December 16, 1921 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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December 16, 1921 |
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--7.-: V '%t:'.T; ' %'/ ...... -L-' "- ." . __-- . -
• ?/"[i 'i', T C. ANGLE & SONS Publish era
- ' EER 0i; CA
Bntered as sond-vlass /matter at t,he postofllce at She/ton. Washington
'Pub!ihed evexy Friday morning.
Subscription: DomestiC;-$2 per year. Foreign, $2.50 in advance
(All Pavers discontinued one month after delinquency)
The annual event for The Journal at the Christmas
season, is the whizzing by of another mile post in its
career, and this week marks the advent of Number 36.
Thirty-six years seem and are a long time in the life of
any newspaper, and especially so when among the many
changes wrought by Time the same hands that ushered
into life the swaddling infant still have a large part in
moulding its affairs.
The Journal has kept pace with its community and
as the years go by it marks in its appearance whatever
changes for the better have come to Shelton and Mason
County. While our older residents may feel that the
,improvements of the year are almost too small for no-
tice, reflection :will convince them that no single year in
all the 36 has been-entirely lost, but each has some small
, ,gain to,show, and that Shelton today is a community of
which itsevery, citizen can well be proud• Neither hs
Maso" County as a whole a record to be ashamed of, --
" tsome sections have'advanCed faster than others, but the
,foundation has been laid ' $0r future progress and: 1922
promises movement all alJng the line, the forerunner 6f
renewed life and vigor•
School was dismissed at 10:15 Men-
(lay morning on ac'count of, the floods
about tow -rod in the country.
Part of the Glee Club will giv a
few selections at the Community Sing
Sunday evening.
Le Circle Francais had their reg-
ular meeting Tuesday aftellmon. Af-
ter the business meeting an interest-
ing parliamenatry drill was held.
The entertainment committee appoint-
cd for January consists of Mable
Schumacher, Dorothy Gorrell and
Mihlred Kealy.
The Senior assembly program was
well given considering the absence
of a few of its entertainers. Its
main features were two plays per,
trayed bv Olive Shafcr and Clifford
Dunbar, in "How the Noise Began,"
and F'rank]in Feiser and Lillian de
ChamplMn in "While Breakfast wait-
ed." The teachers entertain-today;
Friday night the basketball teams;
both b(;ys and 'irls, will meet the
Rainier High School teams at Earl,
I win hall.
Supt. Gilbert of Rainier, formerly
' She]ton. will accomoanv his
The local teams are planning a light
banquet for the visitors in hens" of
Mr. Gilbert. A fast boys' game is ex-
pected as Rainier defeated Yelm by
the long end of the 66 to 2 score.
+ A few of Noah's problems may be
'While The Journal is 36 years "young" today, so umlerstood after reading a little
Shelton. and=Mason County are young, --on the thres- about the recent voyage of the White
Star liner Medic, carrying a cargo of
- h01d"6'a new era. birds, beast, tish and reptiles to Eng-
land from Australia.
C1 .,' • 0., I : A !, ,).FOR., SALE: Caw, No. 1 mflker,.gen:LtlmmlHIHLi!JtBI, MiHUmllmmHmmllk
|[I.Q.QITI_flJ/.1. flQ tie, 7 years old, fresh this month
' " ,mo norse avout 11 years old, ---- --'
" 1 Hodern Business |
FOR RENT: Five room house on good condition, work single or []
Cota street. Mrs. Mina Livingston double. No badhabits.. Mrs. Allie " -
Shelton. 12:30-3t Ahl. EIdon. 12-30-3t
io.-Tc:-od Sow, .el-FOR SALE: One Float House, 12ft. i
x 26ft. with large porch and,wood- *
igible for registry. Address Henry I shed 12x20 ft., on sled runners. 'E
Priszner, Mat]ock. 12-16-1t I
Also 1915 Buick 4 in good condi-
tion, good rubber, priced right.
Write or see Ralph Nelson, Camp
2, Shelton. 12-2-23-4t
LOST: Pair of child's shoes between
L. M. Store and Shelton Valley.
Finder nlease leave at O'Neill's
store. Mrs. Wm. Huntley, (P. O.
Address, Shelton). 12-16-1t
FOR RENT: Small furnished house.
See Mr. Pearson at L. M. store.
