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December 15, 2011     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 15, 2011
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I I I By EMILY HANSON With more than a 20-point margin of difference each way, the Shelton swim team split its matches last week. On Tuesday, Dec. 6, the Highclimb- ers lost at Wilson 112-73. "Wilson has some state qualifiers already with at least one kid who is a top six in the state performer," Chad Youngquist, co-head coach, said. "Wil- son was state champion for 25 years in a row, under a different coach, so they have a very solid boys' program. They have a water polo team, too, so they've basically got two seasons in the pool." Youngquist said that, even though the Shelton team lost, the swimmers performed very well. "Our boys did great; they dropped two to four seconds in the 50 [free- style] consistently," he added. "As a whole, they performed very, very well. You wouldn't expect them to come back two days later and do it again, but they did." On Thursday, Dec. 8, the High- climbers defeated Timberline 104-82. "We were evenly matched going in ~ and didn't know how it was going to go," Youngquist said. "But the guys really improved a lot, just in that week." He said that Har- THURSDAY: rison - who quali- Shelton ...... 104 fled for districts in Timberline.. 82 the backstroke dur- ing the team's first TOMORROW: meet of the season - Shelton vs. improved on his dis- Central Kitsap, trict qualifying time 3:30 p.m. in the backstroke while many of the swimmers set personal records in their events. "They're swimming hard," Youngquist said. "Many of them have taken swimming classes, too, so they've got an advantage over the girls' team. The boys warm up for the season in fall swim classes while the girls start their season fresh off of summer." The team's next meet is scheduled for 3:30 p.m. on Thursday, Dec. 15 at home against Central Kitsap High School. "CK has four guys who could poten- tially get first place against all of our guys," Youngquist said. "They should win more races and if they strategically place their guys, they could win more. Indi If we win, it'll be by Endicott less than five points and it'll be because of strategy and depth." He added that if the Highclimbers lose, it could be by as much as 15 or 20 points. "CK doesn't have a lot of depth but they have fast guys," Youngquist stat- ed. "When they're swimming fast, they should beat us so I'm kind of counting on our pool to help us." He said that if the Highclimbers can defeated Central Kitsap, the vic- tory could determine the team's over- all win-loss record for the season. The team will face the majority of its re- ally touh competition after winter break. 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Above properties auction: 10:45am, Mort Dec W{LU~MS & WILLIAMS~ 19 at 4305 San Juan St NE, Lacey, WAwor~dwiderealestateat~ctlon 800.801.8003 ~ WA Judson Glen Vannoy. 1206) 972-9023. Lic,# 13449. BRL~CE BRC)OK~ AIJC LEC ~,I 1 ~OY~R'.~ P~M~UM ~AY APPL~ im urname By EMILY HANSON The Shelton wrestling team faced off against four other teams in dual meets at the Lake Washington team tournament on Saturday, Dec. 10. "As a team, we took fifth," Chris Lacy, head coach, said. "For us to ad- vance, we had to win the dual meet." Shelton first wrestled Lake Stevens and lost 39-35. Winning for the High- climbers were: at 120, Ty McCullough by major decision 14-2; at 138, Jakeob Garrick with a third period fall; at 145, Adam Coffman with a second pe- riod fall; at 170, Colby Barber with a second period fall; at 195, Johnathen Dennis with a second period fall; at 220, Betsaid Garcia by decision 4-3 and at 285, Ben Anderson by major decision 17-5. In the team's second dual meet, against Bothel, the Highclimbers won 40-15. Winning their matches aga':nst Bothel were: at 126, McCullough by decision 9-2; at 138, Garrick by de- cision 11-4; at 145, Shelby Salisbury with a first period fall; at 152, Kushi- ah McCullough by major decision 12- 3; at 170, Barber by decision 8-5; at 182, Ricardo Franco with a second pe- riod fall and at 285,.Anderson with a ~ first period fall. ~ very well." Shelton's third Lacy said the var- dual meet, against sity team is solidify- Lake Washing- ing its lineup and ton, was a 31-30 starting to fill up loss. Winning their weight classes. matches against "After Christmas, Lake Washington the lineup should were: at 120, Mc- be full," Lacy said. Cullough with a first "Things are coming Colby period fall; at 138, Ty together nicely." Barber Coffman with a sec-McCullough The junior varsity ond period fall; atteam also wrestled 145, Salisbury withon Dec. 10, at the a first period fall; at 170, Barber with Franklin Pierce JV Tournament. a first period fall and at 285, Ander- Winning both their matches were son with a first period fall. Sylar Core, Jesus Nunez and Na- The Highclimbers won their fourth than Dezell. Winning one and losing and final dual meet of the day 52-51 one were Gill Ramos, Benny Olivas over Mariner High School. Winning and Blake Gentry. Losing both their their bouts against Mariner were: at matches were Erik Smith, Alex Alme- 120, McCullough with a first period jo and Tovia Ryan. fall; at 138, Garrick by major decision As of press time, the Highclimbers 14-5; at 160, Matt Goldsby with a first had not yet wrestled in a dual meet period fall; at 170, ]~arber with a first against Stadium on Tuesday, Dec. 13. period fall; at 195, Dennis with a first The team is scheduled to compete period fall and at 285, Anderson by next at 7 p.m. on Thursday, Dec. 15 at forfeit. Olympia High School in a double dual "We won over 70 percent of our meet against Capital and Foss. matches, but the forfeits [we had to Shelton is also hosting its annual give] hurt us badly," Lacy said. "Of holiday tournament beginning at 10 the matches wrestled, we're doing a.m. on Saturday, Dec. 17. 1-Hour Massage Gift Certificates *Save SlO OFF regular price CAP fi T0\UC WA Lic. #MA00011974 728 W. Railroad Ave., Sbelton (360) 427-4556 Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, December 15, 2011 - Page C-3