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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 16, 1921     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 16, 1921
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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) FRIDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1921 mmdl FI r I lil il I  _ THE MASON COml JOURNAL I I ii I IIII I II II I IIIIIIII I II N, 1781. O. In the Superior Court of the State of Washington In and for the County of, Mason. S. G. HOWELL, Plaintiff, vs. TANLEY J. NICHOLS and E. H. TURNER, and the Unknown heirs of E. H. Turner, Deceased; also all0ther .... • * ...... t ..... MACHINIST DIES ! - iN TRAIN WRECK ? LOWER MATLOCK Port Angeles, Dec. 10--Henry Mac I Heimer, Port Angeles, for twenty-v- four years a resident of Clallam Mrs. Joe Pilleshack returned to her County, and considered one of the home in Beeville Monday after spend- best machinists on the peninsula, was ing a week in this vicinity with her daughter, Mrs. E. L. Bunnell. DETROIT DISTRICT BACK ON NEWS MAP INTERESTING NOTES OF PRO- GRESS IN COUNTY&apos;S MOST IIIIIIIIIIIiii PAGETHREE I I II | BOOTLEGGERS BUY CARS FOR SHERIFF Sheriff Elmer Gibson and his dep- uties are riding around in a new Studebaker pecial and a new Ford, and the caterers to tbe country's THEFROZEN NORTH Vilhjalmur Stefansson i his latest artlcle,"The North That Never Was," an excerpt which appears in another column on this page says: "If the average American has 10 ideas about persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien, or in- terest in the real estate described In the complaint herein, Defertdants. THE STATE OF WASHINGTON to the said Stanley J. Nichols, E• H. Tur- ner, and the unknown heirs of E, H• urner, Deceased; also all other per- ons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien, or interest in the real estate described in the com- Dlaint herein, Defendants: You are hereby summoned to appear within sixty days after the date of the first publtction of this summons, tOo wit: within sixty days after the, 9.rid <lay of December, 1921 and defend the above entitled action in the above ntitled court, and answer the com- I)laint of the plaintiff, and serve a opy of your answer upon the under- signed attorney for plaintiff, at hts offlcs below stated: and in case of your failure so to do, Judgment will be rendered against yOU according to the demand of the complaint, which ha been filed with the clerk of the said court• The object of this action Is to fore- -close the lien of the plaintiff for clear- ,ing land in Mason County. Washington, described as the north half of the .outh half of the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter of Section S4,' "Township "20 north, RKnge 8 west, W• :M• ALDEN C• BAYLEY, Attorney for Plaintiff. Omce and Postoffice Addrs: Shelton, • fason County. Wash. "12-2-9-16-23-30,-1-6-13. TO Clean Leather Furniture. Add a little vinegar to tepid water I ,and wash the leather with a clean I cloth; wipe dry. To polish apply the I following: Whites of two eggs beaten I ,eslthtly (not stiff) and mix With two eapoonfuls Of turpentine; rub With] ,]ean, dry cloth. - i killed instantly at 7 o'clock this MOVING SECTION thirsty have footed the bill. What's .... Mr and Mrs E D Morgan of mornmg m an accident on the Ds-  •• • . • . worse, from the standpoint of the ........ u-.. -- r ....... , ,'1 lracty spent Sunda at the Red]ska DETROIT DEWDROPS ,-. ,,, ,,g,t;,,, ,-, .... vo.,J  ,h- .  Y ' liquor interests, the cars will be used 'road, five miles above Discovery Bay. nome. _ ........ " I to run down more liquor law violat- ...... a T^.