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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 14, 1978     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 14, 1978
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PHONE 12 For Sale studded snow tires like new. 898-3123. 14 $1.50 bale. McDonald Kamilche Valley. Mc8/24tfn D ALDER for Split and delivered. M11/30-12/21 OUT of business sale, 20% off. Betty&apos;s Shop. Thursday, Saturday, 10-5. sEXCELLENT clover and 50 ton in stack. Alfalfa, 20-ton lots, $71. F.O.B. One to five tons, our store. Call Monday 1Saturday, 9-6, 426-4373. Uros, W.F.A. Wll/30tfn C'O LUMBIA 10-speed good shape. 426-2030. STR IANS! BEAUTIFUL )0led Charles Ba ker saddle. 15" seat. Leather d stirrups. Bridle and Collar included. Full rigoino, mint condition four times. $295. Tack VOuld ask over $400. M11/30tfn )N THOROUGHBRED four-ply nylon snow wheels. Size 650-13. It condition. 426-6659. S TRAINS -- two all work on one ished, 5x9 pike. en automatic electric no limit to versatility Some buildings still in Also includes collectors that need minor repair. ning for new set-up to what you have. all will go for $325. '7tfn AND buggy harness. new condition, running With knee pads, ankle nerve halter, reins, , tugs. Extremely heavy-duty unit. With and Ionge rope. horse to stop! Could -=riious injury or life! utfit all for $250. wood. Fir and pine. S12/7tfn Jack Frost Construction Licensed - Bonded g and new. job too small. for free estimate. For Sale CHRISTMAS SPECIAL: Little Harvey food dryer, 6-tray, 15"x17", U.L. listed, 1,000 watt heater and blower, safety switch, harvest gold or avocado. $129.95. Dist. Earsley Company. 877-9707. E12/7-28 For Sale BAUSCH AND Lomb Balomatic 695 slide projector with 20 slide trays for 800 slide in original carrying case, $95. Two 8.25x14 traction snow tires on Dodge wheels, $10 each. 426-9987. G12/7-14 BELL AND Howell movie camera, auto load 308, Super 8 with zoon lens and carrying case. Bell and Howell auto load Super 8 self-threading movie projector, like new. $145 for both. Phone 426-9987. G12/7-14 PORTABLE DISHWASHER, avocado. 426-1889. K12/7-28 FIREWOOD FOR sale, special orders extra. 426-9272. $12/7-28 CARPET, SHAG, plush, high-low, grass, kitchen, many colors. $2.90, $3.75, $4.75, $5.85, per yard, etc; 426-8111, appointment only. Tuesdays through Saturday'. G9/14tfn BARK FOR landscaping, 15-6,0 yard loads. Call Skillmans, 866-8812. S3/23tfn NEED A passport picture? See The Photo Center for instant color passport pictures. 426-6163. 124 North Second. P5/18tfn ARE SPRING greens invading your fleshtones. Start the new T.V. season with a new Curtis Mathes T.V. from Conley's. Four year financing O.A.C. First and Alder. 426-5528. C7/27tfn FIREWOOD. $40 for a two-cord load. Mill ends, 24" long, delivered. 426-1037.. M12/7tfn KIRBY VACUUM is now open for sales and servicing most all makes. At 211 Cote from 10-6, Monday through Friday. 426-7844. D12/7-14 GOOD GRASS$a.E no weeds. Large bales. () per bale. 426-6046. J 12/7-28 SEARS CERAMIC top range, self-cleaning oven. Used about six months. $285. 426-5275, A12/7-28 HAMMOND SPINETTE organ, very nice shape, perfect Christmas gift. 426-3159. Gll/30-12/21 SINGER GOLDEN Touch 'N Sew, model 750, built-in buttonholer, all cams included. $150. 