I WILL TRADE well improved 40
acres in oo(1 community for Ma-
son County timber land. Write R-
1, Journal, Shelton. 12-30-3t
FOR SA'LE: One Jersey Cow, eight
:years old; heifer and horse Walter
Vaughn, Capitol Hill, She]ton.
FOR SALE: O. I. C. Board fifteen
months old. $25 takes him. F. Ed-
ler, She]ton, Wn. (Union City road).
Studio rooms for rent. suitable for
office purposes. This office.
FOR SALE: Fresh Jersey cow, War-
ren Lincoln, Potlatch, Wafih.
. 10-14-tf
]:t used to be a fishermen who
were the champion liars, but now :it
is the men who tell how many miles
they got out of a gallon of gasoline.
Seasonal plants, flowers and bulbs
of all kinds furnished at reasonable
ices. Send in your orders to Esther
unson, Shelton. 8-19-tf
For informationng to the arrest
and conviction o£ persons "rustling"
cattle belonging to the undersigned.
J. G. MacRae, A. H. Eells, J. Edmis-
ton, O. Aubol, Wm. McDowell, W. A.
Hunter and O Bishop.
Post Office Box 503, Shelton, Wn.
') Accuracy- --_=
, _-- Speed--
I_ = - Reliability--
These are all present in --;•
[] Title Insurance, which of- .
[] fords absolute protection at :
[]-- less cost, and no abstract E:
[] required. . --:
[] ---.__
[] :
_-ffi Mason County -i
- Abstract & Title Co. -i
(Under State Supervision) --=
_E Shelt0n, Wash.
WANTED--Clean cotton rags, large,.
enough for press rags. Journal
Gold or Silver Pencil
Moore Fountain Pen
Beautiful Scarf Pin
Link Buttons, silver. $1.60.
Link Buttons, Gold Filled,.
L $2.00 to $3.50
ink Buttois, olid:'Gold, $3
• to :$1BO0 " , ¢
Gold Tie Clasp
Gold 0jla Pin
Smokimg lile{
llver .Novelties
rinket Box in Myrtle Wood
Trinket BOx In Silver
rrtnket Box in' Gold
Silver Photo Frame
Military Set, Real Ebony
For Dad
Gold Knife, $2,50 to $9.00
Vest Chain, $3.00 to $25.00
Belt Buckle
ard Case
Fountain Pen
Gold Pencil
A Good Watch
Big Ben Clock
Smoking Set
Silver Flask
Signet Ring
Emblem Ring
Safety Razor 75e
Put and Take Top 25 to. $1.
Belt Buckle with Monogram
Leather .BeR. 0c
Link Buttons i,
Stick Pin $1.50 to $20.00
Tie Clap
Carving Set
Silver Photo Frame
Smoking Stand
Locket or Charm
For Mother
"fte hat V.ast,,
Cameo Brooch. $4.00 tO $30
Other Brooches, $1.00 to $10.
Bar Pins, 75e to $10.00
Lavaliere, $4.00 to $35 00
Pearl Beads. $6 00 to $25.00
Neck Chains. Solid Gold
Lingerie Clasps, 75c and up
Emblem Pins
Ear Rings
Finger Rings, $2.00 to $2000,
Bracelet Watches. $12 to $40
Silver Thimbles
Cream Jar
Fancy China
Nut Bowls
Sherbets, Cut.Glass, $3.7.5 and
Gob]UetPs, $2.75 emd Up "
Cut Olss Bowls,: $3 and up
Water Sets $5.00 and up
Jardiniere, $2.00 and ,up
Vases, 40c to $8.00
Silver Set
Silver Waro
Tea Ball Tea Pob,' $6.50 up
Silver Pyrex Pie Plate, $2 up
Casserole, $3.50 and up
Mantle CloclL $5.00 and up
Bread Tray, $300 and up
Fruit Bamket, Silver $8 up
Silver Vase. $0 00 :.and '.up
Toast Set, $6.00. and up ....
Sandwich Tray, $4.50 and up
Salt and Pepper Set, $1 0. up
Serving .Tray; $2.00 and up
Cuckoo ClocR. $7.00 and up
Comb; Ivory; 400 and trp
Hair Brush, Ivory, $3.50 up
Sterling Novelties. 50c to $1.00
Diamond Ring, $2 to $160.00
I. N. WOOD, The Gift Store
"GIFTS THAT LAST Store Open Evenings Tili Christmas
we are
;licenses while there are only 1500 Andersons.
