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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 14, 1978     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 14, 1978
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iris win opening game JOHN BLAIR pressing defense, but senior Heath with eight points. The North Mason Bulldogs guard Shelly Duncan with some This year's varsity squad is basketball team opened its fancy dribbling and good passes, looking forward to a great successfully with a 55-47 picked the defense apart, season, and possibly a state tory over tough AAA It was as though the Bulldogs championship under first-year last Monday. girls" could do no wrong. Senior Coach John Jornlin, so watch The Bulldogs" attack was led Kathy Reid also helped in the out for those Bulldog girls. eenter Caron Zech, who had scoring, nearly bringing down the NORTH MASON VERSUS hopping 33 points. North roof with a couple of corner EATONVlLLE seemed at ease passing the shots. JV -- North Mason: 41; [to Zech wilT3 continually put The J.V. girls weren't so Eatonville: 20. ball in the basket, lucky losing to a tough Teena Heath, 21 points. ' Varsity -- North Mason: 64; Ruth Marsh and Zech seemed Bremerton team. Although the Eatonville: 26. e0ntrol the boards against a J.V.'s did play good hard crrr r, ,cr, ? "  i¢ 0Ugh Bremerton team. defense, they just couldn't seen] trying desperately to to put the ball in the hoop. The back, put on a full-court J.V. girls were led by Teena GIRLS' BASKETBALL SCHEDULE School Depart Urs., Dec. 14 Vashon -- Dec. 15 South Kitsap -- Dec. 18 Chimacum -- Dec. 20 at Montesano (6:15/8)4:30 Jan. 3 Central Kitsap -- Jan. 8 at South Kitsap 4:45 Jan. 11 at Charles Wright 4:15 n., Jan. 15 Orting -- Jrs., Jan. 18 Eatonville -- Jan. 22 at Vashon 3:50 (4:40 ferry) 27 Montesano -- Jan. 29 Charles Wright -- ., Feb. i at Orting 3:45 time: J.V., 5:45/varsity, 7:30 (except where indicated). Santa Shops Here! Bremerton Yamaha's Annual CHRISTMAS ' SALE! Helmets from '19 *s Boots from s579s t Leather jackets from '69 s° t Fairings, Ree 1049s SALE '79 *s Winter wear Polarwear Suits ssees LOTS OF GIFT IDEAS 1979 80, 125, 250, 400 YZ's ARE IN! EMERTON YAMAHA Parts & Accessories Headquarters Navy Yard Hwy. • Roar Aftershave, cologne & fine French milled soap Priced from $12S • Coty Musk For Men ,  , Priced from $2 9S • Faberge Macho cologne Priced from 975° For Her ! • Charlie Priced from $3 50 • Jovan Musk Priced from $ 2 °0 • Jontue Priced from '4 °° Belfair Drug 9-8 Friday g-7 Weekdays 10.4 Sundays 275-6161 Rebounds: Linda Zech, 14; Ruthie Marsh, 14; and Caron Zech, 12. NORTH MASON VERSUS BREMERTON JV -- North Mason: 21; Bremerton : 43. Linda Baldy, six points. Rebounds: Linda Baldy, Teena Heath and Linda Wilkens. Varsity -- North Mason: 50; Bremerton: 33. Caron Zech, 11 points. Rebounds: Caron Zech, 12; Kathy Lutzenhiser, 11; and Ruthie Marsh, 10. ulldog wrestlers lose By KEVIN MacGEORGE everything went downhill. North The North Kitsap Vikings rolled into Belfair December 8 looking for their fourth straight victory over the Bulldogs. As it happened, they rolled out of Belfair wearing the smiles of victory, 37-24. A freshman, Cliff Williams (101), started out right for the Bulldogs by pinning his man in the third period, five minutes into the match. Ben Brainard won his match on a 12-3, but Ted Smith (I 15) lost his 2-9. Phil Wyman won by a forfeit. Leonard Datus (129) tied his match at 2-2. After that Mason was leading 18-5. A real shocker came when Bulldog Dan Hannah (135) was pinned in the second period, 3:50 into the match. Jim Smith (141) tied with tus Viking opponent, 3-3; and Ken Pollard (148) was pinned in the second period, 2:12 into the match. Tom Scott (158) was pinned 1:53 into the match. Jim Foley (168) lost 4-6, and Scott Campbell (178)lost 5-7. Ed Puck (190) was pinned in the third period, 5:25 into the match. Grant Bonney (unlimited) ended the competition with a 12-3 win for North Mason. Gropeview Doin's By ELLEN GIVENS Francis and Ann Eacrett of Treasure Island welcomed their son, Bob, and his wile, Shirley, and grandson, Steve, from Oak Harbor. Also present was their younger son, Jim, from Huntington Beach, California. They all arrived on the weekend of December 3 and it was a very happy reunion. The Grapeview Grange members held their