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Domestic animal problems one result of area's growth
By CAROLYN MADDUX density ill but a few years, it is Title 16.52.100 enlarges
Not all the problems of a inevitable that conflicts in land upon the obligations of owners
rapidly increasing county use should arise. They range all and protects tile rights of
population are strictly people the way from bears ill the persons who would come to the
problems, backyard to neighbors' dogs that aid of neglected animals on
Many include animals, bark or run wild to simple private property:
In an area where farms are crowding. "Any person who shall
subdivided and where upland Wildlife poses little ill the impound or confine or cause to
lakes and hillsides have changed way of real problems. Deer and be impounded or confined any
front virtual wild,mess to urban most other woodland natives domestic animal, shall supply the
same during such confinement
--:----------::--- .... -------:'-" with a sufficient quantity of
Wen Griffey 275-2117 Lou Dobbs 866-4783
P.O. Box 377
Belfair, Wash. 275-6684 Jim Jesfield
Bramble Hill
American furniture circa 1831) to 1900
Glass, China and Primitives
1 bhwk from Ahlerbrook, turn on I)alby Rd. '4 nlih'.
Union 8984555
I i i
For All Your Insurance Needs
Fulmer & €o., Inc.
520 Pacific - Bremerton, 377-8547
Represented in Horth Mason
Bob Sutton
ntove out of an area as it
becomes developed, although
bear don't always do so,
Washington State Game
Department animal control agent
Carl Dugger noted last week.
A further shift in wildlife
population comes with changes
ill land use. Some onlookers, for
instance, theorize that the
increased semi-clearing of
Christmas tree farming has
contributed to the rise in coyote
population and the influx of
foxes, which in turn decrease the
game bird population.
Domesticated animal control
presents much more in the way
of problems, however.
There are no county-wide
ordinances for animal licensing
and density control. Some real
estate developments do have
restrictive covenants limiting
animal population to household
pets, but such restrictions are
difficu}t to enforce by ally
agency. They do, however,
occasionally, provide grounds for
class-action nuisance suits in
extreme cases.
Basically, an animal situation
must be in violation of state
ordinances before it can be
subject to investigation and/or
control by, for instance, the
sheriff's office or the county
humane society, Mason County
Citizens for Animals.
There are no provisions with
state laws (the Revised Code of
Washington, or RCW) which
restrict the number of animals a
person can keep, stated Glenn
Guyton, who works as crime
prevention assistant with the
sheriff's department and, as a
MCCFA volunteer, does most of
the investigations of animal
complaints and rescue missions
with his wife, Louise, MCCFA
"With no state law to cover
this area, and no provision for it
in county ordinances, all we can
do is reason with people,"
Louise Guyton
good and wholesome food and
water, and in default thereof
shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
In case any domestic animal shall
be... confined as aforesaid and
shall continue to be without
necessary food and water for
more than twenty-four
consecutive hours, it shall be
Ill the case of a verified case
of cruelty or neglect, Mrs.-
Guyton explained, the
investigating officer posts a
notice which advises the owner
flint he may be deemed guilty of
a misdemeanor and that he is to
contact the Citizens for Animals
office within twenty-four hours
or the animals are subject to
"In most cases," Mrs.
Guyton says, "things can be
worked out. Sometimes the
owner agrees to have the animal
or animals removed; sometimes
he agrees to improve his methods
of feeding and caring for the
animal. Seizure of animals is a
last resort.
"Ordinarily, cases of neglect
are not the result of intentional
cruelty but of ignorance. People
are woefully inclined to acquire
animals that they don't have any
idea how to care for."
There are exceptions,
however. Glenn Guyton recalls
having been threatened with a
shotgun in the course of an
investigation, and cites the
occasional case of hardened
neglect in which an owner has
Ormand Ormiston
Former North Mason School
District Transportation
Supervisor Ormand O. Ormiston,
66, of Star Route 2, Box 402,
Belfair, died at his home
December 6.
He recently had been
honored by the school district
for outstanding service and the
transportation center he planned
and designed there was named
for him.
Bum in Mabton on March
12, 1912, he grew up and
farmed in Mabton arm married
ample food on hand, insists he is
feeding an animal, and lets it
starve to death.
"In a case like that, we
would have to have a vantage
point from which he could keep
a 24.hour watch. We seldom
have the opportunity and simply
lack the manpower," he says.
"Happily 90 percent of our
calls are unfounded," Louise
Guyton adds. "People
misinterpret what they see, or
they don't see the person feeding
animals at odd hours, or they
think an umkempt-looking
animal is being starved. They are
usually honest mistakes.
"And contrary to popular
opinion, we'd rather follow up
300 unfounded complaints than
find one that's verifiable. They
can be real heartbreakers."
Often, too, complaints
simply don't fit into a
controllable category. Dogs that
bark, or a neighbor with a yard
full of ducks and other animals
which may be crowded but
aren't underfed, cannot be dealt
with in any official way.
What does one do if he feels
he has evidence of cruelty or
neglect to report?
I I I II .
During six years of army
service from 1913 to 1919, Mr.
