December 14, 1978 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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School board sets special County road program is proposed
meeting to discuss Mt View 00a.oo County wa. o
• Commission was presented with $15,000; two miles of tile Road at Oak l'atch for light Olympic Highway,
The Shelton School Board
set a special meeting for 8 p.m.
December 20 to discuss possible
solutions, to a time and space
problem for kindergarten at Mt.
View School which was discussed
with a group of parents at the
school board meeting Tuesday
On a motion by Board
Member Theron Burgess, the
board asked representatives of
the parents group to meet with
Ken Gesche, principal of Mt.
View School to discuss the
questions and also asked
Superintendent Louis Grinnell to
get a copy of a proposed
contract for a lease-option on a
modular building.
Kurt Hardenbrook, a
spokesman for the parents group,
told the board they were
concerned that because of three
sections of kindergarten using
the same room, pupils were not
getting the two hours and 15
minutes of class time which is
required under the state basic
education law.
He said some of the group
had checked with State
Department of Public
Transportation representatives
and had been told the way the
kindergarten was being worked
at Mt. View did not comply with
the basic education law.
He also said the group had
checked with a representative of
a firm which handles modular
classroom buildings and had been
told one could be obtained
without going through bidding
procedures through a
lease-option, and that it could be
set up and ready to go by
February 1.
Gesche told the board while
the three kindergarten sessions
using one classroom had caused
problems, some adjustments had
been needed to be made. He said
while it was not a good
situation, efforts had been made
to make it work and to be in
compliance with the basic
education law. He said the state
person to whom he talked had
told him the way it was being
worked was in compliance.
Gesche said that from
information available now, it
appeared there would be a
building available tora second
kindergarten room next year.
Superintendent Louis
Grinnell stated he was not in
favor of the use of modular
buildings and doubted if one
could be obtained and installed
as quickly as the parent group
had been told.
He also said there were other
alternatives which could be
considered such as obtaining
space in another building outside
the school area or dividing the
three classes into two and having
an extra teacher part of the day
in each class.
a proposed 1979 road
construction program by County
Engineer Marley Young last
The commission is studying
the proposed program which
must be adopted before the
1979 budget is finalized.
Proposed projects for District
One, represented by
Commissioner Floyd Cole
includes two sections of the
John's Prairie Road, totalling
1.26 miles starting at the Shelton
city limits. The work includes
preliminary engineering,
right-of-way, grading, draining
and surfacing and asphaltic
concrete paving on one section
and asphaltic concrete on the
other. Cost of the projects is
$65,000, all of which will come
from local funds.
Dewatto Road from Dewatto
north for light bituminous
surface treatment at a cost of
$25,000; 3.73 miles of the Tee
Lake-Dewatto Road for light
bituminous surface treatment at
a cost of $25,000; all of the Tee
Lake Road, 2.41 miles, for light
bituminous surface treatment at
a cost of $25,000; The Tahuya
River Road for 1.61 miles from
the Belfair Park-Tahuya Road
south for light bituminous
surface treatment at a cost of
$25,000; two miles of the Tee
Lake-Dewatto Road from Tee
Lake west for light bituminous
surface treatment at a cost of
$10,000; 2.5 miles of the
Dewatto Road from the Holly
Junction south for light
bituminous surface treatment at
a cost of $10,000; 2.50 miles of
bituminous surface treatment at
a cost of $9,000.
District Three, prcsented by
Commissioner John Bariekman,
has one major road project and
three railroad crossing signals in
its proposed 1979 program.
The road project is 1.7 miles
of the Cole Road from the Cook
Plant Farln Road to the Lynch
Road for grading, drainage and
surtacing and asphaltic concrete
at a cost of $252,000 of which
$80,000 comes from federal aid
secondary funds and $172,000
from local funds.
