December 14, 1939 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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December 14, 1939 |
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December 14, 1939
International Livestock Show PicKs Its Champions
Proudly displayed to the folks back home were agricultural blue ribbons won by these and other
champions at Chicago's International Livestock show. Herdsman Eric Dennis, upper left, claimed
grand championship with "Penn Pattern," pure bred southdown wether owned by PennState College.
Ouieda McDonald, Love county, Olda., holds hard red spring wheat that won world wheat champion-
ship for Lloyd Rigby, Wembley, Alia., for second consecutive year. From down in Indiana came C. L,
Troyer, LaFontaine, lower left, to win his fourth "corn king" crown with first I]ybrid ever to take
the championship. Robert Carroll. 12, Alcdo, Ill., center, won junior feeding division with his 1195-
pound Black Abcrdecn Angus. M. It. Helle, Gardner, N. D., farmer, right, received ,a.. king" itle
%r his Gold.n ViMn entry.
Xmas Pageant Slated I
Dec. 21 By 4-Square BR00ERTON00..m.,, ...HERE Lower Poultry
--- And Egg Prices
The public is invited to enjoy I rnma run FIRST
,)no more of those h)vcly Christ-[ 1st Half Of 40
square Gospel Church on Decem-
ber 21 in the Foursquarc church] Egg prices, because of heavy
at 910 E Dearborn street t stoeks and production, probably
.... .:+.+ ........ I Willard Highl) Pleased With the will remain less favorable f o r
Last year the rf.g ...... a. • " ' ' ' L • : "
iven s+,n+ tiA by ro.uet, I ho.?,,+ of ,.,.l:. +.d ,,, teh:a.':g'2&, g2,Ahi:: ;:
hnt i t xHll be o'ivon nnlx one tinlel Spi[e el 4-,9 Loss : , " , "
this year, the performance starting i . pected to more than offset heavmr
at 7:30 o'ck)ck. ] Home fan, get their first production during 1940, says [4. M.
Those who plan to a[tend thus pro-season view of the ItIlgh- Turncr, extension economist of the
will have to arrive early to obtain: climber basketball forces to-
N:N2 .JN-.A . ,, . home g;me on Nhclton's prae-
tor'/ " l"l AA ............ $560;'hVa th*e sehettule this season. e- i Feed prices are expected to
• The trolsm) 'd'e)utmcnt s s end teams open th double- range a little higher in 1940 The
I iiN F! FI:/NII: 131 ,,,, lheeostof the govcrm]c]t god header at 7 o'eh,c+k, the varsi- ,higher feed prices, together with
• V| • PlIimuiillV VVI storai'ewmlt atFortKnox Ky. was ties following at appruxiate- i larger egg production, are likely
...... ,--*, ..... r,-'-.a ...... ,,J.a,tJ,, ..... 56n 000 '. ' ' [ ly 8 o'elot.k. ]to revult tn a feed-egg ratio that'F..,***,*.-.,u,,, ' +, • I " will continue less favorable front
.... =- ....................... ......................... 2 Fifteen pl.yers shuttled in and the producer' viewpoint t h an
_ _ _ j |tout of the Highelimber lineup ;tnd'lasl year, says Turner.
= • ] 1 Coach Frank Willard hal. pra!sc Commercial hatchings for 1939
- I i 1 ]for every last one of them m sp,te :were about 21 per cent larger than
[ - --:-l kIlllI[ ;! If or a 34 tn 29 defeat Shelton suf-rthose of 1938 and 19 per con t
I I--I'I ! II.l F I II!iered !t Bremerton Tuesday eve-I larger than in 1936, the previous
r'I IOlI[ . • Itnmg m it first prcp basketballlhigh year of record, Should com-
El ?o::;:°;,2a
- i "" :i =:end team game from the High-;up azzd one down the hatchings
[ I:elit,be, :so, pohomores 47 to 30. for next yetr sho_u)d be .0mewhat
"' |i who lgncnmoer mentor was smarter, xne arge natcmng+ um
' • 1 o r .] c J / 0 II__ _],__ I. highly plevsed with the showing, year will result in heavier Voultry
llL h 1 m s €* t ( and e mmketm than m 1939
Npeclals ior r, rl{lay, a[uraay uon y a i is c'ub "ado and was atLf'el he " g'g ' : g '"
-- l lcould have captured the dcc'.isionlfor the fh'st llalf of 1940, while
r . | ....... | i lhad he not been more interested during the last half of 1940 poul-
' "A i i' __ II i I in seeing how all his players look- try marketings probably will be
t E--re,. m I "A | lied in battle heat. No Shelton corn-[smaller than a year earlier be-
}1 [ l-m= can i- N'II'2_ i I taiiUi& li ilbinaUon played more than five orlcause of smaller hatchings next
: ,lW. -- i., 1, I l i [] Isix minutes at a stretch. ,vpring. .
