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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 14, 1978     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 14, 1978
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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i00chool Christmas [RMEN YATES ere will be one very big ce in this year&apos;s Pioneer 0#A as program. In order to p^g !sufficient roonl to seal ,,, e who wishes to attend, t Ibe held in Shelton at tile 111 !ehool in the auditoritnn ,. year. Both the .--.Stration and the staff as 011]Ll the students and their , hope this arrangement ,ml temporary and with a little lilt of luck perhaps ,.lilt day in the nol too distant future there will be rtotn for lhJs and others once again at Pioneer. There are to be some special guests at this year's prograln. The program will hegin at 7:30 p.m. l)ccembcr 20. The huilding committee has a ctmlesl in progress and is open to anyone in tile constantly who wishes to participate. It is to come up with a novel, witty, program to be held and/or unique etc. slogan for the UlCuming bond issue. The wimler and Iheir family will bc treated It) a dinner out on lhe IoWll. This is being sponsored hy the Pioneer P.T.O. The deadline is Friday. Friends and ncighl)ors ,<.ft" a former resident of this connnunity attended a memorial service on Tuesday night of lhis week. The memorial service was for Jack Toullinson wilt)along 00!ag pole now has yule ,100coration on the top I!N CLaW 'e tall flagpole in Bob /'lYard at Ayock Point has 2" tleome the center of much 0n for another reason than 0flags and serving as a tk for boaters. Over the i|ekend, Bob hoisted a |lighted framed star to the ,,,f the pole. It has been d that cars are pulling off ad at Jorstad Creek !.,0Unds to view the star ..aPPears to be floating over ',al. Needless to say, all of tighbors are enjoying this | 00loline prices .100aining, stable P'te a general feeling of shortages ;ir, tainty about rumored the l[ me shortages and price not ,1, the Auto Club of Pons (A,A) Christmas lqew Years Fuel Gauge 'd prices as of December 8, new attraction which lights up were present to offer the sky to herald the holiday congratulations and to take turns season, holding Kerri Ann. The Wood's Mrs. Gary Wood (Kathy) and son, Kenny, a first grade student, new daughter, Kcrri Ann, were was also in attendance and hosted by Ayock neighbors at a helped his mother display the baby shower last Saturday gifts. afternoon. Mrs. Margaret Richter, Mr. and Mrs. John Albinger Mrs. Myra Braden, Mrs. Lillian were visiting at Ayock Beach Runge, Mrs. Dorothy Burroughs, from Los Angeles. Mrs. Mrs. Barbara Krise, Mrs. Margaret Albinger's family, the Charles Theobald, Mrs. Delpha Cooks, have owned a summer Robertson, Mrs. Evelyn Stein, home on the canal at Ayock for Mrs. Phloda Scab, Mrs. Joyce a number of years. Fields, Mrs. Dolly Bardell and To many, the mention of a special guest, Mrs. Charlene player piano brings happy Albinger and Mrs. Maxine Claw memories of unique piano sounds, old times, family sings and gripping the special hand hold - very tightly, as one pumps the bellows for dear life. The Bob Steins and the Bob Krises both have player pianos. of unleaded gasoline, Last Friday evening the Krises the Auto Club advises motorists invited singing neighbors to to panic. It is the club's enjoy a chili supper, memories, judgment that shortages will be and to take turns pumping out isolated, and short in duration, many old favorites. Gifts Ceramics I Macrame Everything in stock .ow 25% o,, All items handmade, handcrafted, handpainted. ,|tnlained stable since the i,,| t last survey was conducted t l ! to the Thanksgiving I lid. average price of a gallon lar gas purchased at a ,trice pump remained at rits per gallon. Premium t at the full-service pumps eed at 77.5 cents a 'gal'lon average price recorded ealber. Unleaded grades of / actually dropped a I a gallon showing an Iprice of 75.5 cents per I+down from 76.8 in r. looking for bargain will be utilizing outlets. The Auto showed regular gas self.service island was 66.9 cents a gallon, at 73.4 cents per gallon at 68.9 cents per The Arcadia Road Bridge is open again Open 10 a.rn -6 p.m.  