December 14, 1978 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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December 14, 1978 |
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ty d lay dg ........
n e s action on bu et approval • 11 :I
a letter from a second The commission ,,tel with beet, inforn,ed that the three not race constant turnover in the The spokesman for the ] ! 1 lrlrl lk l excellence in taste
g>tiatios,s wereatan the Assesso,"s Guild and the deputy prosocutors had been positions, county omployes guild told tho k 11 1 1 lqIl I
the. Mason County Mason County Employes Guild removed from the general salary t, ..... I .............. ,,.,t that commission the group was
n agreed to continue Thursday momi,lg to discuss agreement and would receive ,h .... i ........ r, ..... r the road sticking to its request for a 10 Integrity is the best word to
of its final., budget for neg, otiations, about, a I 5 percent salary_ uepartment'" '': .... : ......... received" a roguerY', I)ercent salary increase., lte said p ., ., ., describe lamps and accessories
one addtttonal week. A spokesman for the increase .............. lie believed the guild had been • by STIFFEL. The pride and
Commission met in a Assessor's Guild. told the Commissioner Floyd Cole salary mcrease,.f out mat tttey a,c bar ,ainin ,g g in g, ood faith. skill of the artisan is evident
• ' . . under a di ferent budge .
meeting Friday to COllllnissIon that group had stud tlus appeared to him to be a The group late: presented a . throughouttheentimcolleetion
the final budget, but agreed to go ahmg with an eight minor detail, and that they were The Assessor's Guild letter wljch stated they believed in the meticulous detailing, su- ._El
• Ir " '
of a lack of agreement percent salary increase as long as talking about three people with presented a letter which has been the negotiations were at an I K-, =[1 "l 11 ...... pe b design and free quality. I!
,ploye groups, voted it, it applied to all en,ployes under special education and sent to the Public Employcs impasse. THE 3el COLLECTION Each STIFFEL design is a
Prosecuting Attorney Byron piece of timeless artistry--a
possession of value and endur-
' McClanahan, wl'o had been g ing pride to its owner.
• .t I/ I -- _ = I I asked by tic commission to
r rOla sewer plant ounty aires new ,. ,,,,,., ,h ,,,.,,g ,o dsc. , -
KL_ • . 1 _ IlO__ • tile salary increases for his
;Ka qe IS correctea olrTIce enauneer .,,..,,.s. ;, ,,,, ,, ,d ,,o,
; ,., . ,. v realize the guilds were
g, the blockage wluch tlae amtary sewer nnes_ .. T h e ' M a s o n C o u n t y Young told the commission negotiating for his office, lie said
'l(a up the city sewer l olice Chief Prank Kains told . • • , . .
It .......... (ommsston, on the Anderson would be on a it "was none el their damn
plant last week, cost the commisston ne anuclpateu .... six ' "'
, ,_ ............... , ,., recommendatnon at (aunty probatonaly slatus for business.
oout ,uu.u, ru,t),!c arrests m ueaesrucuon o,x ,. Engineer Marley Young, voted to months. He also said the guilds were
manager Dennis LOIVIn or more vu gallon garoage
t L _. . " " * . . hire Walter C. Anderson for the tie said if things worked out not interested in the countyl
ue Shelton t:ty containers and seven or el,glut
,,: .... ". " . ' position of office engineer. The as he anticipated they would, he only in themselves.
'*lUll at ItS lUeellng slo Sl}lS le '
a. P g] . _ . . . position is presently vacant, would probably be back to the lte also said Ihat since the"
i[ernoon.. He stud tlae case was at)out Salary for the position will commission with a proposed had been a ,cqucst for
m sale me crew was reaay to present to me city •
at. .... __ . " ......... be $15,936 for this year with change in the organizational mediation, there was no use to
; to alaCK oH the at!orney, and tllatnolul|y the negotiations still in progress fbr structure in the engineer's office, continue bargaining any further.
