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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 16, 1943     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 16, 1943
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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. . . . . . . , _ i” . ‘ . K ngfl 011 _ __ _____‘TSVHE,,WTQN:MA§QN_COUNTY JOURNAL ThursdayLDecemhetSill,.1. ay, De No. 1632 I In the \Iattcr of the Estate of'alid that all persons having (‘lallllS‘ ‘ ' . ’ . N )A Y(‘H'I‘ER I 1 NOTICE TO (‘REDITORS TO IJohn H. .Toxhnston. Deceased. :against the said estate or the said I I H A Ehlipliy'lghos: pllfsfantdwfiffs F w‘dlllgéi 13ft} \fghzla 7 to 9", FINAL R PRESENT AND FILE CLAIMS l NOTICE is HEREBY GIVEN that ‘ deceased are hereby required and (ii-, i ‘ " . . '1 91“ rs- 0C “00 i , ’9'. . r ‘ 3 report of INSVLFErIEFSUgFERQISSEOSgr'II‘OQF t‘he undersigéieél. Roinalld Johnstton.d has . ringed I? scrim the lilt‘. dully vcl'i- I | denv MTS- Shapleyv H1” and some tlm“ Wlth mildaught‘g‘ atSOU wil‘ I i i ; Pen appome an las qual ie as ‘ie win 10 lit-cc. y \‘(llL‘lQl‘S a ‘ " ' ' ‘ ‘ . . 1. .. '. ( 3 Z, re MASON COUNTY Executor of the Last Will and Testa- l tached. upon the LIIIUII‘SlgIIPLl Execu— l PubllShed every Thursday mornlng Nhss Hamllton‘ The hogtegseq A C at 10 3- 'lwere Lucy Osmun, Marilyn Jones, RESOLI'TION AI'THORIZING lPeggy Hagen Lorna Johnston , r i tor or his attorney of record at In"; I REFUan 0N OFFICIAL BONDS , IN PROBATE - fl.-. __ ‘law office of Chas. R. Lewis, Suite 1 merit of John H. Johnston. deceased: . . . - _L . Member of Washington Newspaper Publishers’ Assomation MASON C O U N T Y MOTO ‘ / Lilmbel'lllen’s Building. Shelton. Mason, WHEREAS mmr-n .1111... 31- i , and National Editorial _ASSOCiati‘m' I Or ha Hill and Noreen Brum. ——" “COQHUZ Walslllllgtkm- “W. Sam“ him?” officers. and (It‘ln‘lltlies “emplgypé Entered as second-class matter at the postoffice at Shelton, Washington I p _ W OPEN RUNDAY- designated thle place tor 1h? tlalISi WIND“ Counu, a”. mqmwd t“ pmvidfl MI‘. and lVIls. G. O. Alden and L‘ " h l‘ l i so.’ :. ,. . . . . - . ~ ‘ ~n' 1‘ 1' i . 21nd {no )élszj‘l'llfi'itlaitllns lhatnéolmty ill ll) [Ill heads GRANT C. ANSLIE, §d$01 NJ. EBlijt ANGLE, Manager fiofiggyle whilstmas Bu t , with proof Of Si‘l‘vlt'i" with llio .lerk WHEREAS ,‘mdm. Chapm. 260 Spy ic iar a son, ews ior ,' . . IA ‘CIENTCE X on: A n 0 n l g 01 III" £1???_‘fmfihg.($111111, W191}? l sion Laws of 1943. the County is zlu- i 1:27 ’ 'T “ A —- »- 2mm _ A l IVIrS' E‘ osmun VISIted a N ,b . H S‘Xblwvrtl. 5 Jr‘{ 1.? “J” j IIlUl‘IZi‘d to pay for the official bonds . few days Wltn her daughter who §‘%_b‘;;_3ol°1119?2 01F_gfilufiahgz‘ghén l 01' liloputios. should-a bond be required. SUbSCI'lptIOII Rates: is ill in a Seattle hospital. of :l , .4. pt. 0 .( ii: . i all(_ 1 _ I - lorovci- bzfirgltrdUD JOHNQTOV I VN’}IEREAS,1(7€-l'tziitlt (It‘élugt‘S and ac:- $2.50 per year in advance; 6 months $1.50; outside Mason County $2.75; d Mllsl't rAljlggx hiiglagggan aggld Shelton, Washington ‘ f ‘_ .i s ,“ in: officers iave 's on ie expense ' . ,- i j. ._ aug e 'i e In F ‘fijfiowglftl mtg 955d“; Ofd :01. “my own b‘mdsy Canada and Foreign $3 50. Special SerVice Mens Rate $.50 per yeal lafter Spending almost two weeks WELCOMES YOU The hmd I I 1- L0 31,5“).