Personett received the
distinguished service medal, silver
star and purple heart, with three
oakleaf clusters. He also was one
of the few Americans who has
"Call the sheriff's office or
the MCCFA office in Shelton,"
the Guytons explain. "There are
forms which the complainant
fills in, and the investigator adds
his or her comments. Contact
with the owner is made, and if
any actions are appropriate, they
are taken through official
The Guytons suggest that
county ordinances, including a
provision for licensing of animals
county-wide to finance shelter
facilities, would help.
"A proposal which we have
submitted to the county includes
three animal control officers who
would function county-wide,"
they explain.
Currently North Mason is
better off than the rest of the
county in one respect. The
Kitsap County Humane Society
will accept animals from this
area at its shelter between Gorst
and Bremerton, while there is no
facility other than foster homes
arranged by MCCFA for animals
from other parts of the county
outside of Shelton.
The Guytons
throughout the county
volunteer basis. They dl "
MCCFA members mdll{. Sm
thrift shop in Shelton t°ten c
finance the organiZdl- m°'n
operations, and the g 'rLt.f
• S IP tt'u 11
has educational servsce. JL
"Education is the kcy a b
,, llurace,
least half the problem, 1,._.
Guyton states. "Many r In
problem situations arise ,.._ereV
parents buy pets for--nts'
without teaching them nut',rshir
them. ient i
care"Iftris not only th¢ e
responsibility to see that
learn to care for any I'tu
they are allowed to hL=r n
they must also Seealltl',.A in
necessary care is actu YI]o f
MCCFA volunteers 1 e.
excellent film for use withi'le
people which covers as ees
choosing and caring for a !t"e
It is available for seha'
organizations? To art e Tt
set upl!he
showing it, or to dlll c
e ducati°nal pr°gram lltl,b : 2
MCCFA, phone S r
426-9828 or 426-5005. I, L
% mile w. of Belfair State Park
received the French Croix de t'''BI-
the highest military
n t¢ that country in 1979--A Special
o se vice in France, he
Me, ice under Gen.ral l CALENDAR Year-"
:rshi: g. g ! THE YEAR
Hes, was born January,,117, g' , OF THE BUILDIN--'/*OI00
Lenora, Kansas. A :er
'mi ry service, he mar ed *
a ( rner in 1921 and t ey i ff LibrO
aesl :led in Wyoming. T ey
ed o Washington state in
16 had lived I the Be air
sit 1947.
Mr. Personett worked 16
award given by that country, in
addition to service in France, he
served in Mexico under General
John J. Pershing.
1895, in Lenora, Kansas. After
his military service, he married
Zola Cramer in 1921 and they
Guyton explained, lawful for any person, from time Maybelle Niles in 1933 in
Usually complaints of to time, as it shall be deemed Spokane. They came to
overcrowding come from necessary to... supply it with Bremerton in the early 1940s,
neighbors wire are bothered by necessary food and water so long and he worked for Puget Sound
noise or odor or are simply as it shall be confined." Naval Shipyard as a sheet metal
In 1979 Timberland Regional
homesteaded in Wyoming. They will start construction of a libra0
moved to building on land purchased by t
1936 and had lived in the Belfair North Mason Friends of the Librarl
area since 1947. and their many friends and col#
dar buyer=. (Friends' calend@
CALL US, 47%2772 distressed by living near someone worker for five years. He worked for the South Kitsap
years }l
with large numbers of animals, as a mechanic and bus driver for School District as a bus driver m make areal aifls and slocki
and custodian until his 1 stuffers at $1.50.) .
• Automaticrefil' I'h... "There are a few instances Kiwanis plan, South Kitsap School District . " '. = I
• Budget paymentplon l=lI
e. We repa|r all makes & models where we can step in,' noted '- t . .... from 1945 to 1966 and later . "
He was a member of the / Available from cooneratma Friends :;
' q "Complete Housewarmer Service" Louise Guyton. "Although in seniors event w6rletF'tbr Nbtth'las6n Sdh'bol rptirg., enti,. ,' 1952. ,.,.' t= " . - " v., ' ".-,
manyareas; state law is ,, ,/. . ......... :. * ....... 7,, DistriCt: 'as, the supervisor of Legion o]" Valor and the Allyn Market Place 1%
1318 Park Ave -- telmr semor cmzens wm ..........
SERVICE FUEL o 1 " CHt:VRON ambiguous, in cases of outright .......... transportation, reunng m tv/a Bremerton chapter of the i R--nrCrkMini-Marl [44
tremer on • ........ du tu ,..aam. Disabled American Veterans. ] Belfair Tradin Post /;o
Company, Inc.
Phone 479-2772 JllllJ J:U cruelty or neglect we do have a naY,meet atornOnuaYiuncntreatat theWnennrenanmey .... ...... :,, t..,,t. - ........
handle for controlling the December 19 rte was a memoer ot tort Survivors include his wife; . . .., g :
o au te bOOKmODIle
situation." " , Orchard Masonic Lodge. tw d gh rs, Jane (Mrs. John .,.. ,,, .. ,.
