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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 16, 1921     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 16, 1921
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PJ ]GHT  THE MASON O1321 JOURN -- FRIDAY, DECEMBER 16, 19,T &apos; " ' ' ......  '-  * ' t** ***?*** ,?**3 ,?** ,*.    • • -*. • • • •  • . , • I!it¢i!f__ | ....   Cedar Cap NO. :IBO, Woodman" 6f", .; , '' 'r 'w"  , . .   ....... ;:I../ 1,  the World, at'.tts rellar meetingl / .... " • " • • • •l ill I • a i I7 IlL l •' II 11- • >.'x" "'/. .' ' !//!::t:i:!/:!.:. - ; • • , - , i : I iiiii:., Lieutenant; Eli Robinson Banker, l' " _ _ • ". ...... .,,.::i:: ":. ...:-::pi:: ===================== [ , •  .... : ................ i:::::::::: ': [ii:' ....................... .- andpmnesA, L,follo edBell' Clerk, A supper at I" ' The i .............. ........ , ....................... , .............. ....... Chr stmas Stor : ":i::. :i:i:i:/:!: ::!: .::ii:iff::;i:i:!:!:!:::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: " , ' i! !ii!i,iiiiiii The Woodmen of the World is one ' I, € 'li of the strongest of the beneficiary/, ...... '.:  orders, which has a big reserve gain-/4 * ........... -- : : : :- ....... - ................ - ...... -: - ....... -  :-- :: i"' ................. ed through its conservative methods .... . ,. , y find  in the ast for the rotection of im 4 t Our dmplays of Christmas Goods are now complete and ou will  ember: and keen d'own its rates:0 , a very pleasing array to choose from.   -"-- :'--- I e<lar wamp ]n nen;on is .now z  ',.  Ill - - - - -.-:-- -I years old and still has many of its •  ..... .._-.-- ----_ '- - " i ' \\; original members among its 75." 4 , I', ' ,  Jr t-o .... ::i: '?':i: Just now a campaign is on to add , , " *  l / a classof ten new members out of q ' t0000tts tor Men Girts for Ladms Nl 1 'f those in the vicinity who should have   llll Iil  some protection'.=for their families,[. • .' . , "I and a very low rate is given. Thisl" "  • , With bousands ot restaurants and, nearly every drug store now class will be initiated at the Oly4pia [4 t  .. Inuring a lunch, counter, one 'of the btggest industries m New York Camp on January 13th, at which the['  • /.-- - . :- _ Cily, is the daily manufacture of at least a million sandwiches. Scwnce full degree team from Tacoma will[ ' / ..- ..). -\\; an/dinve'ntion haw stepp6d in: and now there are special maebmcs lut on 'the revised floor wok and a l  b /11.\\; :for cutting up bread, .ham, chicken, and for putting the sandwich to- big time will be enjoyed. Those in-L i [J  :pc,her and wrapping it in oiled paper; also are tormulas fo terested should see Clerk Bell forl ', i 11:71|-Vigl[lllglk'//All .making tle mor' liquid ingredients, like pimento cheese, in huge quan- information, ' ' ' , ['  .by gn6/'ial ar..Nnemen', w'*th Pcuar ,qcienc c.,' ',', " NEW CLIMXX'',NGINE J  q. \\; l,] :,- ' ' . '" ' ' ....... - ...... FOR SIMPgON COMPANY-. [,  -L \\;X,dA:I,¢ "f"gk Ph-, nmnlnvrnnt, mtuaho h rd nut to crack .... CAUE EXCITEMeNT J, in, some sections, and one not appreciated in 8helton X new' Climigead'}omotive   .... , " f arrived by carf Moiiday'for the where all our labor finds' stead_ employment. _Some o Simnson Lo-.i ' Colvinanv, direct ' the jobless men are what may be termed one-line men fron Cory, Pa. °, ad has een limber-  /A\\;\'{(|lr ._ ,^.  .,h;., a,;, ; fh,, 1;n., Know shovelers ed up hy the engineer who chaper- } fJ,k  ..... oned it on the way. The new engine [Xl.... are in this class. The man who has a trade in reserve was given its first tryout on the Pc- or is a "jack of all trades" is seldom found out of a job. Buy early--buy wisely--buy in Shelton and you will be as well satisfied in the end. COMMISSIONER BLANTON HAS ROUGH TRIP County Commissioner Blanton'found tt his duty to get out and cover the roads of the southern section of the county which makes up his district, .but had his troubles reaching the county •seat..,The road to Matl0ck wa not pas :so he started by Way 0f the culvert on the place washed out, and come down aces on acreUnt of A. L, BELL ABSTRACTS REAL ESTATE LOANS INSURANCE Threw Boy in Pig Sty; Hog Devoured Him A terrible crime has been re- ported from Charleroi, Belgium, where a farmer after capturing a nine-year-old boy who was stealing aDples locked him in a pig sty with a sow and went away without heeding the young- ster's cries of alarm. On returning to the pig sty, several hovs lair, he found the sw tearing tile last morsels of • " IdSli /:dm.tlie' b6' b6nba'. The ,lfieier i,, Just ss thd' ;inelghbors "@hr preparifig to lyncli him. _ - -. ;KLODT'S Orchestra Dance 0000D$[0R00 Refreshments TICKETS $1.o0 PLUS TAX Dv.c. 17 CityNeat &Fish Market "NOW LOCATED IN THE NEW SCHUMACHER BLDG. We Buy and Sell Home-raised Meat Fresh Meats and Fresh Fish qf All Kinds Always On Hand JOE RADICHAUD, Prop At. - Sheltan, Low Prices • Wash. ,,: .,', ", i, "/:'% :i "' ', i :)::: :0000rlWmflall i:: : ! t "caVv.N'"BY:"i:":'6. r! O. V,:SiV, LT6: !LODGE NO; 6 ':' ., : . :  ,,; ; , ,. ,, ,, , . . . I • ' ,b/:S00her, s00Or, hestra;,of Tac0ma ' CAFETERIA SUPPER SERVED BY THE REBEKAHS, ;g ' ",'- : ' ADMISSION $1.50: INCLUDING'TAX ninsular Railroad Wednesday and run into the roundhouse for the night. Thursday morning a loud blast "in our midst" startled the town and everybody was out with a question mark. The source was found in the • ailroad roundhouse where an explo- sion of gas had created the disturb- ance and blown out a few windows in the building. The firebox was hot from the firing of the previous clay and gas had accumulated from a small leak in the oil line. When the engineer threw in lighted waste to stm the fire the explosion oc- cured. Beyond singeing the engi- neer's eyebrows no one was injured. .On the same cmqerry shipment came two Williamette donkey en- gines, a yarder and. a loader for the Simpson company. C ttI'BTMAS were common gifts in Medle.val times. Accounts teLl. of .the ¢haadlo' llltl, sl- Lug out gra tl -to . e:.ryone a , sort .of big, fiat candles ,-.whlch..were burned with the Yte log .to light the houses for the coming of a super- ] natural Christmas visitor. The ba|- ers also sent out "Yule cakes," or "Yule babies,", which ware .little Im- ages of Christ. This custom, In fach seems to be even older, It being re- corded on the old. Roman calendar,s that on the Vigil of the Nativity little images of the, Christ Child were made In great numbers and presented to the fathers i the Vatican. Gradually the sentlmsnt of "Peace on earth, good will to men  and the celebration of the spirit by general gifts seems to have spread through the other guilds, and finally to hays become general. In England today there is a survival of the ancient custom practiced by landowners of setting big sacks of grain or other products outside the gate that whoever came might' help himself. It Is said that en extra Christmas eve feed Is also ill given to the cattle. Vi, ovzc- or sA'r.= or oou=r State of Washington, County of Mtson. Notice Is hereby given that pursuant to an order of the Board of County Commissioners of said County, at a meeting held on the 10th day of De- 'cemher, 1921. A. D., due and legal no- tice thereof first having been given according to law, in the matter of the proposed sale of certain hereinafter de- scribed property belonging to said County. the Sheriff of said county will at 10 o'clock a. m. on Tuesday, the 17th, HANDKERCHIEFS We have gathered them for you with the fine discrimination suggested by the study of the preferences of men who use nice judgment in choosing the small- er accessories to dress. Real Linen Handk'fs, each..50c initial Handkerchiefs ....... 50c • ' ' HOSIERY Fine Socks in either the nice silk or fine imported Wool Hea- ther. Silks in plain colors and fancy mixtures at 75c, $1.00 and $L50 pair. GLOVES A fine selection of Men's Kid, Wool and Kid lined Auto Gloves. priced at Kid .................... $3.50 Kid Wool Lined ......... .$3.50 Fine Kid Buckle Wrist, wool lined ................. $7.00 Fine Black Kid, fur lined.. $7.00 day of January, 1922. A. I)., at the TIES eront door Of the CoUrt Houle in said County, offer for sale at Public Auc- tion to the highest and best bidder A great selection to choose therefor, all the right, title and inter- est of the said county of :Mason in and from at 75c to $2.50 ,, to the following described property to-. gather with the appurtenances ,thereto, ' o " to-wit: " ' " I 1 Bagley Scraper; : ,., , ,), , b ** • o,,,,, • ' '..:1,,.SIx Horsepower Geollne Englr/.. ',.1.'1600"Jb. Pile Driver Hammer.' Terms of sale:' Cash" at :lme of,sale. " o |'Dkte' 'at Shelt0n, Washington, this' 16th, day of :December, 192:, A. D.  '' ' • , , ,:,(Sel) • • , , 1ONE W,.,. :DOYLE, .I . ei'k of:the Bqard of County. omml$- I 'sioers' an 0,Cpuy Audlt6r.' ' 't Phblih €Dee. la*-$-30 and Jan'.- 613. I Publish five til,e,: .. , , , } MILt20N5 OUT ON ,'ORK, DISHES. ' , OUSE JACKETS -. A gift of appreciation .is a , free house jacket of .wool m el- , ther brown or blue, trimmed , . with plaid lapels and cuffs. , Priced at .............. $6.00 , SHIRTS .. ' Dress Shirts, made of fine Ma" ' dras in pleasing colors. Also the new colored and pleated bo- soms and colored cuffs, the new- est in shirt styles. HAND BAGS A very acceptable gift; we have them in a variety of de- signs in brown, grey and black from $3.00 to $8:00 each. HANDKERCHIEFS We are showing a fine assort- ment of domestic and imported Handkerchiefs in fancy boxes or individual packages ranging in price from 20c to$1.25 LINGERIE Ladies' silk camisoles and combinations in a wide range of colors and trimmings• DRESS PATTERNS A dress pattern in silk or wool would make an admirable gift, and very practical: Serges and novelty suitings here in abun- dance at prices that vill please. GLOVES Kid and: Wool!,. Gloves : in an abundance of-styies and' colors rightly priced and neweSfStyles. 3 SLIPPERS A wide range of styles and colors for little ones, in fact for every member of the family. "2 We plete ther hosiery up in Silk hose Heather 3 , " com- hea- ,:them 4 $4. d $2.50. , " 4 : TOYS , This year we have assembled ** the greatest array of toys we ** have ever shown. Wheel toys ** of all kinds, mechanical and elec-   tric toys; dolls that will please. " Pricesare remarkably :low. See *" our big displayd, : . *