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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 16, 1921     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 16, 1921
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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.... i" i I , , • REDUCED TRAVEL RATES ON NORTHERN PACIFIC Advice has Just been received by J. V. Blumstrom local agent of the Nolhern Pacific at Olympia, thtt tim railroad would name reduced pas- senger rates during the holidays. Tickets will be on sale from Decem- ber 22nd to the PAth, inclusive, with final return limit January 4th. One and one half fare to apply fr the rouml trip, to any point to which tle one way fare does not exceed twenty-five dollars. SHELTON SHOE FACTORY And Quick Repair Shop [Successor to Fred Hansen] Bring your Shoes to us for a neat job of repair- ing quickly done. We are here to give you real service. You'll find our prices right. L. C. HOUSE SHELTON• WASHINGTON m 00EitDEI00 LOGGERS PLUNGED TO DEATH FOUR MEN BELIEVED TO HAVE DROWNED WHEN AUTO DIVES INTO CHEHALIS RIVER Aberdeen, Dec. 10,-.It was consid- ered practically certain here this morning) after 'further investigation, that the automobile which ca.asbed , i CAN B£1'rER RECORD? LOUIS LARSON GETS QUANTITY I AND QUALITy ON HIS BRADY FARM Certified oats that ran 1.0 bushels to the acre was the enviable record made this season by Louis Larson, whose farm is near Brady, says the through the A,. L. West draw bridge Montesano Vidctte. C. M. McCoy, into the Chehalis river, carried to who bought the oats, is completing death by drowning four Aberdeen the certification process this week loggers in the employ,of the Preston and he believes the Larson oats reD- Logging Company. Recovery of the resent the highest yield of.certified car from 25 feet of..vater'some dis- quhlity in tlis state, perhaps in the tance out from the bridge, opening l.!e entire country: Larson had one ............... th- six-acre fieht of the oats aml several resulie(l in LII( lflenLl],icaulon oi e ,. .. . • • ,.- ; . , ; .. " * J, .  4"1 T 1" smaller ,' Ileitis all plant:e(l to 1;no InaClllne as l:na, ox aonn £yan(ner, "Y;,.t,,.,." ,,.,.;m,, ,  . 26 veers old, single, ant restdimr at "'he'n' ,'."_'"i'" ' - ...... • " . -- r; vv ,,, t,c oas. were cmanea m 415 EastMarket street: ,. The mree Montesano not a be,l one was found oumrs Denevea o nave peen passen- in the lot, and there was n6; "t'oreign gers with him are: • , " matter whatever Thane who hnv , ' ,, , , j ...................... Fred Arvelle, 35, married, 704 Ran- seen them pronounce the the best dall street. . Oats ever raised in this section. Nestor Hill, 28, single. terday afternoon and a derrick  soon raised the machine from the' muck: TtOe..trn condition Of ,the top and side cffrtains indicate a frantic strug- gle made by the men'-to"'lea¢ themsel-vQs,.fx0m, their watery' ]ortom The West swing bridge had been opened to permit the passing of the tuff'Union at 5:80 •o'clock yete:day morning, when .Nylander's car r0upd- ed the curve and crashed through the closed gate into the river, just clearing the end of the log boom. Pete Mackey, 30, single. their places of residence nor at the logging company's office Imd any word been received from the four men this morning. No bodies have been recovered,* though it is considered improbable on account of the heavy undertow off the mouth of the river that bodies of the men can be recovered for sev- eral days. A diver located the: car in the muddy rivers and tidal'waters yes- 00$TATE WiLL GET DECEPTION PASS ARMY RESER00 HARDING EXPECTED TO SIGN BILL SOON ASSIGNING BIG TRACT ON WHIDBY ISLAND TO WASHINGTON Anacozes, December 10--Deception Pass State Park will come into be- ing when Presidcn Harding attaches hig signature to a bill now on its passage through congress mid the site has 'been accepted by Gov. Hart and the State Natural Parks com- mittee. TIe people of WashingLon are then to possess forever room for 5000 summer camps and homes along 