- ..u.:^ ha ora emsKa ant[ vorony rdng It's a long time since Detroit has rors and get more fines. been aUed +^ Discove "' Ba,; on oneltmve veen on me slc ns me pas been represented in the correspond-i With the year not quite over $38¢ . , . -z z . week but both are improvin now of their freouent trps to repmr en- . . _ - g • i ence colunms of The Journal, so we'll 1000 in liquor fines have been collect- . . € ............... i lu]ss Margaret King called on Mr t'y once again to chronicle a few ed, and it is from the county's share glne, antl nao lez maynarfl ab [ . 7: .., . "..• . , .. • o'clock' wth" the rest of the employes[at'' urs. vleor tk]ng uon¢lay a£:er- cal events zor your readers, tel $19,000 that the ears have been . • noon for the loggnng camp. He was r]d-I Mr " 1 Things seem to move slowly with [purchased. Out of this $19,000 have .... i + r ^  Toh od ne other '. ana Mrs. Archie Daniels of us, yet an impartial review of the [come also the salaries of the dry " ................ am .... community shows that settlers are [law prosecutor, some of the deputy employee .°n the forward, skeletond /±nursayC pOneevemngV]mted the Re&ska family coning in and opening up new homes, Isheriffs, and the expense of gather- truck, which was being pushe .bY .... '[r• Asa azeman " ano .... A]van ivlc- more acres are being cleared anding 'evidence.--Montesano Vidette. the locomotive. About five miles .,.;• ...... . •• .....  . :_ ,_ ^. __ ixn)Den were IvlalocK Callers 'Tmay. brought under cultiwttion, and resi-1 xrom Ivlaynaru, me ram uur ,, .. . ......... .. otn switch an  commenced ridin ! vlrs. name Jateman v]s]eu urs• dents are b'ecoming more firmly es-I No• 330• othe ties Before the train stoplA', S" Kin Friday. .... tablished. [ County Tax 'oroclosure NO. la. t • • veryvoay was gmo  'see tne. Frank Hanford, who owns and OC-[OTZOE AND SU'ONS FO u-. the truckstruck a tree on the side of r-i ......... th- track throw]n- en--- under- an e up muay, or me waer was cupies with his family the sightly[ T-XOATO. nth th '" - an rarYin him the highest it has been for twelve place East of the Eckert Fruit corn-In tixe superior Court ef tle state of ..n.e rueK u a gg g years, and we feared that we'd have pany place on Stretch Island has Washington for Mason County. some instance. .. The other two men remainen on the truck and were unharmed. As soon as possible John rushed to the i assistance of his brother, but found that he had been killed instantly. It was necessary to send for a derrick to lift the car from the body. another real flood, embarked in turkey ra]smg with Mr. and Mrs. Asa Bateman and more than ordinary prospects of suc- cess. His flock of half-grown tuf- son Aner spent Saturday evening keys were attacked with the malady with Rediska's. that has proven such a menace to the turkey indusry, but instead of des- REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS pairingly watching them (tie, as most Everett Timber & Inv. Co. to City turkey raisers have been doing for application for Judgment foreclosing BUY SOMETHIN G FOR HIS CAR .00otori.st00 X'mas Automobile Accessories make useful,Christmas ifts. We have a large and complete stock of accessories which always make greatly appreciated gifts. What was he wanting to equip the car? Buy him just that for Christ- mas. Possibly it is a spot light, an automatic wind shield swipe, a new tire or tube, or a set of tire chains. At any rate nothing will make him happier than to receive it for Christmas. We are listing below a few suggestions. Look them over and see if you aren't reminded ¢f something that his car really ought to have this year: eros ast M Hanford studied the tax liens herein Defendants lY " * of Tacoma Ri arian Ri ht deed--Ri- • .. P • , •  THI,] STATE OF WASHINGTON to • -ori-n -:/-*-P ....  .n ad awl condition of the ailing birds and Ctms. Glfford and all persons" owning ..... • .... (hagnosed thmr case as mmllar to r . claiming to own .dr having or ana ne zo-zz-a, $uo. • twhat his own affliction had been man ig to I ave an nterest in the J. Kennedy to Henry Gull]ksen, W'- i ' S I "•  w-,'^ . in real estate described In the application Den n "uae e "vice O] UIIEIU v3aHI f w d End half int lots 4 and 5 and . c... : • " , ". • ..  .  or Judgment foreclosing tax liens • " ^ .... .. ine ynlllpplnes during De l)allSl]- lmreln and iereiaafter described De s sw s ee zv-zo-, con u. .... ' ' , " • " i 85 fi the mode,m lao2le he has been uild- to t]'asNnid 1, (Thirteen) issued Washington, R of W deed str p • in ....... q-- ,-s ,,o,io, o¢ .qretol ' " lty Washington on tte wide across lots 20-21-22 and 23 blk • ,s ,, .... F ..... ; .7-[.::u.,.•LVf k'Z.i tbth day of November 1921 by the • • , snmt! as tO make 1 naullault.. tntt (,ount, "rreami! ........ "" ' -'r - • 0 1 • " .  #  er t)L .NJLaso n t .:UnL 47 Union Cty c n $. will hve at home there now while ,Vltshingto,i. and llled with he C erk I...1..: ,-t. 4";¢,'1 4",,.,cnc ]r-te ef said hlasoll ('ou t3 Stat of "Wash '  " • " o •   --  ' illl4"tt 11 till the 1 ot}l (tlly eL' NoVt lllbel if'IS scver%I %(,]'os O[ I'In(I Cloarutt-- l I 2 ' ) " " ' .... . ...... • , .)'1, fir the amount of delinquent some of it planted to belrles anti a txes alttl attzUtt 1 '" : ¢ " " " " '" ' " ; -' ', '  " "; i I lterest thereon Ul)Oil lot ]nol'e slashed and ready for tit(: real I)l'Opl!rty hertnbelow desrtb- • ed, the. san}(,, being the amounts then New Tires--Fisk, Good- Auto Light Bulbs stumping. E(t. Martin, who bought or Cluu'les l'ettit the place at the head of Hun- tm"s Cove, has built a substanti'fl house, cleared and underdrained tile r)'trtlv cleared Inn(t, l)lanted a lot of t)lackberries and lugans, and is plant- mg more. He is also clearing more land. B. E. Ehh'ed has fitted up a fine new home on Detroit point, just south of the Cd millsite, on lhe one _,q'a(le(1 street of tim oht town,ire. Mr. Ehh'cd doesn"t nlalce much pretension to farming, as he follows tim voca- tion of a floor polisher, lnakin a lot of money in town to spend in the country---so perhaps he might be called an auriculturist. An important event #occurred at Puyallup Wednemlay, Nov. 9, when a 9Va pound boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Zizz of Detroit. upon whom has been bestowed tbe unusual name of Zone Zenas Zizz. MoUser and child are at home here, but the proud father still sticks to his job as stationary engineer at Stampede tunnel. Gust Johnson, erstwhile active citi- zen, has become so afflicted, with anaemia during the past yea]" as to pe badly disabled. He is so weak that na must keep to his bed much of the time• Fred Cole, who owns what is known here as the Young place, .is spending the winter at Lynden, Who]corn county, taking care of his father, who is slowly convalescing from an at- tack of" pneumonia. His brothers, Lloyd, Ray and Harry, are looking after the ranch here and carrying on his school transport contract. J. B. Johnson and Paul Sharp are logging a small tract of S. W. Bar- ker's timber on Pump creek, putting in logs at the old Defiance rollway. Through contract with E. E. Han- sen, Mrs, Jose is having several acres cleared on the Stretch Island i ranch known as the Fossom place--- of the Evans' homestead. To to grapes, we are told. few roads we have here are in deplorable condition--so bad, in truth, that land travel hereabouts is next to ,impossible. Our county authorities repeatedly promised last summer to repair two or three bad holes in Pump Creek road between Detroit and Allyn. Late in the fall l Supervisor Moran came out, suppos- edly to make these repairs. Instead, I a lot of time was spent grading a] hill on Stretch Island, making that] almost impassable, arid the repair' work was left Untouehedlack of funds l We should say so. Friday night was rainy, but Coun- ty Agent Drew kept his appointment at the Detroit school house and was greeted, by a fairly representative audience of Detroit people. Mr, ',Drew