‘1 .90 gséfi i Now THEREFORE. Be It Hereby .th h d 1 hm], Lillian .n Seam H. 3;]; < gfieltggufigllggg SC('H‘111:tg;lRes¢>ld\'od that an (inlergencyf i$smdgél . ‘gl nag formal Stu’dent of SERVICE 11“ P" E ' ‘ '1 dare to exist in tie sum 0 N B H t e. 1 1a , ' V ' V ‘ CHAS Rwfigxlnrrligstw‘ II” b“ applied [0 the l'OIIOWing Milt”, e S leS 0 our school is under the care of Sundayd .............. ._ 118 a. .- 'F tm, and and refundsbc match to all Officers i a doctor VVednes ay p. M l egitgrgégfigorsifig l‘xizfigmwmmn‘” I Who ha‘gl mild for mmr llwn b‘rtlngsbo M r'ly. J01 S who has been sunday SChOOl 9:45 3' i t . .; . 1 Acting or :3. a i n ie., . . D r “ 3‘ ageme Manganese...»we it. an . —~ “living with her and Remioi‘fi‘fé E‘SEL‘SeiCW r r“ . ” Fittings 33:00 By Elizabeth Hussman By Alma Hill Mr. and Mrs. W. Gilbert for a O W d ed verin iDemuy Sherm- mm, Potlatch, Dec. 13——Lt. and Mrs. The Christmas program of the Ifew months, retumed with her Pen _9 nets an? I g .. iDeputy Jailors 10.00 R. S. Belcher and daughter left Sunday School will be Sunday, .mother Mrs. Madison Jones and 6-45 0 7- '3 Deputy Treasurers 30.00 ' ’ to Miséoula Friday 2 t0 4 p. m. Bert Linholm Small Quantity 1 L Total ...................................... ..$ 35,00 IT IS ORDERED that a hearing be iPotlatch Saturday for San Diego, Calif., where the Lt. will be sta- tioned. I December 19. The program will follow a short Sunday School per— iod. Everyone is welcome to at— her sister Sharon,- Mont. Mrs. them as far as Seattle where she Gilbert accompanied SUNDAY, DECEMBERi‘l-Q . Illf'ld thereon on Monday. December , . .. . . Is. the Universe, includin Owner of 0_ K_ Tlre Sho of port Townsend . _ . 2,, 1943 t 2.00 RIM. ‘ my ff, 1- Mr. and Mrs. H. Hammer of tend. A good progiam has been Will ViSit a while With her daugh- p Lentherlc the lanai-3 in the CourtaI-Iouge Oinms‘hgi- ! Seattle spent the week end at planned. V ,ter and family. ‘ Man’ Ewé‘éig b7" Amm'c ‘ T ggg‘o,‘*l,:§,§,“‘gp32;‘f 339,1 P{,:“‘1,3§,¥d tag; 3 their COttage at PotlatCh' Mrs F M Smith accompanied1 "—"" ‘w— e' '943 ‘ ~ ' :.' T . 3 Boatswain and Mrs. H. J. ' ' ’ ~ . . . . or against the glantlng of said allog' , by Mrs- Lunti were In Olympla Auburn Golden Flake Christian Selence Literature and 'i “d “"‘ergmn‘y' Manly 0f Tacoma were gueSts 0f on Wednesday. Mrs. Smith was vailable at all times at . Still Available DATED this 13th day of December, 15:213. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- Mr. and Mrs. E. Carlson on Sun- day. I also in Seattle one day. Mrs. Iris Criswell is suffering BUTTERMILK Church or on request by ma' v Branch of the Mother Chur .1 ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT I. SIONERS, OFYMASON COUNTY, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Reader and from a Severe attack of the flu. The First Church of Chris v ‘ WA§§§§g§gh E. FAUL' $01158 lit/ire gueStg Ofdthe 63035093 The Junior women's Club will ¢ gallon I Scientist HILLCREST pHONE 585 F11. Drug Store i H R. DICKINSON. 1“ e on on “’1 ay- 1“ e “1 hold their monthly card party on Boston, Mass. .. I Rf TRENCKMANN. , town they attended the Band and i Attost: lam... concert Friday night. December 17th at. BINNS 825 Franklin , . , '. HARRY DEYETTE. M. N n ' E f S m the school house. Everyone is in- -4 M Clerk of the Board- 12-16-1t-i ‘55 e 53‘” .0 ea 9 vited to attend. There will be ~ wmv 10%. Or ‘0 "—9 0‘9 0 0‘0 '0‘ 0 o o o o o o o 0 fl—_: 9 o o ‘g” -'—_ o 9 Spin? thlgorllefghend With her par- good eats after the card games I 9 999990 co 9099099990 9 ensm 'a. , . : 0.»,05‘gog¢o.oo.oo.oo.oo.