426-9871 after 5 p.m. T12/14-21 DRAPERIES INSULATED backs, used less than year. Two pair, white, 75"x63", $18 pair; two pair, celery, 48"x63 , $10 pal, r; two pair, light coffee, 75 x63 , $20 pair. 426-7486 evenings, weekends. C12/14tfn ONE HD6 Allis Chalmers with blade and winch. Tracks 75%, running gear good. One Drott skid shovel with ripper, model 224. 426-4954. B12/7-28 FOR SALE -- Used Touch 'n Sew Singer sewing machine, many accessories, machine in good condition. $]25. Usage and maintenance lessons free. Call 426-5446. W12/14-21 DEMO POWER spray rug shampooer, one only. $99.95. Sears Catalog Sales, Shelton. 426-8201. $12/14 GAS WATER heater, one only, new, as is. $50. Sears Catalog Sales, Shelton. 426-8201. $12/14 FOR SALE, used Penncrest washer, dryer, good condition. $125. 426-5175. H12/14 POOL TABLE, no legs. $30. 1219 Railroad. C12/14 LIKE NEW, 30" electric range. $100. 426-2120. M12/14 THREE MAPLE hardwood swivel bar stools with brass foot rest. 426-4615. R12/14-21 PIANO, KITCHEN set, Hollywood bed, hanging lamp, etc. Evenings, 426-1843. A12/14 KENMORE 2 1-cubic-foot refrigerator. Kitchanaid dishwasher-sink combination. 16' fibercjlass Sportcraft boat, 40 h.p., Mercury motor. 426-1280. W12/14 GIBSON REFRIGERATOR freezer, excellent condition, 15+ cubic feet, avocado. $200. 426-1989. St 2/14 HAMILTON BEACH Mix Master, used three times, $45. Portable Sears color T.V.-radio combination, $130. Ladies clothes, size 16-20, like-new, reasonable. New material knits. 426-8643. G12/14 RECL/NER ROCKER, cheap, tweed upholstery, good condition. 426-2476. M12/14 TWO TABLE model stereos, one stereo bar with lights, 426-9619. R12/14-21 1970 HONDA SL-90, $135. 30.06 with 3x9 scope, $145. Wringer washer, $65. 426-7518. T12/14 LOST BRIGHT carpet colors... restore them with Blue Lustre. Rent electric shampooer, $2. Coast to Coast Store. C12/14 426-4227 tfn 250,000 BTU natural gas furnace. $150. Walton massage u roller, $100. 4x3 Thermo-pane, TWO E78-14 snow tires, $15 "-----"--- "-- $35. 4x4, $20. 125 amp service each; two E78-14 street tires, ]ULIT[ JUNGLE panel, $50. 426-7345. T12/14 $10 each; '73 Yamaha 80 dirt bike $250; '74 Honda XL70 dirt  bpeed Queen dryer, good ,, bike, $250; steel desk, $50; condition, $75; two 1500 watt vlce  Hardware  \\; baseboard heaters, $10 each; Uto. Tops '_i Polaroid 250 automatic camera, 'rs • Awnings ..........  TOPS I "ke'neW,deluxe case,flash'$1b0;D°rtraitpetrilenS35mmkit' IlesCe Work nnin SailmkerlkOu = Have tools will travel. I Reflex camera, lenses, case, light meter, wide angle, telephoto, Serv,ce Upholstery Fabr,cs Custom made LQoat 'J $125. 426-9277 before 4 p.m. 426-2321 tops to fityour boot I K12/14 I'YWORKeTOPSIN/VTERIALS ForAppointment°n a or sea. I] The Carpet ",',SONASLE P.cEs Ind '11312 • Shelton, WA NSIN I J Call 426-2806 I Layers t and Engine Evenings I Repairs _Weekends I (,n installation carpet. New Business vinyl, tile. $2.(X) a yard. Opening Soon Frank Bates, OW ner I 12th and Thomas, Shelton I 426-3763 Sandblasting 30 Years Experience-- .. 1 Rt. 3, Box 406 Shehon IH lUlpmont ready tfn for use. Good rates. I | or 275-3011 tfn For the finest in: .... ----- * GRAVEL • CONCReTy__ tanks SATURDAY -IOUR-S ARE WELCOME AT NO doz ins EXTRA CHARGE ..... gravel ffto field set v1¢€ e. pine SATURDAY POURS ARE WELCOME RADIO DISPATCHED READY-MIX TRUCKS GRAYSTONE OF SHELTON At the end of West Franklin. 