;,_wet line Hast tnurs.ay c!ty can recover UalllUge tram non-union road department ]'lie conlmission met with
ve the blockage which those responsible.. .... employes for the coming year. I W A Local -3 8 i n t h e
el by 2x4s which had City Engineer Howara L, oaat ,,--- • =o ,,€, ....... "n,,, i,,;,,, renresents
lto the line told the commission he had met i(atlnnCll'lOn : .... :"":" ,'::: ........ '
._. • ....... , aeputy snerHts.
tl he was not certain wth the a.eveoper, s o me m i n.l_ • • James bowery, business agent
stUmber had gotten into p r o p as e d _t: ag, ewo o.a eanl'n IS atven for the union, outlined proposals
aeveopment ant that me cnty •
should accept the letter of intent !'% ..... .__ _ = _ _ for the 1979 contract on which
k,.,, al.,., to annex from the developer and ueparlmenT 1'0 counw ,,o, ,negotiations have yet been
I IJ • -- IleiO
/ lU) set a time for a meeting The LA.,._-" .... - The Mason Count "
• , mi, alrlrmrlrl laaIT Y They included:
commission set 7 p m Decemoer • n,.,,a um u u ,u
. o ' " • • Commission has been notified by - The county adopt full
ul1y 26. The Mason County Bernard Dorcy that he is medical and dental coverage for
-- " / Acting Fire Chief George Commission voted Monday to resigning from the Advisory deoendentsofemployes.
ortea Hunter was given permissi°n t° establish a Mason County Health Council on the Area Agency on ' - Provision f)r the union to I [ .
on County received get cost estimates on two Department. Aging because he had been have a say in person power
i.20 from timber excise additional lights in the fir A hearing on the resolution reassigned to the Bremerton area. where it relates to the area of ' A gleaming tray floor lamp suit-
:,"::. able for both traditional and 1
lbut;..o r.. ,o.7 the department. . . was set for I l :l 5 a.m. December The commission will seek a safety when one person is j [
............. Fmance Commxssmner Brad 18 r t
hnar ...... r D.w.ue " " • eplacemen, workine by themselves during
contemporary settings A heavy 1
Wel.,,,.. u. ..... Owen reported the.commission The county decided !o fo, m, certain hours that back up is I \\; 17 inch glass tray ts supported by 1
] I \\;' classic metal turnings, finished in =
... 2"7 . . , nat met on me t)uoget rdonoay its own health department cartier .zvilhl
" $47,03/.o' was lrom of " er • ' = ......... I I \\; Ii.. golden distressed brass. The
. thus week and that anoth thts ear a fte r t he \\;
.Serv, €..,t nd Y /r/,_(., €. \\; t nk'" - A shift differential of
tJ l " "" stylish shade is off-white pleated [[
)€ .-- £-'2 ": - meeting has been scheduled for 6 Thurston-Mason Health District, | LT //' L r,'l | ,. .......... ' for ,,a.. ,hir, and
'u /ram run(] & ...... ----vt , ..... '. ,''-- ..... I" ............. , ...... ff [l linen fabric over translucent
........ p m next Monday in an chert of which it has been a art tar k' ' "" ,
tl A distributions are ." " . ............ P | I 'jl/ d]I five percent for graveyard shift, ti :OJlil*l--<T' VinyI. LtghtingcontrolledbyE-Z-
I timber roll values and to, get m£ nv/v fuage[ I.nLo many years, was d,sbanded. /I i'N"ii'; ;' | -- Four additional holidays. ",V- j ',, LIto 3-way switch conveniently
oalance ana reaoy lor aaopuon , , ",
Y tax rates in each " n I#.'il'11:,,-l ] - Provision for accumulating L." ""- " - Iocatedatx)vetray. 56ineheshigh.'
Reserve Fund money is . /I ,.iiP." ','il[" "i I up to 240 days sick leave.
d according to tax rates Lancers l J i='. | --Reevaluation of the step i 5262 p al $21p0
Vl. ue of timber products Physical truth =,.h..d,,I.-a | i".JP" '- .1 | structure.
