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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 16, 1921     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 16, 1921
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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FRIIAYs DECEMBER 16, 1921 ...... .,. I I _1 I I I I r( Dr. T. Frederick  At Hotel Shelton Every • Sunday Chiropractor and Sani- praetor, of Tacoma A bright man before marriage gen- erally has a domestic finish fterward. STATE-OWNED MILL LOSES Bismarck, N. D., Dec. l$.--The state-owned md operated flour mill at Drake, operated at a loss of $21,- 712.42 between January 1 and October 15 of this year, according to the re= jp::t of a Minneapolis auditing firm, made public here. An honest but bashful man may have shifty eyes, and the biggest rogues can glare you down with their straightforward gaze; but all shifty- eyed men are not honest, and all[ straight gazer.._s ar._ee not' crooks. There is a difference between hav- ing a cheerful disposition' and wear- I ing a silly grin. [ ,ITll "71 III I . I I Cookllml for CkrlImll T+mle. Cream ogae4mJf epml o€ Imrtmm- TJBrB,+ MI eOU JEILtl&li , • + .... l • l,l, i,', ,, • l lag with (me cu'%d of 4gur; add two well-beaten eggs, one tabespomlful o milk or cream, two and one-half cttp- fnls of flour sdfted wH:h two teewa fuls of baking povder an ote-llf teaspoonful ech cd' powdered nutmeg and ginger. Mix and stund aside to chill for one hour. Roll ot, mt rote fancy shapes and bake i a moderate oven. Fancy cutters furnish m a sortment of cu)€fldes and ar deslreble when they are to be enjoyed by chil- dren. Lacking e varlcty of cutters, a pastry wheel ca be used, or lmt- terns cut out of soft cardboard can be laid on the dough, and the outlines ii|i|||||i||||i|i|i|iii!ii[ followed with a slender knife. : YourXmasCandv +] ' mm ---= ." ----ti! B0fe°f.00-m I| - .-+ i iI = Just received a shipment of Bunte Bros. .1 high grade ' liND OF N. DAKOTA00 SOCIALISTIC FIASCO 4ON-PARTISAN OFFICIALS RE- CALLED AND INDEPENDENTS WILL REDEEM WRECK North Dakota's 5-year experiment with the Non-Partisan League in- creased statae taxes five-fold. In 1915 total collections for state purposes were $2,142,784; in 1920, $10,614,885 and for 1921 they will be $12,500,000. The new North Dakota tax levy was announced during the recall elec- tion. In (]rand Forks county, for example, the state general fund levy in 1920 called for $73,062; the last levy requires $150,907, an increase of $77,845 in a year's time. In Cas county the farmers who paid $11;,- 900 toward the state general fund o last year's levy will have to contrib- ute $244,116, or $127,216 more. So it runs throughout the state. And this is one of the reasons why the cam- paign cry of the Independents that "North Dakota has been a grafters' paradise long enough" became pop- lar The proposed mill and elevator at Grand Forks, which the Independents are pledged to complete and operate with expert assistants, represents an investment thus far of $921,378.'34 but the Non-Partisan League admin- istration has (tone no work on con- struction for the past year. The League administration (lid buy a small mill at Drake for $29,000, ex- perimented for a while and gave up when it had cost them $61,444.84 and , HARD FINISHED CANDY :  ' DIANA FINE CONFECTIONS "'" "r'+' with soft centers ': " and ":':" = J ' HAPPY HOME MIXTURE  i " We have the best of candy always• i '/' "Your Candy Store" FIR DRUG STORE i Exclusive Agents for Augustine & Kyer Box Candies and Bunts Bros. Hard Candies • PHONE 631 iliiiuimmmm=mmmini!mmmmilm,m.mulm.mmmM. \\; \\; \\; I "Trouble" Brhm(] your telephone service |s the plant a complicated mechanil equipt: of poh, cables, wires, switchboar&, instments , etc,, carefully djustecl and absolutely depend- ent on "peri:ect nstruction an(] maintence, The pint ts constantly subject to.accident and outside interference. Storms, fires, the carchsmess of orkmen, the pranks of childr, concealed defects of material--all play their part. The telephone company maintains a skilled for,ce whom/soh duty is to quickly restore serv- ice interrupted from any cause. Your line+ are constantly watched and tested. In the case of trouble we are generally the first to know it, but a notification to. our Com.