December 14, 1978 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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December 14, 1978 |
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SUZANNE RICH will appear as the Snow Queen in the Nutcracker. Steve
Argyle is cast as the Snow King. The ballet to be presented on December
23 in tile Shelton High School auditorium by Kitsap Peninsula Dance
Theater is sponsored by Mason County Senior Center.
Check home canned food
Christmas bq
Ilet scheduled
-Dancing gumdrops, bonbons (377-6214). They will also be
and the Sugar Plum Fairy; toy available at the door.
soldiers, mice and the Snow Fifty percent of the proceeds
Queen; not to mention the from this event will go to Mason
handsome Nutcracker Prince County Senior Center, sponsor
himself will all be a part of the of the ballet. The center, located
Christmas magic you may enjoy at Second and Grove Streets,
this holiday season, offers a gathering place for
Tchaikovskys classic ballet senior citizens and provides
of "childhood dreams coming to many organized activities and
life" will be presented on services.
December 23 at 8 p.m. in the
Shelton High School auditorium. The ballet will be presented
Tickets are available now at the by Kitsap Peninsula Dance
Mason County Senior Center Theater under the direction of
(426-8258) in Shelton or at the Lawan Morrison of Bremerton.
Bremerton Dance Center The non-profit organization was
organized in 1973 to bring ballet
to the area. Local dancers
promote classical dance forms by
offering students opportunities
to perform and to study under
leading teachers of the nation.
In the role of Snow Queen
will be Suzanne Rich of Seabeck.
Steve Argyle of Bremerton is
cast as the Snow King. Ms. Rich
is one of the original members of
Kitsap Peninsula Dance Theater
and has performed leading roles
in many ballets. While she
continues her study of the dance
she serves as a teacher in
Bremerton Dance Center.
Jamie Morrison, currently
studying with the American
Ballet Theater in New York City,
will return to this area especially
to appear in the Nutcracker.
DISCUSSING THE BALLET slated for December 23 are
Ellen Stuck, left, and Wilma Dittman. The Senior Center
will sponsor the presentation of Nutcracker. Ms. Stuck is
office manager and secretary for the Senior Center and
Wilma Dittman is chairperson of the current project.
Toys should be investigated
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Parents should meet head-on
the problem of pre-Christmas
television advertising of toys, the
Cooperative Extension Service
suggests. Find out what your
children want and investigate the
toys to make sure they are
suitable for the child's age and
interests, safe and within the
family budget.
If the toys are not suitable,
Now is when you are glad eat, reminds Ruth VanDeRiet,
that last summer and fall you Mason County Extension agent.
canned "all those beautiful jars of Examine each• jar closely.
{oar. Even if the food look good,
" Although you may have never taste home canned
followed recommended vegetables or meats right out of
procedures when canning at the jar. Bring vegetables to a
home, before you use home boil, then cover and boil for at
canned vegetables and meats, least 10 minutes. Home canned
make sure the food is safe to meats, fish and poultry, spinach
Church sets services
Christmas season services will
be conducted at the Shelton
Assembly of God Church
December 17.
The children of the Sunday
schoml will present the message
of Christmas in recitation, song
and a play entitled "Little Marcy
With The Jesus Story," at I0
The sanctuary choir will
present several songs in keeping
tell the child rather than have his
and corn should be boiled in a
2 ^ hopes built up and then dashed
on Christmas morning. For the
minutes. Oven heat won t younger Children, show them
penetrate deeply enough to kill
the harmful organisms; so when
first opemng the jar of home Middle school
canned food, boil it the 10-20
minutes. Future warm ups are [l-Irls
safe to do in a conventional or
microwave oven.
When first opening the jar concert
and you suspect that the food The Shelton Middle School
has spoiled, be careful to dispose band and choir, under the
with th'e Christmas story of it properly. Be sure not to direction of Alan Biehl, will
followed by message by Pastor leave it within the reach of present its annual winter concert
Younglund, This will follow the children or animals, at 7:30 p.m. December 21.
Sunday school program. The 10-20 minute boiling The middle school is
The Christ's Ambassadors are period is not necessary for extending an invitation to the
whole community to come and
doing a play entitled "Shelter commercially canned products, hear the students as they present
Shortage" at 6 p.m. as the equipment and techniques a program of Christmas music.
All are welcome to share this they use can be more exact and The program will begin at
blessed day with us if you do precise than we can possibly use 7:30 p.m. in the high school
not have a regular church home in our homes, explains Mrs. auditorium. There will be free
of your own. VanDeRiet. admittance to the program.
At Olsen Furniture
Now till
December 24th
what you
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with new furniture
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Page 24 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, December 14, 1978
different toys to help get the
undesirable one off their mind.
To an older child, explain
honestly the reasons for rejecting
the toys.
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