Lynn Wilson Phone 75. Located IV2 miles ql..+S" out Arcadia Road .... Rt. 3, Box76, Shelton IHI\\;:\% premium and unleaded at the self-service pumps penny a gallon off the since the November was conducted. possible spot LECTRICAL CUSTOMERSI i Mason County PUD No; 3 is asking.electrical I!ustomers to reduce their usage this Sunday (becember_ 17) to help prevent outages. The re- /%ction mn power consumption is necessary for ergizing the new Mountain View substation, will relieve the growing electrical load in Shelton area and will provide more reliable ce. .... If the demand for power is too great at t! time the new facility is brought on the line, t load will not hold and there could be out- Iges. Accordingly, customers south of the Bel- ir and Lake Cushman areas are asked to elimi- ate all non-essential electrical activities from a.m. on Sunday until 5 p.m. Your cooperation Villi be appreciated. Mason County PUD No. 3 with his wife, Joanne and then IWO St)llS ;.llld Iwo daughlcrs made their home ill tile Agate area for six years. The nlenlorJal service was held al the Faith l+ulhcran ('hurch in Shelton. The funeral was held in Thousal)d Oaks, California, where tile family was making their home at the time of Jack's death. Sincere wishes of sympathy are e,xlended to Jack's wife and family I+Lom friends and neighbors of this coInlllUllily. Friday the Tifilberland Library will bring a Christmas puppet show to Pioneer School. There will be tWO performances, one in the morning and une in the afternoon. This will enable both kindergarten classes to enjoy the special treat and also enable the remainder of Ihe classes to bc divided, making I'ol less crowding in the gym too. This week Pioneer students are pL-ivileged It) have a visiting artist in their nnidst. She is Donna I Iowell and is SpOllsored by thc Washington Stale ('ultural lmri/:hment Irogranl. This week fronl Monday through Thursday she is working wilh fou,th and sixth glade students in many various mediums to inspire creativity in tile sludenls. Attention parents: when you send a note to school to excuse the absence of your child, please be sine to 1), sign both you, first and last name (not just initials): 2) the full name of the student lu be excused, and last but not least, 3) the name of tile studeut's teacher. Without this information it is somelinres virtually impossible to fulfill yet anal her of tile state's many, man) requirements. And yonr cooperation in Ihis matter are both noted and appreciated by the olTJce slall. FDIC Hood Canal School Lunch Menu December 18-22 Monday: Tomato soup, toasted cheese sandwich, vegetable sticks, fruit, cookie, milk. Tuesday: Cold turkey sandwich, orange juice, jello with fruit, ice cream, milk. Wednesday: Spaghetti, buttered roll, green beans, fruit, milk. Thursday: Wiener on a bun, french fries, fruit, cookie, milk. Friday: No school. In Shelton and in Hoodsport WE'RE ALL THE BANK YOU'LL EVER NEED I 36" ENERGY MIZER m+doo air from going room air ik,,...,+,..:..--. ff up chimttey +e,.rn+ home--., to I\\;L. e+++ J1"/"' ,, "].'..,,, " " ,11111 l,!'" .' , heating _ .->,+ m+ "k :>\\; I t+,..+l""] Zero clearance lets you ' set it on wood floor, surround with wood What could be more practical7 The Energy Mizer is even approved for mobile homes! AVAIIABLE IN 42" 9S Rreg. 599.00 PREWAY B-136 LOW PRO This wo{Mburning zero-clearance fire- place installs anywhere! Circulates heat throughout your room and saves you inolley, Reg. 413.00 ALS{ ) AVAII,ABI,E IN 42" PREWAY PROVIDER N,,. rB24r Built-in 700 CFM fan powers heat into your home-- manually or automatically. Rcmovable glass doors prevent heated room air from going up the chimney. Porcelain exterior. Approved for mobile homes. $ 95 BLACK,,,+. s7+7 ........... 619 $ 9s RED ,, ................ 659 ALL CHIMNEY PIPE AND ACCESSORIES I 10% o,, ,lllll|'" • Ill I "lli'llllll, ' ........ ,till,, Ill SHELTON.426-2611 Downtown • First and Pine ()pen 8 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Mon.-Fri. ('httrMe it: 8-4:30 Sat. • 10-4:30 Sun. , Thursday, December 14, 1978 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 33