What has become of the old "Seattle Spirit," asks a
• paper of that city? Possibly the answer is that too
mny of its old4ime hustlers have passed to their reward
!and the newcomerS!are imbued with the idea of letting
:the other':fetl0w do it," and then "do him." :
';: . The City is ,.grown-up town and the metropolitan
daily ely the llage newspaper grown up. Both came
:from very small beginnings so there is hope for the
rest of us. , ,,:
Le's be thankful for the :bit of paved highway we
have, t $ about the only piece of mad.. m Mason County
the :weather lman-cguldn't phase, for t needs no repmr.
C Only.:e:a,o shopping days to comlblete your
hristmSs engements. . ............................... fa,
If the boss is "cross with the help,
!t's a pretty sure sign that he's get-
zing, even for. the home
that's "cross" with the boss.
• A Velocipede is :lust 'the .thing for
that boy for Christmas. Three sizes;
C_oe in and see them. Needham &
C1bthie, Shelon. , , ..... '
.' The Clever llar KnOwS,, l t.,,,,
him' tmyway," ., , ' . j:? :: .
pre. ale few better comedians
thaii+a little man'/who has :lust been
equipped Wth,an overize job.
30 acres jn Dayton valley, 12 eul-
=tivated, firet-clas land,, comfortable
house and' barn, $2300•
80 acres Beevil|e, 20: Cultivated,
fine soft, good house, barn.and chick-
en house, With 500 thickens, 4 head
stock., Will consider Tacoma or Puy;
allup Property ` $8000• ,"
A!e eversl ,ot"farms,
: readJGUeStttmeg00hrough it has be00n •t.oyzh, and !t will still I gg:ot,",ggh ° dT°gedetawo =:
be tough:fr s0me']0r a-While bUt:ff:t"here is hght ahead; [cuui-forr :¢ea
"ha .... " ' I mely limited, andwe be,
nep,saenany. ; ' ' + t:lieve ,that a ]ae prdpor¢ion of ore;
' T e h " ....... resperous itizens are ' ettmg ahead
h 1 !s mn rathe one who s hit the hardest He.r __: ..... , . • .
is b' ' " .... :' ........ .me)s wmcn are avove r.eproacn
• t . Cat Iee no light because he cnnot meet and .are. n .o way at vai'iance wit :
the }tS:Y. a:nd,he s te o-e'Wha2 ,.+ ; I me .est. meresta of soclety.--Yaki,
; , mempmya over the rough tzmes has always been a l o. s. SAZAAR aT UNION i
hg problem. Howee, the number is slowly bein¢ cul. Ve 'ieo oO •
down and that bfers'iopd to the others. The New Yab 'tnd the.danal dlstc last Satur-
' .... day vening wit,l ,a. bg bazaar at
/holds 0ut:muchpromise for everybody, . ,:, = !.'i Union(",pyaried and lively pro,
;:L' ..... " "'+" i. ", ':, - '- gram ncluoea a minstrel show ana
- - - .- -. a numaer of other features which
' The life-long controyersy between the Smiths (in- took well
• uding :(Yu Billy ) and the Andersons, appears to be . .
- - " ,* - • .... . connrmed bachelor thinks mar-
•settled in favor o me ormr cmn, a leas as lar as ried life is a harried' life,
• the state of Washington is concerned. The record shows
that 201 Smiths are enrolled as the holders of auto
For Her
Wrist Watch, $12.50 to $50
Latusca & PHseflla Pearls,
$6.00 to $25.00
Diamond Rings, $3'0.00 tO
Diamond Brooches, $15.00 to
• $50.o0.
Diamond Lavalieres, $2.00 to
Cameo "Brooches. --
Nugget Jewelry.
Gold Knife :
.Neck cb'ala,
ay'libre, .. 'Y
01d Penc:
Gold Lingerie Pins.
Penoil Ribbon.
Fountain Pen (Moore's)
Pendant or Cross
Emblem. ,-
Ivory TraY.
Ivory Glove Box
Cut Glass Vases. 25c to $10.
Cut Glass Ben Bons
Silver Baskets
Sliver Spoons, Forks etc.
