December 16, 1921 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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December 16, 1921 |
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Thirteenth Gentu.
USIC and song have always been
associated with Cirlstmas.
In Itoman-Catholic countries.
as early as the Third century, it be-
'came the custom to usher ia the
iChrlstmas festivities with musical
The practlee of singing carols or
canticles was supposed to recall the
"In Excelsls Gloria" of the ,ngels and
the song of the shepherds on the
first Christmas night.
. k very old carol, published in, 1521,
Lgives an amusing description, of church
i revelHes i ' , ' '
A .wOoden child in' clouis on the)'l(ar, Sat,
IAbout the which,b0tk,'b6y tnd girls do
' dance d ,timel Jet, '
I And; carols::illng: in' praise of. Christ.
Th,:pri'ts dO' roar, loud[
' V.,Oad atbut thb parents stand
, o;seaheport and with their voice
' DO lielp 'fh'em,'and with hand.
At/first, Carols were generally re-
!llgious in character, and were written
with Latin and English words in al-
iternateHnes, or with a Latin refrain.
'The well-known carol
i When Christ was .born of Mary free•
dJ[n Bethlellem, that. fair cltie,
I tJngels sang with mirth and glee
In Excelsis Gloria.
and another with a chorus,
Christus natua hodlo
• he babe, the co'n,
The holy one
Of Mary, , i
are ood examples of this class, , .
-:ea: the? tefiiency f0. rlbadx be,
lease nmrked, some of the carols g0
to b. very, peguliar,, in ethjeeti an
igreat "van$ "Of 'r,e,l¢'t,, th'•''pne carb,
Joseph wits an 'old man,
i An old man was he, , f/
' Another re4e story of tl
,hephr,t tc., l]eir,.ck s
algal: , . '.
A shepard upon a hill he mitt*
d[e had on him:'hYs'tabard and hatt,
Hys tarbox, hys pipe and hys flagatt
Havilag'"ii,'lnfo,f the t
)@,m, and on ar!,,,
Jtlssu! I off 'rhe my PYI,
..... " ' ' "gl . ' Ri, " ; '
',IBDI@T.ll i1,0 I00ll00fll, .... ,,., :;:.:,, !•.', ,-.t!' ' looked at, tha 9,f gene] t.aX$1,/tih can be holed"::fOr;ihl, ;:sOmew,Y, Of I.;. --," : :!! ........ , c ,.,¢],...b. 'l.', ..... .
il=fli%l.l/BM=% lnMnlll'// ...... .. .,== ....... :1 are probably mich:hglter, tha.toae getting more money' ]s found,': . ii ' L' : Inn'' ':''''' " ' ' ] iall:-'7' - ...... -,er me neavy rain--•
,Vnsssa,.| |sassy:. ,vammaV/j,:{,.:, , 4bAlU :2kIeENIIGS In Mason. ContY,-. "' .:. , ,' The .. (oun Agent was an Island '| " MASON LAKE t l The raid' prevented some of the
• .... .... . /, ..... . •[.. ........... ':,/,': .' : .... . | The logical 'way for ;the Island to %iisit0r Tuesday; attending a meetin '[ " ' ' "'-' " | younstsrs from reachin schoo the
..... .' .:. : ',': :;. :@;;.': ;, .: .! ::.,/:i::/:. :../ .... e get .good roads vould be to donate at the cove. I $ ' "' '' ) --lfirst'of the weel g 1
IM,l_¢ia"nd ....... ........... .nnfi &lWv.¢: $.00i* ...... Mrs. Annabl'e' ..... A'fidrews. was. d one or more dayg"work by each I,€-, .Mr and Mrs.. Perry. Andrews are Mr. Benson. was a caller at the Mrs M L. Ho
' ..'.,.,,...: . .... ;., ::i:..'. Shelton v}s,tor Sunday 'and while lander. But many of them seem spending a few days down the Sound Johnson home last Sunday.--E. C. Miss Eva",,,: ke and daughter,.
:al:o w.|ui irle..Tu[etl{:ls, . .,. there vmted Mrs. Malpass of Arcadia s • gely mdifferent where there m thm week ' Mms Ethel Chapman took' "'a 'crowd Allyn Thursday evening,
;' : ' . : " : :' who is at the hospital' recovering no money in sight The custom of Islander to Shelton last Saturday night to ^ ..... '- - •
...... " " ' donatin wor" " " a '" "' • . ...... - ,,,,. ,. m]m nas been nawng
: ......... .' zrom ,an operation. " g l oy men no reams m , I rake m me snow.--, t;. suite an amount of trouble with his
-- • .......... '-- ;'J' Rumorhas it that some o th ^ commo in many places but does not 'I nave taken eight bottles of Miss Eva Blake and mother, Mrs -"
rlglnal 'Shores .araomr ox are,s ' seem to find a ac with Ta . • car lately.
