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A DEADBOLT LOCK with at least a one-inch throw, shown here by
Inspector Dimitri Todd, provides a lot more protection for your home
than a spring-latch lock standard on most doors. Below are more
suggestions on how you can protect your home against burglars.
Allyn considered for bank site
Is Allyn ready for a bank? A
number of local residents, as well
as representatives of Hood Canal
State Bank are anxiously waiting
for the answer to that question.
The answer, however,
depends on whether or not local
residents and businesses are
willing to deposit approximately
$1 million in the new branch.
Before an application is even
made to the state supervisor of
banking for an Allyn branch,
Hood Canal State Bank, which
moved its main office from
Hoodsport to Shelton recently,
has to have $300,000 to
$400,000 in "good faith
deposits," said William Davison,
bank president.
By November 7, $110,000
had been deposited, said Julie
Stock, an Allyn real estate agent
and staunch supporter of a local
Only "12 people put in that
deposit envelopes and pledges took the steps in setting up a has only risen to 50 percent.
available for anyone interested in Shelton branch, a number of Once enough "good faith
supporting thenewbranch, pledges were made by local deposits" are accumulated in
Although pledges are being businesses and residents. Allyn, the bank has to complete
sought, they don't carry the But when tile bank opened population and business studies
weight of "good faith deposits," last year, explained Davison, to present along with its
said Davison. only 25 percent of the pledges application to the state.
When the Hood Canal State came in as actual deposits. After If the application is
Bank, which opened in 1975, a year of operation, that amount approved, the branch would be
Thursday, December 14, 1978
Section of the Shelton-Mason County Journal
money," he said, "and we need a
lot more people than that."
To showthestate thata Residents ask state to
bank could be supported in
Allyn, a lot of small deposits -
$50, $100 or $500 - are
n.e,,,to00,d h ng f i la d
For the past two weeks,
Allyn businesses have had C O e name o s n
The Bonneville Power
Administration reported
December 11 that some 30
insulators on its main
transmission line in Belfair were
shot out causing approximately
$1,100 damage, according to a
sheriff's repot.
What island was named
because of a joke and if you
tried to drive to it following
highway signs you'd never find
Reach Island near Grapeview.
If you're not an old-timer,
you still probably don't know
which island it is. Since the early
50s, this 86-acre piece of land
surrounded by water, has been
known as Treasure Island.
Everyone knows it by that
name. Even the state saw fit to
use Treasure Island on its
highway signs.
Nevertheless, the legal name
of the place is Reach Island, and
Doctor is still needed
The prime candidate as
Belfair's new doctor has taken
his hat out of the ring.
Dr. Fitzpatrick, who recently
left his practice in New
Hampshire, notified the Doctor's
Clinic in Bremerton two weeks
ago that he has taken a
position with Group Health of
Puget Sound located in Olympia,
said Bob Pinckney, manager of
the clinic.
rotect your home
"We're still communicating
with four other doctors but
they haven't responded yet,'
said Pinckney.
Because of Dr. Fitzpatrick's
experience and his desire to
move to the Pacific Northwest,
he seemed to be an ideal
candidate for the Belfair Clinic
which will be opened as a
satellite office of the Doctor's
Clinic. The clinic put earnest
money down on the Belfair
property last month.
Although escrow hasn't
closed yet, Pinckney is confident
that his firm will get the Belfair
Ads to find a doctor have
been placed in a number of
medical journals, but Pinckney
said finding someone to work in
this area is "not going to be
There's a lot of competition
with people "looking for doctors
all over the country," he said.
Pinckney said he would be
glad to interview anyone that
shows the slightest interest in the
area, however, that doesn't mean
the Doctor's Clinic will hire just
"We do quite a bit of
checking on references before
putting anybody to work,"
Pinckney said. "1 think it's very
important to get good quality
Also, if the Doctor's Clinic
herein lies a problem.
"Whenever we use the name
Treasure Island, to be legal, we
have to use Reach Island too,"
said Margaret Chessum, secretary
of the Treasure Island Country
All legal documents have to
have the correct name or they
are nul and void, she explained.