Baby Ben Clock
Mahogany Dresser Clock
Gold Jewel Box
Silver Photo Frame
Cut Glass Cologne Bottle
For Him
"lfte That ast"
12 Size Gold Watch, GrUen.
. Elgin, Waltham
Folding Gold Comb
Gold Mounted Clgaret Holder
Sterling Bel Buckle
Gold "Inlfo *
Signet Ring
Waldemar Chal, $$ to $251
Among the passengers were kan-
MORE: PAVINGI/FOR . 1922 ,, garoos, wallabies, rat-kangaroos, ban-
v ',. • :,,/,":: ,. : " . _ _ " dicoots, wombats, opossums, flying :. . l.;.f.,,
trwiu oe gDo0+newS o Mason County ,that more squirrels,, parrots, cuckoos, cass0war- , , -I.A-J.,¥ l-JJkA
.... ' ..... " ; ' : ¢ "" F # $¢4 ' ; ' . , -. . ies, tizar(ls, carpet snakes fishcra es ..
pawng !is m prospect or the O!ympe highway,next sum, swans ....... ;' n,,, "
: mer wtho:ut wmtlg {a a$oli[othe cofi4m¢ less- shlnmg starlings, Tasmanian devils
:' , . : '.,',,' .&.2',i,,;. :;.',...,'.. ,:::,;.,,', • ..... - , .. ca- '
i: lature,,'thatbv eGmfi d :,+•:2--1 "'land emus. •Altogether, there •Wre " • .'iT . , ,, m. ,
i. six miles of the highway already prepared can be hard- wd creaturps. ...... , . , Otll[1 l-lUllUy -
iSinished next year extending the pavement almost' to; '"rh'd dilties'of che{5 Suc'h a cGrn- i' . "
........ ) ' , ' ' -, . ..... ,. ,. ., ,, ,.- ..... "" pany was varied Ty ical menus" re " " . " ,
,of ,€ ,agreement MasOn+ Guun will fare even be"r,]Paru(-Use:-w°ud: r6.h.nysuch 42t" ¢] " ' ' ¢ :' =' $ ' ' .... ' "' ''' = ] " = = ': ; ;""' ":'' " :+ ' i ""'""'' ' ..... b "
' ' ' t (I'Y ' , qeer;, arl.bailed e s," , ., , • , , I ...... ,, ' • • ', • ' , ...........
; than uh4ehe plan under wki-h,.hb-ere orii-: , currantS, 'ap'les c;e 'cshed BJ ], ' "/ ..... , .,: ' , Let,,Us Supply Y0urNeeds
', " x:;, +,,:' :=,* + cult,,he1 : b . , .... , , . . , . .;, ..; ,, v..... , .; • .. .., ..
,,.T cen r or :.: , • ..... . , , - ee - We haven hand a lar e stock of be n
• ..... ), ,, .,. . • . ,- . ,. flying sqi,rels ed¢led w ' .............
zt 'fGke that the' 66ii Yh %,;;0d4;;,..d :. Vt, wlmay; be-=-banana:s a'd la T "e "--=" .m. __. -specmt, canme an, swees oI all kinds for he
_ y are htfl flnlsheB the,sooner troubles on h,e/but rejoiced 'n ,l .... t,, .'t] ................. :, h0 y,, ade and are prepared to furnish it
count ....... ) ' +' .... J A& honey-eaters apparently ate no hofiey: ....... .... ' ' lids • tr ..... ............
', . "' , , ...... . . , 7 . ' • : #.' , .--" ......... - , - . . ". ' "" ,
iroads will be ended:fdra!long period atd'khh attentfGn r,L dried flies, hard:boilede a!;' BARRED ROCK , for specml occamons.:
ofcounty offieials and the rex: funds •;at ;thei dinosal,i] itis .i)sii- *-* -" ....... ,, . i I]', ,, and --:- .... : : .....
