle Funeral Fi;oni , ,St. Edwards Satur:lay I Futdral services for Martin J. Doyle. PeninsularRailway scetion- ItI:t.ll WI'l() (lied Motlday lit Shelt0n h(:,pital, will be leld Satu|'(tay lll()rning Ill; nine, o'clock fronl St. Edwards Catholic church, inlet'* ment in Holy Cross division of ShelLon Memorial Park following. A nephewi Chal•le8 Carroll, lives here. Postage Ut)st Americans spent $6t7,851,000 cn postage ill 1938.. :tttaT,T('iKLMASON COTTNTY .IDIIRNAI, Far West Hopes to Retain National Basketball Title Thursday, Decenlber i,1, VETERAN KNIGHT ITurculosis !i Seal Sale Now Bob Lemke , Young In Full Swing l BY IRVING DIX A QUICK roundul) of basket- ball prospects for tile 1939-40 season shows a greater nunlber of outstanding squads than there were a year ago, with conference champions having a tough job on their hands to repeat. The far west• rapidly rising to n position of prominence in col- legiate com't circles, has at least \\;\\ TEAM PUSHED T0I BEAT JUNIOR HIGH oo,,,,,,o,,co ,n ,,,o =oo,, ,,o Christmas Seal sale which is now ()tvl ('apture 16 to 10 Verdict miller full swing, was expressed l;rom Inexperieneed But this morning by Mrs, Vernon Proraislng ,Innh)rs Dvid;,,m, getleral ch/tirman, as • reLurnz from the 2000 letters sent .';port hl" n complete lette)'n:an Mason County resident•s contin- lilICllD Dins oTle to spare, the Mary ued to come m in increasing V.)I- M. Kniffht Owls won a 16 to 10qume' )x,::lcetb:lll verdict ,)vet ,ileltc)n I Trying to calculate in advance I The election ()f ()fficer: Walthcr Le'qfue at Mollnt Lutheran Church last ning )•esulted in the suming office January President• Robert L(-mke. vice president. Miss Hazel secretary - treasurer. [ a Buchanan; chairman of Knowledge, Fred Heckl chairman of Christian Vivian JohnsoIl. DavLon. be inducted into office ;tL tile .................................................................................................................. three teams which may be con- I I ill I I I NEEDHAM F00D STORE Saturday, Monday, Tuesday • "; ' ' 39€[ JlIX.21'!' II lq¢l "'1 [Large ()ranges ....... doz. / I I Jumb° ()ranges.. 'A-case $I.0()] i Bulk I I' ----' I M*(:*r°Ni I I P°A°00'¢AKE FLOOR 4-15. 23o. ---------If"':' ............. 15€{ i CELERY . . . bunch 5c | :3 :' 1 Arizona I J CeA00KERS.. 2.1bs. 15c [Grapefruit / PEANUTS... 2-1bs 25c it...___. 9€) I I XMAS MIX CANDY2 ib.23c !! ]BUTTER... I,,, ............... i $€1 I I ........ MJ.B. Jr. I ii COFFEE I i M:D. I l)l00J ,,...,.,. )i ) ! RAisINS 44b.pkg. 21€ inoz'sauez ztor 7, ..... FREE DELIVERY" PHONE 199 " "" ' ;3 m , ,>?' ...... r. ( ! ', ,o ,(It i< Igew It,,(: junior hih in L;neoln gym Toe:. how many scala various homes thor League meeting of t ...... ; r.,.,n,,ol l'*v nieht but the vreen unior and individuals wil want it one 8 1940 enoers tor rue l,,t,,,a. v,,o.- ' ' , " " ' ' ' h " I ' ' " ate crown now held by Oregon. hih quintet aeqfitted itself very i of the c!nef tas.ks of t e Chr s- -- ..................... The Webfeet although they have commendably m (,efest and l?l,2ased :mas Sct committee. ..1 ........ (,'..i,.,, roa,,lnr John Ccmch Hugh" Clark highly, I "Sop3e persons: may want m,n 'c Steel Potential :;:L '3:..t.;,si'::i,,:,scu.'aain Clark's. lads olayed a. zone tic- t an the numher we ,:end , zt tc W th I4 pounds of m,r gan .... , v .,o÷ ro,.,¢ rr lense to capitalize on the UnllStlltl, them," said Mrs Da,v.idson." quircd ill n3akhlg ,3 ton of are rale('l fllgLl• l.,o a,,-o .- , • . , ., • • , ,, ,, ' . - serves are big, f 1st and clever . ] !ittll.thl, 3,ca) I S i]LlnlOl] CiIb O f:! .'Ot!lers nifty vaot levy,, and m statistieian in New York figure, ..... , - ,-, ,--- ,tt *,, .l., ,,n i :., ,. .,., ,a:ty p t,,c ,a t that case tney tre asKC(l to )'e- l(000 000 tons of steel or more anca sno, um oe ,, -,; ;.-L.. - I ]Sam Wilon, AI Adams, Roy Rob-iturn the unwanted number to ........ ft ....... '; S' )ultxt ( wlere.•me ;:' cmo m,c.o[, I ! c,'ts, , Burt Dick nson and others he'dquarters For those who de- },,c:]],,,), ,,c •,,,,, '.'2/, .... v , LoLtnei'n t..2/LliOrnlu XVltll a | ] , . " ' ._ " "., De IlIile kVIID tl}.e ltro UUU-tUtt , a'eat fo'w'u'd ir Ralph Vaughn I I Fdlure to shoot enouo% was very eme to htwe mot,e tnan we mau . ' - ;x,a ", crac; t,uard in J'Ick Mot= [ Icvilent in the Junior hih's l)lav,!out, I can say that the commit- ;;i: cmu;,)g,es1 ,;;:tnJc,:Yr ; " . " • '  " . " • : I ] only nineteen shots being taken in tee cheerfully will send out ac,(li- . , , . . y x _, risen, wall,be dangelous. Cah- 1 i. .. ' • .7  -, tional .,heets oi noLficatim ductio costs t> a levcl tempe • " '- n ,tne entn•e con[ DV t:JarK s young- - z : . forma is the tlmd coast tern , I • , ....... ' ......... , . with remote foreign producel xh;vh shn*)tol be Stl'on Four of , I i 8tel'& A snouloer re,jury ¢epc a-  'l)lS[rlDuLn)n anG puro, daseJ n e . . ;..;c,.." .... ;..`...  o.  "als :.i I Verne Downie sLa,'ting forward i grcatly Mmplified hy this meih-[ present market price.'!. __- last year  UOlCten ear regm ;: I ! out. of the gamc and hampered the i odof 'mailing out th'e scls. Thc I ................... return. . . . :.ii:] junior high official somewhat• l addrese(1 return envelopn is a l 1 -- ............... s" bet tiil Coach Jeff Tem'au of the Owls  convenience to the purchaser Thci W#qlt'&ialwA" 'l IS2Ab toos nKe m.e.oet - l| i plaeed a.' complete letterman clubl public has ncver failed to coop- ! | [ in the soumwest, wtm a gooa ii ] ..... ( "" e lenin tl rdf' " • " . . " . . . lU on the floor t)r tn ot g 'P l erate in this annual csmpaignl Lit I nucleus returmng Irom las |/ and a so LI(I Lcla.nd Lnnsherry for!against tuherculovis and the com- i year s Southwest Conzerence |/ /reserve duty as still another vet-lmittee ts confu/ent thst there wlll" " -'- :'"-'"":="-"T champions. ) I era)l. The Owls look ]ilcc they may I bc no letdown this year. | WHO D HAVETHOUI .' OM thoma led by 1he brflhant eu , c nbl s a h "  , , . , ". '.'  " , t ; ,onsider, e • w,,t in thc i "Tuberculosis prevention p:'o- | PEANUT JU'F'|R BREA Jimmy McNatt, again Z pclcea ! Tri-County circuit thk, se.son with ] gr:ms depend upon the mmey , Tt.. t4a. ;It  t^. ,h;. Pea to lead lhe B g Six with Kansas Bob Todd. pla.ying his fourth sea- t.'aised in each community The ...........  ..... "7" • not far behind. Jack Morrison .... South- i son in KniI4ht colors, as the spear- splenditl cooper'ition sh(')wn in I Butter Bread! And so wall th Ohio State, who lost to Oregon ern Calilbtt counts plenly : head nf the Owl offe se. helping us draw uo preliminary of the family! A free recipe., r in the finals of the national on him T,tek Corer veteran Owl rqmrd [ plans give., us reason tn believe fine chance to prove what s, tou,'namcnt, will have difficulty " "m'[:fere(l severe cu't over one eye] that the problem of tuberculosis ference Fisher', Mending defending its number one pos] the teams havn g mo:;t of what it in Tuesday's zame when he .',liope(l I Is well rualized by the public, T.he ] #]our. tion in the tniawcst, w]tn oruy " ,,¢hoL'n 'and fell landitw on his head A uauq raisea arc scent nerc znt __., • ., takes to reach the top, S( ....... ' , , ' , " " ' l |[]lsnn' two roguhn's returning. Indt na --sketball h'sn't bccn nuite on a ' coup e of :,filches were required I Mason County. Only a. small r has a britli ult junior team that ..... ., " '" :  to mend the wound hut the dur. [amount i passed on to finance l • v:., ;re. , I,)t, shonld come fast. Michigan and p:r v,:h 1)xlctf)),ttball, but the 'able Knitrht youth prt,bthlv will he educational anti-tuhe,'culosi'J work) • '',::-" ........... Notre. D mt also," will be" ira- st,,  ,s a ...... s. ....... - 1-- --- re'(ly f )i/ pit{,/ again when-the two I on a national scalc " . mu 74G .vt  ..... ......... t..._ In the east it looks h xc Lo. . - ..... I • l)rov(d i, reatly . , - " - ..... .,. ,r; .... p,, teams meet in a return ;a.mC next[ .A.----Eo  -- . , • 2eaplt'trlk • }  the ISIlncI ancl LNew X)Ft. utstvt.-t .y (1 "1 1 t ck • • s • Colorado, who 3 td one of ................. Tues ay evcnn g t t M tlo - . t a |1€1 laa vaat¢ h I  eu.s F6btr, 81end Flour ......................... hot, f- ,-Rt.t in tilt]. , ,e°u-nlt v a vearthe lnDartmouthtne metropol tta nBr(.),vn QIStL let)and pos.slblWILIl• Y *.q;ln° .,sv.*li'""nl..). d . 1 : .... ULF  .  Ik. 1 , " I [] II tfl • t 1")OO" '''. ca.*) , , , ago, should be .t sta0dout in ..... , ............... i K,,iht (tO) J.nor.ieh t0) ) Pallia ,adned..v! I Ipb,o*,,.: and Brigham Young provid g  "': "" Nordwcll 4 F .. I hillips 2 .............. ' :'  g plenty of opposition. Long Island legit fo,ur regulars 1). Corey 2 ........ C ........... Wilonl Dccl.ining health .of ..the ,pa;'t I I Sih and me.rare Ii lsifttbll • * * . froPP.. . the,, . great 131icl.[)ll',. . ,, I1Ve eta I, .,af '). ............ G B I)icki lson. 3] reverat ,years orou,gn, tile (teaLn i. "-an vnnwer ................. nd a t Cream .Dea r HE Dixie front offers perch- ], st ycat but Claw B(e ms I Cmey 2 G Mdler] Wcdnesday of lee, 72 It I --.. • --. -,UL .... tt I e uck world of tdlent with which to Subs Km ht Lot t)err White sign amtcr m ht, active da,s t a nially strnng K . n t • y .... : g ....... IS Y. ,/ ' ,P' ' " ' ':" ' ' I Add do,,ngredient) altemltdy • a ,am D son the imme of William A Robcrtson II t fmtt wth last am Georgia Tech and Mississippi as buld "g'' . Hunter. Junior high--D, ickln / . .  ' . ' , milk. adding I ' " . .......................................... 2 Adams, Robertson, Burke on .rauta oct, ..... . I n of flour Pour into wdl-oilM Im, ' A slster Charles Martnme | [] llA ha at el..e, -' - • -  r • , of Seattle t,q the only Clo rlLivc Shelton Skating Staley ]eam hes 2nd Ragtime Doubles su,.vivmg. { Lmms.n.. "T" t. t'[r a a I  r • ...... , ,, n I Funeral servicc'., have not bccn ]0 l'lgllt weanes(layl Aronson-rerrler u, tear uns lo Jan. o announced yet.. . . . i  ; ......... r'  " . t - for the past 14 years. He wall born  O n xt ,( tht ,dv wh(u a sp(ctal l L " " "';"   •  ' MIXED DOUi]LES LlEAG[ E atibn al eys from now until Jan- at Iemcock Mich on Jul 2 1867] ],t), will letve it", depot on Rail- ' , ' Y , ' " . ' ". /".. . . IV, L. uary 8 The cuvvent ra time sec , _ ' t I tv( tue at 6 ,to p m to take , ) " ,g ' " " " : , ' . . :..2 , .. , i e:'luw-Aronon .......... II T nd of the resent l)owhn " season . I I ,kttt( r,Lo th  7'3o ,o It'30 skating ............. P .... g . . q,ex,s , ot ! .... B L .' . . ". " .. . ,LL'. . - ] ;l;ll.'•}'-'IllleV . ............ t n s starteo l•ueaay ot tnl8 wee|t witn . . m ,,,, ..... .. ---. -'.' , .. t..l :'e;!2'am m the Capital ttty l'nlK. - [ itttrs{-M.'El{.w . . 10 8 a 400 pin ,eratch limit and 85 ncr Smallest Texas cotmty is Rod :115 I/tO ,21ff tltat mare ttv,' Sp ciut Lr:tttspor[ation prices of  ' ' . .... •  v , . . ' .... ; _ .  , l.etet'son.M,iel:ey , . 10 8 cent handicap allowecl v,,all with 149 square trifles. au cents cacll nave i0eell maue z¢)" .. ...... ' . ,,. ....... ' _._., O , ) . . ] I100(|-} OO[lg .........  II) ---- ---- .. -- ---- ---------.-- ........ " Lhc ce,3sl( n whtle adnti$slon and, -e ...... 8 10 - " ..... ! skate I( itll will tun allOt-- ., i I l't{l%OIl-(lilllitnl .......... . ......... • , ." .. 'q 1 , " net" { Bat'e-I}ar(" . ......... 8 10 :: " ' ' " ;' ',.. ;, '--', :!,i}: ,,.:.::,,-. i,,,." ,,....:. .' ,'. cent> aecordtng to Jtm Forrest I - --' --." :  .9 I A i i A "' * i who may bc contacted at Driskel Lemtrr-ti;etl:'Store,  I) '~ l: II, = l l i]lAlllAlllN ttardwarc for further details Stu-[ g ' ' - till  ,,oo. .... .,., o,,...o.,... ....... ,nd,d,vdu,ll,.a.,e ,,p.en4, Vmm ----=--..::v--.--:'--------: UI l[Hll / iillUI • , ,  ),, .... ;, T Ichdlv l lql total R l) Alien ), . : ..,. ,,. , . :'. : . . " .. 4 ' "' i' I ,i f()t 21 cent.,, ... n... .  . " ' ' " ' "'': ....  ! ..... ,-7"',* Foltcst tU"¢s "r-o ................ Pe: m L,am," ,daley-AIlen 4f)g, ll]  ] ll] l i [ .v ] ' ' "€.  .. tl l.y tic ItlLFL'tLtl i • ' '  ' r¢ t n tot St,tlc' Allen 12S0 to sign up with him or at the bus "::" :'" " ' ,,,,- . 