monthly meeting December 7. This meeting was also their Christmas party and officer installation night. There were 47 members Worthy Master Bryan Rauschert turned over the gavel to Harry Branch, who will be the new worthy master for 1979. Bryan Rauschert wishes to thank all the members for their cooperation during his two years in office. The Grange information was brought to us courtesy of Ann Eacrett, and she would like to remind us that Grange meetings are held on the first Thursday of each month at the Grapeview Firehall. My apologies to our State Fisheries Patrol Officer Marvin , ............................. Stenber.8 for-misspelling his name After an excellent potluck and misquoting him in last supper, Christmas carols were week's "Grapeview Doins'." sung, led by Barbara Catron and What he really said was, "The accompanied by Henry Person. boat with the spotlights in This was followed by a gift McLains Cove was probably a exchange that was sometimes fisheries patrol boat, or it txuld hilarious, be Indians fishing." The Coast At the end of the meeting, Guard was not involved. LITTLE VOICES will sing out at the Belfair Elementary School December 17 during the annual Christmas program which will start at 7:30 p.m. in the multipurpose room. Breaking with tradition, there will not be any skits, but there will be a sing-along instead, said Barbara Catron, coordinator of the event. Before the audience participation, Mason 00.ake Meanderings By JANET WILLIAMS The annual lunclreon-auction sponsored by the Grapeview Parents' Club was held on December 1 al the MBC clubhouse. As usual the function was a success, thanks to the hard work of many members. ttandmade items along with candles, plants, and other gift items were auctioned off by Bob Randall who has been playing that role ever since the club first started having the auction. Bob announced that this was his last .year as auctioneer, and the group presented him with a gift in aopreciation for his help. Frienus and neighbors of Margie and George Marshall extend their sympathy in the loss of their son, Wayne, last week in an automobile accident. Wayne was a pilot and had taken his parents on several trips in his airplane over the last few years and was a frequent visitor at their home on Mason Lake. Doug Sayan is on tile mend after suffering injuries in an There's a new Spot for you in Belfair Spot Realty is now in Belfair with brand new facilities, the most modern equipment and a sales team that desires to help you better than anyone else. They are backed by the largest advertising pro- gram, a full-time training program and the fastest growing, most progressive real estate firm in the Pacific Northwest. If you are thinking of selling or purchasing land, homes, or investment property, call one of the following today. GARY BREILAND- Manager HERB DAWSON, STAN CATRON, BUTCH BOADI LINDA WILSON, NEAL MITCHELL, TERRIE BIRD Belfair Shopping Center DIAL 275-6016 o\\; however, each grade, kindergarten through fifth, will sing Christmas songs, she said. Eileen Podraza will provide pianq accompaniment for the program. Here fourth graders?, practice for the big night. The program is free and open to the public. SPOT RF:ALT Y II00IC. • Real Estate Leadership in Belfair, Poulsbo, Silverdale, Bremerton, Port Orchard, Gig Harbor, University Place, Lakewood, and Puyallup. automobile accident a couple of weeks ago. Last week's announcement regarding the auxiliary Christmas party on December 16 stated that auxiliary members would be bringing hot dishes and other guests are to bring salads and desserts. The auxiliary members are actually bringing meat dishes so guests may bring other hot dishes also. I III I WANTED SALES MANAGER AND SALES ASSOCIATES FOR NEW CENTURY 21 REAL ESTATE OFFICE COMING TO BELFAIR Call Jerry Smith, 426-3363 SPECIAL PURCHASE BIG 10's i HURRY! COME IN TODAY WHILE SELECTION IS BEST! TON HEAVY DUTY- GOOD SELECTION Well equipped, with only 3,000 to 8,000 miles each -- ALSO- ¾ TONS I AUTOMATICS LOW LOW MILES NO CATALYTIC CONVERTERS! ALL OF THESE UNITS WERE PURCHASED FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES BI CH 876-8091 GREY 1216 EAST K STREET, PORT ORCHARD MONDAY - FRIDAY 8:30- 8..00 SATURDAY 900- 6:00 December 14, 1978- Huckleberry Herald section of Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 3