December 14, 1978 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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NELLIE ROSSMAIER of Matlock, right, placed second in the bread
division at the State Grange Bake-off held last June in Bellingham. Gyneth
Auseth of Shelton, left, was third-place winner in the cake division. Her
husband, Martin Auseth, is a State Grange Deputy.
Local women win honors in bake-off
Nellie Rossmaier of Matlock 3 Tbsp. sugar remaining flour to make dough 1½ C. melted butter
Grange placed second in the 1 tsp. salt easy to handle. Turn dough out 1½ tsp. vanilla
bread division and Gyneth I egg onto lightly floured board and 1 8-oz. can crushed
Auseth of Agate Grange placed 3 Tbsp. butter knead until smooth and elastic, pineapple (undrained)
third in the cake division of the 1/3 C. yellow cornmeal about five minutes. Place in 2 C. diced bananas
state Grange Bake-off held 2-2½ C. flour greased bowl, turn greased side " C. chopped walnuts
during the State Grange softened butter up, cover, let rise in warm place -C. chopped pecans
convention in Bellingham last cornmeal until double (one to 1½ hours). Combine first live ingredients
June. Dissolve yeast in warm water in Punch down dough and shape and sift into a large bowl. in
Here are the winning recipes: large bowl, add sugar, milk, salt, into one loaf; then place in another bowl beat eggs well and
PIONEER BREAD egg, butter, i/3 cup cornmeal greased loaf pan 9x5x3, brush beat in melted butter; add this
and one cup flour; blend on low lightly with butter, sprinkle with mixture to the sifted dry
1 pkg. dry yeast speed, scraping bowl constantly, cornmeal. Let rise until double, ingredients and just mix. Do not
½ C. milk ½ minute. Beat on medium 50 to 60 minutes. Bake in 400 beat. Add vanilla, fruit and nuts,
¼ C. warm water (105 degrees speed, scraping bowl often, two degree oven 25-30 minutes until stir in carefully. Place heavy
to 115 degrees) minutes. Stir in enough leaf sounds hollow when tapped, batter into three greased
Remove from pan and cool on
wire rack.
Record amount of 0o.,
" C. sugar
firewood collected 1 tsp. salt
1 tsp. baking soda
Pacific Northwest residents $513,026. 1 tsp. cinnamon
collected a record amount of Forest Service Regional 3eggs
free firewood from national Forester R. E. (Dick)
forests during fiscal year 1978. Worthington said the demand for Granae olans
Permits for the use of firewood has grown rapidly in
630,108 cords of firewood were recent years, and will probably progrcIm
issued on the 19 national forests continue to expand in the Meeting with Pomona Master
in Oregon and Washington in foreseeable future. Ralph (Bud) Welch at the
1978, compared to 489,200 The regional forester said use Progress Hall last Sunday, were
cords the previous year. Actual of firewood "serves several representatives of the various
volume removed, however, is purposes, including the use of subordinate Granges of Mason
estimated to be only about material that otherwise would County to plan a Grange
two-thirds of the total listed in have to be left to rot or burned program for the coming year.
the permits, on the ground. Its use also helps It is hoped that program
Permits to Oregon residents defray the rising cost of heat books will be available at the
totaled 499,538 cords, while in from electricity and fossil fuels next Pomona meeting at the
Washington the figure was as well as to reduce consumption Twanoh Hall which will start
130,480 cords. Estimated value of those fuels." with a 6:30 p.m. dinner January
of the ! 978 harvest was 19.,
eight-inch cake pans. Bake tbr 25
to 30 minutes at 350 degrees.
cool. Spread with the foUowing
1 8-oz. pkg. cream cheese
! box (1 lb.) powdered
½ C. butter
1 tsp. vanilla
chopped nuts for top
Cream butter and cream cheese
until smooth. Gradually add
powdered sugar, beat until
fluffy. Beat in vanilla. Frost tops
and sides of layers, stack, and
then sprinkle with chopped nuts.
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The perfect cemb/atien of convenience, MAGNAVOX
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Thursday, December 14, 1978 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 27