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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 14, 1978     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 14, 1978
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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 Real Estate Real Estate 9K HOMES--ACREAGE ,10r 20 acres with WELL WATER in Agate area. 00l00Ms. iiZ_acres overlooking ELD INLET and MT. RAINIER. I,ELLENT development potential. Near Olympia 1 FREEWAY FRONTAGE. i:re tracts, some with VIEW Reasonable Terms. 11 your own PRIVATE RETREAT on the |AITS of JUAN de FUCA. Buy 5 acres or more 't h River frontage and Saltwater access. $20,000 and  [BULousI 2-bedroom home with 1,334 square feet. I',MENDOUS 100-foot beach with TIDELANDS on "Fb CANAL. $125,000. lrley Hicks ............................ 877-9305 Y York .............................. 426-6007 lloy York ............................ 426-6007 Obzina ............................. 877-5287 qrk Petersen ............................ 877-5335 "For your own piece of The Good Earth" m look up to Blue Sky. Garage. Yard Sales FIVE PARTY garage sale. Heated building, Thursday and Friday, 8-5. Lots of miscellaneous. 404 Laurel. F12/14 FLEA MARKET, second Saturday monthly, 9-6. Potlatch Women's Clubhouse, Hood Canal Lions Club. H9/28tfn GARAGE SALE, Polaroid camera, like-new. Electrolux rug shampooer, 6' silver tree, household items, some Christmas items, all items like new. Friday, 9-5. 2332 Madison. W12/14 NEXT FLEA market sponsored by Senior Kiwanis at Lincoln .ym, January 27, 1979. 12/14tfn RUMMAGE SALE Saturday, 9-2, Reed Building. Bargains galore shop now for Christmas. Bake sale, too. R12/14 Beats & Motors 21' CARVER, E-Z Load trailer, fully equipped. $6,200. 426.6557.H11/30tfn 14' DRIFT boat, good shape, reasonable. Call 426-3013 after 4 p.m. $12/14-21 1970 INBOARD/outboard 16' Johnson Seasport, 155 horsepower, easy lift trailer. 426-3724. L12/7tfn Pets. Uvnstock FOUR DACHSHUND puppies need loving homes. Phone 426.1955. H11/30tfn PUREBRED ANGUS. Fast Pets. Uvestock X-CEL HORSE feed. Reasonable prices. 426-9136. A10/12tfn FOR SALE -- Registered Australian terrier puppies. Phone 426-6152. F11/2tfn BEAUTIFUL PREBRED German shepherd puppies. Seven weeks old, very playful and just in time for Christmas. They're all black and tan. $50. 426-9519. $12/7-14 GOLDEN RETRIEVERS, six • weeks, beautiful pet or hunter. 426-6472. $12/7-14 A WONDERFUL Christmas present. Two purebred beagle uppies with papers. $50 each. 77-9458 after 5 p.m. S12/7tfn FREE CHRISTMAS Iuppies. 426-2946. C12/14 THREE PUPPIES, Dachshund, hort-haired terrier, beagle. I wo females, one male. White with little brown. Call after 5 p.m., 426-1137. R12/14-21 LAB PUPS. $50. After 7 p.m., 426-6642. T12/14 LAYING HENS, good layers, Rhode Island Red, etc. 426-4024. C12/14tfn CHRISTMAS PONY, very gentle. Welsh size. $130 or best home. 426-9180. 112/14 Lost & Found LOST ONE Redbone female hound in Hamma Hamma area. Real shy. If seen please call 426-8756. W10/12tfn FOUND FERRET on Arcadia Road. 426-2465. H12/7tfn LOST BEAGLE puppy on power lines near Price Lake. Name P.J. growing big cattle. Excellenb blood lines. "l'win River Ranch, $50 reward. Call John Straatman Shelton. 453-0444, 885-2467. any night after 5 p.m., 877-9458. S12/7tfn COU | _ | R11/30tf.___.n ::: 1Y.=,€ I information and appointments .... :,,,,, • " • ,.tm llp I call 426-9413, 426-7087. t.,,:/,,---* SKYY REALTY, INC. I MS/3tfn , " _ _ GINGER S DOG Grooming, {A i _ _ -  I downtown Shelton, 24-hour Tif,__qL ,.I I 0-,-. P.O. Box 157 I service, convenient, courteous, wnJ_ Juif | " ilt -' .. - a_-_ _ = - ...... I clean, professional. 