' " Islander° toethe with the Chamber the Islanders p e some of onlac .and have actually gained 40 M• L. Hoke were in Shelton Satur- Mr. Alex Bensou and John Benson
Was Almost Lost 819hi of In of Comerc in Olymnia are work • p unds m weight and feel better and day.--H. Z. were hel in r Mor "
• , , . , - . . • . p g M. an by re mr-
mg to have the Island set over into There can be no doubt that the stronger, than I have felt before m - Miss EthelC!apman, a ccompamed ing the roads around here. hey
Thurston County. Just why, does Island needs the roads, no matter weny-]ve years, says O. H. Ma- vY ner granctmumr, lvir. nas dons- certainly need something done as
they are getting nearly impassable
,, n t'he '.'[*hlrteenth century the sa-
':;icred character of these Christmas
erols J
v reued with, the
, arol
disuse, "
' t*arol$
ushered in by the chiming of church
hells, and the sallying forth of choirs
which, clmated, .eir. Way..rqnd v, il-
gs. • .
rand their noses from, eold.,@.nd "
',friendly (Tnristmas pdta%ions; Is"libw
' ialmost a thing of the Bits.
Numerous Yuletide:! Iemil Are Relics
of Pagan Obrvanoo, £speilly
II relics of pagan observances,
the rellgidus system of the" ancient'
Cauls and Britons• Groves of oaks
"'= were. their ,hos,'a,glla:Y
the acorn is found as a Christmas
symbol on 'ome Christmasvgreetln,
• .-although it is not used as much as
Druldism conslder@d mistletoe mOst
. mcred, and )vben go@Ing'bn/an #ak
tree, paraslte/e it is, it'was Cut with
,: golden knife by a priest clad t a
white, robe and .w white ..hulls were
aaerifleed on "he Spbt: ....
The: Yule log in/'.lglaud iS' a:..rllc
.::f Druidism. Its name is considered
• ,'a eorrulYtion of "wheel log;' a. wheel
in Druidical symbolism':yp]fying the"
,march of the sun. The lighting of
-the Yule log harks back to the sacred
, r/ll,t.;.b}t' t.'.'D.rtlllsat,mi -
winter-ln .,the round towers which ye
remain ' In many parts, of .Great Brit,
aln. Ireland. France and Spain• The
use of the Christmastree 'has descend
ed from the Germai] :'Dru'lds.('lhe
dressing of the tree with caudles an(
presents was a feature of their mid-
winter festival. "
Ivy Is not used for Christmas dec
orations, as It was once sacred to
Bacchus and constituted almost thv
sole leafy adornment' 'at the Roman
saturnalia. The early Christlttr.,clergy
desiring to wean the people from theh'
pagan practice as far as possible, for-
! bade the use of ivy; :pd :tleprecedent
; still obtains.
In. me41eval ,Europe d peacock was
, the favorite" dish for Christmas dim
• "I. ' Aft "blng skinned "carefully,
the blrd was cooked. aen the skin
With the .plum,oge intact was replQced
and the,'blrd"served ' I,:' a ' mahri ' ai:
nearly as possible resembling a2
life• . .:
Mince pies are first mentioned in
'1596 as in common use at Christmas
times. Authorities' in the'ma%tr,, then
said they might be eaten as early as
' Dedember 14.
• L." . 9 '
A lot of me g_o st,tting around
,: the earth a if they '6aed it:wh0
are really so insignificant they've
memtlXie wsumonial, ' "..? ............
• not appear, but some claim that the
'Islandis to receive better roads from
such a. change, but to the Writer
this does not seem probable as there
how they 'come, but at present the
only way would be higher taxes or
bonds and no majority can be had
in favor of either, so it would seem
to be a case of wait.
haffv, of Nashville, Tenn.Fir Drug
sn, made a business trip to town
:at arday.--H. Z.
l[r. George Johnson was a visitor
at the C. A. Benson home last Sun-
day. E. C.
m many places.
Madrona School.
FILLERS--paragraph items etaoinr
is only so much money from road Mr. Louis Wiss went to town on Your bad traits came from your
taxes to be had from the Island and At present there are about sixteen Make it the family gift for the Monday in his two-cylinder Ford.-- ancestorsbut your good ones are all
it would seem foolish to expect any miles of road on the' island and not year, a Brunswick Phonograph, or E.C. due to yourself.
mainland people in Thurston County all of that is in condition to travel. : Saturday, Mr.Harry Zumwalt made -
to share their road money with the and as the road money in this district records for the phonograph you have.
