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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 14, 1978     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 14, 1978
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Y Smith was one of tile i interested in the stained lemonstration last week at ell,or Citizen Center. So ,ted in fact, that lie plans rl a brand new hobby. His race, heartily concurs. ing the broad "a's" and In their accent, we '•red they are former nts of Deerfield, New shire. Now they are lent North Shore folks. ite a distance to travel train heine," someone ted. "Yes, but we find that ;n Washington is very in many ways. We see of the same vegetation, le you do not have the ees of the east, we both % alder and henllock, .. And we are known as €:e Tree State. ihe weather is different, cold Atlantic is a bit brutal than your Pacific said Mr. Smith. "We feel at home here. I, for one, By HANNAH DEHLER 275-3512 am completely satisfied, although Grace does have her nroments of N()W IN BELFAIR We May Have a SPOT For You $$$$$  SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNT f's Barber Shop Belfair J Masonry irep l aces ns lock foundatio with masonry KIMMEL bonded and insured. Box 947 426-1512 Sheiton ul Rock Bulldoze Fill Dirt B&D , Inc. 275-2213 LOmplete auto repair ['Wheel drives - 'n'r repair * FREE Pick-up ,j & Delivery t'/lyAPPO Intment :L ----Only j 275-6747 deep homesickness for the New England states. "We eventually landed on a farm there, as even in the 1940s taxes were high, and we chose to live for awhile in a rural area," lie said. "The place we selected had several acres, but we had no intention of working the land. It wasn't long, however, before we changed those plans, and it may have all came about when our son won a heifer. We stayed there for 25 years. "1 remember the grist mill my grandfather had when I was a boy. My father worked at the mill with him, and they would grind the grain the farmers brought into exchange for flour. This same barter system worked well with the local blacksmith and other business people. The mill was known to everyone as 'the Tinkerbell.' " He explained the name this way, "We tinker with this, and tinker with that. "At some time grandfather had traveled all the way north to Mount Washington (a long trip in those days), and bought the first steam engine (to use for the mill) that was used to build the Mount Washington Railroad," he said. Since this conversation with Mr. Smith, who is 84 years young, he has undergone hip surgery and is doing just fine. Their son, Lewis C. Smith, is assistant fire chief of the Belfair Fire Department. He and wife, Cynthia, have two children, Ted and Karen. Reminder to all senior citizens - don't forget the Christmas party on December 19 at the Belfair Firehall. Sponsored once again by the Kiwanis Club, you can look forward to a wonderful'time! Count your blessings! Lucylle and Jack Cushman left Minot, South Dakota (eight below) and traveled through the big snowstorm that hit the midwest. Their report: "It was really hairy driving in parts of Montana. Roads were covered with ice and snow. We were greatly relieved to..find good clear ,oads after w reached Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. You can imagine how glad we are to get back to the South Shore!" GAS STOLEN Mrs. Don Cox of Grapeview, reported December 9 that approximately nine gallons of gas had been siphoned from her car, according to a sheriff's report. Realty A0000aB. Dayna Nicholle Was born to Melessa and Jell" Demmen, of Belfair on December 5. She weighed seven pounds six and a half ounces. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Bjorn Dimmen of Tiger Lake, and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin :::: : Fryer of Belfair. WORK ON THE 4,200-square-foot Belfair liquor store started last Wednesday. The block building should be finished in 60 days if the weather cooperates, said R.W. Cady, owner of the building. Here Bob Paasch, building supervisor, makes sure that everything is square before placing the footings. Energy program. , set for high school Northwest's only phenomena, then discuss the consortium of 45 colleges and "We cover the mechanics of traveling energy show for high issues raised In their individual universities. Founded in 1946, energy production and the schools, "Energy Today and Tomorrow," will visit North Mason High School December 19. The program, which will be held in the gym at 9:40 a.m., is open to the public. Sponsored by Western Washington University, the show features a van equipped with more than $25,000 of energy gear, which is explained and demonstrated