4Wlwn ll;AiTill "l'llll111Pll llrl I1:11 depot, indicating how often he will, -.r .. - .,. , . - Vi $111 VVVl tlliHlill I'lv II II be able to make the Wcdnesdav vx in . ) a en suoomt' lor uo- ' ' -  : , .. " t i "ht ri)8 ' " rcn Stnlev, the hu'.fl)and-wife tom- .' .... "" : ':' ' z g t'q)s. " ' Mne t)f I'au!ine ',nd Lorezt Staley m)v,.d h)t " t (" fo,' lit'st place in  -" linhig l,:flieient, y ithe mixe'l ti;,ubte ix, wling league So.shine I CELLOPttANE CANDY Biltmi, c;:d minerz in the )Tnt,:day night with n whitewash rrAft J'tr'v'r aT I -.-.-.-..-v--.= ...... ,. - United Stales, although they work t vieto;'v' (,vet" Dorothy LeBarr and -kiVJ,2L ;VISLIAIb II .. ' ",' .-. :aunsnme shorter hour produce 400 per cent I Pete Y¢.oerts A en (id tt'e tell- A..£p_ . ....... li unoc01ate Dr0os 2-1bs. more it day than Belgian miners ling work with his 65t Lotal jnst 4 il ; cta -any not;ova%eS  I (' .... l' .....  d " ' 300 per ctmt more than French min" i nine shy of the league retold met 4=ID, DOX . . . JNLa II uuL. vr.Op ,llC::a'j ers, and 200 per cent more than by Cla,'(mce Ba)'e a week ago... '; " ...... " [! Plato Mix. ............... w./li, Brit h m ners according to a re-I In the me.antime, the er.,twnhe ' -" ' ' ' i[ .... " " ' cent study leaders, Hazel berrter and Shorty r ..: . , .( ..... I/[.-  IL cJl ............. i .................... ]Aronson, were suffcrinR' a two to ' =-:: ..... . treal[I NIIX .... 'lIJ, O o::te loss to I,.lsie t ete)'san and Buck . Fresh M,, ** I ........ m,i J Mackev, thanks to Miss PeLcrson's r a Yn "]".-..-.. I | ll]pqnneL |a,rco )).|h "]1 !n',l ,1. totti AIK  • • r ......  UATEb , . . . . o,ho,, re,u,,,, *,,,, M" o --- In , __.....-- IHt,rst and Car'rol M;Eh'ov h()ld- R.Ih¢ 9, II ...... .- >::-" i l/ ling tlleir chulhm4ing posltion iust • • .........  II rT,rr, "rTtrmc' ..... i- i a4 i  fa game .ut of first place by (;dd- i I1 tVlIAISI) INUI . 'IDS. 61 ii V/'"/: !ga.ming t,'rankie Fredson and the , ''DA't[  i t, 10€ /I ,,. Ai I labsent ,-;te.'; Gallant while Carol ......................... ". il  : )d C rence 1,ave-hettered their . Bonnie Be t I a aTltgTl ik 2  ' I ! stttt to ) o 1 ( t S i 21a.avx'tuo s. , ::: ,.': .t n wit a 2 t elge ,vet ..... . ....  I ....................... :,:...,:",- ..... = : . Mern:, W,,,,,i : ,, i. W,>ads HUT AI)UV: li I waw.Ir,T, 9 I|, gt P'P [ " The sct)re: "" "' II w ,, ,L,, V- ............... ,.',Oo, " . 'I.aBarr .... '246 StMey ........... 443 .( R.n . 1 tl# ]i -Oaby Payne. ' Iloberts ........ 421 Allen ............. 651 .J v vL, ,ttaau ........ .ILV I! , . n'r'lvw-emc ° .s sS --Ji ..-... V [Iandieao 4f)8F-landicap . .186 , " ' "': I|'  r,AZUX' ...................... nO. L ',, Iql IIiill   >75 363 337 107;5 414 398 468 1280 Ill . _.. " I -q ,l vw  -.: .... i,:,i,:::: :i; 7": .... , }i?. "':':!: : t{u)'st ........... 454 Fl,ed., ) 1 . . 458 I.G.A ........... , .... tlandteap . .291 H, ndicap .. 321 I[.'l[,l[,l[l[tg l t' Ill.Wig _lr21-O(glML'lff 16,000,000 tons of steel, or more: Butter Bread! And so will the.t ference Fisher'a. Mending tn  Sift and measure lieut. Isift with I ,rig powder and salt Cream pea# Sahd Dressing 144 39! .126 1261 :;73 404 392 1169 .... . 