i. : _.. . ... !. ' / | ,,'i-- r| III I Bremerton placed a tall, rough' Fall and winter broiler produc-
e: , Orange, Cherry I II 1 club on the floor but the High- tion probably will be larger than
an. - _n . --- I I l=climbers off,set the. Wildcat#, edge last year's recm'd high produc-
e,, J li ,=..I.- "o, I /=n ]i Illn height .with speed and dished}tion unless relative feed coats in
kit" +i ,11 -'q''' ,, I: -- 1 flout blow-for-blow in the contact lcrease considerably. If produc=
!::: 2 ' : " ,! . . |, | i lwork ]f not even a little more so I tton increases, the mtuatmn s
,il 1F",ila! ' ' l L 1 I lWillard reported likely to be lose favorable for pro-
++-" I I+)€I I +
t , ducers than m the preceding year.,
Danny Showed Em ¢
ill i(INN PAWiI[R e,ne 91+, +LU ............. +..+ Cormler, the letterman be:1:oUut;k; y i(Po°irl¢?92;;m;
Ill !lllV I, V'+|II'kl ,gqgUliO iVY l+ ................. | i[guard who wasnlt supposed to be cent above the crop in 1938 and
e; '2 ;: . '' i" • , , . " , ,, • •!ready yet because of recent auto- ........ , ..... ,,_,, *'' z".
'- , ............... imohfle acmdent mjurms and who t vio's record ere') of 1936 ur
- • i usual y is a slow arter anyway u . t • + -
, : • . . ' [key przces thm tall are likely to
ee to
EG+GS 5 ', lk ilit Ult - • haOnh;So]2garnep'ehth'''belesfav°rablethanay eaag°
: * ' . J , • 'because of the heavy crop, aya
ao _+ : llqi@Ik llUIIO ,I I+1 I scor, ng with tin talUes registered the rencu'l The effect of
,e @ ,+ l+;i,a w't+er hca+os from dstant i +,nppiios, h+wever, will hein:o,
, ......... = +_ • i+ '" +offset by larger consumer, ,
---: ' +' ' ..... __ i r Little Gone An ler+on the mid- Ra idt increasin,* use of turke
{ • '. , P Y . , Y
nT'rrrr-n - + __ _ __ _ -__ .-- I_ i get transfer from Elma, !' the lad',throughout the year is another
+",1 I I"ll%lg IIIII2 i ' irg • who will fill Billy 'i'tvl,)+'s shoes factor that bus tended to support
: &III J , I this year His clever t)al!-hundhng turkey prices in recent years
, , '"" :': ,i : + + . .,::" "" play enginebring and stmotmv was I The war is not expected to in-
" 11 Lar,,e Nave s ' an outstanding feature of the Shel- if uence ooultry and egg p r i c e s
• ' " ' ton performance - ' €
b , .... much within six to 12 months, says
' " ......... "-- ri --.mum -,i m-'l/_ .... Ill U Cliff Me|Iv, second t,m letter- ! the z'enort Only small amounts
' , UIIIIIII10I__ ' @l"idl man, sparkled while :'pcllim" Gee. Iof poultry'and eggl at'8 exported
,¢v-nnilrllr :? PrIlIfllII$ . ',V gmith at center and that's the and' any improvement Will be
.'liql3llbiilli, " " mr - ' ++ way it went right dmw through]largely the reautt of improved do-
Lui Large Green the entire 15-man squad whi.h'.metic demand..: The report notes
_ 1 + _ ---- : V¢illard poured into the game, each Ltha t poultYy and eggs reached rec-
bs " J71 n Jmllllll l,u,lli /.l player doing his part to the satia-lord prices one to two years, after
: " ..... 7 - ........... II >I faction of the coach. . i the World War. Follovng a flur-
, i ' - After trailing 11 to 19 at the ena I rv at the be,ialning of the Wm'ld
'' ! ! ' ' ' ...... l -- " " " of the fn'st canto. Shelton was out- rar" there=was () significant
kJU(l.I ' ,+zunu __ played thoroughly ill the second ehage in,poultry and cgg price,
: ,= : A -- n - _. m£arter as Bremerton piled up, ]forabout two years. I. 1916 the
'1+ " UiPa11)Olrl
) , ' 20 to 11 hqlf time edg( but the m holesale food )llces
$ " :+ : " i "" + ;, ,' dex of w -" '" "
• --, .. v_ +o + + tho o.+ ,oo00 ,n to ..o
......... ' , - :, ," h" third round as Lhe Hig'hclimbers[nrice s followed "
, came tvinging back to pull kqto a I" +:,----. -'+-- .....