by a qualified teacher, Toby Dittrich. Helping to fund the second-year program as it travels to a projected 162 high schools thrQuout the state ar the Washington' Public Power Supply System, the Boeing Company, Intalco Aluminum Company, Washington State Energy Office, Kaiser Aluminum and Chemical Company, Chem-Nuclear Systems, Incorporated, Exxon Nuclear, the Washington Natural Gas Company, Atlantic Richfield Company and the Mason County Public Utility District. Assembled students at the schools see a 40- to 50.minute presentation of, energy Michael Broaden Was born to Dawn and Fred Price of Belfair on December 5. He weighed eight pounds and nine and one-half ounces. l .MILLER WOODLAWN • Funeral Home • Chapel • Cemetery • Crematory • Mausoleum 2n.2m 5505 Kitsap Way, Bremerton ! A Week, | , | Man. thru SaL, L Lg:8Oa.m. togp.m.; | ___ _'mAvrxtNa tM OMt s00Aurn:uz hA." Id |atlay, 8:30 to 7 p.m. | '1 i00".00et Beach / /'' ...... "' | Grocery | "/ I South Shore [ The Frontier i Wood Stove ,:, I00OR RENT ;tdroom house, un- / ;[qished, North Shore Canal, 2 baths, e duplex, all ap- ,Ces, electric heat, rted, no pets. $350 onth. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. William D. Price of Port Angeles and Don Woodley of Port Angeles. Brandyn Duane Was born to Dianna and Leo Wells of Belfair on December 6. lie weighed eight pounds. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Lee Roy Boyd of Grants Pass, Oregon, Donald G. Wells of Grants Pass, Oregon and Barbara Silverthorn of Rogue River, Oregon. Senior citizens, 5¢ off each gallon of gas. DAVE'S BELFAIR ARCO STATION Clip Coupon g Bring In. Good Thru December. • Belfair Auto Parts • North Mason Towing, 2 Trucks Reasonable Rates 275-3211 I_I ...... l_l_I_l[ Small Medium Large Extra Large BF_X,F SHOP, INC. 275-6165 Across from Parker Lumber Beifair Leonard Hohmann .. I I ...... II I I "1 I 282-2670 !  Custom'storm sash 8, screens # {:anal Glass l'|tll _ Call Any Time K,,.N WEEKENDS classrooms with the teache r-demonst rat or. Last year Dittrich traveled more than 30,000 miles visiting some 120 high schools in the state including North Mason. "Students showed they were interested in solar energy, nuclear plant operation and safety, aspects of oil supply and the cost of energy," Dittrich said. "This year we expect to have new solar demonstration equipment to show the difference between using the sun as a direct heat source and as a means ,of producing electricity." Dittrlcb, a physicist and former university instructor, last summer visited a solar power institute and various energy organizations, and attended his second summer of seminars at Oak Ridge Assoclaled Universities (ORAU). Developer of the energy program, which now has 30 traveling shows throughout the U.S., ORAU is a non-profit the group conducts research, economics, sociology and other education and information fields involved in energy programs for the federal development and use," he Department of Energy and other explained. public and private agencies. "No specific viewpoint on Dittrich, who also assists energy is advocated," Dittrich students and teachers by added. "The whole idea is to supplying energy resource present basic energy facts and materials said the show is relate them in an unbiased designed for Washington's manner to timely national and secondary schools and civic local issues." groups. CommuEity Calendar" Monday, December 18 7:30 p.m., Belfair fire drill, Belfair Firehall. Tuesday, December 19 12 noon, Kiwanis Club, Belfair Cote. Wednesday, December 20 10 a.m., Belfair fire drill, Belfair Fireball. 10 a.m., Francis F. Gladwin Orthopedic Guild, call Mrs. Hoppee (275-6488). 6 p.m., Belfair night court, Half air Fir•hall. 7 p.m., Fire District 5 commissioners meeting, Fire Station 1 in Allyn. 7:30 p.m., Belfair Cemetery District, Ray's Barber Shop in Belfair. Our newest office is open in Belfair Shopping Center now. If you are experienced, success- oriented, like friendly, cooperative associates, and want to go first class, contact us for an interview. Limited Openings. 275-6016. Contact Gary Breiland SPOT REALTY IPIC. Real estate leadership in Puget Sound Country IIlil Omni lllll llllil llilll just. for 3ozmng Christmas Club 1979 It's a poinsettia. And, t's for you, free, just for joining the Credit Union Christmas Club for 1979. ... Something for you, now. Something for you and yours at this time next year. ho, ho, ho... mason counL'U leclaral cracnl: union SHFI,TON BRAN('It BELl"AIR BRANCH 521 Railroad Avenue Belfair (;enter 426-1601 275.6066 I i December 14, 1978 - Huckleberry Herald section of Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 5