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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 14, 1978     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 14, 1978
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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SHELTON EMBLEM CLUB NO. 477 donated funds to purchase a blanket warmer for the emergency room of Mason General Hospital, which averages 1,200 emergency room cases per month. Warm blankets are needed for patients in shock. Pictured left to right are Mildred Cole; R.N. Joyce I-lowland, Mason General Hospital emergency area supervisor; and Shirley Miljour. Message: ristmas is meaningless hout Christ in it HEIAN, Pastor Valley Christian All the hustle and '. All the shopping and t"tmd, relative clanning... time for parties. Liquor in the month of as people plan their private gatherings ready for a New Year's accidents rise sharply ke of increased drunk ' Some school officials it the "unnecessary us overtones" of the and for a ty push , hristmas, claiming we of the year. How empty, hollow and meaningless are all of our Christmas activities when they are not motivated by Him whose birthday we supposedly celebrate. When we are ashamed of Christ or "too sophisticated" to put Jesus at the center of Christmas we are left with the humanistic trivia that acts as a fill-in. No wonder people are lonely. No wonder so many seek alcohol as a refuge that cannot satisfy. No wonder self-pity, loneliness and tradegy take over this season in an unholy triumverate. MYS seeking members for accountability board Mason Youth Service is guidelines developed by tile time and patience ven in looking for community members state, supervision of tile community interested in active participation It is an opportunity for the service workers of Mason in a process to reduce juvenile volunteer adult to learn a great County. Tile groups include crime in Mason County. This deal about young people in the South Mason Library, Hood process is called a Community community and possibly provide Canal Hatchery, Shelton City Accountability Board. the youth with a turning point Library, ltood Canal School, Community Accountability in their life. Mountain View School, Shelton Board's are groups of three to Potential Community Police Department, St. Edward's five citizens who meet together Accountability Board members Hall, Bordeaux School, Belfair one or two evenings a month will be asked to attend an initial Fire Department, Mason County with juvenile offenders to training session where two or Parks and Recreation, Shelton determine the most appropriate three "practice" sessions will be Fire Department, Mary M. means for the juvenile to conducted to familiarize Knight, Jarrell's Cove Park, reimburse the community for the potential members with an actual Shelton High School, Senior offense committed. These youth session. Staff will also present' Citizens Center of Shelton and are first and/or minor offenders, material covering the concept Belfair, Mason County Tile Community Accountability and history of Community Courthouse maintenance Board members are guided in Accountability Board's in other department, Timberland North their determinations by Mason communities. If you are Mason Library, Belfair State Youth Services staff, and interested in joining with us in Park, Methodist Church and this effort please call: Cynthia Shelton Christian Fellowship. Ellingson, diversion counselor, 426-9764. Ms. Ellingson will take your names and addresses and will alert you as to the dates for your training. First and minor offenders processed since July 1 have already begun repaying the community through community service hours at public and private non-profit agencies. Mason Youth Service would like to wish these non-profit organizations a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Along with this wish goes our deepest appreciation of the stable otlers you a wonderfully abundant and eternal life. Church choir to present program The choirs of Shelton United Methodist Church together with the Ladies' Ensemble will present a special music program in the church sanctuary December 17 at 7 p.m. Robert Miller conducts the Sanctuary Choir while Peggy Smith is the director of the Children's Choir and the Junior Choir. Helen Hanford is the church organist. Special solos will be sung by Kris Engen, Marian Duemling and Sandra Shields while Bernie Khaw, Bill Herrick and John Steinberg will sing the men's solos. The program includes old carols to familiar tunes and beautiful new Christmas music. The event will conclude with a special Festival of Light presentation. Everyone is welcome to come and hear beautiful music in a lovely decorated church. Dr. Ludvig Eskildsen is the pastor. Instead of trying to drown your sorrows in a bottle, why not go (21   to Him who said, "Whosoever 'i drinketh of the water that I shall , give him shall never thirst; but ". the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water Toney's Auto epair 1817 Oly. Hwv. No. For Complete Auto Repair call GIVE A GIFT OF MUSIC FROM SHELTON'S NEWEST RECORD STORE. Records  Tapes  Accessories $7.98 list Ips NOW $5ee OLYMPIC RECORDS & TAPES (Next to Arctic Circle) 319 S. First 426-1817 i i ARE Iv, DU READY TO SELL v':)UR PROPERTY? Uniting buyer and seller. 8 UNITED'S CUSTOMIZED COMPUTER SERVICE supplies nationwide buyer information in a unique fashion. It matches your property's features and benefits with worldwide buyer requests. YOUR CALL TO UNITED puts a national network of sales offices and national advertising to work in selling your property. THERE IS A BIG DIFFERENCE. Find out by contacting us now. UNITED FARM AGENCY OF HOODSPORT P.O. Box 746, Hoodsport, WA 98548 Phone 877.5215  Evenings, Evelyn Robertson 877.5517 I I I Thursday, December 14, 1978 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 17 springing up into everlasting life"  (Jn. 4:14). Knowing that our  thriLl Christmas soul is delivered from hell; knowing that our sins are , .... •  Bob Shoe T Christ; having a loving Is ree relationship with Christ and being f'dled with His Holy Spirit; ( enjoying Christian fellowship - Tuesday-Friday till 8:30 be celebrating the But just a minute, friend, that is satisfying water indeed! it ( Closed Mondays i:Z*:r:inlY!*r**tti *a!*tn'mut!'!s°ii°ur°:"i '!'nU*n:u;°";°t***;t°a°": ------  Special Coast to C0ast 1[ Heil's Ph rmacy I   00srMl00s 00Irrs b00sSho00T.00l Christmas II * 1 €1;O7 j 9 a.m.-9 p.m., Friday ! I Mon.-Fri. 'tl, 7:00 [  ,Ftd,osro....l,  ]l to ntbermen'. 1: '° I I I Adam's Apparel StortingDecemberlO I J j' _ '" I1.$ ;1 Ilvllb l  Oiy::lc'aFtr:dY'Ye°n6ter Sunday 11 'ti'4 i i Sunday 10 ,|'4:30 J : (.dll  _.   t,.10tn% lJ Saturday, 9 to 5:30 . -- , j Sunday,2to5 Mon.-Fri., 'til 8:30 J J   I / aocat utr II  " , ,,,oercoe I  "- '0 II  Olsen Furniture Horthwest Communityl J Evergreen Drug ....... I  ' StoreNo. 1 I I Mon.-Fri. until8:30 I  ..d I J oAuxlusvlt tt'°NI J  WeekNights 'til8:31 M°n"Fri"9:30't.il8:00 .Sundayll'til4 I I J J ......... Sundaysll-4 J  Miller's Warren's Jewelry J Hamlin'Ssunday 1,1 til 4 ...... Jl  Sunday .,,,, I Mon.-Fri.,til 8:30 I ,, I ,o,o,,a, ,I,:* 1 : Ji nn'ey I o..,,,.... , : : C. Pe ByrneGifts .... I '  i SI  Sundayll til4 J FridayNeghtsttl8:00p.m.  Mon.-Fri., 'til 8:30 ..... J ....... _J   Western Ave0 [ j 9 a.m.-9 p.m. Mon.-Fri. I! [  C ' * [ Open till 8:30 T,,edaY thru Friday  j Ben Franklin II SprouseReitz : ALl" OF 1 -I" " "'T until Shomas" ,,  Sunday 10'til 4 I I 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Saturday J J Sunday 11 til4 I he Family e Store ,, am 6 p m Sunday J Mon,-Fri,, 9:30'ti!8:00 !  Sundays & Evenings