211 ltfn Radio Dispatched Trucks LOCATED ACROSS FROM BAYSHORE GOLF COURSE 426-2669 DAYS -- EVENINGS 9/15/tfn , .. , ,,o " o o RATES @ ,o" Used Cars Used Cars Help Wanted Help Wanted 1976 MUSTANG II, Much I, '73 VW Super Beetle, automatic, THE SKOKOMISH Tribe is now PART-TIME and full-time AM-FM stereo with eight-track, 53,000 miles, excellent accepting applications for the security guards. Shelton and digital clock, four-speed, four condition. $2,100. 426-3287. position of the tribal manager. McCleary areas. 18 to 65 years new tires, mass, good mileage. W12/14 The person works under the of age. Must have transportation. $3,500. 426-8904 after 5. supervisor of the tribal council. Send name, age, address and Ell/30-12/21 1970 VW Beetle, new snow tires, Duties are: 1) developing and telephone number to: P.O. Box battery, 1979 license, engine reporting financial data to tribal 747, Shelton, Washington 98584. 1960 FORD 3/4-ton, four-speed 32,000 miles. 426-6949 after 5. council; 2) providing assistance P12/7-14 pickup, body rough, runs O.K. B12/14-21 and advce to Tribal Enterprise; $475. Union, 898-3983 after 6. 3) update personnel policy and L12/7-14 1965 FORD F-100 truck with procedures for council reviews; 3/,-ton rear end, mass, radial tires. 4) assist in planning and '77 RANCHERO, low mileage, $700. 426-2732. C12/14-1/4 developing new Tribal Enterrpise. ----------------=-=-------------. top conditon, AM/FM, tape Qualifications: !) Skokomish ' deck, wide radials, extra snow '75 PINTO wagon, perfect Tribal member preferred; 2 t Wanted tires included, sun roof. Christmas gift, excellent knowledge and understanding o 426-3447. B11/23-12/14 condition. $],560. 426-8974. accountant procedures and "- -------------------- C12/14-1/4 preparing of financial reports; 3) SELLING YOUR car? We pay '70 FORD station wagon, familiarity with federal cash for good used cars and four-door, $],075. '74 Monaco 1974 FORD four-wheel drive, contracting procedures, reporting pickups. Hilburn-Pauley Ford. four-door, $1,]25. Both in good four-speed pickup. Call after requirements and agencies; 4) Ask for Craig Chapman, sales condition, clean, excellent tires, 4:30 weekdays, 877-9239. familiar with goals and objects manager. 426-5585. Hi0/]2tfn P.S./P.B. 877-5228. M11/23tfn W12/14-21 involved in tribal government and enterprise. Closing date, D.H. KNUDSEN Pole Company, '75 FORD Granada, 41,000 1975 3/,-ton Chevy Cheyenne, December 16, 1978. Submit Port of Shelton, John's Prairie. miles, red, bucket seats, good 350, P.S./P.B. After 6, Olympia, resume to Skokomish Tribal We buy poles, piling, stumpage running condition. $3,000. 352-4419. W12/14 Council, Rt. 5, Box 432, and land. 426-6350, home phone 426-7513. Call after 5. K11./9tfn Shelton, Washington 98584. 426-8914. P.O. Box K, Shelton. OLD CAR buffs --This is it! '55 877-5267. $12/7-14 K2/24tfn ]972 MAVERICK Grabber, four-door DeSoto, well 6' eight-cylinder, air conditioned, preserved, one owner. $2,000. TEMPORARY DELIVERY in WANTED- cordwood, any mix of fir, hemlock, pine or tape deck, power steering, only 426-8865. J12/14 Shelton area. You supply car and 38,000 miles, exceptionally nice. gas. Call Dave, 426-2897. cedar. Minimum 3Vz inch top $2,500 firm. 426-9963. 