+ plaint Department. when there is anything wrong will be appreciated. ,@ The Pacific Telephone And Telecraph Company Sway HOME D I I Due first Monday in February, 1922. ., First half payable on or before May 318t,'1922, Second half payable on or before November 30th, 1922. Three per cent discount, given on all real estate taxes if paid lu full for the year on or bhfore March 15th 1922. Unless the first half is paid on or before May 31st, 1922, the entire tax become de- linquent on the first day of June, 1922. If the first half is paid on or before 1%lay 31st, 1922, the second half may be paid without inierest on or before November 30th, ]922, but if the said second half is not. paid on or before November $0th,' 1922, then interest attaches from June 1st, 1922, at the rate of 12 per cent per annum. GINERAL STATE AND SCHOOLS General Bond Spec. Total " ...... PAGE SEVEN t t i i ....... , ,, rL [ I ,11 ]][[ ii YOUR 1921 TAXES ," before the 25th of OctobeW as the law requires because the recall cam- I I i ii ii ii i III II IIIII I paign Was on. However a 100 per cent increase in rates is predicted. " mVilig Tonnage Id Hauling A number of untoward events af- fected the Non-Partisan League's Prol]  ]ght campaign. For example, the bank at Batten, one of the string of institu- "' tions organized for J. J. Hastings Glq and Dry Fir Wood For [,le and Allen Box to share in Non-Par- tisan League prosperity, failed with $100,000 of farmers' money and an JOHNSON & WIVELL undetermined amount Of state funds in its possession. Then while the campaign was at its height, the U. S. supreme court PHONE 161, SHELTON affirmed the conviction in Jackson county, Minn., of A. CI Townley, or- ganizer of the Non-Partisan League. Towntey was sentenced to serve 90 days imprisonment for seditious ut- J.J. RYAN R,P.ILRILY 1 terances during the war, but kept his case in court until he had exhausted I  eW 00otinoton 00oteI [ all resources. With Townley, Joseph Gilbert, who once ran for congress o. l 01 First Avenue at Spr Stm, Seattle a Socialist ticket in Washington as a / 200.00--ts0 m SL0O ;bli resident of Everett, also was con- pitted. Gilbert however is serving a I  -- Tld Hotel f ot  b' Jawanlo T-- I year's sentence on another charge of [  FREE BUS MEETS ALL TRAINS AND BOATS [ disloyalty. He was one of Townley's   Budnotmat youfllatourmz : aides in organizing the Non-Partisan League. Arthur LeSueur, socialist and for- met associate of Townley's, fought the Frazler ticket and exposed the fact •that Townley had refused to sell to support his industrial programbe- Lumber and es cause he could not obtain an endorse- • sent of the Ieague's activities from Now is the time fo begin building. the prospective buyers LeSeueur charged the Frazier administration .. . with insincerity. • All kinds of rough and dressed lumber and A recent 'compilation of collections shingles, cedar fence posts, dressed and tapered, for membership in the Non-Partisa League, made b7 the Non-Partsan sidewalk lumber in 6 ft. lengths, if ,desired. Leader, shows that $10,069,000 has been paid in, As North Dakota is cedar bee box lumber. said to have provided but $2,165,000 of , this amount, the pickings have All of the above can be furnished and delivered been good in Washington as well as to any part of the city or country, on short n0- other states. tiee. Write or phone us your order. PhOne 338 . Sheiton Lml00l Shi00e Company STR: S, G. SIIqPSON ill"" , I I I J III I I II II, I II  I " I . THE SHELTO-TACOMA SINGLE FARE .............. $1.u0 ROUND TRIP .............. $1.75 /JOHNI I$ had not increased the price of wheat the real estate is situated. • to the farmer nor cheapened the cost l3xample: $500.00 Valuation in Road District 2/School DistrictMllls300. of flour for the consumer. I Total Sis+to and County .................................... 