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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 16, 1921     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 16, 1921
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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i ,, • IDAY, DECgMBER 1, 192f -'    30JJ --- ' i, il.. i I1'1 jlil i rl fill I" I " I lli I ii II I ....  , I 'I I - , , ": " Dilllmtiiffl'iOiiMmlliiHmIMlllllgmmlimlmmllHIliiHNImHllllllllllHmlllC - ; " ,- ..... . .; . ... , iN SHANGHAi, CHINA = ' Local and Personal ffi ..x CH____CH -IM,SS 00YNET. KNIGHT WEDS -- . , [ J. Sco2r EMENS, DEC. 14TH Om2l I According to, cards which reached Mrs. P. Jemison spent the week end here from Chehalis. Mrs. Harry Shelton is reported seriously sick at the Shelton Hos- pital. Ambrose Johnson of Seattle spent the family the wedding of Miss Gy- neth Knight, former resident of Shel= t ton and well known here although absent for some years, to J. Scott Emens, who is connected with a large exporting firm, .was scheduled for Dec. 14th, and no doubt occUrred. While it is not likely that the couple Morning Sunday School 10 o'clock. Preaching 11 o'clock. Evening services at 7:30 o'clock. Preaching at Skokomish first Sun- day of each month at 3 p. m. _ Prayer meeting 7:30 o'clock Thurs- day evening. The public is cordially invited to these meetings. ' . W. H. Thomas, Pastor. BA---- CH I i [' , IIII , II II i iHERBERT NEAL CLARK [ : "PASSES :AAY FRIDK I I, Herbert Neal Clark, the only son[ : of Mr. and Mrs. J. Hanford Clark, passed away at the Shelton Hbspital '," last Frida morning after being in low conditmn for several days. He passed safely through an operation for relief, but more' serious condtt!ons were disclosed and he had not 'the strength to recuperate.,' T.he funeral aT_ was held from the Baptist church rE k'iP Sunday afternoon, largely attended ,¥ by old frie,,ds in,,al and..hlarW ..from Self, Camp One which has been his home several days visiting friends here Iwill return to the States soon at for the past ten years. Many fine floral emblem were tribhtS )o the 1'11.-.e t l  s ? e e k , . . i i  i    few noe Cht masi r  eal  l a, i [ ]ll e a    () t ]   t obest t  e   ]1 sl  ac os 0 f many fen( s t h e • e a oi  g S u n l a Y S )o o 1 Se c atat 011 a * a ,  ' m , ne g]bo]Y et eel   a n i  ympathy .   Roy Carr is reported sermusly rock : Cohler and frosty weather for a. ,m.^ ..;.^ :_ ,. a_.._.,^ ^ r  Servicewdre condu'cter b, R'ev. Ad- at his New Kamiloh- 1 ......  t ......  , .  ,c oc,,,e , . uas,,- ,, ...... There will be no Young People's dison Self and internlent made in the • ,h,; ......... ,h, " ......... , -  i cnange, ann again we compmm. IM. F Knight, and the sister of Miss Service or evening service at the x ...... e ............. ..' Cla,'onoo l,nth;,m --------mo from l)nt.- Jessie Knight, postmaster at Shelton, church. Every one will go over to Shelt°n cemeteLT .])eceaed  --, I f .............................. n s ' ' a-1 offi e  was Everett Fre(lson went to Seattle lntoh lnt wooL-nnd i in the Rholtan a d hcn,'elf ruth cons(tcnb e c Lunt's Hall and take part in the Shelton, OC-, I "  .... " ........................................ i no last "eel: for a, stay unUer specmt 4,.,i] ,,.,a,, i, ¢,.om ,,nh,,i,t an(! SCl]ool experience. Sne s w Religious Community Song Service. tober 9, 1902, and was nineteen years treatment at the Swedish Hospital. -- " employed as private secretary in the .... o ,.,g  .....  s ............  " - .... ' . ! ...... e ............. , ....... - ..... . • q,,;. - ^..^ ;.. ,, ..... ,;,,_ aif and two months of age The family forent" na -,--hi- .... or-one will Home was m Slmlton until about ten ....... .