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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 16, 1943     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 16, 1943
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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‘rvice. ' years of ' 1 all the ‘ South P . iday So ROSIE DY” l obert YO a Menjou irt Snbjec ’ Ly Tues' LLLEN‘ LOW” 1 ind Ma -.-‘ ‘ ra (l Thurde * LOCK Points .1 for £1.03,” WASTE FATS h ‘ Two BROWN bone and points P L U S gmce 4it per pound for your waste falts. Bring it '0 your Safe- Way meat de- artment. IG 6, 1 Lyfis‘day, December 16, 19,43: §\ (4) LOIN PORK ROAST Loin End Cuts, tender young pork. (4) LOIN PORK ROAST kiwi I Rib End Cuts, point now lowered!.. \ ,1 lb. 3 lb. 3 3¢ 1¢ (2) SHOULDER PORK ROAST lb. ¢ pi u p, unblemished moneyxi - Round Half, Picnic Cut ______________________________________________________ ‘_ 3 1 birds- larger Sizes” N0 Pomts HONEY __________ __ comb 39¢ Fancy NO. 1 in 10-oz. comb. 2 SHOULDER PORK ROA . Piczic Cut, tender pork ____________________________ _____________ 1b. lb. lb» lb. ............ ._ 1b. _ (5) BEEF RUMP ROAST lb. 25¢ PER LB. PER LB. PER LB. Gamma“ “"5 rem‘wed' Graded “GOOd’ tender roasts ______________________________________________ __ | ___________ __ lb. ES. 46 (7) PORK CHOPS C t CUtS lb 38¢ (4) SHORT Best quality Spokane-Danish S. . ,. en er .................. .. . RIBS Graded “GOOD” .............. .. lb. 19¢ ps. 9.6 (3) PORK STEAK Shldr. Picnic Cuts ...... .. lb. 34¢ (8) SIRLOIN STEAK Graded “GOOD” ...... .. lb. 38¢ c Eggggggcfifiifi'ficalag 14¢ PORK STEAK Shldr- Boston Butt Cuts Ib- 40¢ <8) RIB STEAK Graded “Goon” ________________ __ .b. 30¢ YELLOW ONIONS 1b., ¢H~ )SKINNED HAMS BU“ End ------------------ “3- 36¢ (9) T'BONE STEAK Graded “GOOD” ______ _, lb. 45¢ Yakima_ M'nd , . Spanish Emil-rsflip‘ ‘ LpS 2. SKINNED HAMS Shank End ----- lb-"35¢ (3) PIECE BACON any size piece ____________ lb. 33¢ ps' 2'1." H A M S SL'CED LINK SAUSAGE PEPPERSfib—C‘Aififi-m:bur:e¢ ps' Eastel’fin Sugar 'Cured B A C O N g.) I C N I C figg‘qitfi Texas Bell Peppers ------- n . ‘PS- 233» 511016 gems ‘9; t?“ 51335112” 5,,t-sfest eéfi'iisOEE‘i‘aéi'T‘dy'tO‘ guano-.14 its.) No.1 POTATOES lb. 31/”: for 3.19, ms “‘9’” i P S") r“ 5 p BULK SAUSAGE Yakima Netted Gems 1 1.3 All 'pure pork . . - 5332.39) v lb. 36¢ 1b. 42¢ 1b. 35¢ - Er“a..::“°“ed-29¢ as. 5.3235232. 1.52.325- 55¢ iles 1.9 l _________ p -Oz. 1.3 ' r°-°- “°°”°”°”°°W”m°° I I 0 . i f... 3. GREEN A—B-C Points EXPIRE onday Night Dec. 20 g A BOX! I . . ‘ * ‘\ , 95672 céva J r 12 PINEAPPLE JUIOE 5 LIBBY’S GREEN” BEANS i x. , Fxtra Fancy ; at 1'6 gibbyxs Pineapple JUice- 18-01 Can .................... -- 1 Igibbyzs Cut Green Beans in the 19—0z. can .......... .. 1 i V Red gelzous ,_. . ' " 3 PRUNE JUICE . 4 DEL MONTE BEETS i 2 '1 for 2“ I s°ld°"°m°"ey'b°§k gumml: gunsxizeet Prune Juice in the 32-Oz. glass ------ 25¢ The )well know“ quality diced beets' 16'02' glass 1 1¢ i Gift Box .... .. 