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i;: / School closu outlined by superintendent
n ul ts a m r 20. That because they wanted to stay a.m.) including: KBRO- 1490; hour late or to have
r school w:sft home and play in the snow, KJR-950;KOMO.1000;KING dismissal."
concerned that North Mason snowstornl, while parents had a more serious - 1090; KIRO - 710; KVI - 570; VI. In the event
The Washington State
Department of Fisheries has
requested a permit from the
Department of the Army to
Five students from the North
:: Mason High School's ASB,
government class attended a
student exchange held at Vashon
High School yesterday.
North Mason representatives
were: Carla Engman, Diane
" Matson, Terry Gifford, Dan
: HannaH and Martha Blakefield.
Advisor for the group was Dave
Haugen, high school counselor.
Seven schools participated in
the one-day exchange which was
conducted to give students a
chance "to see how the other
person lives," said High School
Principal George Holmgren.
Through the program,
student representatives may pick
up ideas that can be
man upset
When C.E. Carter read a
recommendation in the
Grapeview column that residents
shouldn't worry about lights
they may see on the water
because it's probably the Coast
Guard, his blood began to boil.
"How could, you put that
in?" he asked the Herald editor.
Carter, a 21-year resident of
Grapeview, is an active supporter
and organizer of Neighborhood
:Watch in his area, and
suggestions of ignoring suspicious
lights are as forbidden as leaving
one's house unlocked while going
on vacation.
Lights on the water aren't
the only thing he cares about,
"If a car goes to my
neighbor's place, I'm out there
checking," says Carter, who
claims not to let many things go
And keeping an eye on your
neighborhood isn't being nosy
either, he says. To him, it's just
one of the best ways to reduce
"1 want people to check my
place out," he said. "1 want
people to feel about my place
the way they feel about theirs."
Carter has a keen eye for
license numbers, and he knows
at least one of his neighbors does
too. Once, while going to visit
this new neighbor, he turned
around in her driveway because
she wasn't home. Well, she was
hm)e. She didn't recognize his
vat), so she turned his license
number into the sheriff.
place fill in Coulter Creek near are: T.W. Mercer, Olympic schools were open Monday, Youngsters weren't happy concern - the safety of their and KOL 1300. The
Allyn to provide erosion control Savings and Loan and W.M. children, transportation supervisor will
and stream level stabilization. Cheplak. Because of this interest over also notify Mrs. Eleanor Fedenk,
Adjacent property owners Preliminary review by the school closure, the following 275-2774, who has a phone call
Seattle district indicates that this PJ fb. policy was reissued by list. The superintendent must
work will not signiticantly affect .- ,,vw-,,,,,j ,,-,v Superintendent Norm Sanders: give the various "code" words to
the quality of the human School policy on school radio stations before information
% environment. The preparation of O EANORG t Hij closure because of snow, mud wiil be accepted.
a Ibder',d environmental impact roads, etc. V. The decision will be
statelne,)t is not anticipated at y A FEDENK 275-2774 I. The decision to "close either to "close" or operate "one
this time. _ ......... school" or have "early dismissal"
Connnents on these factors For mothers - the plans to return to his home this because of inclement weather
conditions which might impair
will be accepted and made part October-November greencircular, week. His timing was perfect to the safety of the children and
staff traveling to and from
school will under most situations
rest with the superintendent.
I 1 . The school
superintendent will make his
decision after consultation with
Sc.lot 'B '. the transportation supervisor
' '/ who will make recommendations
,/....._ to the school superintendent.
bMP IN'r,n, KE: The transportation supervisior
F"lgHW,a,'¢ / APPLICATION FOR will make his recommendations
,_/ / WATER QUALITY after first checking road
"- _ CERTIFICATION conditions personally, checking
Notice is hereby given thata with the weather bureau,
request is being filed with the requesting advice from both state
,,,,.EC,'x')o A ' Department of Ecology for and county highway department
certification, as provided in officials, and requesting advice of
Section 401 of the Federal Water state and county law
vv,'r'E t_rvEt. t.t2. P o I I u t i o n C ontrol Act enforcement officials. 275.2861
(PL-92-500), as amended by the I!I. In the event the school Allyn 8, Belfair
Clean Water Act of 1977 superintendent is out of town or
(PL-95-217), that a proposed otherwise unavailable, the final 'l IIIIII
discharge to navigable waters, decision will then rest with a
x ...r. ' resulting from the project committee consisting of the
pROPot..,F_. FtS described in the Corps of three school principals and the
:.glRlr.,l(.,, t'aoNS-'x._ Engineers Public Notice No. transportation supervisor who
OYB-4-005273 will comply with will
of the record and will be
considered in determining
whether it would be in the best
public interest to grant a permit.
Conunenls should refer to the
re ference number
071-OYB-4-005273 and reach
this office Hal later than January
II, 1970 to insure consideration.
"About-You r-Schools" had
needed information about the
school policy on school closure
because of snow, mud, roads,
etc. A good suggestion is to save
this bit of information about
problems of "weather to be, or
not to be." (This information is
printed in this week's Herald.)
Radio reception for school
notices in winter weather at
Mission, Tiger and Panther Lakes
is almost impossible. Because of
this situation, some years ago a
plan was tried, and it was instant
success, for notifying the families
around the lakes with students in
the North Mason schools.
