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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 14, 1978     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 14, 1978
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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County officers Bowling Results &amp; Statistics The Mason County ;Republican Central Committee ilheld it's organization meeting at 117 p.m. in the PUD Building iDecember 12. Officers elected were chairman, Claude F. Bennington Sr.; vice chairwoman, iCarolyn Ragan; treasurer, Eileen i Edinger; secretary, Chloe Scoles; .:state committeeman, Bernard Carlson; state committeewoman, Ruby Hopper. Recognition was given to the !precinct committeemen elected in the last general election. iShelton No. l, Bemard Carlson; ;Shelton No. 2, Frank Travis; Shelton No. 3, Edna Loughnan; Shelton No. 5, Herbert Vonhof; Legal Publications i NOTICE TO CREDITORS NO. 5017 ;IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF .THE STATE OF WASHINGTON OR MASON COUNTY. In the Matter of the Estate of NELLIE M. HERZOG, Deceased. The undersigned is the appointed and qualified Personal epresentative of said estate. Persons having claims against the deceased must serve the claim on the undersigned, or the attorney of record, at the address stated below and must file an executed copy of the claim with the Clerk of the Court within four months after the date of first publication Of this notice or within four months after the date of the filing of a copy of this notice or the claim will be barred, except under those provisions included in RCW 11.40.011. Date of filing copy of notice to creditors: December 4, 1978. Date of first publication: December 7, 1978. /s/Keith G. Herzog r KEITH G. HERZOG Personal Representative c/o ROBERT L. SNYDER Attorney at Law 125½ N. 5th Street P.O. Box 396 Shelton, Washington 98584 12/7-14-21-3t NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR SHORELINE MANAGEMENT SUBSTANTIAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT Notice is hereby given that Steven C. Hansen who is owner f the below-described property as Tiled an application for a substantial development permit for the development of pier and t Iocattd at Highway 101 -- 3 miles north of Sheiton, Washington within Lot 2 uarter section) of section 26 of ownshlp 22 N., Range 4 W.W.M., in Potlatch, MasOn County, Washington. Said development is proposed to be within Hood Canal and/or its associated wetlands. Any person desiring to express his views or to be notified of the action taken on this application should notify James E. Connolly, planning director, P.O. Box 186, Shelton, WA in writing of his interest within thirty (30) days of the last notice glvenpursuant to WAC 173-14-020. The final date of publication, posting, or mailing of notice is December 21, 1978. Written comments must be received by January 21, 1979. 12/14-21-2t Shelton No. 14, Mary Nevitt; Shelton No. 15, Raymond Prouty; Shelton No. 16, Ruby Hopper; Airport, Chloe Scoles; Arcadia, Thelma Puhn; Capitol, Bernard Winiecki; Grapeview, Nicholas Bell; Matlock, Lottie Ford: Miller, Evelyn Rushton; Northside, Berwyn Thomas; and Union, Lucille Livingston.' The Lincoln's day dinner is being planned for February 13. Evelyn Ruston is the committee chairwoman. Tickets should be on sale in the middle of January. The regular monthly meetings are the second Tuesday of each IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII  SUNDAY NIGHT MIXED 18•1/2291/2, Red 18-30, MD's 424; Harstine 4, Doroth• y Barnett 548., Research 3, June Likes 500; PREPS ,l/°'°../ ,, ,"-"="Uo-¢,=,,,,v...o 9, _Dave wood 1: DOUBLES  . 12/10/78 l.l,/z-J4v2. 401 ; Skokomlsh 3, Stan Purchasing 1, Doris Neff 423. Bo's Hi Game: Herman Schemer, Black 2, Bob Smith 441./ Men's Hi ame: iCK ueyette,  4-4 2_ Donna .Hart.o 509; Gwinnett 439; Southside 1, Carl 18. -1 203..  uuo /, uel .Harwell -4; Emsley 405; Pomona 4, Elaine LADIES THURSDAYTRIO Boy's Hi Series: Herman Scherer u,,c¢w,w¢¢ ' I2LI;I Men's Hi Series: oy Thompson, .io[ems ..% P'aty tr.own...oo; Antis 497; Progress 4, Bob 12/7/78 485 ' Won"e"n:'s*H' Game: Tr0 534. Moonsmne 1., I:.on. waler Florek 447; Agate II 0, Orville Women's Hi Game: Helen Ogden, G ri's Hi Game: Julie Tobin, Frankenfleld, 226. . rJ Women's Hi Game: Sharon ,/,; LaKers z, Mayo r-uuer ; Coglizer 413; Insurance 4, Loren 218. 151. Women's Hi Series' Betty ul Tibbits, 179. Women's Hi Series: Sharon Tibbits, 468. Standings: Taurus 37V2-18½, Hood 36-20. Jollv 36-20. G&G 34½-21½, Light 34-22, Jerry 26½-29½, No. 4 26½-29½, No• 7 26-30, M&M 21-35, Marina 19-37, Reller's 19-37, Beasley 19-37. No. 4 4, Roy Thompson 534; Jerry 0, Steve Peterson 433; Taurus 3, Rick Sperling 428; G&G 1, Scott Busack 397; No• 7 month in the PUD Building at 7 3, Warren Earl 416; Beastey 1, p.m. John Cotton 349; M&M 0, Steve Sanders 406; Jolly 4, Rick Deyette 512; Hood 3, Sharon Tibbits 468; Reller's 1, Jerry ----------------------.--_ Kinnaman 401; Light 2, Terry Swingle 499; Marina 2, Harry " 'tega, Publications Cook 473. -"--" S U N D A Y N I G H T M I X E D Washington. Said development is DOUBLES 12/3/78 proposed to be within Purdy Men's Hi Game: Louie Zoren, Creek and its associated 209. wetlands. Any person desiring to Men's Hi Series: Terry Knight, express his views or to be 533. notified of the action taken on Women's Hi Game: Sharon this application should notify Tibbits, 181. James Connolly, Planning Women's Hi Series: Sharon Director, Post Office Box 400, Tibbits, 496. Shelton, Washington 98584, in Standings: Taurus 34½-17Vz, writing of his interest within G&G 33½-18½, Hood 33-19, thirty .(30) days of the last Lklht 32-20, Jolly 32-20, Jerry notice given pursuant to WAC 26½-25½, No. 7 23-29, No. 4 173-14-020. The final date of "Z'ZV2.2'.jt/2, M&M 21-31, Beasley publication, posting, or mailing 19-33, Reller's 18-34, Marina of notice is December 22, 1978. 17-35. Written comments must be Taurus 0; Hood 4; Reller's 0; received by January 21, 1979. No. 4 4; Marina 2; M&M 2; 12/14-21-2t Light 2; Beasley 2; Jerry 2; G&G 2; No. 7 1; Jolly 3. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR SHORELINE MANAGEMENT SUBSTANTIAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT Notice is hereby given that Washington State Department of Fisheries who is owner of the below.described property has filed an application for a substantial development permit for the development of hatchery improvements located six) miles north of Shelton, within Sections 15 and 22 of Township 21 North, Range 4 West, W.M. in Mason County, NOTICE OF HEARING PROPOSED ROAD NAME CHANGE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that a hearing will be held on December 18, 1978, at 11:30 A.M., in the Commissioners' Room at the Mason County Courthouse, to consider changing the name of the Cook Plant Farm Road, Co. Rd. No. 1620, which lies in Section 33, Township 20 North, Range 3 WWM, to Bariekman Road. All interested persons are invited to attend and may be heard for or against such road name change. DATED this 4th day of December, 1978. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON /S/Peggy Cleveland Auditor & Clerk of the Board 12/7-14-2t NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO APPROPRIATE PUBLIC WATERS TAKE NOTICE: That WESLEY E. TAFT of Tacoma, Washington on October 27, 1978 under Application No. G 2-25062 filed for permit to appropriate public waters, subject to existing rights, from a well in the amount of 15 gallons per minute each year, for the purpose of domestic supply continuously. The source of the proposed appropriation is located within GOVT. LOT 3 of Section 32, Township 22 N., Range 1 W.W.M., in Mason County. Protests or objections to approval of this application must include a detailed statement of the basis for objections; protests must be accompanied by a two dollar ($2.00) recording fee and filed with the Department of Ecology, at the address shown below, within thlrlt  gO) days from December 7 Department of Ecology Air Industrial Center Olympia Airport Olympia, WA 98504 12/7-14-2t Any harm I have noticed that nothing I never said ever did me any harm. Calvin Coolidge -" " ¢rc00cv,r00c. J/V00,I00II I%J <;TUffER00 VILLAGE BATH PRODUCTS COMPLETE YOUR CHRISTMAS LIST CHRISTMAS TOWN CB'ers 12/1/78 Men's Hi Game: Ken Toebe, 226. Men's Hi Series: Ken Toebe, 544. Women's Hi Game: Gina Munro, 161. Women's Hi Series: Betty Cochran, 439. Standings: Bucket 35-13, Ten 30-18, Big 29-19, Hogs 22-26, Five 21½-26½, Terribles 19-29, Hoplers 18½-29½, Radio 17-31. Hve 3, Bob Clayton 414; Bucket 1, Gina Munro 399; Big 1, Wayne Oepoe 422; Hogs 3, Ken Toebe 544; Terribles 4, Terry Brocha 355; Radio 0, forfeited; Hoppers 0, Ed Crossan 421; Ten 4, Dale Neff 480. CHRISTMAS TOWN CB'ers 12/8/78 Men's Hi Game: Rick Wood, 193. Men's Hi Series: Ed Stansell, 539. Women's Hi Game: Doris Neff, 180. Women's Hi Series: Doris Neff, 472. Standings: Bucket 36-16, Ten 33-19, Big 32-20, Hogs 25-27, Five 22½-29½, Hoppers 20½-31½, Terribtes 20-32, Radio 19-33. Terribles 1, Terry Brocha 417; Ten 3, Doris Neff 472; Radio 2, Colin Robinson 418; Hoppers 2, Ed Crossan 414; Bucket 1, Bruce Munro 436; Big 3, Ed Stansell 539; Hogs 3, Rick Wood 516; Five 1, Bob Clayton 4O8. SUNDAY MIXED 4's 12]3/78 Men's Hi Game: Floyd Fuller, 226. Men's Hi Series: Floyd Fuller, 585. Women's Hi Game: Pat Brown, 203. Women's Hi Series: Pat Brown, 566. Standings: Totems 38-10, Lakers 30-18, Bionic 29-21, Ding 28-20, Farmers 28-20, Odd 27-21, Salty 25½-22½, FoCa 24-24, H20 24-24, Moonshiners 22-26, Family 21-27, BS s 19-29, Dummys 18½.29½, 4-4 MERRY CHRISTMAS STOCKING $2.95 2 flavors Lip Lickers, 2 colors Bubble Bath Oil, Hand Lotion ! : : LIP LICKERS STOCKING $3,95 Lip Balm Assortment: Green Apple, Peach. Root Beer, Vanilla & Strawberry BilIRed 2,BoadLinda571;CraigFoca522;4,Dingjohn0, Mercer 527; Agate I 0, Russ Women'SBrown, 539.Hi Series: Jackie Girl's Hi Series: Julie Tobin, 572. , 40J Standings: Hut 33-19, 387. Standinas: Nau ls .aJ Standings: Coleman 26VP9½, Skookum 9-21, H C. aaE Byron's 32VP19½, Arnold 32-20, Timber 21-15, No. 10 21-15, Mr. 4-C's 35½-24½, Knu¢ n . View 20-16, Lumbermen's 19-17, Elkettes 34-26, Bi Is  L&L 19-17, State 19-17, Himlie Himlie 32Vz-27½, aram 18-18, Kentucky 16-20, Lew's 30-30, Sobotka 2 -.€[, 14-22, VFW 14-22, Gregg's 25½-34½, Oyster 25.L  13h'22½. 25-35, Manke's 24VP: ., i Gregg's ½, Robert Place 288; 21½-38½, B&R 14½-4 'e,ard Coleman 3½, Glenn Andrews Wood 2½, Debble ', 368; Mt. View 4, Herman 517; Manke 1½, Penny ' Scherer 485; Himlie 0, Sterling 452; Elkettes 1, Sand/J;' Stock 441; Lumbermen s 2, Julie 480; Nault's 3, Betty mDea  Tobin 387; Timber 2 Michael 4-C's 4, Donna Colem.. e  Ryckman 332; State '1, Andy Knudsen 0, Shirley .B"&R 1 Jackstadt 292; No. 10 3, Jamie Log 4, Lyda Willey z.;.l Musgrove 349; VFW 1, Jeff Shirley Weaver 443; *] • 'S 1,"' Brown 286; L&L 3, Michele Sue Wood 409; Bill  Ryckman 340; Kentucky 3, Cox 477; Paramount ,' Chad Miklethun 382; Lews 1 Coleman 446; SkookUm'{ Jul e Hathaway 260. Walter 508; Himlie u.',,a Brown 438; H.C. 4, '1 SIMPSON SWING SHIFT12/11/78 Bbbee 523; Sobotka at Men's Hi Game: Dave Wood, Faughender 487; OY Fogo 559; Farmers 2, Wayne Clary 566; BS's 2, Ralph Brewer 498; Salty 3, George Witcraft 425; Bionic 1, Jack Frost 501; H20 3, Char Munoz 452; Dummys 1, Tick Skillman 461; Family 2, Mark Thompson 525; MD's 2, Jack Duggan 474. SUNDAY MIXED 4's 12/10/78 Men's Hi Game: Mark Thompson and George Witcraft, 213. Men's Hi Series: Mike Clary, 590. Women's Hi Game: Pat Boad, 220. Women's Hi Series: Pat Boad, 572. Standings: Totems 40-12, Lakers 31-21, Bionic 30-22, Odd 30-22, Farmers 29-23, Ding 29-23, Salty 27½-24½, FoCa 27-25, H20 25-27, Moonshiners 25-27, Family 24-28, 4-4 22½-29V, Dummys 21½-30½, BS's 20-32, Red 18-34, MD's 16V-35½. Moonshiners 3, Doug Tingvall 488; Bionic 1, Mike Ciary 590; Red 0, Wayne Coleman 468; 4-4 4, Jim Weisenback 465; H20 1, Char Munoz 475; FoCa 3, John Fogo 520; BS's 1, Judy Klein 477; MD's 3, Tom Moore 465; Totems 2, Char Tobin 570; Salty 2, George Witcraft 504; Family 3, Mark Thompson 530; Farmers 1, Wayne Clary 536; takers 1, Floyd Fuller 470; Odd 3, DEl Hartwell 477; Ding 1, Pat Boad 572; Dummys 3, Tick Skillman 534. Williams 31-21, Clary's 31-21, Mell 29-23, Johnson's 27-25, Harry's 27-25, Arctic 24-28, Hood 23½-28½, Fuller's 23-29, Billlngton's 22-30, Settle 21½-30½, Wingards 20½-31½, B&L 20-32. M&O 19-33. Settle 2, Linda Chamberlin 354; Byron's 2, Mary Ann Hathaway 456; Mell 4, Muriel Tubbs 443; Williams 0, Judy LaMont 438; Arnold 2. Helen Ogden 537; Wingard's 2, Frankie Barnes 434; Clary's 4, Diana Fogo 520; Arctic 0, Char Murr 383; Hood 2, Charlotte Elkins 507; B&L 2, Dorothy Ahrens 433; Billington's 1, Sue McCoy 440; Hut 3, Jackie Brown 539; Johnson's 4, Lucile Farmwell 458; M&O 0, Helen Okerland 409; Fuller's 2, Bunny Orr 418; Harry's 2, Ruth Boad 399. FRATERNAL i 2/I 1/78 Men's Hi Game: Wee Goodburn, 238. Men's Hi Series: Jack Patraszewski, 591. Standings: Western 38-18, Fuller 35-21, Drumstick 33-23, Heads 32-24, PUD 31VP24½, State 31-25, Shelton 30-26, Nimrod 29-27, Bull 28-28, Rotary 24½-31½, West 24½-31½, Tails 23Vz-32½, Lions 16-40, Antlers 13½-42½, G&A 20-16, VFW 18½-17½. G&A 2, Steve Watts 560; Tails 2, Lynn McQuilkan 498; VFW 2, Del Hartwell 519; Fuller's 2, Larry Skillman 544; PUD 4, John Warren 556; Antlers 0, Larry Joy 378; Lions 2, Butt Tweed 429; Bull 2, Wee Goodburn 574; Shelton 3, Denny Renecker 560; West 1, Jim Dominge 505; State 3, Don Gardner 538; Rotary 1, L.C. Leman 520; Nimrod 3, Duane Wilson 515; Western 1, Jerry Mallory 561; Heads 3, Ed Cockran 494; Drumstick 1, Jac Patraszewski 591. SHELTON RECREATION 12/6/78 Women's Hi Game: Peggy Hildebrandt, 190. Women's Hi Series: Kit LeCrosse, 495. Standings: Lee 35-21, Lucky 33-23, Waite 32-24, Argo 12-44. Argo 0, Tommy LeDoux 347; Lucky 4, Peggy Hildebrandt 459; Lee 1, Terry Stewart 403; Waite 3, Kit LeCrosse 495. G RANGE 12/11/78 Men's Hi Game: Loren Mercer, 199. Men's Hi Series: Loren Mercer, 527. Women's Hi Game: Elaine Antis, 189. Women's Hi Series: Elaine Antis, 497. Standings: Insurance 41-15, Skokomish 37-19, Pomona 35-21, Harstine 31½-24½, Agate II 31-25, Progress 30-26, Southside 28½-27½, Matlock 28-28, Agate I 19-37. Matlock 0, Nellie Rossmaier -Hrl.M.M- IT SAYs HERE 'q TAKES THOLRANDS AND THOUSANDS OF ELEPHANT5 TO MAKE ALLTHE BILkIARO BALKS THAT Pepsi, 7.Up, Squirt 32-oz. returnable quart bottles 3/*1 plus deposit Open 7 a.m.-12 p.m., Mon.-Sat., 8 a.m.-12 p.m., Sun. Brad Owen: Owner Eckloff 422. COMMERCIAL 12/6/78 Men's Hi Game: Steve Bard, 227. Men's Hi Series: Bob Lanman, 554. Standings: Dick 40-16, Verne's 36-20, Fir 34-22, Ed's 34-22, Dan's 33-23, Woldens 33-23, Arnold 29-27, B&R 28-28, Manke 25-31, Certified 25-31, Hansen's 25-31, Lumbermen's 24½-31½, Morgan 23½-32½, Cushman 21-35, Gott 20-36, McKesson 17-39. B&R 0, Glenn Roesset 470; Fir 4, Jim Fisher 537; Lumbermen's 3, Bill Beech 540; Certified 1, Fred Bostwick 490; Hansen's 4, Lloyd Clark 517; Morgan 0, Bob Lanman 554; Ed's 2, Steve Bard 553; Dick 2, Curt Casey 549; Dan's 0, Ray Rice 514; McKesson 4, Mel Mickelson 504; Arnold 3, Bob Dennis 473; Cushman 1, Rick Goerin 503; Manke 2, Don Brown 520; Verne's 2, Jim Tobin 525; Gott 1, L.C. Leman TUESDAY MIXED 12/12/78 491; Wolden's 3, Ken Walden Men's Hi Game: R. Petty, 216. 