2.6 »"°9"'°'°”’"P9"“ xii-L" 'v 4 VS COCKTAIL 4 DICED- OARROTS ' i S_ e 4 5-8 gure Vegetable Cocktail in the 46-0z. can... Igel 1V)[onte Diced Carrots in a 10-oz. glass ...... .. 1 i IZ ' NOB HILL COFFEE ,M. lb. 40 (“TOMATO JUICE 21¢ saga __________________ ,_ 13¢ A rich, smooth blend. The “Superb” Coffee AIRWAY COFFEE Brazilian. The Mild and Mellow Blend Safeway Gift Packages! OIGARETTES __________________ .. ctn. $1.55 Raleigh, Kools, Camels, Chelsea, Lucky Strikes, Chesterfield, Philip Morris, Pall Mall, Old Gold, UNION LEADER .......... .. 14-02. 59¢ Just the gift for the pipe smoker. PRINCE ALBERT .............. .. lb. 74¢ Velvet, Half and Half. Here’s smoking pleasure. BOND STREET __________ __ 159 size 12¢ Edgcworth, Sir Walter Raleigh. Real values. DILL’S BEST ________________________ _. lb. 74¢ This well known brand makes an ideal gift. MARMALADE ______________________ _. lb. 17¢ King Kelly Orange. Makes an ideal Xmas gift. FRUIT CAKES .......... __ Sl/Z-lb. $1.10 Famous Hostess Fruit Cakes. Also in 1-1b., 35¢. Give a War Bond for Xmas! Sunny Dawn Tomato Juice in the 46-oz. can... ( 6 ) LIBBY’S TOMATO JUICE Libby's label means real tomato juice. 47-02. can (18) GREEN ASPARAGUS Walla Walla Med. Green Asparagus. 19-oz. can (15) LIBBY’S PUMPKIN Fine tasting pumpkin, just right for pies. 29-02. ( 5 ) GREEN BEANS. Briargate Cut Green Beans. 19—oz For Fruit Cake W Herbert Tai‘eyton, Regent, Fleetwood (2 for 31¢) G ._ ---------------------- .CITRON PEEL ____ 8.0L 27¢ Ivory Tipped. Quality tobacoos and blended LEMON AND aroma, for smoking satisfaction. ORANGE PEEL," 8.02, 13¢ 20 GRAND REGULAR .... .. ctn. $1.30 gflg'c‘l’fFIGS 1 lb 21 Domino, Wings, Avalon. An attractive Gift. ZANTE -------- ‘— ' EDGEWORTH ................ .. l-lb. $1.11 CURRANTS ...... .. 11—oz. 18¢ Ready Rubbed. A gift that will be appreciated. 4 lb 44 ............ .. - 5. ¢ GRANGER ............................ .. lb. 71¢ MIXED FRUlTs____ 3-0L 10¢ Sir Walter Raleigh, Model. Your choice of these CHERRIES ,,,,,, N 2y2_°z_ 13¢ for an excellent gift. - SiI‘ILIILl-LLINevs A ............. .. 2- . GEO. WASHINGTON .......... .. lb. 56¢ oz 34¢ A popular brand that will please many ______________ 15¢ HARD MIXED CANDY GET YOUR XMAS SUPPLY Pure Sugar Candy for Christmas in assorted fla- Roasters Fryers ,d’ “A” N, , . Grade “A” New York fiifisfiea. mum??? K3373 East; fatted Roasting Chick- ens. (NO pomts) 1b. c The Famous Washing- ton Co-op “BROAD- BREAST” Turkeys _ U. 8. Government graded “A” . . Prime, 22¢ 34.¢ l 2¢ vors and lb. meaty birds that fry to perfection. (no pts.) sticky sanded finish. 1b. (13) HIGHWAY CORN Highway Golden Cream Corn, 20-oz. can ...... .. (18) SUGAR BELLE PEAS Sugar Belle brand Fancy Peas. 20-oz. can ...... .. (18) LIBBY’S GARDEN PEAS Libby’s Fancy GardenPeas. 20—02. can .......... .. ( 8 ) DARK BROWN BEANS Dark Brown Vegetarian Beans. 