I ill ;I U , I
' the district. Ethical truth is as exact and /I //I ' ir, / - Increase in longevity.
0Is get 66 2 percent of ....... The Shelton High School U Jue":--+---''1 i - A 17 5 percent pay Imp'red by ate Eighteenth Century English urn, this classic ....
1- " peremptory as pnyslcal trum .... / t .... t... • - i •
¢Y distributed through HP.rhert Snencer musnc department will present its | M_ ,.. "x,...- j [ increase. 1 Stiffel is finished in antiqued ivory with antique gold. Shade is II#I#III|L|[tg\\;X\\
apportionment formula ...... '- annual Christmas concert at 7:30 / In th woods | The commission, during both ]l tailored of an off-whlte dub textured fabric over translucent B////fl/711ti|lltl/\\;\\\\t at
nties get 27 2 percent p.m. Monday in the high school / .. . . [ of the discussions, stated they ] vinyl. E-Z Life 3-way base switch for convenient lighting control. JF///[/I1/I|IIBIB\\;E\\\I. 7il
let taxing districts 6.6 "' ' 'i .... ...... auditorium, i or on me street, / intended to have a job g 37Vincheshlgh. ' 7///tHll-i'.\\;\\\k 3
Last forever The high school band and I Help keep t classification for county i1 --h--7 00,
oney comes from a 6.5 Words are the only thingsthat s!a band and the M.'ghs.choo, 1 America / emp.loy¢ do.?. d,.-nLth //Jt//Hff't_!ll\\;.
tax on the harvest of last torever, cnmr an(] swing cnotr wm oe / . _. . / coming year wmcn snouts ao
OWned timber. William Hazlitt performing during the program. L looking neat! t) away with some of the problems.
Sprav Coloane ;ii;iiiii;;iiiiiiii w I,S- II I ! 1;I FII I i' f, I STIFFEL, i= v.rr much apparent in L
$ *)9 5 ,!.
/ L pleated linen over tramlucent 1
, , ,
: . -- --,. ,or u.. ..,.. .. "
II A lamp with prcleticallty and /1/[
-- 'q k Gift Sets l) your favorite chair, sofa, or bed. I
] distressed old brass, and comes
i i From $ 500 t I/ j This floor lamp is finished in bright ]-,
g equipped with the ex¢lu$1ve I .................... nt
1) translucent Vinyl. 3-way light. f-r ..... I !
9 Planter 11 . • 1 1 is champagne dub texture o,er ...n, .
] €"1X. |. k;nh P. cuassicat ,eorguan urn, rm- I --m Ilk
nd-decorated .......... "'" ....... '" ished in antiqued gold and an- J wormoT Ja
White ceramic U1 JLObl JL Ijll :::, "::::-:.:#!:!?'*.'*:.!:. ........ _ I 11[[ tique ivory. Shade is an off-white I I .
N---- m " IO'----dub texture over tran$1.ent | I.IPI |l
'r' ;' /D IP Vinyl. Convenient E-Z-Lite barn | rl 1;;r- Il
switch controls 3-way lighting. I mA,.m I1
w $ anm I= 00 I: with any 1:1
.- m,00m I purchase
"\\; the Chan!illy iI ! 1 ---'- 'I --" I ] of $499.95 I:1
1 ( :/ .l .. i!:rn}i':s I l)'[ Chapl!n iO L/S E N [ ormore... ,,.
) I I fragrance, as pretty as it is right. I .......... ' ........ Tramp
? SP"AY MIST (non-teresa0, 1 FL OZ, 1 . MIullJcQI Il=
! / llI Do er e" fr0m Ihlln,
! II ,'nr,, ,1,
! " nnuq . .
1 ,, I/I:i: l) . . ..,Great Stocklng11)..$tuffers!._.. "l'gIl: lIgm Cre i,
i nta00aun haaS, armacy Open Danly
, ..... wwwJm mw00j 4th & COTA
$ 49
: " From 1 5th & Frankhn g 8:30 to 8:30
Thursday, December 14, 1978 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 5