«.o ’06’0’9990060.00.90;o’ooco’oaoo9.0.6.0..o,cc.».oo.¢o.oo¢o.«.oo.oo.«°oo.».».o?o Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Hussman are“? (glad Mrs Glenn Loam/60d , 3: . . . . i 0.. attended the Band and Choir 0011- had 'as week 'end’ guests Mrs. o“ .Cert m Ehelton 0“ Sunday' Lockwood’s parents, Mr. and ‘ ‘ oio- ,0, IP G ist. Chas. Richelieu, Sr., of Al-i ’ . ‘derton, and her brother and wife, ‘3’ 9:0 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Richelieu,‘ 9 Jr., of Sumner ’3. O’. I Mr. and Mrs. Fred Johnson and 9:‘ -————— family were in Seattle three days 0. .9. Kamilché. DeC- 13 —- Progress visiting with Mrs. John Overbo. l ’ Grange met Thursday evenmg and Lew Millard visited with his " 9.. initiated two new members, Mr. daughter, Mrs. Harvey Lee and. . 6‘. f. and Mrs- E- M- Petty The neXt family of Aberdeen over the meeting, December 23rd, will be week end; .g .3. a Xénas party after the business Mr_ and Mrs D. E_ Kirk had S ' O mee mg. p as Sunday visitors Mrs. Carson MW Roy Carr was returned to and Mr. Garfield Robbins. uggeStlonS ’3’ v the Shelton hospital Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. 0. E. Gifford are 0.9 I. very Serlous‘)’ 111-_ spending a couple of days in Seat- , ' 3‘ i 3' Mrs. Bertha Wiles returned on t1e_ Dresser Sets __ Dolls .9 ‘0‘ Wednesday from 3. Weekjs Vigil; Mrs. Mat Kaare of American “4' 9:9 With relatlves and friends In Seat- Lake is here to take care of Electric Baby Bottle Warmer “9 and Kirkland Mrs. Marie Kaare and children ,, . ’g ‘3' Mr. and Mrs. Howard Fuller who are an in with the f1u_ ‘ Xmas Cards _—- Stationery 9 have urchased the Carr ranch. 99 9 Mrs. Robert Hill and daughter .3. IL. E. Show left last week for Lolettia of Island Lake, visited! Teddy Bears 0 his hOme in Scio,. Ore., after a a couple of days with Mr. anal Perfumes _ Pottery WHY . In: CI'iiistr.‘ias. more than exer, you'll want to make glItS that Will be long re- nlel‘t’le"?(‘: . . gifts that will be cher- ishec"; h all the years to come. . . . gifts of t }ewc-lry. Come in new and r‘imOse from UL” grand selection of yrvr'inils gi‘u‘u that are sure to make this Christmas live on and on in the happy mernorles at your loved ones. ’9 66 Q 9 O O 0:.“ OOOOOOOOOOO-OiOOO‘O ”.”.O0.00.00.¢9.00.”.00.00.“. .0 month’s visit with his niece and family, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Petty. Pvt. Dale Pershall, recently re- turned from duty in Alaska, and Miss Maxine Pershall of Walla Walla, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Pershall and family. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Crane and daughter Janet were Sunday din- ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Greenwood. Mr. and Mrs. George Bloom- field have bought a new home a few miles out of Shelton on the Matlock road. Miss Eleanor Stenback of Berk-_ eley, Calif., has been visiting her sister, Mrs. A. H. Fagergren. .i ‘ “Ma'— No. 1502 NOTICE OF HEARING ON REPORT AND PETITION‘FOR DISTRIBUTION , IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY- I‘ IN PROIyATE . In the Matter of the Estate of Clara Matson. Deceased. , NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Elva F. Price. Executrix of the estate of Clara Matson. deceased. has filed with the Clerk of the above entitled court. her final report and petition for distribution, asking the' court to settle and approve such report. dis- tribute the property to the persons thereto entitled and to discharge the said Executrix. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that said final report and-petition for dis- tribution will be heard on Saturday. the 22nd day of January. 1944, at the hour of 10 o’clock in the forenoon. at the court room in the court house at Shelton, Washington. Dated this 11th day of December, 4.. FINAL "7 Mrs. Ralph Hill. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Ayers, ,Sr., were Sunday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Ayers, Jr. Mrs. Earl Ayers of Island Lake is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Ayers, Sr. The Girls Club met with Nancy Nelson on Wednesday evening. After their regular business a de— licious lunch was served. . Mrs. Shapley's second group. of 2 girls entertained their mothers with a tea at the home of Mrs. Old Spice TOILETRIES A Limted Quantity Men’s Sets — Shave Bowls Gift Toiletries Bath Powder DON’T FORGET YOUR VITAMINS FOR A PEPPY CHRISTMAS 1943. ‘ . ESTHER ROLES. . Gentlemen S Acting Clerk of Mason ‘ I ans RCEIE‘II’iswaShmgmn DIAMOND RINGS I ‘ . . . - . ui e um e men’s g.. . . A sparkling di- Modern styling A splendld dI- Shelton. Maso'hrCounty, Waging:11152692111.t , . amond inalove- featured in this amond In an _ 1, 12‘15‘23' ' I o . . lynx gold set- 14K gold soli- elaborately C§g%lc%0¥s'~nfilé%§30‘ffl Gdanslozmggt . Set in 01‘ mg a! special t‘ire With bril' carved. 1 4K bids will be "received and openiiadneb‘ysv ' v low price. ham: diamond. gold settingw 133353 oéouefigfltngglirlglglfig; on .iii s375° resistance. 3;. lie are ill. ‘ thC tHe 0 ‘0 Sh it .for furn~i o .3. isltlingougrasoll)1lllesettl;lMagononCounty for: 0 all Its needs, and. including suchl [in l .0. school districts as wish to avail them~ ! ii. " i selves of the benefit of this contract. I ' Oiher sat“ WIth .. {gin “llamyear commencmg Februaryi 9 ' f 3, Bgated this 13th day of December. In}: 0 Birthsmnes and Cameo 3, ' BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- Head SIONERs. OF MASON COUNTY. ,H i s .. WASHINGTON. . “h 833.323 $7 t0 ” 12-16123-30-3t. I, _ O . 0 i, l' y I If you Wish to Sen you'll Have 1‘ I ‘ I l o .1. i . Dlsunctlve 5 5 brilliant di- A de luxe 3-dl- 3 5° Ten—5°“ma‘ Went-A“ S onsored b The Youn Democratic Club Ladies and Gents . 00 ‘ (ImmPHd Crea- amonds Ina de- a mo n d l 4 K 3. ' " ' f [M t IDENTIFICATION "0011!! “if na‘ licately wrought gold engage-f , 35011 00‘“! y EIE “"3 801 383- setting of 14K ment ring 0 00; I i TS gold. rare beauty .3. BRACELETS AND . ' ' EAR RINGS to Match F}... E .; BE CK Gifts —— Jewelry eeeeeeeeoeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE Open Saturday Evenings TILL CHRISTMAS o o o o o o o e 9‘0googozooafiooéooooocgc0.0.03.3. . . 0‘4. O. O '9 HANGERS Because of the short- age of hangers we are _f'askivng that .you bring or send hangers in with .your cleaning order—— rLEASE Thank You For Your Cooperation Mason County Steam With Plain top or Service ,. _. “Sigma g. HAVE . And His Orchestra TOPS IN ENTERTAINMENT Henry Bickler a: Laundry and Dry 1 Cleaners NOVELTIES _y, ADMISSION (Tax Included) DOOR PRIZE ER 31 .' $1.00 Per Couple -— Extra Ladies 50¢