-U-'-'T; ..... I W.H. Lunt is completing bookings American 'Consulate at Slmnghai, go- -"o 7":'':"2-"-%-'"-"- ..... t years ago, since when the have I ..ungos, !rs. Jw. J. !c!nson to give the openin picture show at big there from Siberia, where she en y.  ........ speau , p, .....  ..... y • anti :Ul an(t vlrs ,estel Dice:inSert r dur - ". " .. . " the new Shelton Tieatre next Satur was engaged in Red Cross 0rk . evening, llVeft at Camp One. He ]ea:leSat( 11 ] were visitors from Hoodsport Men- day night. . ing the war. After a year spent at Prayer meeting on Thursday night mou,rn the. loss of a bright • . _ , [ day. Vladivostock and in the interior at at 7"30 Dromer, nls narents an(1 ;wo sisters, [| ,. Mrs. B. B; B-'-chann visited Shel- The we spe Monday night Omsk and h'kutsk, Miss Knight Addison Self, Pastor. Mrs. Gertrude Elson ad Ms, Cecil ti  ................. : .... I and since then the weather has been started homeward but was offered a Elson. The family have double synl- A POINT FOR EV= ton Saturda) and addressed a gather- cool, with some frost, the high wa- • • ST EDWARDS CHURCH pathy of the community because of • ERY HA AN EV- good position and has since remaineci • another recent bereave" ent /I ND D I ing of ladies on health and nutrition ]ters subsiding fast. • . i the Far East She was formerly •  n . work., st-no-rn .... ", h,. m.^ ^ +^ .,.,.= Chrmtmas Serwces, Sunday, Dec 25, ]| ERY USE. WRITES 1 Mr. and Mrsw Leaf of Camp [ Mr. and Mrs. Jmes A. J°lms°n tax c0,-aissio'L'and'"aerex'ecutvel ...... 1921. . POMONA GRANGE l BEST WHEN FILL- ' , | "of Camp One are receiving congratu- ' " . r: ass "l a m . secretatT of the Charities Endorse- - " .... : $ ' .....   - ]| ED WITH wimps. ' ': 1 7 are the happy parents of a 9-pound lations on the birth of a nine-pound ................. , econ( ouows lmmemateiy aer The annual meeti ..... m ' • ..... - m lnen oureau o me ea$le wnamoer ,vu-_a a .... , n ^  • ng oI [ne l'omona Ill* vA,v ,.,,,, v '| son born Dec. 12th at the home of boy on Wednesday, December 14. oz wommerce, an(/ is welt KnoWII in I neh- M,,+,, p.,t ....  . .n necon on/I ,,, , .............. • Mrs, Pringle.  ....... , .... .t. mas a  . m. Gran~e will be held i .................... t,.. .. -- [ All the schoMason County public life of the state. ] ................ , ....... ruelay, Dcq, 20th for the election||  -,a,.- tlt, x • Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Nelson were will close on Friday, Dec. 23'rd,: in ' The groom's arents were mission .............. " .. ot officers,'and aH qualified mdmersq| . ' :,. excused members of the jury Men-order that teachers and children may aries in ChinaPand the groom has Atu u1  "J.lJJ. Alk are firged to attend. |l " I ,lay, bt took advantage of the trip enjoy two weeks of Christmas hell- spent practically all his life there, ] We wish to thnk our relatives anti Taula iil- - - /I JOURNAL | c t overcome that run to town .to,shop• ,. [days .....  .... ,. actively engagecl in export businelfriends for their kindness and help do ............... il .TAmnRv .rm, . Sl , oeOlllCateo cOn(llElon anti mae  .,..,,..,,..,,..,,,...,,,..,,,..,,,..,,,..,. ,,x..... Sam Cowlingflock of Eagles ' ''  " • y u eel just like your old self II A truck-,toad ot,?evergreens and' "nee reaching his majority I(luring the sickness anti death of o ; "- /I , • I I our baby, also for the many beau,tful . ..... / I flew ovler from Ol.mpia Thursday decorative shrubbery, arrived yester- SAEGER.ANGLE flowers. • agmn.