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Anticipation has been building County's Kids (SOCK) and the
for months, if not years, for the Foster Children Christmas Fund
opening of the Ridge Motorsports at the Shelton Department of So-
Park. When the road course was cial and Health Services (DSHS)
paved a few months ago, that will be able to use that money to
anticipation practically went bring some joy and hope to young
through the roof. people in our community that are
All of the waiting came to an truly deserving of those things
end this past weekend when at this time of year. Local food
about 150 drivers from all over banks were also the beneficiaries
the Pacific Northwest and beyond of two truckloads of food.
descended on Shelton to get some The track, and auto racing in
time in on the track, general, may not be for every-
Apart from driving really fast body. In fact, some nearby real-
and having a blast, the various dents vehemently opposed the
drivers helped raise some $10,000 project. Others, though, worked
for two local charities. Save Our tirelessly to make it happen. But
now, after two days of racing,
who could possibly say that a
bunch of money for kids and food
for food banks is a bad thing?
We hope that the raceway con-
tinues to grow in popularity and
draws in drivers from all over the
country and world. That is exact-
ly the kind of boost that Shelton
and Mason County needs. Driv-
ers and their friends and families
will stay here and dine here and
shop here and all of us will be
better off as a result. The fact
that the track's owners used their
inaugural event to raise money
for charity is a clear signal that
they will be good neighbors in
the years to come. We hope that
as the track continues to succeed
that the owners' philanthropy
keeps pace.
Courtesy photo
A group of motorcyclists navigate around one of the
many turns at the recently opened Ridge Motorsports
H u m a n i ty, for politicians and those for
families of military personnel.
I am going to respond to that ~ ~~i ~i~~ ~ ~~i~
Jove and but first I'd like to go back to
the beginning of this current ~ iJJ
s h e It e r g i ve n
war/invasion/occupation - the
trade towers. A survivingfam- ii~ ~i~i~J ]~ ~ !~i
ily member is due an average
to those in 0~,~,1~ The range is amini- iJl
mum guarantee of $250,000
need ~, to $4,700,000. This expense
could have been avoided if ~i~ I~i~ ~l~ ~i~ ~~
they would have chalked it all
Editor, the Journal up to collateral damage as we ia~ ~~ i~~!~ ~6~ ~
consider civilian easualties in
For the past two months I the current war. ~~i
have stopped by St. David's It is not clear to me, ei-
Episcopal Church located at ther, what the benefits are
324 W. Cedar Street; telephone to politician's families but I
426-8472 to drop off modest agree with Mann, "it's upside kept the records faithfully for the governor has been inca,
cash donations to help defraydown for politician's families
the operating costs of their to be treated like royalty and
shelter, our military families to need
I also occasionally stop by charity." I'm not sure which
on a Tuesday morning to pick charity was referred to her
up some of the towels used in at the Dollar Store but one
the shelter, and return them on that is pushed everywhere, it
Wednesday washed and folded, seems, is the Wounded War-
Last Saturday I grabbed a cou- rior Project. That particular
ple bags of socks at Walmart one is given a rating of D by
and delivered them to the the American Institute on Phi-
church; clean dry socks are a lanthropy. Why should it be
precious gift to the homeless in necessary for there to be any
a Northwest winter, charity groups for the benefit
The gratitude expressed to of other veterans? It should be
me by the members of our' corn- a forgone conclusion that their
munity who receive services at security should be guaranteed
St. David's and the members by the people of this great ha-
of the church who provide the tion under God. The AIP list
real services and who do the 41 different service oriented
real work, is hard for me to charities. They are rated from
receive. It is no great effort for A+ to F. Four are rated A+,
me to write a check; it is only a four are rated A, one each A-,
little effort for me to pick up a B+, B, C+, C, C-and six rated
laundry basket of towels, wash, D and the remaining 21 at F.
fold and return them to the If you're interested in
church, learning more about what
The real effort is in what St. our service people are Suffer-
David's does: They feed and ing, check with IRAQ veter-
shelter the least among us; ans against war (
they validate the humanity of the Air Force Times, Citizen
those who have nothing; they Soldier or just check in your
love, feed and shelter their locale and learn how many
brothers and sisters. And they vets are living in poverty or
humble me = in a really good homeless.
My family and I have Charts L. Winne
enough, and we feel blessed Hoodsport
that we can share what we
have. If you have enough,
please considersharingwith Who is a
the members of our community
who have the least. H e ro ?
Katherine Price
Editor, the Journal
i ty I started this month's meet-
I n eq u a l ings (BSA Troop 110 Shelton)
by asking both the youth and
between adults of our troop to seek out
local heroes, but where do you
politician's find one? Many of you might
seek heroes among our lo-
cal vets, medical service, fire
benefits and fighter or local law enforcement
agencies and these are all good
starting places as these indi-
t h e of u s vidual oftenpersonify bravery
and selfless service; but some-
Editor, the Journal times we overlook those right
next to us.