outlined a plan of organizing a Farm Bureau and brought tidings of helpful and inspiring operation of such bureaux in other parts of the It was voted to adopt his a temporary organization -as effected, with E.J. ght the chair. Permanent Will be effected at robe held at the call of the chair- man. Anon. year Tubes Weed Tire Chains Gabriel Snubbers Tools Jacks Tire Repair Sets Batteries Ford Tkners Spot Lights Mirrors Large Ford Steering Wheel Boyce Motometers Stewart Electric Warn- ometers Legal Headlight Lenses Electric Horns Bicycle Tires--Rims Spark Plugs Dash Lights ;. , Flashlights Windshield swipes Automatic Windshield Swipes  ..... ,, Auto Flower Vases Stewart Speedometers Velocip e d es an d -. " , ",, ,o,,-. ,, • Bic.yclesl "- * In a re'cent issue of the Jommal there avpeared an article entitled "Must Sell Ourselves," in which the statement is made that "town ciizens A Healthy Gift For the Boy have been liberal with the rest of the county, parcular]y by encourag- ing representation of outside dis- . Make that boy's heart glad ricts on the county board, and having mymLc---'e this y-e-r, one-third of the vote there has been with new Pa no commissioner from Shelton for fifteen or twenty years." For the little fellow we have ve'::': e'es toclp a in several sizes. If memory serves me right during the sixteen years from 190 to 1922, These are durable presents for there has been five commissioners for District No. 2, namely: P D, eer, active" lads. 1906-10; elton, 1910212; AshfteM, 1912-16; Lathes, 1916-18, Daniels, Come in and look them over. 1918-22. Therefore at least three out of five have been residents of the town of Shelton. (The correspondent has refreshed our memory, and is right, according to the, record shews above Shelton has bse,,direetly repro.ented half the time :of late years and Agate the other half.Ed.)) Wtmt,.is'there about an innocent lephone bell that makes the sub- scriber indignant when he hears it? "For Better Service" NEEDHAN CLOTHIER the North, nine of them are wrong." He begins with the tempmture of the Arctic regions• Using govern- ment weather bureau obsereations Canadian and United States--instead of asking the public to credit, his own records of temperature, the explorer presents these figures. At Point Barrow, 300 miles north of the Arctic circle, the weather re, ports of the past 40 years have never recorded anything lower than 54 (te- grees below zero• The lowest tem- perature ever recorded in any set- tled portion of the United States i 68 degrees below zero, near Havre, Montana. American weather bureau reports give 110 degrees in the shade as the highest recorded, temperature, at a point 50 miles inland in California, MASON COUNTY, %Vashlngton, a Mun- and 100 degrees in the shade at Fort ieipal Corporation and one of the counties o£ the State of Veashlngton, Yukon, Alaska, four, miles north of Plaintiff. Ithe Arctic circle. vs. * The explorer goes on to speak of CHAS. GIF:FORD and all persons the size and beauty of the flowers of owning er claimlng to own or hav in, or claiming to have an interest the North country. It seems that in the real estate described in the sunlight is more valuable to grow- ing thiigs as light than as heat. He says, "It can be shown mathematical- ly that the total number of hours of sunlight in a year (disregarding cloudiness) is least at the equator and becomes greater (because of re- fraction) as you go north•" In mid- !summer a plant has 13 growing hours out of the 24 in Texas, 14 or 15 in Minnesota, 20 up on Great I Slave Lake and 24 on Great Bear i Lake. That gives a plant on the Arctic circle ahnost as much grow- in, in one month as its fellows have in two nmnths in the southern United States. This is one of the many reasons why the future development of Alaska i's sure to be marvelous r r • • I acoma Pr]bune. due for the years ].915 to 1920 inclus|ve. I CATTLE SA.LE NETS $14,785 L,i.qller with l)enalties, Interest and (q)StS ll(le,.ll LhaL said 1,rol)crty Is Chehalis, Dec. 10.