426.4727. llqm&lSV • &iD HOMES OR PROPERTY TO SEE Use this handy form to list homes or to see that you have found in Journal by Mason County real estate brokers. property you want ads brought to you Real Estate Broker Phone Number Short Description of Home or Property ; Real Estate Wanted i]!? WITHIN 20 miles COMMERCIAL i PROPERTIES .:,lr s r home, not older than needed for Wash naton , Oregon, 1 /,t=: With view or saltwater Idaho customers, uy -- sell -- " ge ]r : P•O. Box 1038, or trade. Motels -- hotels -- ! ' - lounges --.all ,types investment properties tar market. Don Benson Realty, Inc., 426.3361. not in- out of town buyers I!:_ daily We need your Jl;:i." and to se,. Over '%ntionwde to he,p $111IB.' .elm ¢oaay. Lentury ;:3, r,.y Smith Healty. ' eventh and Railroad. Commercial Specialist Norton Morgheim, 426-5202. B8/17tfn Red Estate Contracts PRIVATE PARTY will buy real estate contracts direct at reasonable discounts. Phone 1-746-4708 for cash offer. Mc7/20tfn I Travel Trailers 1977 FIFTH Wheel Prowler Travel Trailers CAMPER 8' Starliner, excellent i:ondition. $1,150. 877-9573. N ! 1/9-30 Sporting Goods ONE CASE of 12-gauge No. 6 shotgun shells. 300 Savage and 30-30 shells. Herb Angle, 426-8272. A12/14-21 trailer Ask0 • ; ng $5,900. Fully self-contained. Stereo..426-1753; 30-40 L KRAG rifle. 426-9687. Call after 5 p.m. W12/7-28 K12/14 Mobile Homes For Rent TOP DOLLAR paid for your used mobile home or trailer. Call Olympia, 357-6070. M3/17tfn TWO-ROOM kitchenette furnished cottage for rent. Quiet, adults only. 426-3273. P12/14 SPACES AVAILABLE, Robin QUIET, COMFORTABLE Hood Mobile Park, live where two-bedroom duplex in Oak Park others vacation on beautiful area. Available now. Includes Hood Canal. 898-2163. range, dishwasher, refrigerator, O]0/19tfn water, garbage, carport, patio, storage, tennis court, located in CASH FOR your mobile home, country but close to schools and paid for or not. Olympia Mobile shopping. Children are welcome Homes, 6800 Martin Way, but no pets. $215 a month; Olympia. 456-5151. O10/13tfn $100 damage deposit required. Call after 5 p.m., 426-2294 for SAVE! SAVE! Save! We have appointment. D12/14tfn beautiful mobiles all set up with many extras including land. Call TWO-BEDROOM house, view at 426-3363. Century 21, Jerry Union. $275 month. Call Seattle, Smith Realty. C6/ltfn 932-6445. R12/14 FOR THE best trade or deal on a new or used mobile home, contact me for your new 1979 information. Now -- 48 hour V.A. credit approval (DLR). Call now, Bob Frederick, 475-4695 or 582-0220. F12/14tfn Own property? .... Hove equity in lot? We con finonce your new mobile home with $00 down Detray's 00uality Homes 3801 Pacific Ave. Olymala, WA 1-800 ,:,62-6146 tfn i Model Homes Now • On Dmsplay ,' ofl'.r ),.i ,I.alh) h,,n.'.- for h,ss. attra,'li,'h l'l Illl , (|llr i) II Io| ,r in o,r park. Y;er, .s y,m buy. ihri00trna00 • ,00llage 12h-20'dl 2()311%,,. 13th lh, Personal GINGER'S DOG Grooming, downtown Shelton, 24-hour service, convenient, courteous, clean, professional. 426-4727. B9/28tfn LIVING WITH a problem .drinker is too much for most of us. If you want help, call AI-Anon, 426-6909 or 426-5307. V2/2tfn THU RSTON-MASON Community Mental Health Center, Shelton branch, offers counseling for children, adults, families. 426-1696. T9/15tfn ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS. For information call 426-5044 or 426.8446. S4/29tfn GEORGE VALLEY Furniture and Appliances -- the best night spot in town --Sealy mattresses. V3/14tfn P.W.P. RAISING a child alone? Single parents.., interested in getting together to discuss common problems? 