4our or five lllleS o£ the most rugged marine scenery of the Pacific Northwest. Included are two fresh ,water 'lakes, a hal-dozen small is- lands and a coupl of miles of.beach- es.famed 'for their, beauty and for bing the only 'spot Where surges, can roll' in :directly-from the' Open 'sea th.o.ugh tim Strait of Juan de Fudt "break On the sand or rocks at the Farm bureaus liavc solved Vir- inia Wool growqrs' dilemma by uymg tlkeir unsold wool a.d mak- Ing co.'etlets "f ,wonderful old de- signs ,Pictures are of old mill that Harding. This places $15,000,00 in at forest road aid fund to be expend- • ed on joint road work by the govern- ment and community, on application of the community. i Your Christmas Suit Is Here for You At Special Holiday Price I have a large stock of All-Wool SUITS OF QUALITY Priced from $25 to $42 The suits are absolutely guaran- teed to give satisfaction or a new suit free of charge. MAKE YOUR SELECTION NOW There is a wide choice of styles and colors to meet your taste. m, NEW OVERCOATS AND MACKINAWS to complete your Christmas attire. Christmas Suggestions for Men & Boys SHOES GLOVES SHIRTS NECKTIES FANCY SOCKS Wool and Silk TRAVELLING BAGS HATS CAPS l F H. DIEHL 00en's Fu'ni00he" . f0r Mason County recommendation of the war depart- ment, sc aside both shores of tim pass as a nfilitary reserve. Since the white man iirst came its bays and beaches have never been anything bat a playground, save for a short time ago when the world war was on and engineers and soldiers from Fort Casey laid out possible defenses on the Whidby side of the pass, and much ground was cleared of trees and shrubbery and placements made for artillery. In the middle of the pass is Ben Ure Island, named after a man who 'claimed it as a squatter when the reserve wa made.Military force, it is said, wms required to move him fromthe island,, Proposed, 'A , recent recommendation of the war department is for the construc- tion of a bridge across the pass trong enough to carry mobile artil- lery. This bridge, it was suggested by the military engineers, iwoutd rest its center on this island, and. It ould' Stretch high above the ship :hmmel. This is also the route of ;he Roosevelt Highway from the Skagit across to the pass to connect yith the Olympic Highway system at Port Townsend. At present the connection is made y ferry a half mile eastward of the ross. Both approaches to the bridge 11 be well within the park. It was re on the east side of the pass where the state some years ago es- tablished a convict camp and erected n immense rock crushing plant for urnishing crushed rock for the roads f Western Waslfington. i Lease Was Sought. Some months ago an attempt was haade by private parties to secure the reservation by lease. The North- counties arose in wrath, had proposed lease withdrawn and for its transfer to the state or park purposes. After weeks of effort, the park committee was in- 'duced to ask for a deed, and House 9235 and Senate Bill 2748, iden- tical bills, introduced by Congress- Lindley H. Hadley and Senator Miles Poindexter, provide for such transfer. It is expected that the bills will go into comittee with the io. k. of Secretkry of War Weeks• Four roads lead into the proposed ;park, every point is accessible by ;water, and its bays and beaches are !the resort of thousands each sum- mer. It is said to be the only avail- able beach open to the public free lof charge between Seattle and Blaine. ',DOLLAR AWARDS MADE ON RIPARIAN RIGHTS Everett, Dec. 9.A jury that for ,three days heard evience in superior {court on the question of damages to owners of riparian rights on a stream From which the town of Marysville iplans to get water for a new system its findings today, award- each of the nine persons $1 each• is the least that could be given iin the vedict. In a special verdict the jurors expressed the opinion that o damage would be done to the de- cendant owners by reason of reduced of water available for irri- oses. The defendants are Blacken, Lewis Lewis and Minnie Lewis, George Aken and Dor- othy Aken, Alfred M. Johnson, Fred Misner, Puget Mill Company, Jennie Sill, George B. Ditmore anl Minnie Ditmore. The stream was said to be three feet wide and one foot deep, and it was the contention of the .town of Marysville that irrigation in the district was unnecessary• No. 604. 