Before lunch the Children s .......
, " ..... : These cases are mostly ....... urvrvmg are n]s wire, D.) Fink of Belfair and Bonnie ] /net, lomesllne [
Jr El t Choir from the Beltair
covered by two sections of the ...... st "hut " "11 Maybelle; three sons, Ronald L. (Mrs. Tommy) Pritchard of Port Grapeview Grocery ']
Lommunlty laptl L cn wl
Belfa ec ric Co. RCW, defining certain acts of .... as son" d of Tumwater, Wayne of Port Orchard; a son, Mel of Juneau, Huckleberry Herald ]b
perform Chnstm gs, an
cruelty and confinement. - Orchard and Gary of Republic; Alaska; two sisters, Mrs. Clara lm Leo& Margaret Livingston 71
We are franchised RCW Title 16.52.070 defines atter lunch the seniors will have and 12 grandchildren. Cleland of Glendora, California m Louisa s Antiques [ L
a special dessert
General Electric Dealers as guilty of cruelty every _ '. • Services were held Saturday and Mrs. Millie Delp of Tucson, North Shore Nursery
' Both treats are sponsored by
• ,Discount Prices • Factory Service • Terms person who cruelly .... at the Haven of Rest Funeral Arizona; eight grandchildren; six The Pottery & Gift Shod
• We take trade-ins. /al'ti\\; overworks, tortures, torments, the North Mason Kiwanis Club. H o m e in Gig Ha r b o r, great grandchildren," and " ......
numerous meces ann nephews ....
deprives of necessary sustenance, A dauter Veda Ma ,. , ]I Something Special Gift Shop I q
,.e,., Free delivery& normal Installation. (,) Washington. " , ." g PSNS Recreational Library i
Bonded & tlcenlld cruelly beats, mutilates or cruelly DOG STOLEN " -- -- -- earlier gu ' e, men Sunset Beach Grocery i
. Electrical ¢ontractorl
'" Special Contractor Pri!in 9. kills.., any animal; and whoever S u e Ve itch of Belfair, John I:. eersonett
having the charge of custody of Pu'blic visitatior/ was Monday Tahuya Grocery
275-2020 Next toThrlftway any animal, either as owner or reported December il that her Military gray,side services for from 7-8:30 p.m. at Pendleton {1 Tidal Wave Beauty Salon
five-month-old female Brittany John Earl Personett, 83, of Star Gilchrist Funeral Home in Port Timberland North Mason Library i
suffering°therwiSe'of paininfliCtSuponUnnecessarythe same, spaniel had been stolen the day Route 2, Box 633, Belfair, a
.r.r--ter=.ww¢ww or unnecessarily fails to provide before, according to a sheriffs highly decorated American Orchard. .,,,,v,.l
report, serviceman during World War I,
Thank You. the same with the proper food, .... :]
drink, air, light, space, shelter, or will be Tuesday at 1 i a.m. at
, To conquer Knights of Pythias cemetery in IFY(U I
December 17th protection from the weather,...
or who cruelly abandons any With virtue and quietness one Port Orchard. Jr
animal, shal! be guilty of a may conquer the world. Mr. Personett died December
is our 1st - Lao-Tse 8at Harrison Memorial Hospital.
annwersary, misdemeanor.'
0n this happiest Menu for ' ' 00q000et/00t.fl 00p.eetol2/00og 00lli00l
of holidays, we'd Grapeview School gO t IN II00lrdi00
like to extend our metal[In ,0to 0/t 000tt
[ " sincerest thanks December 18-002
qLI00JlN t0 our customers. Monday: oas __ CLAY(X3P00LL
" A Merry Christmas salad, Christmas cookies, milk.
to all of you. Tuesday: Chicken & noodles, Gift •
Santa salad, green beans, jello Table
From George 8, Mary Johnston
'1111111111111111111111111"1111111BllllliRII11111111 II IIIIIII Illilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllh,
Huckleberry Herald
Post Office Box 587, Belfair, Washington 98528
Telephone 275-6680
Belfair office open 9 a.m. to I p.m.,
Monday thru Friday
News and advertising copy deadline 5 p.m. Fridays. For your
convenience there is a mail slot in the door for copy. Office located
across from Belfair Texaco in Belfair.
REX-ZANE, RUDEE .......................... Editor
CAROL WENTLANDT ............. Advertising Manager
Office Telephone 275-6680
A section of the Shelton-Mason County Journal serving is
the voice of Belfair, Allyn, Grapeview, Tahuya, Mason
Lake, South Shore and North Shore.
cake, milk.
Wednesday : Chicken-fried
hamburger steak, tater tots,
orange wedge & apple slices,
apple crisp, milk.
Thursday: Christmas lunch -
turkey, dressing optional,
potatoes & gravy, salad,
vanilla dixies with chocolate
sauce, milk.
Friday: Tacos, fruit, corn,
gumdrop cupcake, milk.
Puget Sound
National Bank
The hometown bank.
• I, I I u
Page 4 - Huckleberry Herald section of Shelton-Mason County Journal - December 14, 1978
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