-'A large crowd sse,ed to Chas. (.;ifl'ord and that (.;llts. (itfford IS ti,c ov¢lor Of said ],ral,ert y; That 'Li( ])rol)'l•I y is de- scribed s follows, to-wit: The East |!+lit' t}f the' Nt,l'lhwesL {.tlll'tt,v i)l' the Noui.heltl Quarter (E, of N'O,:% of SI'A) of Section ]?'our (,t) of Town- qil) Twenty (20) North of ]lahore "l'|l'oo (3) VVes t. W'. }€i ,, II1 J] ason C,mnty, \\;VashJngton; q'hat the de- lil]rlth'l,l taY,'s and the lllLci'esL there- orl /ll'O ;tN l'OJ 1'.1 ,. S : Yet(I • '.t'n.x os ]nlel•oSt Total 1915 ......... S],33 $0.91 2.2.t 19 6 ......... 1.2.t .(if] 1.9{) 1917 ......... 1.25 .52 1•77 1918 .......... ]..23 .36 1.59 1919 ......... 1.50 .2t; 1.7(; 1920 ......... 1,65 .09 1.7,1 q'hat the total amount of unpaid taxes is $8.20, ttmt the Interest thereon L $2.8,) and that the tote.1 amount in- eh, ding tsxP, s and unpaid interest Is $11.00; that said delinquent taxes draw interest at the rate of :Fifteen (15) per Cent per I.trnlllll frem date of de- linquency unttl the 6th day of June, 1917, and at the rae of Twelve (12) per cent per nnnum subsequent to the 6th day of June, 1917. You Are l.Iereby Summoned to appear wlthlo sixty (00)) dys after the date of the first publication of this sum- mons. exclusive of ths day of said first publication, to-wit, within sixty (60) days after the ]Sth day of No- vember, 1921, and defend thls action or pay the amount due together with costs and penalt/es ,ad In case Of Your failure so to do, Judgment will he rendered forcloslng the Hen of said taxes and costs against the land and premises hereinabove named. You ars further notified that at the proper time the plaintiff above named will apply to the Superior Court of tho State of Washington In and for the County of Mason, the county wherein said property is situated, for a judg- ntent foroclosing ths lien against salt real property mentioned herln. YOU ors furtler notified that any and all papers or pleadings or process may be served upon the understgned or the undersigned attorney for plaintiff at the addresses hereinbelow given. Date o£ first publication November 8, 1921. ADA . CLOTHIER. County Treasurer of Maon Coun- ty, State of Washington, Court House, Shelton Mason County, Wahington. Attorney for Plainiff, Rooms T & 8 Imbermen's ]3ulld|ng, Shelton, Ma- son County, Wash|ngton. 11-1-15-$0-7t of breeders and buyers fronl all parts of Westm] Washington were present at the big sale hehl yester- day at the :fair grounds. George A. Gue was the auctioneer. Sixty-three animals were sold for a tet:al of $14,- 785• The high l)riced cow sold for $705 to [L J. Kcgley of Olympia, and was consigned by Charles Eldridge of Chimacum. The second highest was $460 to L. Baser of this county. The state hmpzbt Lem)ra De Kol Waune. consigned by Hugh Nesbitt, of Chimacum, for $450. "Moncy makes mare go," but it takes an automobile to make the money go. S H E L T O N INDEPENDENT Auto Stages DAILY SCHEDULE Leave Shelten Leave Olympia 7:00 a.m. 9:00 a. m. 11:00 a.m. 1:00 p. m. 3:00 p, m. 6:00 p. m. Now running direct over paved highway THROUGH FARE $1.25 Leaving Shelton from Hotel Shelton. Phone 421. Leaving Olympia from the Bus Depot. THOMPSON & DUNBAR 0whets and Operators Teach ? Lesson At Chr,stmas T, me We are asking Mason County mothers and fathers to teach a lesson in Thrift atChrmtmas time. Start a little Savings Account for each child and presen the Bank Book along with their toys and candy. Make a step to prepare them for comfort and happiness in the future. Teach them how to save and they will bless you for it in the prosperous years that are sure to follow for them. A bright, new Bank Book makes an ideal Christmas Gift. Start accounts here for them today. State Bank Shelton