'OTV0 TO C,DI"I'O8 TO ,r. OZ, Lt:E8 In the Superior Court of the State of Washington for Mason County, In Probate. In the matter of the estate of JOHN M. DOWNS, deceased, Notice is hereby given. That letters testamentary on the estate of Joh M. Downs, deceased, were granted to the undersigned, on the 3rd day of Decem- ber. 1921. by the said Superior Court. All persons having claims aalnst said estat are required to, serve them with the necessary vouchers upon me at my office at Shelton, Washington, that being designated as the place of business of said estate, within six months after the date of ths first Duhlication of this notics, to-wit, with- in six months after the 10th daF of December 191 and file the same with the clerk of this Court together with proof of such service, or they shall be ' forever barred. Itl at Shelton, Wash, this 10th day" of December, 19|1. ALDEN C. BAYL, Executor of ths Esters of low grades, will soon be a reality, if the application made by the board of county commissioners Thursday re- ceives approval on the part of the government. Chris Morganroth, deputy forest supervisor, has already recommended the improvement to the forest ser- vice, setting forth the facts that the three and one-half miles necessary to complete the rebuilding of the road will be comparatively inexpensive and that a new trail, five miles in length would" not only afford protection to a fine stand of young timber, but would be a great benefit to the many who climb the mountain annually, and M well as to hundreds more who are prewated,.om doing so by the presmt steep tttL . • h***m td Imvam, whleh Lnciuos the zmprovement of the Sol Due road from the divide wet 'of Lake Cresemtt to the springs and its future continuation to the Sol Due- Hoh Divide, making available to tour- l'sts a. country ,.far superior in sceaic attractaona and outing possibilities ot anything else in the state, is made possible by tha new federal lw, signed November 9, by Presideht UMBER • ,AND.. BUILDING MATE00 FOR IMMIMATE DELIVERY LET,  FIGURE ON YOUR NEXT ORDER Wrd A/so Saw Youg Lot Oa Order Lomt : m ttm q smm. seiton 00'r!!Nts00 ee• Jd Dmdw Smata, oN watt, HARRY i I I I j • FORD Dealer in R0tlgh and Dreued Tmr gthiL,i . Mmdding, Da" Window& If you are gota to  don't overlook the fact We can save you mon.¥ Let ua oek.  flam withyTou A square deal to all Is our motto. Mill at at Shloa. NHHMuH4WuuuN HOTEL SHELTON BILLIARDS AND POOL--A  SPORT ConfectionerF, Ci@ars and all Soft lkFmks EDWARD H. FAUBERT, Mg, ro m.nmnm....umn.uNmm.mmNNmmNn..mmmnmun I SAVE YOUR SHOES by letting us repair them at the pmlr ",time It means a great saving at the p .rent pries of shoes You can rely on our work absol'htel. We handle a line of the best logge boots and heavy and light work shs at prices tlt are lower. IL SH,'0011M HOME COOKING QUALITY AND SERVIC THE BEST PLACE TOEATISAT Paine's Restaurant feet of summer visitors. Deception'lSass cuts Fidalgo Island air ron,the, amrth end of 'Whidby :Ilan'd, ha long:' 10k")rregular strip of land that stretches from within was ;..'ought in'to use; some of the twenty-five miles of Seattle almost ttcsi-ns  ""  - • ' ' s ann rs. .Opcnnavcr who to Anacoes. The park will consist originated the pl n, of 1,200 'acres'of land, lying on, , ..- either side .of the pass, in Island l .............. .._ "4 and Skagit counties, each part hay-I w u]-IC IOADS ing axtenlongi and irregular shore line, [ ' PLAN OF PENINS___ULA and e d ng well beyond the west- Port ward entrance to the pass - [ Angeles,' Dec. 9.An automo- • " , " [bile road to the foot of Mount An Made Military Reserve U'eles conn .......... " • o. , ecgmam ' an]ane ;age In 1886 President Johnson, on the wth a new "t • "1 bull on