December 15, 2011 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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December 15, 2011 |
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A young girl sits on Santa's lap during the 29th annual Shelton
Christmas Bazaar.
Courtesy photo
Open Mon-Thur 6am-12am • Fri-Sat 6am-2am • Sun 6am-llpm
Dfive-thru open Sun-Thur 7am-9pm o Fri-Sat 7am-10pm
I Present tlfis coupon for your FREE KTP Club Card Good for I
1 ALL FUTURE GAS PURCHASES at Kamilche Trading Post. 1
Located at the intersection of Highway 101 and 108, just minutes away from Olympia and Shelton
A Skookum Tobacco Factory
Have A Safe & Happy Holiday!
Cigarette Nces Starting at KTP #1-Intersecti0n of Hwy 101 & 108~
• KTP #2 - 6233 Steamboat Island Road /
29th annual Shelton Christmas ~oKTPExpress-385OOldOlympiaHwy)
Bazaar no place for grinches . MONSTER ENERGY
The 29th annual Shel- tor Sue Sheldon said thebasket donated to us that Pens1 I UB Buy0ne 16 oz. can f0r
~vE" Wl % 4 ~_
ton Christmas Bazaar, held Bazaar is one of SOCK's an- we used as a raffle prize; ~'].'~]h. $249 & get a 2nd can Fl~
in the Transit Community nual fundraisers and has a that was wildly popular, as
Center on Dec. 2 and 3, was long ,history in Shelton. were the several other gift 5:00 to (: ,, -x
full of good cheer and holi- It s always scheduled for baskets we used in the si- / ~L /
day spirit, organizers said. the first weekend in Decem- lent auction," Sanchez said. 7:00 p.m.
"We had 18 vendors this ber, coinciding with Shel- Sheldon added that the Reg $5 99 .......................................................
year, and we enjoyed live ton's Christmas Torchlight Transit Community Cen- Thursday, " " ....................
Christmas music from local Parade," she said. ter (formerly the Shelton December 22 $399 k
elementary school students, Sheldon added that many Armory) will undergo ma-
and hot food and drinks pre- of the vendors at the bazaar jor renovation beginning
pared by Love, Inc. volun- have been regular partici- in 2012, and next year's ~ Cbeck Us Out on FACEBOOK -Pricessubjectt~changewith~utn~tice-*MadeFreshat~k~~kumCreekT~bacc~Fact~ry:~he~t~n
teers," said Andrea Sanchez, pants over the years. Christmas Bazaar will be • --
a SOCK (Save Our County s "They do enjoy the chance he!d in a different location. -~ ~-~-1~i. Sh ..... __.~ ~.~l f~ ~:~:1.~ ~~S :~e ~;
' Kids) volunteer who orga- to get together with the oth- 'Next year will be the |Extra Small 10 oz .......... '5a9 Medium 16 oz ............ ;...s789Manila Clams z lb. b.g ........ ~8e9 [
nized the event. "But we er vendors, it s like a little 30th anniversary of the [Extra Small 16 oz.......... s8e9 Large 10 oz.................... s499 Oysters i dozen bag ............. l
were concerned about Santacommunity," Sheldon said. Shelton Christmas Bazaar |Small 10 oz ................... *5a9 Large 16 oz .................... s7s9 Smoked Oysters 8 oz....*lZ~ [
when we heard he and his Sanchez said that the and we're committed to |Small 16 oz ................... *8a9 Stew Meat 16 oz ............ *5a9 (Original. Teriyaki. Cajun) 1
reindeer were caught in a vendors she spoke with told making it the biggest and \,Medium 10 oz ................ '5°9 Stew Meat 64 oz .......... *1749 ,]
blizzard over Alaska. Weher that, even though there best ever; I'm sure we'll find
were relieved when he ar- seemed to be fewer people a great spot for it," she said.
rived Saturday afternoon browsing through the ba-To learn more about
and made the bazaar com- zaar this year, they were SOCK or the Christmas Ba-
plete." happy with sales, zaar, go to or
SOCK Executive Direc- "We had a Mexican gift call 432-0815.
Boy Scout retires after 30 years
Joe Willey has volunteered for over 30
years with scouting serving in such roles
as Den-leader, Scoutmaster, Troop and Dis-
trict Committee member. His most notable
service has been that of advancement co-
ordinator and eagle mentor for Troop 110.
:'Eagle Scout being the highest rank a young
'man can earn in Scouting - less than two
percent nationwide earn this award. If not
for Willey, patients and dedication to the
youth of Troop 110 we would not have the
success record of producing on average one
Eagle Scout per year.
Willey has earned several Scouting
award over the year including: spark plug
award, District Award of Merit and the
Silver Beaver -- one of Scouting's highest
adult recognition.
As a friend, mentor and Scouting leader
he will be missed. Boy Scout Troop 110 of
Shelton will be holding a retirement cere-
mony for Willey at 6:30 p.m. on Dec. 20 at
the Faith Lutheran Church during its quar-
terly award ceremony.
the hunt for some
F nd bNg bucks at
*APR:Annual Perceata( ~ Rate Offer valid on stated [em~e and ¢orldilions on
City of Shelton Animal Shelter
Adoptions cost $75, which
includes vaccine, wormer,
spay/neuter plus $10 city li-
New dogs are brought in
all the time. Call 427,7503
or visit the shelter at 902
West Pine Street. Dogs may
be viewed at
The hours are Monday
through Friday from 11
a.m. to 4 p.m. The shelter
is closed Saturday and Sun-
Current listings:
Labrador mix, female, 1
year old
Pit bull terrier, male, 3
years old
Midnight is a loving kit-
ten with soft shiny black
fur. Her personality will
brighten any day for a spe-
cial home. Midnight and
her friends are looking for
forever homes of their own.
Their holiday wish is to find
special families that will give
love, warmth and the safety
these playful kittens need
and deserve. They would like
if two kitten friends could
share a home together. Mid-
night and her friends want
to share a lifetime of kit-
ty cuddling, napping and
playing with loving fami-
lies. Midnight and one of
her friends will bring en-
joyment and companion-
ship to the right home for
many years of holidays to
come. For information on
Midnight and her other in-
door only friends call 584-
0594 or leave a message at
ltwas so wonderftd 1o see the streets of Shelton filled with peopIe!
We also wish to'Fhank all our business participants and
sponsors, you were a huge part in creating a fun-filled
event! And Thankyou to the Kristmas Town Kiwanis for
all your work on this event, and to the City of Shetton and
all volunteers for making Shelt on sparkle will3 lights
and decorations!
Congrat:s to Sally and he, staffill:
Voted best decorated business!
• 62")' Railroad Ave-
• feQ~LISOIqflOW(*rSilqCCOD~ "
2nd Place: Lynch ('reek Fkwa]
3rd I lace: BIooms by,he I ark
" .... ~. >. - k~ BILl SCHI I 1~Z '
This is Johnny Boy. He is
an exceptionally sweet and
loving boy about six years
old. We think he is a mix
of rottweiler and sharpei.
He is good with other dogs,
loves children and he is a
wonderful retriever of ten-
nis balls, his favorite toy.
He is looking for a loving
home to live out his golden
years and be the devoted
family pet he was meant to
be. If you would like to meet
Johnny you can e-mail us
at or
call 432-3091. To view other
adoptable dogs at Adopt-A-
Pet visit our website adop-
Subscribe to
~~ 227 W, Cota St. o Shelton, 98584
Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, December 15,2011 - Page B-5