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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 14, 1978     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 14, 1978
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Kids tell Itllke it is '1 hope we nere sail are house; I like it' "MY HOME," wrote eight-year-old Tonya Miljour, here with Tuffy, "is where I learned how to cry and talk things over with parents, to be happy and sad and to love..." nice and worm... " Justin Fredson of Mt. View wrote, "I have mofles a lot of motles in my bedroom ..." James Hedges said it all: "My home means playing we have lotts of theaing to do we don't have 5 armes to work with we have chores to do evry onec in a while my brother Tony Does not like our work he dous not like carrying would. That's all." And: "I have my own room to myself," wrote Grant Hankins of Mt. View, "so 1 can have privacy in my own room in my own room... "Once my bear cub went in my house and I had to spank him but I didn't," explained Shannon Charlton. "My dog never had the fleas on his hair but he acted like it... We always have feelings for our animals. We always have food for them except sometimes ..." Msltsa,',,May Williams b Belfair wrote, "I like my house because I have my own room and I can go get my bike anytime I want to is loge is I'm not boing work and I can go in the bike shed any time I want to get my bike if I want to and my sister durin the summur we get to go swimm in are old tuds at winter we get to go out side and make a sonw man and get to play at night to and we get to put a hat on the sonw man thes winter we get to for a walk in the snow . . . " Some reflected pride or reverence or even a bit of uncommon determination: "My mom says we are going to move," revealed Jamie Halbert, "BUT I SAY NO. I want to stay and we do. So here we are still at my house. Well, I guess I will say good-bye[" "I like my house because I have my own bedroom," wrote Dina Roush of Mt. View, "and my house is big, and nobody can come in unless I say so!" Aaron Corliss wrote, "I can hear the creet on a cold day. And I have a bedroom all to myself. And I can do that ever I wand." "What my home mens to me," mused Darin Dodge. "My home is hot it is nice to me Jesus said a home is full of meny good thing." "A house to everybody else "It's a single trailer." Hannah Hutseli wrote, "It is the best home because it is a roof over my head and a floor under my feet." "I like my home be cuse i is just a place to live," wrote , can swim and build treeforts," Mike Pettersen, "but to me it is a Amarican home, that keep's the wind rain and thuder out." Some wasted precious little time: "Kelly Deyette wrote, "I like my home like you like yours. It's a new arepartemet. Bye. I got to go now." "My house is a loyal and true friend," wrote Paul Judt. wrote Bob Egbert. Some showed surprising maturity: "I like my house very much," wrote Rachel Marshall of Mt. View. "It is not the best house in the world but it is just fine for me... " And Tonya Miljour wrote, "My home is where I learned how to cry and talk things over By STEVE PATCH It's true, yes - but you needn't take Art Linkletter's word for it. As made abundantly clear by about 125 Mason County third-graders last week, kids really do say the darndest things. The youngsters, from Mt. View, Evergreen and Belfair Elementary Schools, were respondents to a question posed last month by the Mason County Board of Realtors, local sponsors of a contest originated some years ago by the National Association of Realtors. The topic, "What My Home Means to Me," was to be rendered in both crayon art and written form. The kids' resultant productions were judged last week by Larry Mitchell and Vicki Cottrell of Mason County Realty. The laughs, however, are more nearly timeless. "My home means to me is love," wrote Donna Haman, "and my family means to me is love and the hole world means love to me and thor is 10ts ether things that means love to me... One young lady told how she's learned to look on the bright side - even in the dark. "I love my house," wrote Kathy Campbell. "It's nice. It has no electricity and that's alright because I am not home all the time." Some were quite practical in their assessments: "I like my home because it is smol," wrote Dean Crosswhite. "When it is small it is esy to get to the place you want to go." Chad GaUagher of Mt. View wrote, "I like my house because it has a roof so it doesn't get me wet." Then there were the responses about which morn and dad probably wish they'd been consulted before seeing them in a .weekly newspaper read by literally thousands: !#i,"1 hope :we .re :| ate house," wrote a young lady who identified herself only as Trina. "I like it because I beet up my brother and the house looks like a tornado... " "I have a small home," wrote Martha Gibeau. "It is really small. Were going to sell our home and I am really glad it is sold. I cannot wait till we move Out... " Melinda Schoene wrote, "I like it because I am adopted. My dad let's me have' all most everything I want..." "My home is like a suberein," confided Jack Coots. "At night I preted that are house is under water. My mom tells me not to do dumb stuff like to hit my brother." Brenda Oyler was similarly candid. "Well," she wrote, "it really means a lot to me. But it is a messy house." "We help each other in the house," wrote Tina Eakin of Mt. View, "but once we almost got in a fight over cleaning the dishes... " in the Wanna-Run-That-By- -One-More-Time? category: "I like my bedroom," wrote Craig Hanson of Mt. View. "It is Larissa Ulberg Cheryl Vetters third-grader THIS RENDERING in crayon and pencil won Belfairite Cheryl Vetters "Best Picture" award. i Page 26 - Shelton-Mason County J'ournal - Thursday, December 14, 1978 with parents, to be happy and sad and to love. And if I get the prize I'm stil not better than everbody else ..." The winning entry, adjudged ''Best Picture/Story Combination," was by Larissa Ulberg of Belfalr. Her response, which will be entered in the upcoming Washington State Association of Realtors contest, read as follows: "I like my house because my dad made a door for my room, and I can look it because there are two keys. I let my brother sometimes in my room. My house has a ping-pong tadle. We always play in the playroom and its very messy. 1 think I have a nice house because it's clean enough to live in and dirty enough to be happy." Runnerup honors went to Belfair's Cheryl Vetters, whose art work was adjudged "Best Picture," and to Evergreen's Christy Yates, whose "Best Story" read as follows: "My home gives me a place to sleep and keep me dry. In case of me getting lost in the woods I won't have any place to go and keep dry. My home means a lot to me. If we did not have a house I wonder were I would eat and sleep proubly out in the wilderness were it is scary and dark. Where would I put my food if I did not have a house proubly in the trees in th wilderness. The end." All three top finishers won $25, a leather money bag made by Barbara Mitchell and an award certificate made by Vince Himlie. All contest entries will be on display through February at Himlie, Paramount and Mason County Realty. Christy Yates S.I:T.I. SMOXISltOP ODD-DRAND St£I! "Our add brand lust may be your brand." Closeout on all odd brands of cigarettes & clgarsl $3.20 a carton Cigar prices vary. Great for Stocking Stuffers! S.I.T.E. SMOKESHOP Junction Highway 101 & State Highway 106 877-5279 ;,, ::, ..... , , ,,, , OVERALL WINNER Larissa Ulberg's entry, above, now goes on state level of competition. Larissa is a Belfair third-grader. ,..... 1 .,... I ,..... i :(i 21020 2866 4-BEDROOM FRONT & REAR TWO BATH (Approx. 1,866 Sq. Ft.) enderson Three Locations Centralia Ch, halis r36.SgSl to Serve You Z48.8262 and 5140 Yelm Highway Across from Capitol City Golf Club Olympia, Washington 491-1222 HOW TO GET TO -'" -- jg HENDERSON MOBILE HOMES. From I-5 take Laeey exiL.. =MC.* proceed south through Laeey on College Way to Yelm Highway, turn left to HENDERSON MOBILE HOMES. From Tumwater, take Brewery exit from I-5 on Custer Way, 2 blocks to Olympia-Yelm Highway. Direct route to HENDERSON MOBILE HOMES.