December 14, 1978 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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December 14, 1978 |
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COUNTY intoxicated, $250 fine, 30 days CITY BUILDING PERMITS
COURT in jail, suspended; Building permits approved by
on the docket in Patrick Cardinal, 32 South the city of Shelton during the
County District Court Thir.d, Shelton, no valid vehicle past week were to:
Carol Fuller during license, $15 fine; Terrence Sheltonville Properties,
'.Week were: Conwell, .P.O. Box 59, Belfair, residence, $21,988; Sheltonville
negligent driving, $65 fine; Properties, residence, $21,988;
i Justice Court Daniel DePoe, Rt. 4, Box 173, Mt. View Alliance Church,
Anderson, 131-3755 Shelton, defective tires, expired mobile home, no value listed.
Vancouver, B.C., license plate, $20 fine; Anthony
$30 forfeit, Mary Freeman, Rt. 1, Box 579, SHELTONPOLICE
3, Box 229, Shelton, Shelton, driving while license $200 was reported taken
$30 forfeit; William J. suspended, $250 fine, 90 days in from the till at the Old Timer's
North Prospect, jail, 76 suspended Inn.
no driver's license on Kristopher Nicklaus, Rt. 2, An abandoned vehicle was
$30 forfeit; Steven Box 202, Shelton, speeding, $75 reported on the Northside
P.O. Box 86, Union, fine; Stuart Schafer, 1404 Baptist Churchproperty.
a to keep right of Dickinson, Shelton, failure to Gracie Allen reported food
$30 forfeit; Donald dim headlights, $20 fine; Richard stamps lost.
St. Rt. 1, Box 54, Wood, Rt. 10, Box 203, Shelton, A two-vehicle accident was
failure to use due no valid vehicle license, no valid reported at Olympic Highway
!caution, $30 forfeit; driver's license, $15 fine; Marty South and Arcadia Street.
:Caldon, 2020 Southeast May, P.O. Box 271, Colves, Laura Kesey reported food
[ver, Port Orchard, Oregon, no valid operator's stamps lost.
stirring up, rallying or license, $10 fine. Wynn Heagy reported a
waterfowl with power pickup taken. It was later
forfeit; Gary Leeberg, Municipal Department located.
69, Shelton, speeding, Raymond Wells, 2014 Mailboxes were reported
Steven Dotson, 723 Beverly Boulevard, Shelton, knocked down and several
Thomas, Olympia, driving while intoxicated, garbage containers were reported
$30 forfeit; Michael $312.50 fine, 30 days in jail, 28 knocked over and some broken
:21408 52rid West, suspended; David Weaver, 2919 in the area of South 16th Street.
Terrace, speeding, Sherwood Lane, Shelton, driving Charles Hitchings reported
while intoxicated, $312.50 fine, his son's bicycle taken. It was
Rogers, Rt. 2, Box 120 days in jail, suspended; later located.
failure to use Janet Bates, 1227 Dickinson, Donna La Clair reported a
:are and caution, $30 driving on expired plates, $10 welfare check lost.
Terry Kinnaman, P.O. fine; Darrell Kimmerly, P.O. Box A checkbook found at the
Matlock, speeding, $30 405, Shelton, failure to stop, post office was turned into the
Robert Wiest, 9040 Salty $10 fine; police department.
Olympia, speeding, $30 Mark Wright, 306 Island Nellie Dawkins reported an
Richard Bradshaw, 1701 Lake Drive, Shelton, minor in envelope containing money and
Northeast, Seattle, possession of intoxicant, stamps lost.
lg, $30 forfeit; Phillip negligent driving, $127 forfeit; Cheryl Clark reported a purse
616 140th Court Clinton Anderson, 1816 Jones lost.
ass, Bellevue, speeding, Road, Shelton, negligent driving, Rollie Winscott reported
expired vehicle plates, $95 wood being taken.
Hogan, St. Rt. 1, Box forfeit; Richard Smith, Rt. 5, A burglary at Miller's
a, speeding, $30 forfeit; Box 500, Shelton, driving Department Store was reported.
Farley, 223 East J without idriver's license, $30 Mailboxes on Jefferson Street
Shelton, speeding $30 forfeit; Benjamin Bailey, P.O.
were reported damaged.
John French, 1929 Box 129, Belfair, failure to stop, A rock was reported thrown
Way, Shelton, defective $30 forfeit; through the window of Jess'
$25 forfeit; Michell Phillip Hanford, 18 Mobile Service Station. The
P.O. Box 261, Allyn, Springwood, Shelton, speeding, building was entered and some
$30 forfeit; Samuel $40 fine; Lloyd Ball, P.O. Box items taken.
Rt. 5, Box 654, 64, Hoodsport, minor in A traffic accident was
no license on person, possession of intoxicants, $50 reported at Third and Cota.