1966 FORD pickup, half-ton, S12/7-14 diameter. 25c each. Call Hll/23-12/14 good condition. No Friday or Versapanel, John's Prairie. Saturday night calls. 426-1051. IF YOU are interested in a 426-5571, for specifications. '72 PLYMOUTH Fury, two-door, R]2/7-14 permanent career in dog V7/28tfn hard-top, best offer. 426-3729. grooming, write to Poodles, Inc., HAY, $1.50 bale. McDonald F12/14-21 1974 MAZDA RX-4 wagon, new Box 102, c/o The Journal, P.O. CEDAR LOGS or timber Farm, Kamilche Valley. Michelin's, A.M./F.M., automatic, Box 430, Shelton. Top salaries wanted. Highest prices. Scheller 426-3740. Mc8/24tfn '77 PINTO. S3,000 or best offer, one owner, excellent condition, paid, need four qualified Brothers Lumber. 352-3178. 426-7268. 22,000 miles. 426-6787 or 426-9748. P12/14 professionals and three trainees. S6/15tfn FREE ONE gallon of root beer W12/14-21 12/7tfn to Lloyd George, Rt. 1, Box 1974 FOUR-door Dodge BUY BEER bottles, 30c case 513, from Minor's A&W Drive-In '60 CHEVY V-ton, 327, ex-police car, good condition. THE DISTRICT court is takin 9 delivered; 25c if picked up. Call on Mt. View. A12/14 automatic, all or parts. $250. $950. 898-3440. J11/30tfn applications for the position of after 5, 426-8569 or 1619 426-7266. D12/14-21 court administrator. Applications Laurel, Shelton A5/18tfn HAMMOND ORGAN, cherry FOR SALE '62 Dodge pickup will be taken from December 7 wood spinet model, two ]974 PLYMOUTH Valiant Slant with canopy, two new snow through December 21, 1978. WANTED -- CEDAR saw logs, keyboards, C to C bass pedals. 6, four-door hardtop. Deluxe tires, runs good. $550. 426-3057 Apply at courthouse at district green second growth. Call for $500. 426-491 5. No Friday interior, tinted glass, power after 5 p.m. M12/7-14 court office, Shelton. The duties current prices. Versapanel Inc. evening or Saturday calls, steering, A.C., radio, Michelin include the following: 426-5571. V10/14tfn B12/14tfn radial tires, looks and drives like 1951 CHEVY flatbed, rebuilt supervision of the municipal and new. $2,550. No Friday evening engine, new paint, good tires, district court offices. CASH FOR all cars, trucks, C O N C R E T E F O R M S or Saturday calls. 426-4915. $1,200. Call 426-3091 evenings Coordinating court schedules and bodies, parts. Immediate pick-up ' services. Scrap and metals of all 1-1/8"x2'x8' (720 square feet), P12/14tfn Y12/7-28 maintaining court records. 1-1/8"x4'x8' (1,184 square feet). Typing, filing, bookkeeping, kinds. Newsprint and corrugated Route 1, Box 45. Make offer. IDEAL STUDENT car, four-door '54 CHEVY, six-cylinder, receipting cash. The position to cardboard. Mason County 426-1416. G]2/14-21 '62 Buick LaSabre, rebuilt three-speed, needs transmission, be filled January 1, 1979. Salvage. 426-8626. M7/15tfn motor. $250 or best offer. Call $350. 426-9101 after 6. B12/14 Salary: D.O.E. M12/7-21 TIMBER OR timbered land A P P R O X I M A T E L Y after 10 a.m., 426-2824. wanted. Call for free estimate or THREEYEAR Montgomery Ward L12/14-21 CASHIER AND general office, 5/ h.p. mini-bike. $75. Route 3, good telephone manners, salary offer. Query and Sons Selective Box 47B, 3/4 mile out Arcadia '72 FORD Ranger pickup, V-8,  D.O.Q. Write c/o Journal, Box Thinning. 