<can be directed to other county,roads .I:t, s,.therf0re[:l were ,not sufficiently sopbisticatedt,oJ[ WHITE LEGHORN i We al.s0 have a larg e assortment of ppes, clgar
of interest to every citi e of the coun to coura eil expec sucn rich and varied dteit•| ' .-. - --_ _' - b an cigarette nomers, Kmves, purses, bill books
{ ...... "'' " '"<' '" €';" '+ ;" _ g ';]Spcializati°n'ma'V)have°tens°"/" 0CIkEIJL '' 'a " ..... ° ' '" "'"
th+pg:especmily when federal ahd,t, aid iSP°P ular in thgse'days as it is n w " ........ nd other leather articles and novelties which
'i!,aibl/,:/:;ii, LI " :' .... ,<: :! i :::. %: . ii st!!l, we a(Way d!d. Lgard him/as!l ..... FOR SALE , I t make approprmte Christmas gifts for men and
i:i . oati e to be' favored 'while Withholdin :its 0wn] ' = i i I ,, 'ancestors:that have won see-' ]io -- E M FOR HOLIDAY PARTIES--
fdnIs.rom some share m the nrogram and the Count.,] , .......... : ¢ | ,eal egg-laymg 'contests, - [ ; ' "
, :B ard has made, an excellent rran.erent in order t] ' " WUKI0000(;, .. ! The Supply Is Limited ] . '
continue pamg, workon the highway 'early next year.] A man is qs saying in:a m Once, . I : D00,,lon00
• ', = ,, , [speech,, in, Seattle . the other dy'. . / I ** . L£ttil l(lUlOU__l[
;1'' D ' " I r : .... ¢' " ' -- " -==' ,, . :: [You cant get ,rch "by working: J.R. DODGE ,
• ,. uur people can contemplate furmer paving opePa=rYou've, got to do it by workirg ], . , ............ I, .....
:: uons on the Olympic highwk more cheerfully than here-[t,__ Doubtless ,man ,fok*tues r :- -: °' ,O'r ' 'mPa' 'Wn:" 4 I : Shelton Washington
• ..::'. .... ' veen pna up Oy cunnin a . " ' , ..... , " ..... --.---
tofore, smce stat and ,¢0:ty officers oromlse that flntrigue, hnd 'it is Tea¢6nabl- gert? ' ' : ...... ] :,- .<...,. ,... ..... , ........
, ,u-;-uu uubuur, Wal De possible nereaier. ' but ........ .:,,. who worgs aria saves. -o---,o-r. ....... ' ..... , , ,
" ';':'" ,. ; ' - " • i ..uuuar a clay Will lie1;, accumu4 , , . ¢' , , , q '
'('" ' i I '),' -- : llate 'a .mi)li0n dollav#'eli <ghort 'of .="., .". ..... .. " ..... , . ...... .' ' .'
a mllhon das He e ?,. **
i ON, T'A'K)I #'DAll-lr ' ' "'., . Y. w per, there is ................ ' .;,h,,%,,.,,.,.p>._:_.. _ .... ___. , ..
' r? .t"'u'XZXLJCa., , : , no parcular, . ,, reason, , why, a rban ............. ,. , .. ' ..... " ...... - - -
. . ,, . -; ., ; . +- ...... , • sh0.0m wR,, fr, srrmlL wags and .. . ,' •
' Well, thIng are :lookm:.;a.htte better," s a corn-,save but little in ,this age of the =' " '
:; .son expression owadg,.;;hat tate of mind in itself o°ralJe?id,. he :l fd i • "
: s .helpful, beeaU it engenders cbnfidence which is a w°rl-,:,'Grl)understandinghasalays I t
7 chief necessity of normal business, :says the' Industrial cet,aath:je_is__n°_citizen in the t ]
"' X?..1.1.. . ,,:..,:, ,, ,.';' ',, • ,,. .:',::, ,' , • . -z,. , rwces are more in
; vvzxl'y,. " '" "! ":: <,',, :, ' .' .¢ , " , . , uemand than the ,100,, and
The Cycle of depression, deflation, uneasiness and it is a wen now fact that highly
capable ':mefi have po trouble to get ....... - r.,.-¢,,,
:: distrust must be foll(ed'by ju'st the reverse; boom times capital whenever they want it. Many Our Store is full Of fhe Gift Merchandise• Our prices are the lowest in
come after hard times .... The bg problem of all has been, growingmen who richhaVe actually'!axge incomeSearn aIIandtheyare the Puget Sound country for the same class of wares. Remember,
-of I course, that 6 'weathering tle unpleasant period of, get, . T b¥ pegorra s elwice woh closing or/t. atl of our Fancy China and Ivory•
' .... th6 "cioe'fisat6n. Y[an'y men are
Fr Cand