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By NATALIE JOHNSON said. funds.
The city's total 2012 budget totals The final budget approved Monday
The Shelton City Commission vot- $73,444,088. includes no cuts anticipating pos-
ed Monday to approve the city's 2012 The general fund equals sible state level cuts.
budget. $12,064,178 and the sewer fund, due "If the legislature comes and elim-
The city held its final public hear- to several sewer projects, amounts to inates money ... we'll face up to that
ing on the budget on Monday, Dec. 5 $47,757,368. when the time comes," O'Leary said.
at which they didn't take any action At the public hearing on Dec. 5, At last week's budget hearing,
on the proposed budget, city officials expressed concern that O'Leary said that if the state does cut
The budget approved last Mon- during state budget cuts, the state money normally allocated to Shelton,
day, Dec. 12, did not include any legislature could potentially, though the city would have no choice but to
changes made since the last hear- not probably, cut all of the $473,872 cut from its public safety depart-
ing, city manager Dave O'Leary the city receives annually in state ment.
Journal photos by Natalie Johnson
Steve Goins, community and economic development director for the City of Shelton, advised the
city Monday to adopt an ordinance that would streamline the process of dealing with unfit
dwellings within the city.
City reviews ordinance for nuisance homes
By NATALIE JOHNSON commission said. Under the proposed or- "We've been fortunate
Goins said the process is dinance, if the propertyon the one hand that there
The City of Shelton Corn- often long and difficult, tak- owner does not comply, the aren't more of these," he
mission reviewed a plan ing more than a year to re- city will have authorization said. ::
Monday to streamline the solve in many cases, to enter the property and While the new ordit~ance
process of dealing with der- However, there is an abate, or dispense with, the would save the city some
elict buildings in the city. easier way to deal withnuisance, time and money, the abate-
"It's a continuing effort the abatement of nuisance The property owner ment process will still have
to make it more efficient," buildings, he said. would have 30 days to ap- some costs that will not
said Community and Eco-Under the proposed peal the decision of the change, Goins said.
nomic Development Direc- process, outlined in Draft hearings examiner. Commissioner Dawn
tor Steve Goins. Ordinance 1797-1211, pre- The city would also be Pannell suggested that
Current city policy forsented to the commission eligible to collect any costs the commission consider
dealing with derelict or on Monday, once Goins incurred as a result of abat- passing the ordinance as
abandoned houses and finds that a dwelling is un- ing a nuisance building, an emergency ordinance,
structures in the city in- fit or dangerous, the owner In some cases, abate- which would allow it to
volves using the court sys- will be served with a com- ment may mean tearing take effect immediately,
tem to secure a Warrant of plaint, which will also be down a house unfit for resi- rather than after 30 days,
Abatement to resolve the posted on the property,dence, in other cases it may as a non-emergency ordi-
issue, Goins said. Between 10 and 30 days simply mean clearing away nance does.
This can either involveafter the notice is posted, garbage or illegal occu- Pannell said the commis-
instruction to clean up a the owner will have an op- pants and making repairs sion should pass the ordi-
building that has become a portunity to meet with the to resolve a nuisance, nance as an emergency be-
nuisance, or tearing down a city Hearings Examiner,"Perhaps there's a way cause such dwellings pose a
building or unfit dwelling, who has the authority to we can bring the structure risk to health and safety.
An unfit dwelling can be issue an order that makes back to a place where it can "I suppose there's always
an abandoned house that is findings and can direct the be occupied again," Goins some risk," Goins said. "I'm
unsecured, have fire dam- property owner on how to said. not sure we have an acute
age or be unfit for other resolve the particular issue Goins said no specific risk at this time."
reasons. Buildings thatwith their property, house or building inspired The city commission
go through the abatement "At the conclusion of that this new ordinance, rather, plans to discuss the ordi-
process are sometimes hearing we would have the it is a way to save the city nance again at its 6 p.m.
nuisances to the public, a same thing if we went to money and time when deal- public meeting on Monday,
briefing provided to the city court," Goins said. ing with this problem. Dec. 19.
City denies Mari Meds business license after appeal
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By NATALIE JOHNSON medical authorizations, sharing any extra to other patients, fed-
"They don't want cannabis in their eral law classifies marijuana as an file-
After considering several appeals, town," said Lori Kent, ofMari Meds. gal class i drug.
the City of Shelton Commission voted to Wood appealed the decision again and During the closed hearing on Nov. 22,
deny a business license for Mari Meds the city held a closed session hearing on city attorney Kathleen Haggard said that
during a special meeting on Tuesday. Monday, Nov. 22, to consider the matter, marijuana is not legal in Washington,
"I feel our hands are tied in this mat- Wood expressed frustration and sur- but having a medical marijuana card is
ter," said commissioner Dawn Pannell. prise at the lack of support from the city. an affirmative defense for possession.
Mari Meds, a medical marijuana co- "It's been an educational road oftrav- City commissioners denied Mari
operative, applied for a business license el," he said. "We've been compliant from Meds' business license because they
for a location on Railroad in Evergreen the gate." have the obligation to follow state and
Square, which was denied by Shelton Multiple local medical marijuana pa- federal law, Byrne said.
Police Chief Dave Eklund on Aug. 31, tients came to the Nov. 22 meeting to "After reviewing the information and
2011. voice their support ofMari Meds, but be- public testimony we had ... I do support
Business owner Robert Wood ap- cause the meeting was a closed hearing, the police chiefs recommendation," he
pealed the decision to City Administra- the testimony could not be considered in said. "Our responsibility is to follow fed-
tor Dave O'Leary. the commissioners' decision to deny or eral, state and local codes. We've been
While some aspects of the business did approve the business license, very consistent in that."
appear to be legal, others still conflicted However, commissioner Mike Byrne Mari Meds supporters vowed that
with state and federal law, and O'Leary called the testimony "compelling and they would not give up on their business.
denied the license again on Sept. 26. courageous." , "There are friendly cities in Washing-
Specifically, city officials denied the Gov. Chris Gregoire vetoed provi- ton state," Kent said.
business license because of planned can- sions in the most recent medical mari- Wood, Kent and Mari Meds support-
nabis testing and on-site medical canna- juana bill, ESS2B 5073, which would ers are working to gather support for
bis authorization services, have made dispensaries legal, their cause and introduce medical mari-
Mari Meds supporters say there are While state law allows medical mari- juana legislation in the Washington
actually two businesses involved. Mari juana cooperatives and patient-to-pa- Legislature in 2012.
Meds is the cooperative, while acom- tient networks, which involve patients Wood and Kent plan on moving Mari
pany called Pakalolo would handle the growing cannabis for themselves and Meds to another city in the future.
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Shelton-Mason County Journal -Thursday, December 15, 2011