426-7058. Q9/14tfn behind red house at end of lane. 360 motor, red and white with 101. 12/7-28 WANTED SALAL brush. We are W12/14 insulated canopy. Good Help Wanted paying a good price for salal SIX-CYLINDER Chrysler Crown condition. 426-9534. Al2/14 LEARN REAL estate sales -- Marine engine/"reuilt' 'with . ...... --AT.----'-----------=--" Join the most progressive realtor brush. Please call Whitleys transmission, $700. Three. burner 1976 VEGA wagon, 32,000 RESIDENTIAL DWELLING firm in Mason County. Full Evergreen, phone 426-3051,. propane stove, copper color with miles. $2,200. 25-30 m.p.g, inspectors for Shelton and training a'nd 13 elp for Located one mile out on Cole tank and regulator, $30. 426-1234. W12/7-28 surrounding areas. Permanent inexperienced sales oriented Road. Wll/30tfn part-time. Must have 126 or persons. 25 years of successful 426-3729. F12/14-21 %8 3/,-ton pickup, 1973 engine. 3 5 m m c a m e r a a n d real estate experience by broker WANTED -- 10' or 12' falling .075 AV. Stihl electronic 36" $1,995 with insulated canopy; transportation. Complete reports to assure your success. If you saw. 249-4849. Clyde Dills, bar-chain, new condition. $300. $1,795 without. 1219 Railroad for insurance companies as like dealing with people and are Montesano 98563. D12/14-1/4 426-8961. M12/7-14 after 5. C12/14 independent contractor. Reply to willing to work plus be your ROOMMATE NEEDED, prefer P.O. Box 3276, Bellevue, own boss, call Reid Mitchell female or student, two-bedroom ALFALFA HAY. $4 bale, less 1974 DODGE van, Tradesman Washington 98009. 112/7-21 today. Are you retired, but not in Skokomish Valley. Five acres by full truckload. 426-1446. 100, paneled, carpeted, stereo, tired? Age is an asset, not a with pasture, animals welcome. J12/7-28 meg wheels, CB unit. 877-9378. handicap. Phone 426-4486. 426-3687. C12/14-1/4 6' BAR, with three bar stools, M12/14 MUST HAVE transportation, Mason County Realty. part or full time. $2.50 hour, M10/26tfn excellent condition. $250. '71 PINTO, be'st offer. 426-5868 plus bonus. For mountain beaver WANT TO BUY used chord 426-8108. B12/7-28 ' after 6 p.m. Hli/23-12/14 trappers. 426-1837. R12/14-21 INFANT CARE and some light organ. Small model, good condition, reasonably priced. Plymouth * Dodge Plymouth. Dodge Plymouth . Dodge Plymouth. J housekeepinghome. Weekdaysin Unionfrom 7:30area 426-9397after 6 p.m. D]1/16tfn a.m.-5:30 p.m. The person who I / applies for this job should be r el i a ble, have references from -  - _ - ---------------- CHRYSLER--DODGE-- PLYMOUTH previous employers or teachers .... Work Wanted and love small children. This is a il -! permanent position beginning in YOUR HOME TOWN DEALER after 5:30 p.m. F11/30tfn NEED YOUR house cleaned for the holidays? Call Peaches and iJ HOL|DAYSPEC|AL$ i EXTRA MONEY f°r Christmas" Clean H°usecleaning ServiCe'Sh°w Beeline - Fashions a few 426-4542 or 426-1816. hours a week. Earn profit checks Pl1/30-12/21 C: within a week plus free clothes for you and your family. No LICENSED DAY care- infants investment, transportation thru five years. Pioneer School needed. 275-3037 or 275-2003. District, Timberlakes. 