Since it's such a hassel to
include a name, that for all
practical purposes is forgotten,
the country club has requested
the State Board of Geographic
Names to change Reach to
Treasure Island.
Last Friday, Mrs.Chessum
attended the board's meeting,
held on every quarter, at the
Tacoma Historical Society.
One of the board members
told her that there was already a
Treasure Island in Washington.
It's a very small - yards by
yards - privately owned island
on the north end of Bainbridge
First known as Dead Man's
Island, it was renamed after the
owner made an application for
the change from the Department
of the Interior in 1970, Mrs.
Chessum was told.
open within six months or so.
said Tom Spikes, manager of the
Hood Canal office.
Tile Allyn branch, which will
be a full-service bank, will open,
at first, in a modular or mobile
home, he said.
A location for the bank has
not been selected yet, however.
tbout 10:30 a.m.
}eSday, November 6, a man
tng a tan trench coat walked
o a sliding glass door on a
cabin in Belfair. He tried
it, but it was locked.
)uk ly he stepped over to a
glass window. In less than
eonds, he had removed the
10w and was crawling into
,rex man was not a burglar,
he could have been.
for the cabin owner,
*as Inspector Dimitri Todd,
prevention officer with the
County sheriff's office,
Was just demonstrating how
'it is to enter some locked
lreaking into this cabin,
would not have been
easy if the owner would
ve made some slight
ieations to the window.
stallation of sheet metal
in the upper track would
the up and down
Vement of the window
;SSary to remove it, said
lthough the door was
i, d, Todd said he could have
!Y removed it too if he had a
g tool. With that in mind,
v¢ should be installed above
ag doors also, he said.
trews, however, only
of half the problems
Se.nted by sliding glass
"Dowling is no good because "We have reduced burglaries in
it can easily be roiled out," the last six months by 50
cautions Todd. percent through neighborhood
A square or triangular piece watch," Todd said.
of wood, cut so it fits snuggly, is He's anxious to see what the
next six months will bring. If the
burglaries remain at the same
level for a year, then the
program will be a success, he
A team of volunteers in the
experimental area were sent
around from house to house to
inform people about the program
and encourage their involvement,
Todd explained.
The sheriff's department is
for those individuals.' "I'd
damned site rather become
embarrassed and prevent a
burglary than say nothing.
"Law enforcement wants to
"Remember - the best lock
in the wodd is worthless if it
isn't locked. Always lock up -
even if you're away from home
only minutes. Houses have been
cleaned out while the owner was
mowing his lawn or visiting with
a neighbor." Office of the state
attorney general.
become involved, but it requires
the assistance of the citizen," he
Going lock and key with
neighborhood watch is operation
identification. The sheriff's
department has available, free of
charge, engravers so you can
Passes offered
senior citizens
If you're 62 years old or
older, you can attend North
Mason High School ASB
(Associated Student Body)
activities free.
All you have to do is pick up
a Golden Age Pass at the high
school office or at any school
event. You can even get one by
mail from the office.
There is one catch, however,
you have to prove you've
reached the "golden age." A
driver's license would be ample
proof, said High School Principal
George Holmgren.
The passes are being offered
to encourage the attendance of
senior citizens at high school
activities, such as sporting events
and drama productions, he said.
couldn't find a doctor for the
area, renting or leasing the clinic
to someone else would be
considered, he said.
"Our first interest," said
Pinckney," is to get a doctor in
the area."
Santa Claus
to visit Allyn
Due to a very busy schedule,
Santa didn't get all his packages
wrapped and was unable to be at
the Allyn Center as scheduled
last Saturday.
However, kids get your
Christmas lists ready because he
will be at the Allyn Center next
Saturday from 1-3 p.m.
He will also be there the
following Saturday from 1-3
Although there is already one
Treasure Island, it doesn't mean
there can't be another one which
would leave Reach Island to the
memdries of a few old-timers
and some outdated maps.
