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1 ctw Diamond
Special Red Tag Items
• Sterling Silver Jewelry
Starting at ~10°°
• New Holly Yashi Jewelry
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Landstrom's Black Hills Gold
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FREE Drawing
Festive holiday greens, ice and snow tips
By R. JEANNE REHWALDT grow within a few steps of my front producing shrubs, think about adding
porch, a few of these plants to your garden.
"Deck the halls with boughs of hol- Another popular holiday plant is They will perk up the winter land-
ly, fa, la, la, la,, la. la. la." holly. I don't have a single holly bush scape and feed your feathered friends.
December is traditionally the in my yard. but my late Aunt who Although we have been lucky with
month when folks bring the garden lived in Salem. Ore., did have one. our weather so far. we need to be
indoors. Doesn't the smell of the Each year. she would ship a box of mindful of what may come. When ice
greens indoor make as much of an fresh holly clippings to me for use and snow become a problem, remem-
impact in our homes as the way they in my decorations. I certainly miss ber to use sand. not salt. on your icy
look? At local nurseries and other re- that postal delivery, but I'm sure if I sidewalks if there are plants (includ-
tailers, wreaths, swags and garlands just asked all my gardening friends ing lawn) that will get the briny run-
of greenery are for sale along with I could find a local source for hollies, off. The sodium in salt is bad for your
holly, cut trees and poinsettias. How- They are just one of many plants with soil and can kill plants.
ever, those of us with gardens can colorful berries. You might find red or If (or when) snow comes to Mason
make a raid with the pruners in hand orange-red berries on your cotoneas- County it is usually very wet and
and come back in with plenty of raw tel. skimmia, pyracantha, stranvae- heavy. It can do considerable damage
material for holiday decorations, sia or aucuba to our plants, shrubs in particular, if
It is a rare yard in Mason County If you decorate with other non- not removed. Try to knock it off limbs
that 'doesn't contain at least a few traditional colors, you can get purple before too much accumulates. (I use
conifers and other evergreens. True berries on beautyberry (CallicarpaL an old broom handle. ~ Do it by gently
firs and pines give off a wonderful hot pink ones on pernettya or metallic thumping the branches from below.
fragrance and Western red cedar is blue ones on Viburnum davidii. The If you attack from above, the added
great for making garlands. My ever- white berries of our native snowberry downward force may be just enough
green huckleberry and salal are fa- add a nice touch as well. to break the branch.
vorites in the floral industry and they If you don't have many berry- Happy Holidays to all.
Habitat for Humanity of Mason County joins national effort
Habitat for Humanity when the partnership's $160
million mark was surpassed
with a $9.2 million commit-
ment for 2012. the seventh
year of a strong alliance
between the two organiza-
tions. This will be the third
home built with Thrivent
funds in Mason County.
Habitat for Humanity's
relationship with Thrivent
Financial brings the finan-
cial. volunteer and advo-
cacy resources of Thriven~
Financial together with the
affordable housing construc-
tion leadership of hundreds
of local Habitat for Human-
ity affiliates. To date. more
than 480.000 volunteers
have donated more than
three million hours to con-
struct 1.600 homes in the
United States.
The 2012 commitment
This week's winner --- David D. of Mason County learned
recently that it has been
FREE Refreshments awarded $52,250 to build a
family home in Shelton.
ppi This grant, providing 55
FREE Gift Wra ng percent of the cost of con-
FREE Pocket Calendars struction, comes from Min-
While suppBes last neapolis-based Thrivent
Financial for Lutherans'
Gift Certificates Available unique partnership with
Habitat for Humanity In-
ternational: Thrivent Builds
with Habitat for Humanity.
The remaining cost of the
build is from local Lutheran
churches (10 percent) and
35 percent raised by Habi-
tat of Mason County.
~ ' Habitat for Humanity of
Mason County is celebrat-
ing their award in conjunc-
tion with an international
announcement made Dec.
5, in Minneapolis, Minn.,
Hours: Mon-Fri 10-5:30 • Sat & Sun 10-3
Thanks for voting us Mason County's Favorite Jewelry Store
1 st & Railroad, Suite 108
426-5811 O-
Tomorrow is the
December Hymn Sing
Join us as we sing the Traditional Christmas Carols
Friday, December 115TM from 5:00 - 6:00 p.m.
at the Missionary Alliance Church on
Mountain View at Washington & East "J" Street.
il i li
Supscribe to The Journal now!! 426-4412
will fund the construe-tunities and programs for
tion and rehabilitation of current homeowners seek-
142 Habitat for Humanity ing to preserve their homes.
homes in 32 U.S. states, in- Through partnerships with
eluding the home built by families, volunteers and
Habitat of Mason County in donors, we work together
Shelton. to improve the living condi-
"The Thrivent Builds al- lions of families in Mason
liance is helping Habitat of County. Since 1996, Mason
Mason County increase the County Habitat has worked
number offamiliesservedin with 21 families with 60
our community," said Rich- children in building and
ardMcGrue, executive direc- many more through reha-
tor of Habitat for Humanity bilitating homes.