--tqr )rug ore ..... [i .... evening, paving the way for a mere- (lay from the nursm5 at Georgetown, ] Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hunter. ' -- , , bership dri:e in this locality, intended for the yards at the Reed l A quiet wedding was solemnized l , !llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll|lillllll|lH||lm|llllm=* Miss Laxrence, home demonstration I home. [at the .home of Mr. and Mrs. A. P. ] Velocioedes For Christmas. You 11 [] .......................... ::. . expert from Pullman, addressed the The steamer S. G. Simpson will de-/Saeger last Fridav morning at whfch ] not fiml a finer, healthier gift for   , ... ladies of the Home Economics Club ]their daughter, Geneva, was married [the little fellow than this. See them _-- xU,. .,,,.,. -- at the town hall Monday afternoon, lay leaving next Friday, Dec. 23rd,]to J. Eber Angle, the son of Mr. at Needham & Clothier, Shelton. -- .. 4 .._,'  :.  -- until lO:RO a. m•, in'order to accom- and Mrs. G. C. Angle. The ring  -.= ..... "" . .... -.: ,". : Mrs. Clellan Cruson this weekmov- lfiodate the down-coming loggerswho service was given by Rev. W.H.  .:::. ..: ed from her home at Mud Bav to are outgoing. Thomas in the presence of the ira- €===--: ...... - __ ,__. [] z']l ' --ilx[/k-v ' /')], " I Shelton and will spend the w]nter George W. of the Yakiina mediate families of the contractimrl .......... [---- -]l]|-r[l-I(|._-l_ I parties. Mr. Richmond Saeger an I • Filll I1111 • nHll [ - 411 .... " • ' - ' -' with Mr. and Mrs. E. Cole Leisure. Valley has acquired the W. M. Lee MISS Marian Ackiey acted as the] blllb l llliAIKl00 !_-- - :' " Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Himes, of ranch'in the Decker Settlement in a Camp Five, left Sunday for Hayer- trade and moved his family there tgl°°m:miacn :dunblldesmadvedAf:ne  .... I- - -- - --- -- .... - " - -- hill, Mass., where they will visit last week, the Lees moving to the the happy couple left by auto for Show sarta at 8 p. m. aharl 1 relatives during the holiday shut- Yakima farm. Portland, where they spent several = down and possibly take a longer stay days. In tl6sing up the rain spell several Both ,,oun...,eo,,e are connected  '7 HEN you think of gifts for Christmas, re- once there .... ,' blasts of wind whistled through town with old' Shlt'n amilies and are Saturday, December 17 d°nY re°and i  member the uShelt°ns w PharmaCYa y o u may have County Commissioners Danie]s and t " BUCK JONES in Blantor were in Olympia Monday ,I, f°nebfecv:f native born with a large circle of j t h t ' .... g P, friends among young and old to wish boardC°nferringand withhave thereachedstateanlighway] gliSe .wi::°o wnn lhne b L.sayte. hvrv them happines,, and success. Mr. and sure"GETto YOUR MAN" i  want.:  agree- -- * Y Y Mrs. Ale returned Wednesday from A thrilling story" of the Call- _  " tdl')1,.,, merit satisfactory to Mason County $,,v ,. ". ". • their trip. adian Royal Northwest Mount- {'-) We are showing . ed Police. A western play of on the future road program. The .sale of Christmas seals is] ....  the great out of doors that is ,,i Miss Mary Sutherland. nutrition going afong fairly well, the storea "'RAIhWAY''CLUB' ANNOUNCE : d  a big line of Christ- specialist from Pullman,' will talk to Where they have been nlaced for tl] ANNUAL NEW YEAR BALL ' ' . mas Cards, Book the ladies of Shelton and vicinity in public convenieice but many are for- Th  "  .... '" the town hall at 2 o'clock today. The ' ".' e renmsmar lailway tmo are A MUTT & JEFF COMEDY getting to bu a few for their letters r [ •  End s, Candle Stinks, Pyralin Ivory, Fancy Holiday mothers whose children are under a • ........ Y-. ....... a t.^_ .: going ot give their fourteenth AIR- Also an Educational Screenic ecaus .... , .....  ..... ,, .... v v, nual New Year's Ball at the Earl- Perfume Sets, Manicure Sets, and numerous other weight should hear what she has r.o I " ' win Hall ere on Saturda , Decem "VOICES OF THE SEA" •  'b ' Y " say about it. . i Public spirited business men are . er 31st. 'hese dances have always things along this line. ' : T. W..,Webb, was in town from the making_ up .... the expenses necessa• ry been the .biggest and best attendled. Sunday, December 18  We are also one' .