. Heinz ' ;( '" lrT£-'TTTnc't ] r h rl/lr 23 to 22 lead at one point and in t
r 1 ' +' 1" ' ':'=L+L i IHI|( I l Ol¥1A'lUB the fourth session knotted it up i in the .,econd canto before the
' : . ..... ............ "" '7'* ...... " ' at 27-27' superior+ condition of the Wildcat
laoy 000.
• . .--'+ I -G '&'d" mremerto,, pulled the +:,me,,'om The lineu,s
t gv". tanay +acks I Lge. an t]e fire. in the late minutms on foul FIRST TEAM8
t cans .... ao I shots vith V,e Campbell'converL-[ Shelton (I19) Bremelton (84)
!! ' O -, . I 9 I _. ing four in succession while Allan lAnderson 7 ........ F ............... McNiel 5
--. ' ni ?, 71 I 70 Maul, the former Ielfair grade!Cloutier3 .......... F M. Adams 2
+U. • i:.'. +','+'i[l P 01' . ........... 11 11]I1 [ 1' 0F . ........... lklwlP'lJll school track vtar, added a mid- STnith 2 ............. ............. -.Iulteen 4
¢ ' " .... court t, ss for goes measure G. Adams 2. G ... ........ Brown 4
.. " • • The Wildcats' edge m the final McKay 1 .......... G ............... Smtthson
. • A i score was ill foul conversions, the 1 Subs: Shelton.- Cormier 10, J.
Ca forn a
,'llr T ITI[TrI{ II 7,--I.l E luIlq home club sinkin ten of eigleen+Cole '2, Kelly 2, B, Armstrong, S,
,ll/v /-/.1' 1 I1,' ,, iiJUlI -Ira --Mi ch.nnces while the HighelimbersiArmstrong, MoComb, Lizotte, Le
, . v . ,-,* ,-.-- .... n,,..u-:-- -"-'-- -. " " converted five of ten effmts. Each Drew, Valley, Latham. Bremerton
, -- " i ' __' .' club e0nnected an " even dozen't--Maul 9, Campbel! 5, Engtrom 5,
23 ,,,. . ,, .... , ,-,,,-__ ti.e+, from the fl..... 'Long. Worl=d.
• ' " " " • " IOlll, I$1111rllrllld_ 11h t 111141 q _ mond War,+,,,. Woods h.+ed ,'I SmeONDT_+AmS ,
-- L = "lJ ]rC IIII, .lliVqblliV " + " " ivy. dozen points in that preliminary[ 8helton (80) _ Brenrtaa (4+)}
'| | r ,[ 'i ( '. .'-- -- ' scoring bee a.nd the HighclimberiFredson 4 .......... F .............. Wager l0
J +' ,,2 ,, i : . I A _ sophomore nutfit showed a world lSwcnson 4 ........ F ................. Naon 16
, " '+ + m,+,mm H_ lil of promise in spite of the defeat.': B, Cole 6 ........... C ................ Jones 14
.. . . . V'II,IIIiII= mqa! 1 bV:l# The sophs made a sLiff struggle of Woods 12 ......... G .................... Ross 6
7¢ it in the first half. trailing by 22 Robertson 3 ..... G ............. Broman 3
to 17 at the rest pez'iod, but faded, Subs: Shelton+--Pearce 1, Clo-J
ofHOodsport, l)ec. 13. Approwd is the pride of ti(. c(,mmuni£y. Be+t
' a V.P.A. project for t)cautifiea.- ca, use the t)oa.r(I backs its teacher
i tion and landscaping of the Itoods-
: port school groun(ls w<)rk on which
a to start .in the immediate fu-
tm'e, is just another step in a pro-
gram which hxs made the Ih)otl. -
port school one of the highest
stanc.larda to be f(mn(l i0 any com-
munity in the .qttte of c(mtp:trablc
Through tim chme c<ut)eration
of the school board, consisting of
O. It. Lin.'.cott, c!l'laiz'tmlL ltt!rb
Dickinson, and Mr'a. Bert.t Mc.Kiet,
clerk, and the cooperation of l)rac -
ticMly the entire populace of ttw
school district the Hoodst)nrt school
building has become a truo corn- TURK
munity center for not only the
town of Hoodsport bnt ah, fez' the
entire neighboring Itood Canal
Among clubs v.,h,ca ma,+e use o, SHOOT
the buihling as a meeting p)a, ee ave
the Hoodsport Suuday school, Hood
Canal Women's Ch|b, the Hood !