A recent letter was submit- In our troop we have an in-
ted by Donna Mann in which dividual, Joe Willey, who for
she referred to the inequal- over the last 20 plus years has
ity between family benefits shown up every Tuesday and
hundreds of scouts that have pacitated all during her ad-
passed our way. He epitomizes ministration. There are a lot
the law and oath in his daily of suspicious salaries in her
life, yet very few take notice of office alone:
him. Could this be an unsung Anyone can check by going
hero? What wisdom might he to the and going
have for us if we just took the down state salaries and click-
time to listen? ing on it.
Sometimes we get so focused
in on the outside of an indi- Ralph Wingert
vidual and the noise they make Shelton
that we miss those around us
that truly have something to
saYIt is the spirit within, not
M o st l y I a zy
the veneer without, that makes
the man" Lord Baden-Powell. Arnericans
Patrick C. Palmer
Park, Ranger a nd non-
Suspicious Americans
salaries in want more
Editor, the Journal
I am responding to Mr. Nev-
erbergs letter, Dec. 1, concern-
Editor, the Journal ing Mason County Fire District
5's levy failure.
Governor Gregoire makes I would think by now the
speeches of how tough the schools, fire department and
economy is. She wants to cut all of the other governmental
healthcare, school buses for agencies that want more tax
children, the number of state money would see that levies
employees, etc. She should are not the answer. A certain
start with the governor's office, percentage of the public just
She could reimburse the doesn't want that tune on their
state for her expensive trips to dance card anymore.
Spain and Asia. Are there re- If your neighbor's house is
ally any tax-paid dinners worth assesse.d at less than $200,000
$500? She talks of money she and yours is over $500,000, you
brings back in jobs. I have no-
are expected to pay twice as
ticed good paying jobs going much for the same service or
overseas and any jobs intro- no service. No one takes into
duced into the state being me- account that you may have led
nial low-paying ones. a frugal, hardworking life, in
The governor talks of how order to afford a larger prop-
hard the economy is on every- erty.
one and how tough decisions It reminds me of some in
have to be made. Washington, D.C., who take
She can start in the of-
more and more from hard-
fice of the governor. She has working Americans and give
four executive managers -- a to some worthy, although it
lot more than the lieutenant
seems (mostly lazy) Ameri-
governor. He makes $111,000 cans and non-Americans.
plus. Our lieutenant gover- What's going to be the incen-
nor is in charge of the state tive to work at all down the
senate when in session. Plus line?
substituting for the governor
when out of state or incapaci- Richard Reineman
tated. Personally I feel that Shelton
Issued between Dec. 6 -
Dec. 12
A permit was issued on
Dec. 6 to Jeanne Hammer-
schmidt of the 100 block of
East Robbins Road, Grape-
view, for a re-roof.
A permit was issued on
Dec. 6 to Dan Naranjo of the
100 block of West Frostly
Lane North for a furnace and
heat pump.
A permit was issued on
Dec. 6 to Phillip Pugh of the
1200 block of Treasure Is-
land Drive, Allyn, for a fur-
nace and heat pump.
A permit was issued on
Dec. 6 to Jeff Johnson of the
33100 block of North U.S.
Highway 101, Lilliwaup, to
replace a window, relocate
a kitchen sink and install a
new shower valve.
A permit was issued on
Dec. 9 to Bob Jordan of the
21100 block of North U.S.
Highway 101 to replace a
manufactured home.
A permit was issued on ::
Dec. 9 £o Robin Skidmore of
I-Ioodsport (P.O. Box listed)
to repair water damage.
A permit was issued on
Dec. 12 to Douglas Reitsch
of the 100 block of East Syca-
more Place to change to an
A pelTnit was issued on
Dec. 12 to Ethel Zachry of
the 300 block of Capitol
Prairie Road for a furnace.
A permit was issued on
Dec. 13 to Ludwig Siqueland
of the 300 block of Southeast
Sells Road for a water heater
change out.
Licenses issued between
Dec. 6-Dec. 13
Dec. 7 - William Leslie
McDonald and Bona Jean
Dec. 12 - Charles Pres-
ton Smith and Teresa Maria
Issued between Dec.
6-Dec. 13
Daniel S. Holland and
Katelyn L. Holland
: SheltoniMason County ':
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at 227 West Cota Street, Shelton, Washington Mason County, $61 per year out of state.
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Telephone (360) 428-4412.www.rnasoncounty:com Owned and published by i
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Dave Pierik, advertising manager
Harvey Morris, ad representative
Kevan Moore, managing editor Front office:
Aria Shephard, North Mason, Donna Kinnaird, bookkeeper
environment, reporter Margot Brand, circulation
Natalie Johnson, reporter Cricket Carter, mailroom
Emily Hanson, sports reporter supervisor
Adam Rudnick, copy editor
Composing room:
William Adams, graphics
Koleen Wood, classifieds/legals
Becky Corr, typing
Kelly Riordan, production manager
Travis Miller press operator
Page A-4 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, December 15, 2011