Before granting the name
change, however, the state board
will consult with the local
historical society, said Mrs.
Chessum. By its next meeting in
March, it should have a decision,
she said.
Some people may oppose the
name change, but Mrs. Chessum
doesn't think any of them will
be islanders. "I imagine some
people on the mainland might
resent having the name
changed," she said. "People like
to keep things on the status
How did the name Reach
Island ever get usurped by
Treasure Island anyway?
According to Mrs. Chessum,
three developers - Richard
Shortt, William Joslin and
Charles Somers - divided the
island into 255 lots and renamed
The original name, however,
was probably the result of a
joke, according to Mrs. Chessum.
Stretch Island, located just
south of this isle with an'
identity crisis, was named after
Admiral Wilkes' gunner's mate.
"So," says Mrs. Chessum, "some
wit suggested the name Reach
for the next island they came
Belfair Water District
fires its only empIoye
best, he said.
For a door that slides on the
outside, a "Chadey Bar," a
commercial device sold at many
building and hardware stores,
will prevent the sliding motion.
Todd also mentioned that good
locks can be purchased for this
type of door.
Although making sure your
windows and doors are secure is
important for crime prevention,
The Belfair Water District has work done for the money as
fired its only employe, expected."
Chuck Stow, who started Gun said the commissioners
working for the district on a decided a couple of months ago
part-time basis about a year ago, to fire Stow if things didn't
was notified by Commissioner improve by December.
"Pete" Gunn Sunday that his Without an employe to take
work with the district would be care of the routine work of the
terminated December 20. district - installing meters and
"When we hired him, it waterlines - the commissioners
started out as an experimental will go back to relying on a list
deal, and it just hasn't worked of three or four contractors that
out on an economic basis," will be hired by the job, said
explained Gunn. Gurm.
"We haven't gotten as much
--_- ---- -_- -.- -_ -_-------- --- -
"Many homes are guarded only by spring-latch door locks. Often
these were installed before burglary became such a threat. (Also,
older doors and frames may have become worn, leaving a pronounced
gap that allows easier jimmying. So be sure to check them, too.) To
see if you have these inadequate locks, try this test. Open your front
door part way. Then push the button or twist the knob that is
supposed to lock it when it is closed. Now try to push in the bolt. If
identify all your valuable
property. There is also an arc u;;_.,,u of fireman discussed
equipment, said Todd.
The secret is to mark
it yields, with only the resistance of a spring behind it, you have the
wrong kind of lock for that door. Ask a locksmith or local hardware
salesman about a deadboit lock." Office of the state attorney general.
.. -------_ -_-_ - - -_---- - - - -_- - _- -_- - - - - -_-_-_-_-__-_---_-_-_-_-_-
valuable property with your Should tile Belfair Fire
that, alone, will not stop a also monitoring another area of Washington state driver's license District commissioners double its
burglar. A combination of things the county for comparison, but number. Some items that should paid staff?.
should be done, said Todd, who they are not making any extra be marked are: T.V.s, car tape Fire commissioners discussed
has been teaching county effort in burglary prevention decks, fishing rods, kitchen this question atlengthNovember
residents how to protect their there. "We don't do anything appliances and golf clubs. 28, and they may reach a
homes and businesses since 1975. more than normal," Todd said. Even if an item has a serial decision at the December 28
' ' T h e t w o s t r o n ge s t "We'll do just what is asked." number, it is recommended that board meeting.
deterrents toward burglaries - While national statistics it still be marked with the Fire ChiefBarry Stover is the
nationwide - are an alert indicate that neighborhood license number which will aid only paid member of the
neighborhood and an operation watch is a definite help in law enforcement agencies to department, but a g=owing
identification program," he said. reducing burglaries- and Todd's quickly trace the owner of population and an increase in
An alert neighborhood is one experiment is heading that way (Please turn to page six.)
that's involved in a neighborhood - it would seem 'that few areas
without such a Santa will visit Belfalr
watch program. In this program,
as the name implies, residents are
taught to keep an eye on their
neighbor's homes.