426-2333 or 426-6659. P] 1/9tfn For Rent PARTIALLY FURNISHED apartment, one-bedroom. 426-9047 or 426-3343. Adults only. VI 1/30tfn THREE-BEDROOM mobile home, 2-bath, dishwasher, 11 miles north Hoodsport, Division 4, Lake Cushman. 693-4370, Vancouver. References, deposit $75. B11/30tfn WANTED -- BETTER than average renter for better than average one-bedroom apartments at reasonable rates. • References required, no pets. 426-8715. M11/16tfn NEW TWO-bedroom view, in Allyn. $255 per month; $200 deposit; no pets. 426-4027. Vl 1/30-12/21 ONE-BEDROOM apartment, walk tq town, no children or pets. $180 month. 426-6251. F 11/23tfn iii i i One and Two Bedroom Apartments, with carpet, drapes & appliances, no pets. Jefferson Apts. 2329 Jefferson St. Mgr. Apt. 2 or 426-1916 "7/12tfn i,, , iii i, AVAILABLE JANUARY 1, one-bedroom house at Union. 160 month. Call Seattle, 32-6445. R12/14 NEWER DUPLEXES, live in Olympia and commute. Two-bedroom, garage, playground nearby, deluxe units. $255 a month. Downtown on bus line. 866-0478 days; 866-7576 evenings. N12/14-12/21 WE HAVE one- and two-bedroom rentals. Call Mason County Realty, 426-4486. M12/14 _ SPACIOUS ONE- and two-bedroom apartments, dishwasher, garbage disposal, stove, refrigerator, carpeted, drapes; water, garbage, T.V. cable free. $200 month. Adults only, no pets. 426-6251. FI 1/16tfn FOR RENT, 23' travel trailer, self-contained. Ideal for single person, no pets, access to lake. $125 per month, security deposit required. 426-8133. Cll/30-12/21 28'x48' METAL shed for rent. $125 per month; six-month lease. 426-1416. G12/14-21 SMALL THREE-BEDROOM house with fireplace on three acres. $200 per month plus deposit. No small children. References required. 426-6294 after 6 p.m. R12/14 HOLIDAY HOUSE Apartments, two-bedroom, unfurnished. $180. $100 deposit, no pets or children. Evenings, 426-5281. N12/14-21 TWO-BEDROOM mobile home, close-in, semi-furnished. $160 month; first, last and $50 damage. 426-5062. A12/14 TWO-BEDROOM apartment, exposed beams, carpet, fireplace, sunken livang room, all utilities paid. $250 month. Available January 1. 426-1837. R12/14-21 ONE-BEDROOM furnished apartment downtown for single man. $1 75 plus deposit. References. 426-1205 or 426-6629. ,,Ol 2/14tfn TWO-BEDROOM apartment, one block from courthouse. Available December 15. Carpeted, range and refrigerator, references, no pets. Call 426-3134 after 4 p.m• H12/14 ONE, TWO-room apartments. $70 to $95. Utilities, cable T.V. paid. Second and Grove. H5/11 tfn FOR RENT: trailer space close to downtown. Call 426.4426. 10/8tfn MASON LAKE two-bedroom, fireplace, recreation room, card room, sauna, lake rights. $225. 275-2411. $12/7-14 ONE-, TWO- and three-bedroom apartments, furnished and unfurnished. Security deposit, first and last, no pets. $129 to $154. Edgewood Apartments. Phone 426-4364. E12/7tfn FOR RENT or sale, three-bedroom tW baths, fireplace, beach privileges. 877-5247 or 877-5286• K12/7-14 NICE TWO-bedroom apartment, carpet throughout, refrigerator, stove, utilities paid except electrical, no pets. $175, $100 damage Deposit, $25 cleaning. 426-1078. W12/7-28 FOR RENT unfurnished downtown, houses: (1) large house suitaDle tar commercial use at $250; (20 very small house suitable for one adult only at $95; (3) another very small house, one adult at $100. All rentals require first and last months rental, plus deposit and references. Please see in person, Rod Olsen, Olsen Furniture, Fourth and Cote. Oll/30tfn ONE- AND two-bedroom waterfront apartments in Allyn. $165-$185. $100 damage deposit. No children or pets. References required. 