426-8140. S New 1979 Model TRAVEL AGENT, minimum WILLING TO do housework. Call after 5 p.m., 426-1137. two years experience in travel R12/14-I/4 agency required. Apply in person. My Travel Agent, 114 Alder. M11/30-12/21 OMNI 4-DR, .  SUPPLEMENT YOUR retirement ..... Mot;I;CS ..... o Auto.,P.S.,custom,interior, custom /  income wth part-time employment in the security ----------------------'---' exterior, Dared I LII profession. Must have telephone ]977 YAMAHA YZ 125D. New and transportation. Send name, piston and rings, ports just age, phone number and address polished, good shape. $500. i ,o 00ox., 0000e,on iI00FI I Washington 98584. P11/16tfn FULL-TIME day care for 1974 RICKMAN 250 MX, runs four-year-old boy and great, needs clutch. $150. four-month-old girl in my home Evenings, 1-898-4481. Mtt/23tfn starting the first week in January. References required. Omni 426-4315. Cll/9-12/14 mileage, has windshield and CHRISTMAS TREE workers extras. Evenings, 426-5704. wanted, all types of work, Ot2/7-14 including experienced cutters, graders, hand balers, tuggers and 1976 HONDA TL-125, good OMNI0242-DR. tally people. 426-2306. condition. $350. 426-3131. 4.speed, power steering Dll/30tfn B12/14 CENTURY 21 offers the most 50064 comprehensive training course in 15 the Northwest. Experienced or just starting, at Century 21 you have the best chance of success. Call Tom, 426-3363. C12/14tfn Auctions openings for real estate night, 7 p.m. Bring in salespeople who wish to join an consignments for quick cash. innovative office with a McCleary, Auction & New/Used, progressive and generous commissions program. Call Mary McCleary, WA, phone 495.3541, 495-3454. Virgil Reading, at 426-9748. P12/14tfn, • auctioneer. R5/5tfn Administrative Public Assistant AUCYlgfl Omni 0-24 Administrative Assistant to Health Held every Thursday and Officer of the Mason County Health >, Dept. Responsible for administra- Saturday, 7:30 p.m. at the E., tive, financial, supervisory and Tropics Ballroom. Shelton, business management activities of Olympia Highway 101 the Health Dept. ' o PAULEYA4OTOR$00 Salary range $899-$ ! 147 per month. 866-0866. Contact LGMP Personnel Office, " Health Services Division, MS L J- Cliff Nichols, I .; 14, Olympia. WA 98504. Phone 753- PHONE 426-5548 7523, Equal Opportunity Emplor Auctioneer .,... M/F/HC. pl]rmouth * Dodge_ Plymouth * Dodge Plymouth * Dodge Plymouth . /7., tfn Thursday, December 14, 1978 - Shelton-MasQn County Journal - Page 35 For Sale DRAPERIES, READY to hang. Popular sizes at rocl<-bottom prices. Kay's Draperies. ]13 South Second. K3/4tfn ANTIQUES AND old furniture. Open every day, 10-6. Shelton Furniture Repair. 426-1858. Route 1, Box 168. S3/2tfn MERLE NORMAN Cosmetics at Elaine's Beauty Salon. Sixth and Laurel, phone 426-4582. 11/9tfn GOOD QUALITY oat hay. $].50 bale in ton lot. Phone 426-8856. RT/27tfn TRADE IN your old furniture at Olsen Furniture. Fourth and Cote. 4/16tfn FOR SALE used built-in Frigidaire dishwasher, works well. $60. 426-5834 after 6. $11/23tfn FOR OUTDOOR families: free sleeping bags for your time, just to see what we have to offer. Call Shelton Furniture Repair, 426-1858. S9/21tfn JAN'S SECOND Hand Store -- 2215 Olympic Highway North. We buy and sell. 426-9950. J4/8tfn