If there is something
suspicious - movement inside
when a home should be
empty.., a strange car or truck
in tile driveway.., a loiterer -
call the sheriff immediately, says
tie has already noticed some
good success with neighborhood
watch in the county in the last
six months.
In an area selected by the
department for an experiment,
emergency calls has forced the
commissioners to take a look at
hiring another firefighter.
As it stands now, if Stover
has to go on an ambulance call
and has to transport to
Bremerton, then the district is
without a full-time person on
Emergencies in such instances
are answered by volunteers who
carry portable receivers, but the
resptmse time for them is about
five to ten minutes, said Stover.
On the other hand, if a paid
fireman was on duty, he could
respond to an emergency almost
immediately, he said.
Stover, who works from 7
a.m. until 3:30 p.m. or later,
said the new man's hours and his
would overlap for part of the
day. One idea is to have the
additional firefighter work from
noon until 8 p.m.
Tile new man should be
someone with previous training
and who is, preferably, an EMT,
but that is not necessary, he
Sttwer already has someone
in mind for the job - Dave
Hunt, a volunteer with the
department and fire station
Since Hunt lives at the
station, he h been responding
to about 90 percent of the
emergency calls, said Stover. But
since he is only a volunteer, he
doesn't have to respond to any,
he said.
Stover describes, Hunt as a
"pretty damned dedicated
individual who has done a hell of
a job for this department... He
doesn't get enough recognition
for what he has done as far as
I'm concerned."
Hunt, who has been living at
the station for over a year,
worked for the district as a
CETA employe for five months.
But hiring Hunt may be a
problem for the commissioners,
said Stover. They aren't sure if
they have to advertise the
position or if they can just hire
who they want, he said.
More importantly, however,
the commissioners have to figure
out if they can even afford to
hire another firefighter.
Fire chief seeks raise
Fire Chief Barry Stover asked
the Belfair Fire District
commissioners for a 20 percent
Stover, who is paid $1,300 a
month, asked November 28 that
his salary be increased to $1,560
per month or $18,720 per year
for 1979. The commissioners
said they would take the request
under advisement.
Stove r, the only paid
fire fighter in the district, was
hired about three years ago.
He said he asked for the raise
because of his long hours at
work. "I'm supposed to work 40
hours a week," he said. But with
all the meetings he has to attend
- about 10 per month - he
figures some work days are 12
hours long.
would be
But neighborhood watch
programs are not everywhere,
and Todd attributes that fact to
"apathy of the individual.
"1 don't want to become
involved," is the infamous phrase
spouted by too many people,
laments Todd.. But such
indifference is "what the burglar
thrives on," he adds.
Some people say they would
be embarrassed if they made a
mistake and reported someone
that has a reason of being in that
area. Todd proffers no sympathy
.For windows, install
,dow locks. They're
,,Jnsive and provide some
t Another idea is to get
devices that prevent
Ws from being opened, or
You to open them an inch
Wo for ventilation but
t ,,
tie- opening them wider.
. e of the state attorney
I! vs and doors. The sliding
|tt°vbe prevented too, and the
i ay to do that, since the
,, they come with are not
:I!i! i i,!ti: ;'aabi:' a::d wa ::
Kids in the North Mason area
will have a chance to visit with
Santa Claus when the
white-bearded gentleman visits
Belfair for one hour Friday,
December 22.
Santa will arrive at 6:30 p.m.
at the Belfair Thriftway shopping
center via the Belfair fire engine.
A special nook, including a
bench and Christmas tree, will be
decorated and waiting for Santa's
arriwd in front of Ray's Barber
Preceding Santa's arrival,
members of Camp Fire and Girl
Scout groups will gather at the
site and sing Christmas songs for
half an hour, starting at 6 p.m.
Santa's visit to Belfair is
sponsored by a committee from
Belfalr-North Mason Chamber of
Commerce, with cooperation
from Belfair Fire Department.
Cmnmittee melnbers include
Cathy Smith, chairman, Perry
Baunsgard, Alice Sites and Carol