Canal Garden C+lub, the lhn)d C,'mal
Sportsmens AEs(mialh)n. HoodsporL
Commercial Club, Boy Sc(,ut Tz'oop
11, the GirlScouttroop, the C.C.C., SUNDAY, Dec
and the Canal Junim' Vomen's •
Any community l.',ather]n/ de-
signed to hem',fit Hoodspo,'t or V.W. Bennett Ranch
ttood Canal or having a worthy
purpose and willing to abide by the
rules and safeguards of the build- 3 Miles West of Shelton
ing can have accesv t+) its tacil- on Matlock Road
But it is the school itself which pay half the cost of instruments,
................................................................ = .............. L.L22.
mtnuu°"'"+" t'"" nnnnS D'*'''' "+'*" I ,. ,,1. ,,,t lu,c. i,,o,a,u
[IvvL_I I)LII 1'¥Y pt,)vi(les warm noon meals to 60
IJIPI_IL+rF Crl 'l%Tli- A ][)I'(1 Jill' th{' Hcto()]'s ,q5 students, an-
ONE OF ,.u=,,. -. ..,:,,...! ,t,+, .,wa. i the health and
ictm:t())'t of the chihh'en. Safety is
: c:t)';'ied to ::Jch :1. puint that the
hili]ding ,:an l:e (.')ml)letely emptied
in I g roe(re<IS t)t wordily fire drills
i State College of Washington, after
_$5 50 : ROASTER seats, judging by last year's ex-: morrOWBremerton(Friday)s WihteatsVen|nginvadeWhen tstudying
, • , look issued this week by the Fed-
with the NeW Look-in Lid eral Buz'eau of Agricultural Eco-
Lincoln gym for th; opening
;to the limit in Lhe purchase of'
)n()dern equipnu:)t, furnishing ev-
erything down tt) 1he smallest tie-
' tail, the l-[oodspovL school tl:ts earn. !
c(l a reputation among school IIU-{
Lhorities as one <)f the finest for its [
size that can be found.
F;uilitie ALl Fine
The gymnasitlm is one ()f the t
finest Co{' a community of the size i
Iof Hoodsp(a't and in one of the most
I widely used parts of the buii(liny.
[A. first class steam heating system,
]a. new Lypc of adjustable tlesR atl(l
[seat of ; swivel cllair sLyle, new
i ventila, ting fins in (::u2h room, and
a healLh pl-(gl'alYl soeond io llone
in Mason County, if not a. ratlch
larger field, makes for the best
pos:,ible c, omforL and health of the
Taking that health program ill
more detail, it offers hasketball, i
softball, soccer, football, ping pong
anti even badminton equipment for:
the use ()f the students. Try mad[
fJrld ba(hninton equipment In arty
other g'rade c,:zhool in tills stae.
Tennis courts will be available up-
on completion of the W.P.A. proj-
ect mentioned oreviously.
Then there is an ambLtious music
program cmducted by the Hoods-
port school which has turned out
some finc material now playing in
the Shelton echool band Finan-
cial assistance is given students by
the school board, in which the board
c(;l:uhlcted at times known only, to
the j tnil o!',
(;)lt(tll(?l Of tht! |'loI)(lSpOl'l school
activities is under the direction of
Principal J. W, Goodpaster, MI
Inez 1Andcnberg, Miss Sever and
Mr (hne Paul. lhe laLter part-
time music, instructor, who as a
grntlp take special pride in the
cleanliness of the .,:chool building"
and the condition of the text)oks
and teach those principles
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