426-3724. L12/7tfn LARGE DUPLEX unfurnished, two bedrooms, fireplace, garage, patio, rugs, drapes, range, refrigerator, dishwasher, large secluded lot near Allyn. No dogs. $275 month. $200 deposit. 275-2457. N12/7-14 ONE-BEDROOM house, carpets, electric heat, refrigerator, stove, water furnished. $135; $35 deposit. 3% miles from town on Binns Road. 426-8691. B12/7-14 LARGE TWO-bedroom apartment, wall-to-wall carpeting, range, refrigerator, two baths, no children, pets. First and last, 100 deposit. References. 26-2121. L12/7tfn STUDIO APARTMENT, completely furnished. $125; first and last; $100 deposit. References. 426-2121. L12/7tfn so.ices WELL DRILLING, no waiting Services Services MOVING??? WE can help you DON'T HAVE a chimney fire! preplan your move to save you Call Clean Sweep Chimney money. Call Pacific Storage, Service• Free estimates -- minor Allied Van Lines. Olympia, repairs. 426-2234• Cll/23-12/14 491-4195 for free consultation service. Local -- national -- CHRISTMAS LETTERS typed international. ICCMC 15735. and printed. Call Office P11/30-] 2/21 Assistants, 426-7100. O11/23-12/14 CUSTOM GARDENING and weeding. Call Jim, 426-7515 NEED YOUR house cleaned for after 5 p.m. J6/ltfn the holidays? Call Peaches and Clean Housecleaning Service. ALTERING, LADIES and 426-4542 or 426-1816. children's, tailoring and men's Pll/30-12/21 shirts. Prices reasonable. Call before 11 a.m. or after 5 p.m. CARPENTRY -- New work and Pride Mutoli. 426-8665. remodel• Boat work -- my M10/26tfn specialty. 426-3729. F12/14-21 BING'S PLUMBING and Repair• RADIATOR SERVICE, complete Call 426-5397. B1/4tfn cooling system work• VanderWal's Garage. 321 South CARPETS CLEANED with the Second Street. 426-8208. new Hydra-Master Cleaning Vll/4tfn Plant. Shelton Janitorial Service. 426.8936. S4/13tfn ROTOVATING -- YARD and garden. 426-9976. M10/26tfn CRUSHED ROCK for your driveway or the permanent GINGER'S DOG Grooming, solution, concrete paving, downtown Shelton, 24-hour Graystone, phone 426-3344. service, convenient, courteous, G12/7tfn clean, professional. 426-4727. B9/28tfn DO YOU wish to have a home built, remodeled, or repaired? If so, call 426-7179• A-1 carpenter work from A-Z, 30 years ,--._-_-_-._-_- experience. L8/31tfn AUTO PAINTING, reasonable tngd Publkations prices. Also trailers, etc. All --"--------------- work guaranteed. Phone SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION 426-4322. 1201 Cote Street. NO. 13842 R7/20tfn iN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON CHAIN SAW sharpening, speedy, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY accurate precision grinding. Now OF KITSAP. at Seager Motor Shop. Hillcrest. ROGER J. REID and Phone 426-4602. S1/15tfn NANCY REID, his wif e, Plaintiffs, vs GEORGE E. SLAUGHTERING ON your farm BERUBE and BARBARA and complete processing plant. BERUBE, his wife; and JT Meat Company, Yelm, WA. SHIRLEY ANN CALLAWAY 458-3394. J10/12tfn and JOHN DOE CALLAWAY, her husband; and all other GUNSMITH persons or parties unknown • Repairing Modern and Antiques claiming any right, title, estate, • Precision Scope & Sight Mounting lien or interest in the real • Shotgun Choke AIteratlons, property described in the all gauges. Complaint herein, Defendants. • Shooting Supplies T H E S T A T E O F Warren A. Girard WASH I NGTON Defendants Route 2, Box 79S Phone 4S-2601 BARBARA BERUBE; SHIRLEY ANN CALLAWAY, and JOHN DOE CALLAWAY, her husband; 1 J| and all other persons or parties Remouea,ng unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in Kitchen? the real property described in the Complaint herein. A law suit has been started See Jim at Sears for free against you in the above entitled Court by the above named estimate. We have Plaintiffs. The