Steven Medberg, 212 fine, 30 days in jail, suspended; John Robbins reported a
Bremerton, Linda Beavers, Rt. 5, Box 85, parked vehicle hit.
operator's license on Shelton, hindering police, $100 Harold Sehultz reported a
forfeit; forfeit, vehicle taken.
tries Brown, P.O. Box Joyce Nichols reported
failure to use due COUNTY BUILDING PERMITS gasoline siphoned from trucks.
caution, $45 forfeit; Building permits approved by Dorothy Knipshield reported
Brown, P.O. Box 885, the Mason County Planning a vehicle drove over her lawn.
no operator's license, Department during the past week Eggs were reported being
Floyd Smith, 2110 were to: thrown at vehicles in the 800
on, Shelton, reckless Alderbrook Inn, reroofing, block ofRailroadAvenue.
driving while license $2,000; Robert Bennett,
$400 fine, 120 days fireplace, $1,000; Robert Carl Churchill reported tires
1, 8 0 s u s p e n d e d ; Campbell, mobile home, no value slashed.
McFarlane, P.O. Box listed; Paul Aouture, residence, A two-vehicle accident was
Allyn, driving while $47,382.50; Lou Duncan, reported in the parkinglot at the
driving while license carport, $2,376; William Professional Center.
$562.50 fine, 90 days Eickmeyer, modular home, A wallet found at Shelton
$32,500; Donald Erickson, Laundry and Cleaners was turned
Henry,-P.O. Box 523, carport and storage, $2,478; into the police department and
driving while license Herb Hanscom, porch, $900; returned to the owner.
Ided, negligent driving, J.W. Leitch, addition, $5,500; A window was reported
while intoxicated, $700 Ernest McKean, mobile home, found open at the Shelton
20 days in jail, 90 $28,000; Middle School.
Daniel Hood, 962 Mr. McNeiU, garage, $3,400; Lisa Grimes reported a
Northeast, Renton, Richard Nelson, garage and parked vehiclehit.
While license suspended, storage, $7,344; Ken Ogg, Charles Chamblinreported
driving, $375 fine, 90 vacation home, $22,596; Gene vandalism.
60 suspended; Rutledge, garage, $6,000; Dean A vehicle was reported over
Aarts, 150 Crescent Schmitt, addition, $10,472; State the bank at Highway 3 and
Shelton, driving while of Washington, service building, Bellevue.
$312.50 fine, 180 $20,000; State of Washington, An attempt to burn a
jail, 150 suspended; residence, $46,000; John Taylor, Safeway sign at Seventh and
ton, 1212 North agricultural storage, no value Franklin was reported to have
reckless driving, listed; Arthur Wise, mobile been interrupted by two young
Oreycle endorsement, home, $25,000; women.
costs, fouiweekends George Thompson, residence, A parked vehicle was
Thomas Boling, Rt. 2, $58,900; Ed Weaver, basement reported hit at Second and
Shelton, driving while $3,685.50. Euclid.
can still put you in the
picture for Christmas.
Have your sitting in
the next 3 days and
let those on'your gift
list select their
favorite from proofs.
Call today 426-3272
Danny Parr reported a garage
Edward Gulling reported
vandalism to a vehicle.
A disabled vehicle was
reported on the Mt. View Hill.
A keyring found by Sprouse
Reitz was turned into the police
Michael Treat reported a
parked vehicle hit.
Warren Milleson reported
mail removed from a mailbox
and tom up.
Wires were reported torn
down by a truck at the Tahuya
An abandoned vehicle was
reported in Hoodsport.
A .22 caliber revolver was
found on Highway 106.
Karen Gross reported she
found a step ladder.
An abandoned vehicle was
reported in front of the Allyn
Cattle were reported on the
roadway in the Dayton area.
Pigs were reported loose in
the Arcadia area.
Gasoline siphoning was
reported in the Benson Lake
A two-car accident was
reported at Highways 101 and
Irvin Shefler reported floats
had been untied.
Beth Godwin reported a
loose goat would not let people
in or out of her house.
A car was reported in the
ditch on the Agate Road.
A two-car accident was
reported in the Matlock area.
L.K. Ambrose reported the
burglary of a summer home.
Pigs were reported in the
roadway in the Arcadia area.
Dorothy Cote reported mail
A car-mailbox accident was
reported on Island Lake Drive.
Edward DeGroot reported
the burglary of a cabin.
A one-car accident was
reported on Highway 302.
Paul Carter reported the
burglary of a cabin.
Marilee Kimball reported a
wallet taken.
Mark Wentzel reported the
burglary of a residence.
John Anderson reported a
residence entered and a television
Laurence Nilsen reported a
gun taken from a vehicle.
Jan Fuller reported damage
to a vehicle.
Carol Dibley reported the
burglary of a cabin.
Wynn Heagy reported a
wallet lost.
A disabled vehicle was
reported on Highway 3 near
Cranberry Creek. The driver told
officers a hitchhiker had taken
the keys and thrown them away.
Car prowls were reported in
the Lilliwaup area.
A vehicle was reported off
the road on McEwan .Prairie
Joseph Ybarra reported
vandalism to a vehicle.