The railroad crossing signals
are proposed for the crossings on
the Cole Road, Lynch Road and
Old Olympic Highway. The costs
are $69,000.for the Cole Road,
of which $62,000 will come
funds; and $62,000
$56,000 will come ftolnl
Young told the
the probability
impact funds for the
share of the three
projects is in the works.
The reason.
less money for
the other two, is
separate road districts,ll
work with its own
revenues which are
the other two districts.
First benefactor
Whoever has lived
to f'md out what lifo
how deep a debt of
owe to Adam, the
The board voted to purchase Other projects in District the Elfendahl Road from Bear from state funds; $79,000 for benefactor of our
Christmas fund reoches a 78-passenger Gillig bus at a One are one mile of the Creek south for light bituminous
cost of $60,721 with delivery in Brockdale Road for preliminary surfacing at a cost of $10,000: the$71,000LynChwill Road,come from°f whichstate brought death into thel
90 to 120 days.
this week The board received bids on a engineering, right-of-way, Visit*****
$1 117 72"passenger Carpenter bus at a grading' drainage and surfacing
I cost of $49,177 and a and asphaltic concrete paving at
The 40 and 8 Journal Foreign Wars Auxiliary, $20; anonymous, $1; John Replinger, 78-passenger Bluebird bus at a a cost of $56,000 all from local
funds; 1.25 miles of the
Christmas fund zoomed to a Mrs. A.E. Doherts, $5; The $10; Degree of Honor Protective cost of $42,460.
total of $1,117.10 during the No rvolds, $10; anonymous, $2; Association, Shelton Lodge 25, Transportation Supervisor Grapeview Road from Highway 3
past week, well on theway to its Emma Richert, $10; Mr. and $1 5.60; in memory of Max Denny Davidson, who was asked to the Nelson Road right-of-way,
goal for this year of $2,500. Mrs. Harold Sowers, $20; Latzel, $5; in memory of Charlie to review the bids, told the grading, drainage and surfacing
The fund providesm0ney for Shelton Nimrod Club, $150; Johnston, $5; in memory of board that the Bluebird bus did and light bituminous surface (
Christmas baskets for needy anonymous, $10; Wednesday Gladys Tozier, $5; Herbert not meet the bid specifications, treatment at a cost of $100,000
families in the county: Bridge Club, $15; Al Shafer, Cromer, $5; Lumbermen's, $100; He said he favored the of which $47,000 will come
The 40 and 8 is in charge of $10; Stall Armstrong, $10; Mary Mr. and Mrs. Purl Jemison, $20; 78-passenger bus which could be from federal aid secondary funds (
getting the food for the baskets, Ansty, $10; Voiture 135, $5.50; in memory of Clifford L. Wivell, used to replace one on a route and $53,000 from local funds;
packing them and seeing that Jack Bradley, $I0; Don Lynn, $50; anonymous, $20; Dirt now using a 72-passenger bus half a mile of the Shelton (
they are distributed. $10; Bud Reitdorf, $3; Vince Dubbers Garden Club, $67; Carl which was overcrowded. Springs Road from Highway 101
The Journal collects Adair, $3; Sam Dig#e, $5; Pete and Pauline Emsley, $5; The Board Member William to Springwood for preliminary
donations for the fund. Kosmonek, $10; Shelton-Mason Journal, $100; anonymous, $75; Maxwell made a motion to engineering' right-of-way,
Donations can either be brought County Zonta Club, $25; Voiture 135, 40 and 8, $200. purchase a 72-passenger bus grading, drainage and surfacing
to the Journal office at Third stating the cost for each and asphaltic concrete surfacing
additional seat in the larger bus at a cost of $81,000; the Agate
and Cota or mailed to Post
Office Box 430, Shelton. was too high. The motion did Road from the Agate Loop Road
Downtown hit to the Agate Store for grading, :
not receive a second, drainage and surfacing and light
Donations received during The board then voted 4-I to bituminous surface treatment on
the past week were from [[YLm" power 0 lq['u -L -'- ''- "m purchase the 78-passenger bus. one mile at a cost of $57,0OO of g'=
Madrona Barracks No. 1462, The board agreed to review which $40,000 will come from
World War I Veterans, $10; information on possible building federal aid secondary funds and
Mason County Veterans of needs for the district and agreed $17,000 from local funds; 2.57
A large part of downtown Thus, when repairs were that each board member will miles of the Daniels Road for (
Shelton was without electrical done, the changed connections head a committee to look into
Violation power above five hours last caused a reverse polarity which light bituminous surfacings at a
Wednesday night after an in turn caused large pieces of serveS°me witharea andthemgeton persOnSa citizenst° cost of $4,000 and $12,000 for (
charged minor construction and safety
unidentified semi.trailer loaded equipment, that run off committee to study that area. projects.