522. Men's Hi Series: S. Butterfield, 585. THURSDAY MERCHANTS Women's Hi Game: J. Lamont, 11/30/78 214. Men's Hi Game: Tom Tinker, Women's Hi Series: J. Lamont, 224. 525. Men's Hi Series: Lloyd Clark, Standings: Lumbermen's 563. 38-22, Cooper 37-23, Mason Standings: Dry 38-10, 36-24, KFC 35¥2-24½, ITT Andrew's 33-15, Binders 30-18, 35-25, Williams 33½-26½, RA 27-21, Bud 25½-22½, Western 33-27, WTM 32-28, Grapeview 25-23, Hansen's Simpson 30-30, Union 28-32, 24-23, Certified 23-25, Divers Linder 28-32, Shelton 28-32, 23-25, Blanton 20-28, Golden Banana 26-34, Hot 22-38, Dick 19-29. 22-38, Wilson 17-43. Binder 4, Jim Getchman 529; Wilson 2, H. Petty 491; Bud 0, Powell White 508; Under 2, R. Petty 542; Western Certified 1, Bob 455; Grapeview 2, S. Howland 482; WTM 2, S. 3, Milt Jennings 470; Bianton 4, Butterfield 585; Wood 1, O. Rick 443; Andrew's 3, Rick Buckwalter 431; Union 3, P. Deyette 507; Divers 1, Jim White 566; Simpson 4, S. Patton 508; Golden 1, Bob Robertson 575; Hot 0, D. Walker 498; Dry 3, Tom Tinker Arnold 498; Mason 1, J. 547; RA 1, Bill Baker 508; Patraszewskt 574; Cooper 3, B. Hansen's 3, Lloyd Clark 563. Fredson 548; KFC 3, R. Moore 535; ITT 1, L. Cochran 498; SIMPSON WOMEN'S 12/7/78 Williams 4, J. Lamont 525; Women's Hi Game: Joan Sowers, Banana 0, E. Liebenow 535; 221. Lumbermen's 4, B. Haselwood Women's Hi Series: J. Hartwell 540; Shelton 0, K. Stickley 443. and D. Coleman, 548. Standings: Lumber 38-14, Govey 33½-18½, Better 32-20, THURSDAY MERCHANTS Boom 31-21, Plywood 30-22, 12/7/78 Planers 29½-22½, Mill 3 Men's Hi Game: Jim Getchman, 28½-23½, Mill 4 28-24, 215. Engineering 27-25, Accounting Men's Hi Series: Jim Getchman, 25-27, Loggers 24-28, Purchasing 562. 21-31, Dry 20-32, Research Standings: Dry 41-11, 19½-32½, CM 18-34, Power Andrew's 34-18, Binders 32-20, 11-41. RA 29-23, Grapeview 28-24, Bud CM 1, Allene Stepper 487; 26½-25½, Hansen's 25½-26½, Lumber 3, Joan Sowers 541; Mill Certified 25-27, Divers 25-27, 4 4, Fae Robinson 471; Loggers Golden 23-29, Blanton 23-29. 0, Shirley, Jeffrles 441; Dry ,3, Bill Fredson 543; Accounting , Donna Walden Addrews 1, Don Craig 481; 532; Boom 1, Marilyn Wheeler Binders 2, Jim Getchman 562; 400; Better 3, Jean Hartwell RA 2, Bill Baker 497; Bud 1, 548; Planers 1, Kathy Renner Powell White 531; Grapeview 3, 512; Mill 3 3, Alice Hildebrandt Milt Jennings 491; Certified 2, 426; Plywood 1, Dorothy Moore Roland Cuzick 455; Divers 2, 439; Power 0, Carol Hammock Jim Patton 507; Hansen's 1, 377; Dry 4, Genny Bourgault Lloyd Clark 504; Blanton 3, 447; Engineering 2, Betty Dean Mark Adams 450; Golden 4, Jim 546; Govey 2, Donna Coelman L. 486. ROADSIDE NURSERY WILL BE OPEN FRIDAYS & SATURDAYS 'TIL 9 PoM. THRU CHRISTMAS Come in for hot coffee while you do your Christmas shopping 00l00ristmas Specials: 15% orr 1978 Model Weed Trimme (5 left) 10% OFF All Christmas Arrangements Brooms-Straw Wreaths-Centerpieces-More! 10% OFF All Bulbs Reg. Now AMARYLLIS $5.75 $4.99 Grafted Cactus $2.99 111.99 3" pot • Christmas Cactus $2.50 $1.99 In idoom SATURDAY, DEC. 16th 11-1 p.m. CHAIN.SAW WOOD-CARVING DEMONSTRATION You must see it.,. fantasticl!! GREEN WREATHS from*2 ALSO LIVE TREES! FLOCKED TREES! WITH ANY 20 PURCHASE RECEIVE A FREE CHRISTMAS CORSAGE! ROADSIDE NURSERY. TAYLOR TOWNE 426-3130 MI )N.