of Mason County. "We are so Thrivent Builds with
grateful for Thrivent's sup- Habitat for Humanity is a
port of our efforts to provide multi-year, multi-million
decent, affordable homes in dollar partnership between
partnership with families in Thrivent Financial for Lu-
need." therans and Habitat for
This home will be built Humanity International.
by area volunteers, many Thrivent Builds is designed
of which will be Lutheran, to involve Thrivent mere-
The Habitat partner fam- bers and Lutherans in help-
ily will also need to invest ing provide a "hand up" to
400 hours of "sweat equity" people in need of afford-
helping to build their home. able housing, offering them
Construction will begin in a path ~o greater economic
the spring of 2012 and is independence. Excluding
expected to continue for six government funding, Thri-
months, vent Builds with Habitat for
For more information on Humanity is Habitat's larg-
how you can volunteer, be a est single source of fund-
potential Habitat homeown- rag, constructing more than
er or support Habitat for 2,700 homes in the U.S.
Humanity of Mason County and around the world since
call the office at 426-8134 2005. For more information.
or visit the website at www. visit Thrivent Financial for Lu-
Habitat for Humanity of therans is a not-for-profit,
Mason County is a faith- Fortune 500 financial ser-
based housing ministry vices membership organiza-
partnering with the commu- tion helping approximately
nity to improve, maintain 2.5 million members achieve
and build affordable quality financial security and give
housing for those in need. back to their communities.
By engaging the entire tom- Thrivent Financial and its
munity, we offer programs affiliates offer a broad range
for people in need of afford- of financial products and ser-
able home-ownership oppor- vices.
i Grace Baptist Church Contact us:
Mailing Mdress:
... for the faith o#he ~ospd ~ po ~ox lozs, Shelt0n, WA OSSS4
............. ~ ~ Phone: (360) 462d611
Times of Services: ~i ~ ..... E-mail: pa~lor@g~s~d,o~,or~
Sunday School ........................ 10 a.m. V:~'~I. ,~,
Sunday Morning Worship ...... 11 a.m. ~~ List~ on
Sunday Evening W0rship ........ 6p.m. ~i%)~d~ KM~IO3OAM
Wednesday Prayer Meeting..... 7 p.m. ~£/~2 ~ Sundatj 9:30-lO:OOam
Agate Grange Bldg. on Agate Loop Rd,
r' 9:30 a,m., 728 Railroad Ave,
CrossPoint Service Traditional Service: ....
A more contemporary service A more traditional service '" ~ %
thai beginsal 9100 AM that begins al :. ~ :~
• Praise Band . Praise rlk'al]l 10:45 AM
• Conl ei'apora ry Message Choir
Children and Adult Sunday School 9 AM
WO~Wdcar~ Oenfer
Sunday Services
9=OO ~ I Celebratlola Service
10:30 ~M I Celebration Service
Attended Nursery
Childre~s Classes
4:oo ,'M ] Gateway 10 Re( 0v(wy
cI Hide om, Provided
I Wednesday Nieht Service
") 7:00 i'm [ Mid-Week Service
Nursery to 2 Years,
Childrelfs Classes
SOULFIRE YOUTH, 6~J 12 ~11 Grade
The purpose of~ ~ is to halp
.y people bet°rile ~ ~ ¢J~ ~ thr°ugh W°' ship,
WRness, Warfare, and Work for His K~ngdom.
ADDRESS 1405 S 7th St, Shelton PI-IO~E ] 360 426 2758 WeB$1XE i ~.gatewaycfcon~
Faith Lud,era. Church
d Ghmt.ventered hurch
Shelton United Methodist Church
~ i~@~} % ~4 N~~': ~
~~ , Adult Choir, Small Groups. Bell Choir
, Intergenerati0nal Ministries o Dynamic Worship Experience
... for love of the world!
Open hearts. Oven minds. Oven doors.
The Peo l~p~L~'Shellon United Methodist Church
Call 426-4412
to place your ad
Mt. Olive
Lutheran Church
Mi'~souri Synod
206 East Wyandotte Avenue
COIl temporary Service .......... 830 a.m
Christian Education ................ 9:45 a.m
rFradit~ona] Worship .............. lhO0 a.m
Office 426-6353
Daycare 427-3165
-- Reslored - Renewed
in Rwers of Grace
$/dff /fl Pa/flf Come
Sunday Night Worship 6 p.m.
Worship for all ages
Senior Center • 826 W Railroad Ave
www.riversofgrace, org
~,sheltoafbe,or9 z~0426-8461
• ,, Sunday Morning Worship 9 + 10:30 am
Sunday School i~r all ng~s
• NightChurchOp~ 419w Rail'oadAve
, Domingo La kJlesia Baufiata O pm
3eMck en ['sp~h,,I
* Wednesdays 6 pm
Y,~th Ch~tch AW'\NA K (~ Adut Classes
- Jc~ava$ ~ pffl El grupo de los Latino~ Jovenes
St. David's of Wales
A place where all are welcome
324 W. Cedar St. • Shelton
7:30 & 10:30 a.m.
9:15 Conversational Bible Study
Office phone: 426-8472
New Community
Church of Union
Sunday Gatherings
(All me welcotne.I)
8:30 and 10:30
at the
Union Fire Itall
50 E. Seattle St., Union 98592
web site:
Page B-2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, December 15, 2011