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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 14, 1978     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 14, 1978
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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FRIDAY & SATURDAY Live music in our lounge 9,30 p.m. to t:30 a.m. Featuring KEN "The Solitary Man" Dinner hour until t t,00 p.m. TAYLOR TOWNE CAFE 426-8501 We can accommodate your party up to 50 In our Banquet Room. SHELTONELKS LODGE Saturday Night, December 16th JOHN HALVORSEN Organ and Accordian SING.A-LONG Happy Hour 8 to9 p.m. First Street and LUCKY STRIKE CAFE Shelton, WA Dial 4264452 / LUCKY STRIKE CAFE Breakfast served from 5 a.m. Monday thru Fridayl And there's plenty of parking in our back lot for LARGE trucks! LUNCH AND DINNER SERVED DAILY, Monday thru Friday til midnight . _ Saturday, 9 a.m. til midnight Sunday, 9 a.m. til 1 t p.m. -------=------------------------ Hood Canal West: Church plans its annual Christmas program Pot- Ponr-ri Auditions for the Moose Family Pot.pour-ri B-A-N-D CHILDREN'S CHRISTMAS PARTY Sunday, Dec. 17th : Starts at 2:00 p.m. . Entertainment  by the . Jolly Jesters Join Our Moose Famil, P-I-Z-Z-A ' P-A-R-T-Y --Every-- Thursday Night 6:00 to 10:00 LARGE, EXTRA THICK, F.O-O-T Across Delicious Mouth Watering P-I-Z-Z-A Shelton% Finest! Bring the Kids DANCI! glNQI LIVE MUSlC Ph. 426-6917 SANDERSON FIELD By VIRGINIA REIS been December 15, but is now The annual Sunday school scheduled for December 21. Christmas program will take Same time and place: 7 p.m. in place at the Hood Canal the Hood Canal Woman's Community Church this Sunday clubhouse. Santa has been at 5 p.m. notified, and is able to work the Two plays are scheduled, change into his busy holiday "Cobbler's Guest" will be schedule. performed by the high school Anyone who would enjoy a and junior high groups. The shopping trip to Shelton is fourth, fifth and sixth graders' invited to ride the Senior Center play is entitled "The Best Gift of bus Fridays. The bus leaves All." Lilliwaup at 9:30 a.m. and stops at each passenger's home for a The primary students will say their Christmas pieces, and the pickup by prearrangement. The guests will also be treated to bus leaves Shelton for the return special choir music. Everyone is trip at about 2 p.m. at the welcome to attend this charming convenience of the riders. traditional event. The round-trip cost is a suggested donation to the Senior Community News Center of $1.25. if you would The Kiwanis Club of like to be included in this Hood Hoodsport, a newly formed Canal attempt at "mass-transit," service organization, has just phone Marian Johnstone at decorated the town for the 877-5519. She will arrange it, holiday season. The big candy and Marian extends warm wishes canes that suddenly grew on all for a Merry Christmas and the telephone poles are a cheery Happy New Year to all the greeting to all from the club. riders. Tonight the Kiwanis Club is The Hood' Canal Woman's having a Christmas potluck Club Christmas potluck luncheon dinner for members and their and meeting will be December families at the Hoodsport 21 at noon. Members are Community Hall. reminded to bring a donation for The Hood Canal Lions Club the food basket which the club board meeting" is scheduled for makes up each year to be given 7:30 p.m. tonight at Uppy's to a needy family. Members also residence in Union. Anyone bake cookies to be served as needing directions is invited to refreshments for the Exceptional phone him at 898-3749. Manor women who annually sing Sincere thanks to Lion Christmas carols at this meeting. Wendell Lewis who has a special School News connection, and was therefore able to arrange for Santa to The Hood Canal School come to Hood Canal School presents its holiday program December 21 to greet the December 20 at 7:30 p.m. in the children and give them Christmas gym. The entire school, from candy, kindergarten through the eighth Lions, please note a change grade, will be presenting many in the date of the children s joyful songs and skits of the Christmas party. It was to have season. Everyone is welcome to share the evening. You ca r.0 school requests n volunteers who will be needed to make new traditions -. If you follbw tradition for tour Christmas and New Year'. meals, you'll be eating turkey or ham this year. But they're not the only possibilities. Making up new traditions can be exciting says Ruth VanDeRiet, Washington State University's Mason County Extension agent. You might like to