Mrs. Horace Whitacre
reported the burglary of a
summer cabin,
A tree-truck accident was
reported at the Shelton Springs
Road and Springwood Drive.
Mrs. Don Cox reported the
theft of gasoline.
Mailboxes in Oak Park were
reported damaged.
A traffic accident was
reported on the Dayton-Airport
A car was reportgd on its
side on the Batstone Road.
An abandoned or stolen
truck was reported found in the
John's Prairie area.
A vehicle was reported in the
ditch on the LakeLand Village
Mike Eaton reported holes
shot in a vehicle.
A traffic accident was
reported on the Dayton-Matlock
Kenneth McCaw reported the
burglary of a residence.
Wendell Self reported garbage
dumped on his property.
Henry Jackowski reported he
found a boat.
A chimney fire was reported
at a residence in the Belfair area.
An abandoned vehicle was
reported on Bonneville Power
Adminstration right-of-way.
Mary Hansen reported a
horse had gotten loose.
A vehicle was reported
knocking down mailboxes in the
Alderbrook area.
A horse was reported loose
on the Dayton-Matlock Road.
A burglary of a residence on
the South Shore was reported.
Dean Hudson reported items
taken from a summer cabin.
A vehicle-pole accident was
reported at Highways 3 and 101.
Wright Carlson reported a
boat missing.
A two-car accident was
reported in Belfair.
A car-deer accident was
reported on Highway 302 in the
Coulter Creek area.
A vehicle was reported to
have driven on the Alderbrook
Golf course.
Bonneville Power
Administration reported
insulators shot.
Thomas Graham reported the
burglary of a cabin.
Sue Veitch reported a female
Brittany spaniel dog taken.
December 11, 1:39 p.m.,
Sandy Schnitzer residence, 1710
Ward Road, chimney fire.
Dissolutions of Marriage
Duane Albright and Connie
Gerald Lammert and LiUie
Dana Yost and Donna Yost.
Reegan Keeth and Sandra
Mary Henry and Leo Henry.
Cindy Sanow and Delroy
New Cases
D-A Construction against Mr.
and Mrs. Ferdinand Schmitz III,
foreclosure of lien.
Barbara Wheeler against Mr.
and Mrs. Floyd Dahman,
Applying for marriage
licenses in the Mason County
auditor's office this week were:
Wesley Fletcher, 22, Shelton,
and Diane Laffoon, 19, Shelton.
Randall Endicott, 24,
Hoodsport, and Sheryl Sund, 22,
Roland Hutson, 21, Lacey,
mzd Shelly Case, 18, Lacey.
Donald Metealf, 70, Shelton,
and Portia Roberts, 59, Shelton.
Elmer Roup, 66, Sequim,
and Nellie Berg, 72, Sequim.
Richard Wood, 20, Shelton,
and Paula PoUuck, 18, Shelton.
Richard Tupper, legal,
Shelton, and Teresa Milligan,
legal, Shelton.
g Sire jilt gat 1979
Electronic tuning
Electronic tuning
• --..L . , i' with flasher & battery 1:
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1978 & 1979 . ., , ,0, ,.o,0.o [ , i ...... .L
12" Black & White e :,o, 0,:. ..... , ..... x ( $16.79
$ 39
Wooden Toys ............................. 39 |
Trucks, airplanes and more ..... [
*OpenMonday Shelt0n's
sato00d,, II • i/Y/It00 = "J I I we00t.m t
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store \\;k J// 426-2411 [
• ..... n_M .............. , .........
• l.t, alltl,l,llllltll'lmrm 11 . .tl .......
Thursday, December 14, 1978 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 11
Inventory Clearance
42" firebrick lined
reg. $287.79 (617149) $180.89
26" reg. $180.95 (617-456) $113.79
30" with boot, damper & grate
(617-399) reg. $223.95 $140.89
26" with boot, damper & grate.
(617-381) reg. $139.00 $84.95
41" with chrome trim, screen
& grate(617-407) reg. $163.69 $99.95
52" with chrome trim, screen
& grate (617J,15)reg. $141.39 $88.79
27" reg. $72.29 (617-423) $45.39
31" with baffle and damper
reg. $171,50 (617-530) $107.89
HEATER Airtight $289.00
Cast iron body with steel
channel. HID swivel base
with pipe jaws.
[ & OPEN END i
t 6 PIECE _--'!ll
sizes: 3/S", 7/16", 1/2", q j.
( $17.39
WWtt .11tllflWt. .'
Christmas Saddle Special
Dark Stain with Suede SeatS26S
and receive $75. worth of merchandise FREE with purchase of saddle
Poinsettias .................... Now $ 3 IIII each
Christmas Cactus reg. $2.99 ........ $165
Holds 2V
gallons of
water. Lasts
a lifetime.
20% OFF
G.E. 1978
13" COLOR Model
Reg. $S.0 mmmllB I
• .... 217 W. Cota 426-2763
Ill ! I I I I j =d