Necessary changes in the bus
runs and school hours were
passed along so no student
would be stranded.
A master list of lake student
telephone numbers has been
updated and divided into groups
for easier calling, according to
different neighborhoods. When
the early morning word of
be here to meet his
great-grandchild, Dayna, before
tfis visit ended.
It was regretful that snow
hazards kept inany of us from
attending the dedication
ceremony honoring Ormand
Ormiston at the North Mason
School District school bus barn
that is named for him. There is a
long line of parent appreciation
for the "true friend," Mr.
Ormiston, that. has continued
since the 1960s.
With the weather change, as
this same snow, are the
memories of Mr. Ormiston's
complete concern for the safety
of students riding the school bus
to the North Mason schools. He
was always available for calls
from worried mothers in the
outlying areas in the hassle of
weather changes. He approved
the mother-calling plan in the
Mission, Tiger and Panther Lakes
area, and helped in working with
the group as needed.
announcements are
everyone may assume
operations for that day.
event the decision is to
or "dismiss early"
weather, roads, etc., all
scheduled or planned to I
in the public
evening will be
Coupon IIIII
collectively make the I
the applicable provisions of the school changes is received by one Our thoughts and sympathy decision after following the i ' • Lettering
Federal Water Pollution Control key person, other mothers can are withhisfamilyasourfriend, general procedures outlined in ! .=010 e Maternity
Act as amended and other state complete the calling within a Ormand Ormiston, passed away number II above. • lr. | tops
' laws. matter of minutes. There are on December 7. IV. The superintendent will j %$ * Custom decals
Any person desiring to approximately six mothers doing The Mission, Tiger, Panther then be responsible for notifying * Men's&women's
\\; present views on the request in the calling for the whole area of Lakes Improvement Club needs the radio stations (preferably by underwear
\\;, "x .0/ relati°n t° water p°lluti°n the lakes" If lines are d°wn, moremembersandthepayingof withminidec01s
considerations pertaining to the others pick up the extra calls for dues. Committee meetings are an
\\; o/ project may do so by providing completion of the round-robin ongoing thing, following the DAR meeting
' . - the same in writing to the system, advice of the club attorney. The Daughters of the I "'¢"
Department of Ecology, Office One important factor for the Where else could a check for American Revolution Christmas c OFFERGOOD
O.¢--NT. ORoP. of Field Operatons, Olympia, young hopefuls that might like $5 gain membership in a tea will be at the home of Mrs.
APOqox. ,2.D' N/ i/- -- II THRU12/21/78
Washington 98504 within 20 to help with the mother calling reactivated group, show concern Marilyn Tracy, 6330 Heather _
days of publication of this plan. Adults, only, will make and for the future of the lakes, and Lane, Port Orchard, at 1:30
notice, accept the calls of weather give a boost to the holiday p.m.,Tuesday, December 19. I
hazards that may "close school" spirit? Mrs. Mary Bienek will give a
or have an "early dismissal." A call to Loretta Hedge talk on "Knowledge of DAR ] DICKIES STICKLES T-SHIRTS
"'",nn__ students isit Vashon L,,a and Jeff Dimmen of (275-2041)or Betty J. Dimmen Insignia." Call Mrs. Tracy, Hours: Tues., Wed., Thurs. & Sat. 11a.m. to5:30;
V Mission Creek Road joined the (275-2778) will fill in mailing 871-2521, for information, and II Fri., till8p.m.; Sunday, noon to4
proud parents circle on addresses. Mrs. Pritchard, 479-2208 for | 810 BAY STRIEET PORT ORCHARD
incorporated into their own students; educational standards; December 5. At Harrison carpool. IiiiIiiiIiiii.iiii--.,
schools, heutd, and ideas that can be used at Memorial Hospital, Dayna ..... "", L.." .....
One result of the program is North Mason. Nichole Dimmen arrived
that students, generally, findthat The student exchange weighing seven pounds 6½ HOLIDAY ....
their own school is better than program was revived in the ounces, and measuring 20 inches.
they had originally thought, said Nisqually League at the Grandparents are Bjorn and
Holmgren. suggestion of Terry Gifford, Betty J. Dimmen of Tiger Lake,
North MasonASBpresident, said and Melvin and Lois Fryer of the HOM00 SALE
Today, the North Mason Holmgren. Since the idea Old Belfair Highway.
representatives will discuss, in originated here, the first program Great-grandparents are ' Mrs.
their ASB class, a survey they was held at North Mason Minnie Fryer (formerly of South
each filled out after visiting November 8. Dakota); Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Vashon. The exchange will be held at Swanson of South Shore; and
Some things they will discuss a different school each month, Mr. O.K. Dimmen of Vancouver Z-BRICR Facing brick ma be used inside
are: things they liked most at and student participation from Island, B.C. or outside. EQ box covers 6
Vashon; the attitude of the the ASB class will be on a The elder Mr. Dimmen has sq. feet.
students; responsibilit!es of the rotating basis, said Holmgren. been visiting at Tiger Lake, and Inca Red
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Page 2 - Huckleberry Herald section of Shelton-Mason County Journal - December 14, 1978
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