32.386 More than $1000,000 of state, I ]oud District No. 2 ....................................... 10. county, school district and other pub- IIlgh School Tax on Non-High School Districts ............ 652 Total Scimol District No. 300 .............................. 20. tic funds, entrusted to the Bank of Total ............................................... NotCh Dakota, has been lost through Valuation ........................................... Ii the failure of banks controlled by Non-Partisan Leaguers and favored Tax .............................................. 31.519 with state deposits--not secured by NOTJ3--1f property ++; within th( kllyn Port District, the hl surety bonds, as is the case in Wash- Port District levy m : be added t3 the sum of the State. Corn load and School Dis ':ct levies be :( "e multiplying by the asse ington, tax value. The Home Building Association, an- other state enterprise, quit and no- body yet knows how much the few houses actually built cost, though it   : i is generally knon that ttorney General Lemke and Commissioner Hagan were assisted in building their private residence. Truck and Transfer The state hail insurance depart- sent did not fix its new rate "on or Total ................................................ 63.038 50O Tax ................................................ 31.519000 NOTE--lf property lies within the Allyn Port District. the AIIyu Port District levy must be added to the sum of the State. County. Road and School District levies before multiplying by the mssl County School ........ 2.560 46 ........ 5 ..... 5. Indigent Soldiers' Relief .263 47 ........ 5 ..... 5. 1-1oad and Bridge ....... $..000 51 ......... 3 ..... $. Special Road Bond Red. 2,700 52 ........ 5. 5, ,, Total ..,$2,386 54 ........ 10. "5. i6. ZS, ......... 56 ........ 2. .. $. High School Tax on Non- 300 ........ 10. .. 10. |0. lIlgh School Districts .B52 302 ........ 5. .. 5. ROADS 304 ........ 10. .. "ft, 15. District No. 1 .......... 10. 305 ........ 10 ..... 10, District No. 2 ........... 10. 306 2. .. . District No. 3 .......... 10-' 307 ........ 10 ..... "5. 15 District No. 4 .......... 10. "30 ......... 10i .. , I0. District No. 5 .......... 10. "309-1 ........ 10. ",L .. 4. District No. 6 .......... 10. "809-15 ........ 10. 10. .. 20 ..... District No. 7 .......... 1O. 16-57 ........ I0 ..... I0. District No. 8 .......... 10. 17-58 ........ 9 ..... 9. • Town of Shellon ...... 21. - Allyn Port District ..... 1.560*High School Districts. TO DETI,RM1NE AMOUNT OF TAX: Multiply the assessed tax value of the property by the sum of the levies of the State, County, Road and School Districts in which State General ......... 2.284 3 ........ State Scimol ......... ; 5.421. State Military ......... 203 Public Highway ...... 1.015 Permanent I-Ilghway .... 1.528 State University ...... 1.117 State College .......... 680 Bellingham Normal ..... 203 Chcney Normal ........ 162 Ellensburg Normal ..... 122 Contralia Normal ...... 102 Capitol Bldg, Coast ...... 508 Reclamation Revolving .508 Veterans' Compensation 1.015 County Current Expense 8,000 Mills Mills Mills Mills 10. '6. 10. 20. .. 16. 4 ........ 10. .. 10. 5 ........ 10. .. "5. 15. 8 ........ 10. 10. 20. 10 ........ 10. '7. 17. 11 ........ 10. ,5. "5. 20. 12 ........ 10. .. 10. 14 ........ 10., .. 0. 20. 18 ........ 10. 6. 10. 26, 20 ........ 10. .. 6, 16. 22 ........ 2. .. $. 25 ........ 9 .. ' I,. 42 ........ 10. 10, 43 ......... 10. "i. i6. 4. 4 ........ 5 ..... . COUNTY FUNDS District No. Mills 2 ........ 10.