- Skokom]sh rver yesterday and says to Hay' hail rent  and other items in  of th entire season and they promme' the waters Monday were higher than  connection with the free Sacred Con-' that this will be no exceptfon to the ALICE JOYCE i  0f Helen Ardelle's , at any time in the past nine years, cert at Ear]win Hall Sunday evening, 'rule. Music wilt be by the popula r Nine winters ago the waters made the and invite the whole county. They lSyPher's Orchestra of Tacoma. "HER LORD  ; exclusive distribu- i record of about three feet higher recognize its worth. Are vou corn- J tors, and have just t than this .f.load. ,Although the. wa- ing? ..... .. - :]CALL FOR ;HELP FOR ! AND MASTER" ters were o'er th lower lands of:thee .... "  : ..... :-.'  ; .... "'..[ .... POOR AT CHRISTMAS The visualization of a famous -*' , received a big ship- ,( :___ Skokomish valley and over the roads Mr. and Mrs. A. K. McKenzier fe thePottsde'l Final call .... ]smade for food and' play, which lends itself well to "- ' ' " merit Of these fa- , in many places, but little damage cided that they would p e r " " screen ndaptation. A story that is reported from there, house on Secom| street to the one'lclot.hi,ng for distribution to the poor will please the whole family, mous chocolates and they are absolutely fresh. -- A dean, wholesome bit of en- ur Robert Coombs and W. Round came litly Puekrafed:2 anFrStnSt: ]iith:;:::gf y" isd ohirih:; tn'o tertainment, bulk Christmas candy has been selected- with a ...... from Olallam County Sunday bound l f eproperties w'th Mr. and Mrs.]f A. . e , S elton, b- for Olympia where the latter was great deal of care, and will please you.  Ralph Potts, and they have exchanged ] ore the last of the week._ : and A GAIETY COMEDY: one of the bidder on the state homes with Mr. and Mrs. Frank l . .. . t "TEA FOR TWO" road contract in that eouny. Their Ports. I A Surprising selectmn of gift8 1 | Also, ' , i: . " " .'5". !':' ".  i . ! - car was caught by a slide on the -- ' ' ' ]worth while, useful and durable, t6 | k 'Good'Educational Screcni¢ a,,  highway nea_r Eagle creek and turning C.L. Gilbert, superintendent of thebe looked over at the Journal Stao - ,, -,: ........... 'SEA PLANETS . :" ,, back found themselres hemmed in ,.:€. schools at Rainier will bring over th0 Ittonery Shop. '; ,.> boys and girls basket ball teams to .  ., ''"  "" hy another. The car was abandoned ,   , and the trip here made by a hired conteld with the teams of the Shel- I Ge your Tanlac where they've go t ednesday, Dec. 21 car. Mr. Coombs .topk a vacation ton schools this Friday afternoon./it.-TFir Drug Store. , trip and spent Novdrnber in Sourly-The silors have been P romised a'' '"" ' . i I CKARLES RAY i , . ern and Lower California, just get- good time and there should be ale ............  | l OLD FASHIONED ii ' ' ting out of the Mexican land before good turn-0ut for the game at Earl-[ . " ............... i SALE fHILLIHERY a young revolution ,tarted in the  t BOY" town he visited. ,, "" Give him a e for CtaHSt-' :.0 r ' BUy tha lttle L   O W S  ] Veoc   a a ndl makNhi st ad r happy. ' F0 0 IM AV I ndHefarkneWlessn°thingabout babisab°ut girlsso for Chrlstma arid.'i-atch him go They come in three sikes, A strong /lt lltll Wtl|O | fate threw him into the chitches ... ,,, ,,,, l"hm"'ar--acy big and strong..' See them at lded,7: and sensible gift, not a toy. See ....... ..... | of both--then doubled up with 7 Rhelhm ham & Clothier, Shetton. . them at Needham& Clothier's today, rrtces.t" ras atec apedaLnew nalteuuceazor  ]aughterl You will too. e Splendidevengift books for young and awaythe Holidays.a Have Onepresent.laid t| and,,DoGAESOP'SAND FABLES:BoNE,, m . , WINS BRONZE MEDAL ohl, and the babies, at Journal for Christmas ne Rexall Store Stationery nop. Miss Merna Wood was among tho SHICK  -- = ............ - = = - .... MaIIHmIiiImuiuumiiiu contestants in the Shelton high school FUNK CASE ADJOURNED to tT for honors offered by the UNTIL NEXT MONDAY MILLINERY Undevood for speed, and was award- -- MRS. BERT SHICK, PROP. ed a bronze medal. Out of a total Another installment of the Tacoma of 827 words of new matter, she was condenmation suits against Gee. G. € ........ - = ==- ....... - .... • checked for but twenty errors and Funk involving lands above Lake credited with 42 words a minute, Cushman will be heard by the jury in Judge Wrighffs court next Men- which is a very satisfactory record day. The trial was set for last for an amateur. Monday but on account of the high SHELTON i ALLYN ECONOMICS CLUB waters and the inability of a number of the jurors to reach Shelton, Court GIVES HOME DANCES and attornevs agreed'.to postpone- " ' THEATRE The Home Economics Club of Al- ment for a week. lyn are giving a series of invitation- al dancing parties which have added JOURNAL STATIONERY:' ",- much to the social life of that SHOP MOVES MONDAY Earlwin Hall ,, district. They are strictly home af- The Journal Stationery Shop ex- -J 'fairs and outsiders must present in- OPENING pects to be in its new quarters in  to the Heart of Every Child. vitations issued by the club. the present postoffice location early .... next week with temporary fixtures -. O.E.S. MEETING and several new .lines of holiday goods for which there has been no A look on our toy tables will convince you of our good assortment of 25c Welcome Chapter, No. 140, Eastern display room in the uresent quarters. Star, will hold its 'annual meeting New shelvinr and 0ter fixtures have Stuff* Dec. 17th 50c and 75c gifts, whicl2 will please little girl any boy. for the election of bflicers on Satu¢ been secure and as soon as possible a/ or day, Dec. 17th. and a full attendance a modern store room will be arrang- Dolls of all sizes, ranging in price from 25c to $2.50, most of them having of members is desired, ed and more extensive stocks added With the leading film JESSIE IONIGHT, W.M. to.the lines carried. feature: the turning bisque head, moving eyes with eyelashes and jointed shoulders, WILL DO HEMSTITCHING STR. "S. G. SIMPSON." elbows and hips. :. FOR CHRSTMAS TRADE Str. "S. G. Simpeon" will leave "YOU FIND IT Mrs. Clarence Smith is ready to Shelton on Friday, December 23, 1 do Christmas hemstitching and is 1921 at 10:30 a.m. EVERYWHERE" The store of useful Xmas solfeiting the work of Shelton and Shelton Transportation Co. gifts ' :Mason County ladies. (adv) 12-16-It. " and a Comedy r- .'.- IATLOCK BASKET SOCIAL bRDER FLOWERS EARLY -- "Left Wheelers .We are prepared to assist i FOR CHRISTMAS willA bebasketgivenS°Cialat theandMatlockentertainmentHall on ": you in selecting practical  Satirday evening, Dee. 17th ,and -- gifts for each .member of '  Those desiring to brighten their everybody is invited. Ladies are to ve'-c 20th ---- homeSflowersduringand plantsthe holidaYare askedseas°nto withturn bring baskets. Tuesday, .  the family. 'In their orders to me early. Among ODD FELLOWS TO GIVE    a variety of small table ferns, cyela- CHRISTMAS DANCE HERE A Curwood Feature men, primroses and poinsettas in ON DECEMBER 24th various sizes and at different prices. ! also have holly for making wreaths The Christmas dance here this year "GOD'S COUNTRY 'and can furnish on short order, all will be given by the Odd Fellows AND THE LAW" Idnds °f'°ther lalants andcut fl°w" l°dge °n Christmas Eve' Decemb°r  CO ers. Esther Munson, Florist, Shel- 2flth. They have secured Sypher's ton. 12-16 Orchestra of Tacoma to furnish the ; music for the occasion. The Re- Admissions:  • , Optimism ] th stout boat that ,.,!1I :fa.amed ,for,,thir. sUppera' Adults 25c Children 15c , ,. .t ear"yOffa e Sw61|eh" seim 11 handle that end of the entertain. of adversity .... ment in their usual style.