December 15, 2011 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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December 15, 2011 |
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PUD approves $57 million boudget
By NATALIE JOHNSON percent wholesale rate in- as
• crease from the PUD's main The PUD chose to insti-
The Mason County PUD 3power supplier, the Bonnev- tute a series of small rate
Commission voted Tuesday ille Power Administration increases over the next few
to approve its $57 million (BPA). The PUD will also in- years rather than have one
2012 budget, cur added costs over the next large rate increase, PUD of-
The budget includes a 3 several years due to govern- ficials said.
percent customer rate in- ment mandates to buy re-The PUD is able to keep
crease, the first in a series of newable energy, the rate increases low by us-
rate increases, according to The PUD will also lose ins $500,000 from its end-
the PUD. some funding sources in ing fund balance to stabilize
The budget also includes2012, PUD officials say. The rates.
a 10-cent per day increase in utility faces a $750,000 re- Low-income and disabled
the daily customer charge, duction in BPA funding for customers may qualify for a
The rate increases come mandated conservation proj- waiver of the daily customer
partly as a result of a 10 ects and will see a $450,000 charge.
Journal photo by Natalie Johnson
The Mason County Board of Commissioners voted to make several
amendments to the county's comprehensive plan Tuesday.
County adopts annual comp plan update
By NATALIE JOHNSON no,action. ,,
I think there were some good ,intentions;
The Mason County Board of Commission-commissioner Tim Sheldon said. I think it s
ers voted on Tuesday to adopt the county's best at this time that we move on."
comprehensive plan for2012. The commission noted that the Future
Along with the vote to adopt the comprehen- Roads Map will not be officially used, it may
sive plan, the county voted to amend the plan be kept to serve as a guideline for future plan-
by adding to policies that deal with Long Term ning projects.
Commercial Forest and In-Holding Lands. "It's just not timely," Commissioner Lynda
'~e adopt the comprehensive plan every Ring Erickson said.
year," said Barbara Adkins, planning and The commissioners also approved three
community development director. "Every- separate requests for rezoning in the Belfair
thing that affects the comprehensive plan Urban Growth Area. ....
needs to be voted on in one day." The first was a request by Wallace and
First/the county commission voted official- Vivian Peterson and Steve Clayton to redes-
ly to take no action on the Future Road Map ignate three parcels in the Residential 4 zone
for the Belfair Urban Growth Area. The corn- in Belfair, about 3.6 acres, to Rural area, then
mission last discussed this map when it was zone as Rural Residential 5.
tabled on Dec. 7, 2010. The commission also approved a request
Several members of the community spoke by Five C's partnership to rezone a 13-acre
out against the map during the public hear- parcel along State Route 3 and Ridgepoint
ins, saying that it is an outdated and poorly drive from Residential 5 to Mixed Use.
conceived plan. Last, the commission approved a request
'~hat we'd like to see is for the commission by CGR Enterprises LLC to re-designate one
to kill this thing," said Rob Wilson-Hoss, a lo- 38.8-acre parcel near Mission Woods Drive
cal attorney representing Belfair landowners, and Sand Hill Road from In-Holding Lands
Randy Neatherlin suggested that a citizen to Rural Lands, then to Rural Tourist Camp-
advisory board could help improve the map, ground to allow for a recreational vehicle and
but in the end, the commission voted to take camping park.
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Come see why everyone is smiling/
Hood Canal history on display this weekend
Historian, poet and fifth-
generation Mason County
resident Mike Fredson will
be signing copies of his sixth
book in three locations this
Waldo Chase, chronicles the Historical Society Museum
history of artists on Hood in Shelton and the third
Canal. from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. on
Fredson has three book Tuesday at Sage Book Store
signings scheduled in the in Shelton.
next week, including one The book will be avail-
from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. on able at the above locations
Katherine J. Ketcher, DMD Stephen K. Edwards, DMD
weekend. Saturday at the Cameo and Lynch Creek Floral, ~"~ Y ee,, ,,--~,~""r"r"oura--o:n'men"oa~"~
The book, entitled TheBoutique in Union, another the Blue Heron in Union ~ : Now onrermguorox ......
ii!;; 42 401 Juvederm Filler
Artist Colony on Hood Ca- from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Sun- and the Alderbrook Country,lli; (360) 6-8
nahPixley, Orre Noblesand day at the Mason CountyStore. 360.GO.BRUSH (462-7874) I
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