-SAT.. 10:.00-5:,3(I ()PEN TIL 9:00 P.m., .UNI)AY, 12:00.5:1 FRI. & SAT. TIIRU CItRISTMAS 208. Men's Hi Series: George Ahlquist, 559. Women's Hi Game: Ramona Tinsley, 168. Women's Hi Series: Ramona Tinsley, 464. Standings: Plywood 36½-19½, Doublecuts 32-24, Screwballs 32-24, Markers 30-26, Hemlockers 29-27, Bedrock 29-27, Stampedes 28-28, Rattlers 28-28, Late 27VP28½, Black 25-31, Fishtails 23-33, Powell's 16-40. Plywood 4, George Ahlquist 559; Powell's 0, Dee Robinson 344; Late 0, Frank Lovato 538; Screwballs 4, Mike Howard 525; Hemlockers 3, Dave Wood 558; Rattlers 1, L.C. Leman 537; Fishtails 0, Brad Lowe 380; Black 4, Jack Carlson 514; Doublecuts 1, Gary Kunnanz 461; Bedrock 3, B I Hibbert 440; Stampedes 1, Mike Fussel/ 425; Markers 3, Steve Sergeant 473. SIMPSON SWING SHIFT 12/4/78 Men's Hi Game: Dave WaDe, 212. Men's Hi Series: Dave Wood, 544. Women's Hi Game: Ramona Tinsley, 183. Women's Hi Series: Bev Kunnanz, 451. Standings: Plywood 32½-19½, Doublecuts 31-21, Screwballs 28-24, Late 27½-24½, Markers 27-25, Stampedes 27-25, Rattlers 27-25, Hemlockers 26-26, Bedrock 26-26, Fishtails 23-29, Black 21-31, Powell's 16-36. Late 1, Frank Lovato 458; Doublecuts 3, Gary Kunnanz 515; Bedrock 4, Bill Hibbert 496; Rywood 0, Wiley Evans 524; Markers 2, Dave Tinsfey 515; Fishtails 2, Mike Berndt 470; Stampedes 3, Mike Fussell 439; Rattlers 1, L.C. Leman 478; Powell's 1, Shirley Alseth 376; Screwballs 3. Mike Howard 531; Jeanne Loring 428. I 12/L. DONUT TRIO t! Women's Hi Game: BettY 212. Women's Hi Game: Betty | 585• Divers 0, Dixie Pine 4, Char Munoz 1, Lyda Willey Betty Dean 585 Torjuson 409; Bradon 426; No. Mills 483; No. 10 1 361; Leo. 4, Simpson 0, Diana Bob's 4, Betty James 0, Cindy Grays 0, Mary Central 4, Spinners 0, Eva Lucky 4, Pat Sykora The Ilghtweig performance saw the man who makes • thinning, pulping, bucking small electronic ignition. anti-vibration control. FIAlruI. Ldt, guard=, safety trll U.S.F.S. approved automatic ailing adlultoble feed, With 2t In¢ik SAEGER 1306 OLYMPIC SHELTON Give your home a perfect holiday " a beautiful Armstrong flood What a beautiful gift ideal And, for a limited time, at beautl" ful holiday savings to you! Hurry in and make your selection from our dazzling assortment of famous Armstrong floorS •.. for installation after the holidays.., and take home special FREE GIFT and gift certificate for that special morning. It'sour wayof bringing "our best" into your home this holiday season! Dnlgner Solirlan ® Armstrong's finest , , , rich inlaid Color end the exclusive Mirebond * ehlnu without waxing longer than ordinary floors, Only Economical Sundlar" ' 1198 Our most economical cushioned Armstrong floor with the sunny 1 ' eq. yd.* wexMirabond®shlne. Over 30 ,ol and patterns. Special Offer FREE with purchase! '00ip'ush ST.ad0,, Grit cert,f,cate for under the tree I VIKING FLOOR COVERING 111West Cota Page 14 ;on Journal Thursday, )ecember 14 m/ 1978 I