with Christmas trees struck a three-phase service, to rotate Areas which will be studied
power pole at Fifth and backwards, the PUD spokesman are the Reed Building, a bus in District Two, represented
T h e M a s o n C o u n t y Franklin. said. maintenance shop, additional by Commissioner Tom Taylor,
!,ammiuion has reived a letter The ,driver IQft the area and Once the connections were high school space, additional the major project is on the
from Owen Linch, business agent was never located, law made and the lines energized, a elementary school space and Belfair Park-Tahuya Road for 2.4
for the Teamster's union which enforcement officers said. city official checked the city future school sites, miles from the Elfendahl Road
represents county road A PUD spokesman said that water pumps and noted that Development of Loop Field, to the Haven Lake Road for
department etnployes in which when the truck struck the pole, they were running. However, he which is being looked at jointly right-of-way, grading, drainage
he stated the county had it knocked down primary feeder did not see that the pumps were with the city of Shelton, will not and surfacing and light
violated a section of the labor lines which caused the power rotating in reverse, be studied by a citizen's bituminous surface treatment at
agreementThe violationN°vember lO.involved outage. In the meantime, the PUD committee since plans have a cost of $310,000 of which
The area on the north side of crews, without keys or already been developed for this $195,000 will come from federal
supervisors doing work which Railroad Avenue to Alder Street permission to enter closed proposal, aid secondary funds and
should have been done by union and on Franklin Street west was businesses for further checking The board approved 19.78 $115,000 from local funds.
members who were available to without power as well as the of the rotation of equipment, Other projects in District
contract and salary agreements
do the work. area up Pine Street and around assumed that the polarity was with the Public Services Two, all to be paid for from
First and Pine. correct and went home, the Employes Union and classified local funds, are 1.48 miles of the
P oiect The city of Shelton Thursday spokesman said. administrators which had been North Shore Road for asphaltic
r morning discovered the water The incident was corrected negotiated by Grinnell and concrete at a cost of $60,000;
needs supply in the Angleside tank was Thursday morning. 1.22 miles of the Lake Cushman
extremely low because the recommended by him for Road for preliminary engineering
pumps behind the Shelton adoption.
exception d,0 School had been running f -
backwards after getting back into
(Continued from paBe one.) operation after the power
in order to start the conditional outage. (
exception process. Residents of the area had You'll wish for
He said the building officials water, but the pressure was low.
had reviewed the plans, and had City officials said if a fire
turned them back to the had occurred in the area, there
architect for revision to comply would have been insufficient someone 11 asK ...= ii
with building and fire codes, water to fight it.
City officials : said there The repair mishap resulted, a
appeared to be no problem with PUD spokesman said, when the
getting the conditional exception PUD crews inadvertently changed the tirlrle, #
approved, but that it would have the connections of the three you
to go through the necessary primary power lines. This "
processes.., occurred as a result of certain
The proposed addition would jumper lines on the pole burning
home the school's gymnastic and up when the system was
weight training programs, damaged.
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Page 2 Shelton-Mason County Journal Thursday, :ember 14, 1978
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