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December 15, 2011     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 15, 2011
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[ ] I i:O.~ (Pun Intended) Finalists from age 8 to 13 who pre- qualified at their schools will have a Free Throw Competition H@@P SH@@T at Shelton High School Mini-Dome Sunday, December 18t" Starts at 10:00 a.m. Sponsored by the Shelton Elks '~ .... N~O~iiiii!ii: iiiiii~iiiill Hip re- placement patients often must rely on a cane to take the body's weight off the affected joint, thereby reducing the de- mand on inflamed or weak mus- cles and tendons. Patients should begin by holding the cane in the hand opposite the side that needs support and positioning the cane about four inches to the side of the leg. When weight is shifted to the stronger leg, the cane tip should be placed a few inches ahead; the weaker leg is then brought for- ward and even with the cane. It is at this point that the cane is help- ing to support the body's weight. Next, the strong leg is brought up even with the cane, and the whole sequence begins again. A cane or walker can bring the freedom of mobility to those con- WALKING WITH A CANE TAKES PRACTICE BY JOSEPH ZYGAR, P.T. strained by injury, disability, or balance problems. At our practice, we provide services that help re- store function, improve mobility, relieve pain, and prevent or limit permanent physical disabilities of patients suffering from injuries or disease. Ask you physician if you could benefit from physical therapy. To schedule an appoint- ment, call SHELTON PHYSI- CAL THERAPY AND SPORTS MEDICINE. We have been providing physical therapy care for over 32 years. You'll find us conveniently located at 2300 Kati Ct,, Ste. B and can be reached by calling (360) 426-5903. New patients are welcome. Same day appointments are available.. RS. A physical therapist will assess a patient's strength, coordination, and balance before recommending the most appro- priate type of cane. Did you know? Olympic College Shelton students can take courses to satisfy the first two years of a baccalaureate degree, which allows them to transfer to Washington State colleges and universities to complete their four year degrees. That's right! You can earnD your two year Associate degree at an affordable community college and then head off to a Washington State four year college or u n ive rsity. Shelton Campus 937 W. Alpine Way • Shelton, WA 98584 See what Olympic College 3o6-432-s4o0 • 3Go-432-s4u I Shelton can do for you! Plus installation labor (most models) Advance Glass Shelton 2316 Olympic Hwy N "Next to Super Kleen Car Wash" 426-0985 n bowls howya, Foss Lady Climbers hosting Timberline at West Side Lanes today at 3 p.m. By EMILY HANSON The Shelton bowling team knocked over two more op- ponents last week. On Tuesday, Dec. 6, the Lady Highclimbers defeated Klahowya 5-2 at West Side Lanes in Olympia. "Last year, Klahowya came up and beat us so I was im- pressed last week," said head coach Curt Snyder. "The girls bowled well against Klahowya." Mishawn Ewart led the team in both game one and two with scores of 204 and 223. Caitlyn Borys scored second highest in game one at 136 with Danielle Ewart close be- hind at 131 and Lindsey Cox in fourth with a score of 126. In game two, the team was joined by junior varsity bowlers Holly Hayman, who bowled a 152, and Jessica Rowlett, who bowled a 142. On Thursday, Dec. 8, the Lady Highclimbers defeated Foss 7-0. "Because of the statistics, I kind of thought that Foss wouldn't be real competitive and it turned out they weren't," Snyder said. "It's hard to step back and not bowl your best, but the girls bowled well against Foss. They call it 'sand- bagging' when you don't bowl well and intentionally miss; the girls did not do that." Danielle Ewart led the team against Foss with scores of 233 and 168 while Mishawn Ewart scored 211 and 156. Bo- rys contributed with scores of 196 and 171 while Brittany Smith scored 147 and 121 and Cox scored 99 and 120. The Lady Highclimbers competed against Wilson on Tuesday, Dec. 13, but results were not immediately available. The team is scheduled to bowl next at Mishawn 3 p.m. on Thursday, Dec. 15, against Tim- Ewart berline High School at West Side Lanes. "Timberline and Wilson are the top two teams, I feel, in the league besides the Highclimbers," Snyder said. "We all bowled together in a fundraiser tournament this past Saturday and Wilson and Timberline both beat us." Regardless of how the Lady Highclimbers do this week, the team will continue to bowl league matches after the new year and Snyder said the league tournament is sched- uled