4 Inches Lower from Sill tO.Road THE !.::, 18 to =4 Miles per Gallon ( HERE'S PONTIAC'S answer to the demand for a lowmriced car of Milch you can be REALLY PROUD--the latest and gLeate;t version of America's fines [ow-prlced car! It's |ong, il|ll|CA'| I'INI:|T LOW,PIIi¢=D ¢.II Bumpeer to Bumper $0 Advancements Hi.Test Safety Plate Glass and Sealed.Beam Headlighti }}'?;}!ii::ii:::. thoroughbredand it has a fine-car name. Y,t it' priced just a few rlMlars aboe the IowcsH Come in--see it todayl and up, *delivered at Pont/¢, rail rates, state and local taaes low and beautiful. [l'a [uxurloualy ap- (i[ an*)', aptlomtl equipment---hile sh&'dl tirts and , ,-e, so) ies.*'t,'a. Price# sbje¢ t ta Ckanlte witho#l pohtcd and uphotercd It's bigger and .oti¢€. Genct#l Motors terms to suit 7our purse• better itt EVERY WAY, It l)et':.ortt a Likz ;a daril[ittg FO lllllig INIJ KRroINNGK. 317 Ffi'st 'St. SHELTON MOTOR COMPANY • .) "1 R. b. I)iekey Shelton, Wash. H:t )'e .. 30.)' Voo(l ......... 421 Bare ....... 50,1Woods ........ 49g Itandi('a l) :ll Handicap .... 255 4 ': .0,) 31,*) 407 ll;'l 37l 417 386 117,t l)etet'son ........ 5 19) Ferricr ....... ...550 Mn, ckev ....... 546', A ronon ..... 552 tf:lndi(:,tp ... l0!Fhmdicat) . 1.26 4:?1 3[).* 429 1244 397 394 437 122.g Potlatch Events Make News Notes (By Mrq. Joe Stewart) Potlatch. Dec. 13.--Mr. and Mrs. Fred Eiaenzimer moto|:cd to Ana- cort0s Wcdnetvlay, Mr and Mrs Fred Siegel and Mrs; .I. Richter :;pent Tuesday in Seattle Mr, and Mrs Clifford Reader and sons Donald attd Billy speut the week-end in Everett to attend the wedding.of Mrs, Reader's niece, Mr, and Mrs. John Woodworth and son ArLltur motored to Ta- coma Friday. Dr. John Richter motored to We:€port Saturday evening, Mr, and Mrs ,Joe Stewart en- joyed t, visit from their daugh- te:'s Agnes and Isabel over the week-end Mrs, .h)e Stewart left Tuesday to spend a few day8 in Renton with her daughter. Mcrc I,'ertilizer Used The. uze ot c'mlmercial fertilizer in the Unitc?d States has increased 40:} per een: since ILIgS. yet the con- :.;untpti,cn Ioday averages sliglgly nl')I thilL] a [011 .)el" fai'nl a survey by the Middle West Soft hnprove. 'l'tlt'lI C(lllt'::i{LCP revetl[t,d. I Qt ......... 29¢ Spinach ' 3,1, 10€  ,,,o,,,oo ..,o,.. lb. 5c SPUDS Cookies Leth0nsl .?i... 'd0z, 1.9€ lb...,5¢ 0ai00 e19€ l-lb. pkg... 19€ , SPUDS Turkeys Cafii00Howdr "?'.: [ .. ea. 10d:_ Orges .... 2-doz." 49¢ 12-1b. At Lowest Prices on All- t • ,i Quality POultry. " " " HAMS ............. lb. 21¢ Sugar 'Cured. O VEAL STEW .......................... lb. 1t€ BONELESS STEW .. IK t9€ O MEAT LOAF .......................... lb. 17e COLORED HENS Scrve with Dumplings. Lb ................... 23¢ OYSTERS ......... pt. 19¢ Pure LARD ............. lb, 8¢ Sunshine FLOUR 49-}b: lb. sk ..................... ROCK DEI : Wh61e Kernel Corn, DirnPle Peas, String Beans 2 cans ............................ Fishe BISCUIT MIX 40:oz. pkg .........................