Island m . . ., ................. a trip to Shelton with his bicycle.-- Nobody gets so in(ligaiit as a crook
• , , a ouns o om aoout uu.uu or $50 ee our nne oz new runswics aiH Z • ' • who happens to be accused of some-
Therlso....i another be per mile of road, it .seems that little the Journal Stationery, She. p. "The school house roof had to. be thml g he hasn t (lone. '
i*;* ....... .... o ...... ....... ' " •
"" : ', . " 8 More Shopping Days Till Christmas
i i Just a Few More Days to Do Your Christmas Shopping. We Still Have a Good Assortment to Select From.
' ' /" -, . ; . ." 'i .3 ' a'[-.. '. :, r :.., ',,,. ,, , ' ' '
. ll ............. ' ., :...%,. ',,, ] , ,, .
' ' 4"' ,'m.:-£22._ - ____-.._= , '
/ I I I '[a__9_t../-. , ,lr-;,i'ifl.tIT' ' "
t- . .......... , . .. , , . = .......... :., Now is the time to replenish your
,.,, ..., ,-, .... .:. ...... ,, ..... • ....... .. ,.:, . wife's, sister's or friend's working
,: ,,. roeey .iepartment.or your useful: ..: sale and giving ther: ,4or
Ch$.a, .ft.. ,,.,We have a ne. asso.r.tment, f :: Christmas. This is the:
,. ,,,whkiii .wilt,adde,the.hear.t o,all,ho,eemv,, Aluminum Ware. ':.b:i', °
...... ..... ... ..... . i]ii
,:: them; sJ,ctjS flxe fllowmg: .,,,. ,, ,, ,.. .... ;.,. ,.,:: --- "
...... , ..... " ....... . " ..,.".:' " ", .'' ' ing are tube sold at,.this!i::!;lft
sandSauce's. .... '"' i: ..... "':": :le for ......... . ),:i. :
........ Hand Painted . ,-..:" ":'",.,'" "" . ' ":' ""- ! . .! ": 6 quart Convex Berii ,:
x" . - "..,. .,: d SILK UMBRELLAS _ 4 quart Sauce Pan, . :.! -:::"::::';" :
:j,, .Ihdrafnted fidCredh ... " t : i,:
: "' ': ': New Colored SiIk ,Christ- 6 quart Preserving Kettle. :
...... ,, Hand Painted hocolale .... Sets..,..: .._i¢1€.. mas Umbrellas at $8--just 5 quart Tea Kettle, "-;.',..':,:""
...: .Hand Painted Plates. .f. ., :.:.=
, , ,.':- ........... ..... . ,.., , ithe price you made up your
k. ¥ G|ass,Water Ses, ...Li, ''' A'_..(. 'mind to pay for a gift for 2 quart Double Boiler..
.... GlaSsSeiice Iish, e::,. lq-Ier. Handles of wood, 11 quart Percolator, -,,.,
Grape Juice Glasses. :leather and celluloid--all _ __=_==__:_=__==_ -=_-_-.=_=
...... beautifully surmounted in =-=--= -- .... -===
And many others, too numerous,mention. ...... -
:. >. ,,, white or colored' cords and:, t'"r' "' . : ----
"" ""' ...... tip ,FNCY "STATIONERY "
I! : ..PYREX OVEN WARE -- Buy: them a.,ni b0x,of fancy Statiqnery for '
.. ' ChnstmasJ We.haVe..a full line at 1:he right
latt'¢ in, Guaranteed priees: , " :
not.: .,,,We have a nice as- "'- '
. ' ,'/, "r Just received a shipment of :fancy elastic in
-yard packages, in,assorted colors. Priced at
A FEW. ,. SUGGESTIONS oc a package.
.., ,,& . ,/. ,..:; • , ..
• , ",,,,." ' ,,', ',, 'i"- ,'
Here are• afew, suggestions to gladden the MILITARYi HIR BRUSHES
heart of all for Christmas: " Say it with a nice set of Military 'Hair Brushes:
Pocket Knives Carving Sets Butcher Knives
--we have them in nice•eases. Priced $3 & $3.50
" Flashlighfs LADIES' AND MEN'S , . ---
..,..,, _, : ,...., :, :. , . HANDKERCHIEFS "
'" ::':""" SAFETY RAZORS "We still have a good assort- " ...... '
" sent left in nice Christmas
' Buy him a Safety Razor for Christmas. We boxes, priced at 30c each to
have the Eve Ready and Gillette. $2.00 a box. .
,../, .,.fl,,/B\\; TOYS ONE-tIALF OFF '
1 ,ll i /I We have had so many people tell us that they
• " that we have put the sale on for the next weelC
,.. : were unable to take-advantage of our Toy Stile
! i." _/ "": i table with all kinds of toys at
• ., ). "{,
We have them in fancy plaids, size '72x84.
Priced at $5.75.
, For this cold weather we have them for the
. . $1.50 to $7.00 - girls, ladies and men.
The Lumbermen's M00rcantile iCompany, Shelton, Wash.