try a vegetarian Christmas dinner. Vegetarian lasagna, soups, salads, quiches, and omelettes are all meal alternatives to try. Or, you could fLX eggplant parmestan, try green peppers stuffed with cheese, or try stuffed acorn squash, If you don't think you're quite ready for a vegetarian holiday, think about using seafood. Or, you may like to try some of the other poultry and poultry-like products on the food market. One product, capon, is a de-sexed male chicken. The capon is turkey-like in that it has extra light meat, but the flavor is milder like chicken. Domestic rabbit is a nice alternative to traditional holiday fare. And, unlike turkey and OE;:IE ham, the price for rabbit has stayed relatively stable for the NEW YEAR'S past few years. EVE WITH T.flE LIN.DEK LA0000oN FOR A FUll-FILLED EVENING YOU'LL NIV[II FORGET/ HATS, HORNS, NOISEMAKERS, BALLOON DROP, BUFFET. ALL YOUR BEVERAGES,! PKG. OFFER ONLY s30 per €ouple for members Only $35 per couple for their guests. RESERVATIONS: 426-7677 days or 426-6918 nights -School Mere Menu for Shelton Elpmentary & High Schools MAKE SOUND LUMBER YOUR LUMBER! December 18-22 Breakfast served every morning for 30 cents; lunch, 55 cents. Milk, 10 cents. Monday: Tacos w/shredded lettuce & cheese, Mexicali corn, fresh fruit, cookies, milk. Tuesday: Christmas turkey dinner. Wednesday: Corn dogs, mustard, hot vegetable, dessert, milk. Thursday: Sloppy Joes, baked beans, fruit salad, milk. Friday: Cook's choice. SOUND LUMBER INC. 426-4282 i mile South on Hwy. 101 help the school nurse with vision screening (eye tests) at school January 8 at 9 a.m. At least three extra people are necessary. Please call the school at 877-5463 if you can help. Mrs. Moore's second grade students were taught how to make soap Tuesday. Alice Snuffin, a volunteer with this special knowledge, helped the children so they may give their own handcrafted soap as Christmas presents. Tomorrow the first annual Christmas dance will be held for the Hood Canal Junior High School from 12:30 to 2:15 p.m. December 19 Evergreen Christian School comes to Hood Canal for a basketball game. The Hood Canal girls drill team will perform during the half-time. Doors open at 5:45 p.m. and the game is scheduled for 6 p.m. Admission is 50 cents for students, and 75 cents for adults. Everyone is welcome to this last game before vacation. Vacation starts after the regular dismissal time December 21. School opens again on January 2. GIVE US YOUR PRESCRIPTION AND IVE'LL GIVE YOU SOME S4 VINGS. 112 W. Alder. 4264272 I I I I EMPLOYMENT Alderbrook .Inn has posmon openings for EXECUTIVE HOUSEKEEPER and FRONT OFFICE MANAGER. II '11 Both positions require several years experience. The front office manager must have good working knowledge of NCR 4200. Please send resume or call Arthur Ream, Alderbrook Inn, Union, WA (206) 898-2200. iii E'Ou eoadoQQ tnuted to heQto. 4t oeag'e eeept[0 o.(I le oteet booE J "PASSING FANCIES I1", otudo. cDeeerbe 16. Jan Danford will be on hand to autograph copies. Her book will be on sale at the Shelton Art Gallery for $2.95. SHELTON ART GALLERY 210 E. Pine 426-1314 dChrt00,tmasldea I. I i " President Ital T, Wolff" Sr. CAPITAl, SAVINGS AND I.OAN ASSOCIATION Give a stunning replica t)t the Washington State C:apitol Building. produced especially for Capital Savings. A limited supply -f these registered Capital ('oin Banks is availahle only through an ol*l'ice of Capit al Savings. 5().y car-ohl tapir el J)uihlil;g. Get your exclusive, limited edition collector's coin bank now. Just open a new savings account or add to your existing account as follows: Each polished bronze hank has its own registration number, rccorde¢ in y,ur name or the namc of the recipient of your gift. It comes in an attractive gif! container and includes a written history of the Under Over l)eposit : S 1,000 $ 1,000 $2,000 $3,000 $4,000 $5,000 Bank Cost : $ I 0 $9 $8 $7 $6 $5 Serving You Iocalll/in OLYMPIA (N.,.t OLYMPIA tc.p.ot c.m.,) TUMWATER LACEY SHELTON 5th & Franklin 410 W 5th Ave 3242 Capitol Btvd. 4110 Pacific Ave 1st & Railroad C)lyml)la. t)SS07 (.)lympa. t)H.507 ]'umwater. 9SDOI Lacey. 98)3 Shallot. 98584 7q3 8750 753 874h 753 87X) 753 87t(I 42€}.8211 Also Serving You at BELLEVUE KIRKLAND NORTH BEND GREENWOOD QUEEN ANNE GATEWAY ISSAQUAH TOTEM LAKE BOTHELI, BROADWAY MOUNTI.JKF. TERRACE VANCOUVER TACOMA SII.VERI)AI,E FEI)ERAI WAY BREMERTON LONGVIEW ABERDEEN MONTESANO H(H,JU IAM SOUTHBEND Opening soon at the Everett Mall and Port Angeles Thursday, December 14, 1978 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 31