for mid-January. "All of the girls are improving, as are other teams," Sny- der said. "The Highclimber girls are doing well. The C-team girls are improving the most because they're the newest. Every week, one or two girls is exceeding their highest scores, so that's kind of fun." As for .Cascade League standings, Danielle Ewart is lead- ing the 4A with an average of 182 in 16 games. Her average is just one point ahead of Central Kitsap's Myranda Stout for the same number of games. "Wilson has caught up to us as far as team averages and has exceeded us in baker games," Snyder said. "Timberline is right behind us." Tuesday, Dee. 6 i Varsity ÷ Shelton: 5i t~ a:2 Shelton at Foss Thursday, Dec. 8 Varsi~ ~ Shelton 7, Foss 0 Game one::= Danielle::E~a~r~: ;t3~:; :C~!yn B0~s, 136i Game one ~ Danielle Ewart, 233; CaiEyn Borys, 196; Lindsey CdX~ l:26;:Brilitany:: Smith, 9t~ Mish~ Ewar~, Lindsey:C0x, 99; B!;it~any Smith, 147; Mishawn Ewart, 204 211 Game two ~ D~elte:E~irt;;$341 Misha~ Ewart,:223; Game two ~ Danielte Ewart, 168; Borys, 17I; Cox, 120; Jessica RoWiett, :!42;::::H~!t~ H~an, !52 Smith; :12I; Mi~hawn Ewart, i56 Baker game one ~ S~eItOn 140~:~al~0~a 121 • . : Baker game one ~ Shelton 126, Foss, 117 Baker game:two ~ Sheltc/n I~5, Klahowya ~14 Baker game two -~ Shelto~ 139i Foss 100 Total match points;~:SheIto~i~735:i ~a]~owya 1651; ; Total match points- Shelton 1887 Foss 1328 Lady Highclimbers hosting food drive By EMILY HANSON The annual Shelton Hoop Shoot begins at 10 a.m. on Sunday, Dec. 18 at the Shelton High Mini Dome. "The hoop shoot is some- thing the Elks do to pro- mote community through the kids," said Hoop Shoot chairman Gloria Hoge. "It works up to a national lev- el through the Elks." Hoge, an Elks member, said the way the tourna- ment works is that it starts at each of the local schools. Boys and girls are divided into age groups - 8 to 9, 10 to 11 and 12 to 13. "The kids each ge~ 25 shots and whoever makes the most in each age group for the boys and girls goes on to the Hoop Shoot," Hoge said. At the Hoop Shoot, all children will be given par- ticipation bracelets. Orga- nizers will hand out tro- phies to second-place fin- ishers. Children who finish first will also receive ~ro- phies, as well as letters in- viting them to continue on By EMILY HANSON to the district tournament in Sequim. During the Shelton girls' basketball game "There is no charge to against North Mason. community members are anyone and the Elks spon- asked to bring in canned and dry foods. sor the child and their par- At 7 p.m. on Monday, Dec. 19. the Lady High- ents for any travel past the climbers will play at home against the Lady Bull- Hoop Shoot," Hoge said. dogs. After districts, first- "We're having a canned food drive." Aaron' Leth. place hoopsters will travel head girls' basketball coach, said. "Two cans or two on to the state level, then dried foods get one raffle ticket and there's no limit regionals and semifinals on the number of tickets one person can get." and the highest level of During halftime, a raffle for gift certificates and competition is nationals, gift cards for local businesses will be done. "For each level, the "We understand it's the holiday season and children have to tak first there are a lot of people out there who are worse place to move forward," off than we are. so we want ~o suppor~ the people Hoge said. who support us." Leth said. "This food drive teach- This is Hoge's third year es the girls humanitarianism and it teaches them of involvement and second that there's more to basketball than just playing year as chairman, the game." She said the Elks have All of the collected food will go to shelters and been organizing this tour- local food banks nament for many years. "This tournament cre- ates an opportunity for character and skill devel- opment, healthy spirited athletic competition, social relationships, quality fam- ily time and camaraderie." Hoge said. Registration for the ~ournament begins at 9:30 a.m. on Sunday. At a Glance at: Food drive en: 7 p.m. on Monday, Dec. 19 ere: Shelton Mink Dome o Zumba Toning o Zumba Classes , Tae Kwon Do Classes Every Saturday at 11:00 a.rn. FRE with membership 0 Kettlebell Classes Now in progress- See schedule at www.sheltonathleticclub.corn . Sauna/Steam Room. Personal Training • Weight Training • Swimming • Aerobics Classes , Racquetball • Tanning • Cardio, Massage Just South of Downtown Shelton on Highway 3 Stop in today at 707 South First Street Call 426-1388 or email us; Eheck us out on the web at sheltonathleticclub corn Hours: Mon-Fri 4:30am-9pm o Sat & Sun 7am-3pm ATH C Page C-2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, December 15, 2011