claim of the complete lines of cabinets, Raintiffs is stated in a written complaint, the original of which carpet and appliances, is on file with the above entitled Court. e In order to defend against Phon a')A R')nl_....,,.,,, this law suit, you must respond 5/11 tfn to the Complaint by stating your defense in writing, and serve a copy upon the undersigned attorneys for Plaintiffs, within Sixty (i0) days after the 7th day lUl|.m,.,,m|, of December, 1978, or a Default Illllllbll I Judgment may be entered against y yD. without notice• A Default Judgment is one where Plaintiffs areentitled to the demands of - r-€woo" t,ear Complaint because you have not responded. If you serve a Notice of Appearance Upon the undersigned Attorneys, you Wood stoves, fireploces, are entitled to notice before a repoirs. Freeestimotes. Default Judgment may be entered. If you wish to seek the Evenings call advice of an attorney in this matter, you should do so 426-2465 promptly SO that your written response, if any, may be served on time. PUMPS This is an action to forfeit the purchasers' interest in a real estate contract executed between plaintiffs and the named Multi stage submersible defendants on or about August and jet. Sears would like 17, 1969, the Plaintiffs commenced this action because to pump your waterl See of Default in Payment upon the Jim for free estimate on same• all pump and water system The real property at issue is accessories. Installation more particularly described as available, follows: Lots 53 and 54 of Collins Lake Division No• 1, as recorded Phone .,,u in Volume 6 of plats, page 64; situate in Mason County, 5/11 tin Washington. _ BISHOP, CUNNINGHAM, ...... COSTELLO & HARTMAN Attorneys for Plaintiffs Are You RUSSELL W. HARTMAN Office and Post Office Losing Address; 3330 Kitsap Way Valuable .ox SS, Wycotf Station Bremerton, Washington 98310 Telephone 377-7691 Heat Do/lars? 12/7.14.21-28.1/4-11-6t See Jim Benedict NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN PROBATE NO• 5015 for FREE SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In the Matter of the I.-.,,l,-.,,,,,,h',,,,, Estate of WESLEY B. IIU d.t £U [;D tl lllCt I. JOHNSON, Deceased. The undersigned has been and a custom appointed and has qualified as Administrator of the Estate of iO" the above-named decedent. Each des_00ned heating person having a claim against the deceased must serve said claim 11 svsm to best on the undersigned j-_ -_- Administrator or on his attorney meet your needs! of record at the address below stated and must file an executed copy of said claim with the clerk of the above.entitled court ut''-"'¢"ec;'l;z;"';n within four months after the date of the filing of a copy of heat pumps and this notice with the clerk of said court or after the date of the other forced air first publication of this notice, whichever is later, or the claim systems, will be barred, except under those provisions included in R.C.W. 11.40.011. 426-8201 Installation Available Dated of filing copy of Notice to Creditors: Nov• 27, • Sears has a credit plan 1978. Date of first publication: to suil your every need November 30, 1978. • %6sfaction Guaranteed or Your Monev Bark Elmer A• Johnson • Administrator P.O. Box 1034, Westport, WA 98595 I ScarsJ .... p i POYHoNEN & TIGHE, INC. S. .... Attorneys for Administrator SEARS, ROEBUCK AND CO. by Warner Poyhonen P.O. Box 567, 118 First St. 826 Railroad Ave. SOuth 2.1ll,,,,r Sh,qq,i.g Montesano, WA 98563 lists al present time, complete t2r2ill . Tel: 249-4885 wstems. 884-2960. 112/7-28 ....... 11/30-12/7-|4-3t Thursday, December 14, 1978 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 39