14-02. can ...... .. colors. Non- 49c Embossed Paper You’ll find many uses for these. 80 in each package. 2 pkgs.. .15¢ Prices start Thursda ZEE TOILET TISSUE In 'Ivory, Green or Orchid. 650 sheet roll. 4 rolls. 1 . 16¢ COMFORT TISSUE One thousand sheets per roll. 4rOlls. . .. 31¢ Grade New Yo rk Dressed, for fricassee or stew- ing. A Real Value!!! (No points) onlcxnns Fowl “A” 1’ Time, 1.. 41¢ * GIVE US YOUR ORDER FOR DUCKS AND GEESE Satisfaction is Guaran- teed in a Co-op “Broad- breast” Turkeyii Fine Birds, Hens and Toms . Get more for your Buy in the Page Three V , . and" Veqei'ables " GRAPEPRUIT LB. C Fancy ARIZONA WHITE Marsh Seedless Grapefruit . . . New crop. (HALF CASE $1.85) CALAVOS ............ .. lb. 29¢ Medium. Unusually high quality. 0 GRAPEFRUIT .... .. lb. 8¢ Texas White Marsh Seedless New GRAPEFRUIT .... .. lb. 8¢ Texas Pink Marsh Seedless LEMONS ___________ _. lb. 11¢ Sunkist Fancy ‘ LIMES ................ ctn. 16¢ Fresh, juicy. 6 in carton. CIDER ................ .. gal. 85¢ Fresh apple cider. Price includes jug. ARTICHOKES .... .. lb. 18¢ Make attractive salads. l 2¢ 14¢ 141¢ 1 O¢ Assorted Nuts BLACK __—-—-— NAVEL R A N G E S crop Navels, good color, rich in vitamins. (half case $3.19) 1.. 10¢ FRESH DATES Amazingly delicious, fresh Arizona dates. Superb as a. confection. 9-oz. pkg. pkg.49¢ ALL GREEN CELERY Utah type, all green . . . all edible celery. ,imc NO. POTATOES Yakima Netted Gems. Un- iform in size. Buy a 50—lb. sack. A Real ValueH 5G-lbs. U. S. No. 1 Jersey Sweets for Christmas dinners . . . no holiday Dinner quite com— plete without them. Julia Lee Wright’s famous “enriched” and Fancy Grade . . . b.10c FRESH BREAD . . . . . Combination Extra Fancy Red Delicious or Rome Beauties. 91/29: brea 99..-“: ldl/g-lb. 13¢ FRESH EGGS doz. 60¢ Washington Co-op. Medium Grade “AA” Eggs $523195in iii: 33?. Federal or Cherub MILK. . . can 9¢ 8:02 58¢ . Your choice of these well known brands, 141/2—oz. can ............. ' . 52¢ POST TOASTIES. . . . . .2 for 15¢ EfihgyALNUTS" “b- 41¢ Try this Kellogg brand. Fine to start the day. 11-oz. pkg. NEE “Poss """ " 112' 332 LIGHT GLOBES . . . . . . . . . . . . 10¢ NO Peanuts ___ I» I Famous G. E. Frosted Globes. 40 watt and 60 watt. MIXED NUTS .... ._ 1-lb. 40¢ With Peanuts SAN-NAP-PAK NAPKINS Each package contains 12 pads. 2 pkgS.. . .39¢ y subject to market' changes and stocks on hand in Shelton SANDWICH SPREAD. 2 for 25¢ Lunch Box Brand Mayonnaise, Nu—Made, your choice, 8-oz. Jar CAKE FLOUR . . .. 23A-lb. 25¢ Swans Down Cake Flour for fine cakes and pastries SHORTENIING . 2—1-lb. jars 39¢ The Royal Satin Brand (5 points per lb.) Mason County Fresh Milk, 4% BROWN SUGAR 1b. pkg. 7¢ The well known C. & H. Brand Brown Sugar SALAD DRESSING 2 for 25¢ Duchess Salad Dressing in the 8-02. jar WESTAG VANILLA . .. 8-Oz. 10¢ Imitation Vanilla for your baking. Try this. FRESH MILK qt. 13¢ 1J3 ,. pux n... . ... ix , ., .. Awfi‘fivufls}: X: